View Full Version : Mo Pai Nei Kung

04-23-2009, 09:38 AM
anyone know anything of this? i did a search and couldnt find it. someone asked me if I ever heard of it, and I haven't.

anyone got info?

David Jamieson
04-23-2009, 10:05 AM
you've heard of this because:

a) the book by kostas called "the magus of java" about John Chang

b)You've heard of John Chang

c) you've been irritated by the naive and ignorant mo pai membership.

Chang's a ...well, he's someone who mixes half truths with outright lies and does parlour tricks. He had a couple of Brits trying to prop him up as bonafide some time ago, but that all fell to crap when held against the light of day. Kind of like how zacharia sitchen and eric von daniken are seen as the charlatans they really are nowadays, except in the cases of "special" people who have never heard of them before and are willing to accept that aliens rule our planet for us while we're not looking. lol

anyway, by all means, dig as deep as you want, but the crap on top smells the same as that which is at the bottom. :D

04-23-2009, 10:28 AM
See http://www.martialdevelopment.com/blog/tag/mo-pai/ (http://www.martialdevelopment.com/blog/tag/mo-pai/)

David Jamieson
04-23-2009, 10:42 AM
lol, awesome!

"real life jedi knights" yeah, that'll reel em in.:rolleyes: :p

04-23-2009, 10:50 AM
someone asked me if i heard of it. never heard of it before 30 minutes ago.

04-23-2009, 11:54 PM
lol, awesome!

"real life jedi knights" yeah, that'll reel em in.:rolleyes: :p

Whatsamatter, did John beat up your sifu? Or just make your own kung fu look shabby by comparison? :p

David Jamieson
04-24-2009, 06:41 AM
Whatsamatter, did John beat up your sifu? Or just make your own kung fu look shabby by comparison? :p

lol. Chang is a fraud in regards to the claims he makes about making fire etc etc. All utter nonsense.

He does do acupuncture though and I can't really say how good he is at it.

"dynamo jack" to "john chang" to now "john chang" is an "alias", claims of being an immortal daoist and possessor of the secret way, claiming to be open, but actually being quite closed to any questioning or asking for controlled demonstrations that don't involve any sleight of hand or opportunity to so, and so on and so on.

His credibility is a total wash, but I guess some people aren't so bright as to recognize that many of us simply aren't so stupid as to give that kind of claptrap buy in.

Anyway, I'd totally put up or shut up given the opportunity, but so far, no john chang and no mo pai people have even offered to demonstrate in a controlled situation.

ergo, they are crap.

that is all. :)

p.s I'm confident in my Kungfu. I've never seen any of Chang's or the mo pai for that matter. Do they even have Kungfu?