View Full Version : OT: Calling all Doctors (health)

04-23-2009, 08:35 AM
First off, hello everyone. Long time no see. CPA is a sick man...

I recall a handfull of physicians posting on here and I need their advice...

About two days ago I came down with a cold that I caught from a roommate. The first day was all chills, headaches, and coughs. Yesterday, day two, I felt much better but towards the end of the day I started having dull, constant pain. It feels like its under where my right collar bone meets my shoulder socket. I doesnt hurt to move and no matter how much i stretch or reposition it doesn't help. When I cough, it gets worse...

The reason I'm here and not in the ER (yet...) is because I have no health insurance. I'm 25, not over weight, and I am a smoker.

Please give me some advice, guys...

I'm hurting here.

04-23-2009, 09:44 AM
definitely aids or super aids.

04-23-2009, 10:19 AM

I was just about to claim it was atomic AIDS. Some ******* mutated super virus aimed at destroying my sleep patterns and career. No sleep=No work=No Pay.

Good news is that good ole Meat Shake (you know, the guy you claim is my doppleganger) had some Vicodin and Aspirin 800 for my pain. Now...I'm loopy and not worried about my pain. Hopefully, it's just a stressed/pulled muscle or some shiz.

If it's Atomic AIDS (fondly dubbed Lover's AIDS by the youths) I'm in a bad place.

David Jamieson
04-23-2009, 10:20 AM
seriously dude, stop putting things in your ass that you don't know where they've been! ;D

just kidding.

Sounds like you have the flu.

sleep + water = fixed

You can't go to a walk-in clinic?

04-23-2009, 10:22 AM
I prefer drive through clinics.

Pristine convenience....