View Full Version : Training Habits

05-07-2009, 05:13 PM
Hi All

Just wanted to get your feed back and put this out to you all.

Recently I have gone back to study which has eaten into my usual training time.

I used to train 4- 6 times min a week for hour sessions with a 2 to 3.5 hour session on the Saturday over the weekend.

My body got used to getting a workout at least every 1-2 days.

Now due to study I have switched to training 2 x nights a week with 3 hours in each session on a Monday and Thursday.

Although im doing 6 hours a week my head cant get round the fact that I still feel like im doing nothing. I have been so mentally programed to train nearly everyday for the last 7 years that the new change to my program is doing my head in :D

So I put it out there - what do you think the pros and cons are of training every day for approx 1 hour bursts vs longer sessions but less overall days.


05-07-2009, 06:21 PM
You don't need to make yourself crazy. Life supplies enough material for that.

Try training one way for a few weeks and see how you feel about it. Then change things around and see how you feel about it then.

Life's circumstances are always changing, and you have to learn to adapt. There will be periods in your life where you'll get a lot of training in, and others where you will necessarily to less.

Training is life gravity. Once it gets hold of you, you may escape it for a while, but it will always pull you back.

The most difficult thing to change, but the most important however, is your mind.

Good luck with you efforts.

05-28-2009, 02:56 AM

IMHO, your previous training program was too frequent. The one you are doing now - 2x3 hours per week is a bit too much. I would suggest you to change it to 2x2 hours per week. Beware of over training. Besides, it will not bring you improvement because of marginal return reason.

Take care,

Hong Kong