View Full Version : vid of "burning palm"

05-02-2009, 08:50 PM
what is going on here guys?


edit - can we embed youtube vids here?


edit 2 - guess not.

05-02-2009, 09:10 PM
hand ball was HUGE in my highschool and everyone played every day, one day a guy missed and smacked the other guy he was playing in the chest. When he took his shirt off, he had a huge red mak in the outline of the guy's hand

He must have been an iron palm master

or not :rolleyes:

Pork Chop
05-02-2009, 09:37 PM
err I thought the skill was making the palm print show up in the OPPOSITE side of the body as the one you hit - in that case the palm print woulda been on his chest, more like a bruise too, not redness.

05-02-2009, 09:41 PM
ok, ya wanna blow someone's mind? (this would be great on youtube) You need to set this up beforehand:
You first (in secret-shhh!)slap your partner in crime's bare back with your LEFT hand.Then have him put his shirt on.
Then you bring in your sucker(in this case, if it's on youtube, it's the entire LARPing Chi-ball crowd)
You then proceed to do the cool chi gung warm up, posturing,waving the arms, gathering chi thing. Then you strike, with any cool palm strike, or vibrating palm, or Jedi palm you want on the front of his chest with your RIGHT palm (directly opposite the palm strike you previously did on his back)
Then you have him lift his shirt, and WHOA! your Jedi Palm went right through and left an imprint from your chi on his back!
-it's also cool if your partner does some,'Oh man, I'm feeling weird inside, like a wave and dizzy and I think I can hear my late Aunt Gertie calling..."

This really freaks people out, and is a rip to play on these fools.

05-02-2009, 09:42 PM
^ I'm down. That's hilarious :D

05-02-2009, 09:42 PM
There ya go, Pork Choppa! You're now a Jedi Ch'i Master!

05-02-2009, 09:44 PM
yeah, maybe you can get that guy Gary Clyman and Brian Gray to be your disciples!

Pork Chop
05-02-2009, 10:56 PM
it would be fun for sure

but i have seen the thing where a shot created a bruise on the opposite side of the body - not some iron palm secret though, like when the inside of my shin got cracked & dead blood cells (bruising) started appearing below my ankle (pooling), on the opposite side of the leg from the injury.

05-02-2009, 11:49 PM
I fell off a backyard trampoline once and landed on my foot with my toes curled under which managed to pull all the ligaments on the top of my right foot. Anyway, even tho the injury was on the top of my foot, the bottom of my foot turned black (pooling blood - like you said). Actually my foot turned swelled up and turned huge anyway. It was pretty gross. And painful at times.

That sucked. I couldn't walk right for months. Fortunately, however, it didn't affect my ankle at all so I was still able to do squats :D

But even today I have a little bit limited range of motion in my right foot toes when I curl them down all the way (compared to the toes on my left foot).

David Jamieson
05-03-2009, 05:35 AM
If you smack a flat surface of skin, you will leave a hand mark. It's that simple really.

05-05-2009, 07:54 AM
So how many days did it take before this guy died?

That's what I'm really interested in...

Now if he can set up a consecutive ring of deaths from the palm strike with autopsies of course, than I would say its legit. (j/k)

05-15-2009, 05:06 AM
there is no secret you practice hitting the candle from 3 feet away until you can blow it out
theres no magic
also the main goal is not to blow out th candle, the candle makes a dot in your center of the eye, you train to hit where you look

the guy calls himself master of a secret style that shud tell u something