View Full Version : Big news in Hongkong

05-11-2009, 07:15 PM
Famous Kung Fu Grandmaster Leung Ting Savagely Beats up Secret Lover for Not Agreeing to Abortion.
The following is at present very big news in Hong Kong. It is in Chinese but there is a shortened translation at the end in English. The news is from HK newspaper Apple Daily.


【本報訊】「習武係用嚟強身健體,我從來唔會打人嘅!」一代宗師葉問入室弟子、武打巨星李小龍師弟、有「詠 春大師」稱譽的梁挺,被指早前在油麻地寓所毆打懷孕女友被捕,事後獲准保釋候查。梁挺承認女友向他表示懷了 其骨肉,索取五萬元作墮胎費,其間雙方發生爭執,女友揚言跳樓及大叫,梁聲稱將她拉回時女友跌倒受傷,之後 她又激動撼頭加重傷勢,梁強調自己無辜。女事主則表示事件交由法律處理,拒絕評論。
現年 62歲的梁挺涉打人事件發生在 3月 30日。消息稱,當晚一名懷有三個月身孕的姓聶女子(約 40歲),在油麻地梁挺家中被人毆打受傷,翌日梁挺離港到西安出席詠春武術推廣活動。當日聶女到東區醫院求 醫,據稱驗出頭骨及腦部受傷,額骨變形,耳鼻溢血,腳部腫痛等。之後,聶女到筲箕灣警署報案,由於案發在油 麻地,事後轉交油麻地警署跟進。至上月 26日,警方邀請梁挺到警署問話,其後准他以 1,000元保釋,本月底返署報到。

「國際詠春拳術總會」創辦人梁挺接受本報查詢時,對惹官非一事直認不諱。他指與姓聶女友在四年前認識,聶女 是失婚女子,兩人曾分手,至半年前復合。
梁挺稱, 3月 30日當晚 8時許,他和女友晚飯後返回油麻地住所,聶女表示懷有他骨肉三個月,希望梁給她五萬元到新加坡墮胎。梁稱不 相信其腹中塊肉是他經手,但仍願替她解決問題,不過費用太高,於是寫了一張三萬元支票給她。
梁稱,聶女拿了支票後指錢不夠,兩人又起爭執,聶女突然衝近窗門揚言跳樓,並大叫:「梁挺搞大人個肚……」 梁謂他立即用雙手捉住聶女肩膊用力拉回,豈料她即跌倒地上,頭部受傷流血。梁聲稱當時聶女再將自己頭部狂撼 地上,並衝出走廊大叫:「梁挺打人,想踢死我肚裏面個 BB呀!」
梁承認見聶女情緒激動,於是將她拉回屋內,為免她再撼頭於是坐在其身上,用手掩嘴免她大叫。梁說,當他放開 聶時,她又用頭撼地,由於見她情緒失控,遂扯住其頭髮拖入浴室,開花灑向她噴水讓她冷靜下來。
此際聶女又發狂頭撼浴缸邊,於是梁警告:「如果你再發癲,我就綁住你困你七日,等我去西安返嚟至放你。」這 時她才靜下來,梁謂其後聶抱住他雙腳哀求:「唔好拋棄我,唔好唔要我呀!」梁挺稱他心軟,便到附近自動櫃員 機提款兩萬元給她,當晚聶在梁家中度宿,梁翌日便離港到西安公幹。梁挺強調沒有毆打女友,「如果我真係打佢 ,一拳就打爆佢個頭,死得啦!」
梁挺否認聶女腹中塊肉是他經手,又謂曾叫聶女往驗 DNA做親子鑑定,但聶女不停用手機短訊滋擾他,令他不勝其煩。
聶女回應事件時稱,梁挺離港當日( 3月 31日),她因為受傷到東區醫院求診,原本也不想損害梁挺名譽,但醫務人員見她傷勢不輕勸喻報警。她說:「 我只係希望法庭畀番個公道我!」至於有關懷孕和墮胎問題,她都不願作答。

‘Practicing Kung Fu is for Health and Fitness. It is not for violence’ – Says GM Leung Ting, Kung Fu brother to Bruce Lee, in-door student to Yip Man.

Leung is accused of violently assaulting is pregnant secret lover. He was arrested and was bailed out for $1,000.00.

On 30th March this year, Miss Lip secret lover of Leung told him that she was pregnant. They proceeded to have a heated argument in which Leung wanted Lip to abort the baby for $30,000. Lip disagreed and demanded $50,000. It was at this point that Leung violently assaulted Lip causing fractures to the skull, brain damage, internal bleeding of the ear and heavy bruising of the legs.

Leung says that he did have this affair and that there was an argument at the time but says that he never used any sort of violence towards her. He explains that under the stress of the argument she threatened to kill herself by jumping off the balcony and that all her injuries were as a result of falling inside the house.

Lip says that she did not want to report this to the police since this would ruin Leung’s reputation but doctors could see that the injuries were not self-inflicted and that they should all allow the law to settle it.

Leung is presently under investigation.

Dale Dugas
05-11-2009, 07:48 PM
If its true, the bigger they are the harder they can fall.

05-11-2009, 08:01 PM
(note to self) Don't sleep with any WC chicks...

05-11-2009, 08:03 PM
respect life no matter how small or how early in life they are.

the kid is always innocent.

there is a DNA testing to know fatherhood, is it not?

beating up a pregnant woman

not good.

or shame shame shame.

money is not an issue, there is adoption agency or social service etc.


think harder as one would fight harder

or the other way around.


sad for every one involved.


05-11-2009, 08:43 PM
The whole initial post is not my wording,just copy paste job.
If its true,half-true or not true we will know soon..

05-11-2009, 09:22 PM
cant trust a woman demanding money for an abortion :eek: she probably did it herself :eek:

05-11-2009, 10:46 PM
Also consider that with his skill level he could inflict pain without damaging her. If he knows anything about dian xue he could have given her tea and a foot massage and she would have miscarried.

What are you talking about?.

David Jamieson
05-12-2009, 03:38 AM
famous people are often subjected to the whims of whackos until after a court date and by that time their reputation is destroyed.

not defending the guy, just saying he's an easy target.

05-12-2009, 05:58 AM

Thanks for the news. This will definately send shockwaves throught the World of Wing Chun.........

If it is true then Leung Ting will reap what he has sewn.........

BTW: Your saying from Mark ho is so true!!!! Mark's Kung Fu is tops, I trained with him a bit in UK......... So full respects to you and Sifu Mark.

05-12-2009, 06:04 AM
What are you talking about?.

There are certain pressure points on the foot than can cause complications to a pregnancy, even a miscarriage, OBGYN's tend to warn against foot massages for pregnant women.

David Jamieson
05-12-2009, 06:10 AM
There are certain pressure points on the foot than can cause complications to a pregnancy, even a miscarriage, OBGYN's tend to warn against foot massages for pregnant women.

although it's more likely it would happen due to the poison in a tea.

There are myriad teas in tcm and as there is good for you, there is also bad for you.

preparations to induce miscarriage have been around for centuries in many different cultures. Often served in the form of a hot draft, deconcoction, reduction or tea derived from any of those.

05-12-2009, 06:14 AM
although it's more likely it would happen due to the poison in a tea.

There are myriad teas in tcm and as there is good for you, there is also bad for you.

preparations to induce miscarriage have been around for centuries in many different cultures. Often served in the form of a hot draft, deconcoction, reduction or tea derived from any of those.

That is a given, I assumed Diego's question was about the "dian Xue" remark Andy made.
Yeah, "abortion teas" have been around for centuries and pretty much every old hag knows a few, I am sure that LT could have slipped her a micky.
Sad situation nevertheless, never go chi blasting in your own backyard, will people never learn ??

golden arhat
05-12-2009, 09:34 AM
In his defense. She was bidding for cash to kill her baby.

which is why i have NO sympathy for her
he's not a good person either but if the only reason your having a baby is because someone didnt pay you enough to kill it
i have no sympathy for you, i hope she dies horribly.

05-12-2009, 09:37 AM
which is why i have NO sympathy for her
he's not a good person either but if the only reason your having a baby is because someone didnt pay you enough to kill it
i have no sympathy for you, i hope she dies horribly.

Dude, seriously...get a grip.

golden arhat
05-12-2009, 09:38 AM
Also consider that with his skill level he could inflict pain without damaging her. If he knows anything about dian xue he could have given her tea and a foot massage and she would have miscarried.

serving someone tea and giving them a foot massage isnt as satisfying as beating the crap out of somone, regardless of right or wrong if you as aperson feel you've been wronged i doubt being sneaky about it owuld make you feel vindicated, revenge after all is a dish best served cold.

05-12-2009, 10:18 AM
i dont like leung ting, he is very greasy
i think what he did was very shameful

David Jamieson
05-12-2009, 10:47 AM
i dont like leung ting, he is very greasy
i think what he did was very shameful

hahahaha "greasy"

that is such a canadian term. :D

05-12-2009, 11:10 AM
Haven't found anything in English yet.

叶问弟子梁挺涉殴打女友获保释 称被人不断勒索叶 (http://www.kungfunews.com/gongfu/2009-05/15926.html)
[日期:2009-05-09] 来源:中国新闻网 作者:佚名

据香港《明报》报道,已故武术宗师叶问的入室弟子梁挺,今年3月30日涉嫌殴伤女友,警方列作袭击致造成实 际伤害案件处理,梁挺被捕后获准保释候查。梁挺7日展示与女事主之间的“纠纷短信”,内容谈及已付3万元堕 胎费,并要求女方“别一再恐吓”。

现年62岁的梁挺,13岁开始练咏春,1968年成为叶问最后一名入室弟子。梁挺创立的国际咏春总会全球有 4000多间武馆,会员逾100万人,赢得“咏春大师”称号。


梁挺昨日在油麻地寓所、即案发单位接受访问,多次强调“我从来不打女人”。梁挺表示与太太相处融洽,但他经 常要到外地讲学及教授武术,故独居上址,算是“单身”。

  报称被打伤的女子姓聂,45岁。梁挺指两人情缘始于4年前,“她叫Rita,我们曾经分开过一年,后来 又一起。她已离婚,经常用不同借口问我要钱,一会说看病、一会说做生意,每次要几万元。”


案发当日,Rita登门向梁挺索取5万元堕胎费用,梁挺提出替胎儿验DNA以证实“经手人”,但其后仍交出 3万元支票。Rita不满下企图跳楼,梁挺阻止时两人发生纠缠,Rita曾向窗外大叫﹕“梁挺打女人。”混 乱间梁挺报称被女友抓伤心口及手指,但两人最终和好,同在寓所留宿。

  梁挺称,他其后赴西安出席咏春活动,3天后回港,其后数次与Rita过夜。梁挺报称,至4月下旬Rit a向他索取4万元以解决生意纠纷,但他向友人查证后发现是谎话,双方闹翻。


梁挺曾向Rita发出手机短信,大意是“我查过各人及医院,尽知你的秘密……小孩是否他人的可验DNA,现 给你3万元是怕你麻烦……别一再恐吓我。”梁挺指出,由于他是武界名人,Rita常恐吓以公开两人关系作胁 ,不断索款,但他断言否认“打女人”。

  警方发言人证实,早前接获一名45岁女子报案,指在4月30日在上址地点被打伤,警方拘捕一名62岁男 子,他已获准保释,本月底返署报到。案件暂列作袭击致造成实际伤害案处理,交由油麻地刑事调查 队跟进。

The babelfish (http://babelfish.yahoo.com) translation (because I love babelfish translations ;)) :

The leaf asked that disciple Liang Tingshe beats the girlfriend to attain releases on bail said is extorted the leaf unceasingly by the human
[date: 2009-05-09] Origin: Chinese news net author: Is lost the name

According to Hong Kong "Ming Daily" reported that deceased martial arts master of great learning and integrity Ye Wen apprentice Liang, on March 30 is a suspect to injure by beating the girlfriend, the police row makes the attack to send causes the real injury case to process, after Liang Ting is arrested, is allowed to release on bail the post investigation. Liang very on 7th demonstrates and between the female person concerned “the dispute short note”, the content refers to has paid 30,000 Yuan abortion expenses, and requests the bride's side “not to threaten repeatedly”.

  Currently 62 year-old Liang Ting, 13 years old start to practice chant the spring, in 1968 became the leaf to ask the last apprentice. Liang very establishes international chants spring the general meeting whole world to have more than 4000 military halls, the member over 1,000,000 people, wins “chants spring master” the title.

  Chants spring master: Always does not hit the woman

  Liang Ting yesterday in the Youmadi residence, was the happening unit accepts the visit, stressed many times “I always did not hit the woman”. Liang Ting expressed that is together harmoniously with wife, but he must arrive at the outside areas lecture and professor frequently the martial arts, therefore lives alone on the site, is “unmarried”.

  Repays a kindness suitably the female who injures is been surnamed Nie, 45 years old. Liang Ting refers to two human sentiment reasons to begin in 4 years ago, “she calls Rita, we had separated for one year, afterward same place. She has divorced, uses the different excuse to ask me frequently to ask for money, one will say that will see a doctor, one will say does business, each time will take tens of thousands Yuan.”

  The name suffers presses for payment two people to have a falling out unceasingly

  Happening the same day, Rita visits to Liang Ting demands 50,000 Yuan abortion expenses, Liang Ting proposed that examines DNA for the embryo to confirm “the person handling it”, but after that still handed over 30,000 Yuan checks. Rita discontented under attempts to jump from an upper story, Liang very prevents when two people had the entanglement, Rita once to the window outside yelled that ﹕ “Liang Ting hit the woman.”The confusion Liang Ting repays a kindness suitably by the girlfriend is scratched the Chest and the finger, but two people become reconciled finally, with stays overnight in the residence.

  Liang Ting said that he after that goes to Xi'an to attend chants spring moves, 3 days later returns to the port, after that several times with the Rita over night. Liang Ting repays a kindness suitably, demands 40,000 Yuan to late April Rita to him to solve business dispute, but he verifies after the friend the discovery is the lie, both sides has a falling out.

  Sends the short note to raise examines DNA

  Liang very once issued the cell phone text messages to Rita, the general idea was “my Zha Guoge the people and the hospital, knows your secret ......Can child whether other people examine DNA, presently gives you 30,000 Yuan is feared that you are troublesome ......Do not threaten me repeatedly.”Liang Ting pointed out that because he is the military celebrity, Rita often threatens by the public two people relates does coerces, presses for payment unceasingly, but he asserted that denied “hits the woman”.

  The police spokesmen confirmed that receives 45 year-old females to report early, refers to is injured in April 30 on site place, the police arrest 62 year-old men, he has been allowed to release on bail, at the end of the month will return to bureau the registration. The case is listed as makes the attack to send creates real injury document processing, hands over follows up by the Youmadi criminal activity investigation team.

Leung Ting was on the cover of our 2003 January/February (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=316) issue: Wing Tsun Worldwide: Grandmaster Leung Ting Opens the Door (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=292)(by me) and our 2005 March/April issue (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=578): WingTsun's Devastating Long Pole (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/magazine/article.php?article=577)by Jeff Webb and Leung Ting.

05-12-2009, 11:32 AM
That's sad, but either way were all subject to our own karma. Hopefully things will be cleared up soon.

05-12-2009, 01:10 PM
he makes funny faces in all his photos

David Jamieson
05-12-2009, 01:32 PM
he makes funny faces in all his photos

indeed. His look of "ferocity" often looks more like "straining to get something out the backside".

Mr Punch
05-12-2009, 02:46 PM
In his defense. She was bidding for cash to kill her baby. That doesn't strike me as evidence of a stable person. Abortions in China are very commonplace. Asking her to abort the baby is a pretty common thing, its also relatively cheap. If she were a proper second wife she would at least get to keep her child and they would both be taken care of as family members. Good thing those "barbaric" days are gone.

Also consider that with his skill level he could inflict pain without damaging her. If he knows anything about dian xue he could have given her tea and a foot massage and she would have miscarried.

Some simple examinations of her wounds should be able to determine how she fell or how she was struck and from which or both caused the injuries.You're a ****ing ****.

which is why i have NO sympathy for her
he's not a good person either but if the only reason your having a baby is because someone didnt pay you enough to kill it
i have no sympathy for you, i hope she dies horribly.

serving someone tea and giving them a foot massage isnt as satisfying as beating the crap out of somone, regardless of right or wrong if you as aperson feel you've been wronged i doubt being sneaky about it owuld make you feel vindicated, revenge after all is a dish best served cold.You're a ****ing ****.

BTW, that said...
Chants spring master: Always does not hit the womanis fantastic! New kuen kuit anyone!?

Violent Designs
05-12-2009, 04:32 PM
****ing pawned.

Yao Sing
05-12-2009, 05:18 PM
Funny, I grabbed that exact line to add to my sig and there you are focusing in on it.

05-13-2009, 03:57 AM

I was severely beaten up by Leung Ting. I have the Injuries to prove it. Leung Ting’s Pregnant Girlfriend Speaks out!
This is from Apple Daily HK. Short Translation at the end.

【本報訊】詠春大師梁挺被指打傷女友案曝光後,一直對事件不欲多談的女主角聶小姐,昨透過電話接受記者訪問 ,駁斥梁挺「冇打人」的言論,憶述自己曾被人按倒在地,扯着頭髮猛撼地上十多次,導致頭臉重傷。聶說:「我 有晒證據證明我被人打到好傷!」
現年 45歲的聶小姐直認是梁挺的紅顏知己,二人拍拖逾四年,經常出雙入對,連梁挺不少徒弟都尊稱她為「師母」, 對方過往從未對她動粗,「佢以前真係未試過對我郁手郁腳。」

當晚,兩人為感情問題起爭執,聶小姐聲稱被人按在地上,還被扯着頭髮猛撼地上十多次。「我雙眼爆晒微絲血管 ,右眼傷到連睜都睜唔開,前額瘀傷、腳同腹部腫痛。」她指這樣的傷勢,怎可能是梁挺所說的「仆親」,她更激 動地說:「我仲用相機影低咗啲傷勢,有晒證據,到時上法庭就會用嚟證明。」
聶表示現時仍擔心腦部的創傷會引發後遺症,「家間中睇嘢會模糊,同埋脾氣都突然變得暴躁,有時要即刻去睇急 症!」對於曾經相愛,如今卻弄到對簿公堂,聶小姐自稱亦感到無奈,「我本來都唔想毀佢聲譽,但佢要對自己做 過嘅事負責。」
另一方面,聶亦反駁梁挺指她索取五萬元墮胎費,更聲稱已儲存所有電話短訊和通話紀錄,證明沒有收過分毫,「 係佢話要畀錢我,仲不停打電話畀我,慰問我,想我唔好報警。」
對於是否懷孕和準備墮胎,她則表示不會回應,更不會出來面對傳媒,「佢(梁挺)出嚟講嘢係為咗做宣傳,我點 解要幫佢做宣傳啫!」
至於捲入傷人案的梁挺,昨日不斷遭傳媒追訪,他自稱電話響過不停,感到不勝其煩,對於今次事件他已不想多談 ,昨午更離港赴內地公幹,希望事件暫告一段落。不過,他仍對本報記者強調:「我冇打過人,真金不怕洪爐火! 」
警方昨證實曾接獲一名 45歲女子報警,聲稱在油麻地一單位被襲擊受傷。警方事後拘捕一名 62歲男子,控以襲擊致造成實際身體傷害罪名,該男子獲保釋候查,案件由油麻地刑事調查隊跟進。

‘I was severely beaten up by Leung Ting. I have the Injuries to prove it. Leung Ting’s Pregnant Girlfriend Speaks out!

‘I was beaten up so badly my right eye was completely swollen and was unable to open it.’

Leung Ting’s victim Miss Lip also his ‘second wife’/girlfriend has since the incident been unwilling to put forward her side of the story but now Apple Daily have been able to get an interview.

Miss Lip (45) admits that she and Leung have been having an open affair for 4 years and that he has never threatened her with violence. But this time she was beaten up so badly that she skull was cracked and her face swollen. Leung had her on the floor pulled her hair and repeatedly smashed her head against the floor.

She also has a catalogue of heavy bruising on her torso and her legs (which previously Leung said she fell in the house). What is worrying is that she now has blurred vision, dizzy spells and headaches. She now sometimes go straight to A&E as she has suffered brain damage.

Miss Lip has taken photos of her injuries and will be used in court.

Miss Lip emphasised that she did not want to ruin his reputation but she is now adamant that he should be responsible for what he did. She also says that she never asked him for money and that she has never received a penny from him. She has kept all the messages on her mobile phone to prove her case.

Miss Lip when asked about her baby refused to speak.

Leung at the moment is being hounded by reporters and has reiterated that he has never beaten her up. The case is still under investigation.

05-13-2009, 09:38 AM
if that interview is true, hes fuct

05-13-2009, 10:51 AM
**** poor woman.

05-14-2009, 06:09 AM
Dude, even if she did demand money for whatever reason, she doesn't deserve to be beaten like that. Thats f**k'd up. LT's a total douche bag.

As for LT, no wonder everyone leaves him and his organization. Emin, Simon Mayer, Jeff Webb.

05-14-2009, 06:19 AM
the ip man movie just came out i don't know how rich his schools are but it sounds like an insurance grab.

05-14-2009, 07:04 AM
There is no excuse to hit a woman, ( an exception might be , if a woman has a gun or knife and is trying to kill ya) .

David Jamieson
05-14-2009, 08:34 AM
There is no excuse to hit a woman, ( an exception might be , if a woman has a gun or knife and is trying to kill ya) .

Or if she weighs 320lbs, is high on meth and running at you with hate in her eyes.

Then, you can hit her. :p

Paul T England
05-15-2009, 01:04 AM
Well it looks loike Wing Tsun is a great style for fighting girls...

For the sake of the HK kung fu community and Wing Chun I hope its not true.


05-15-2009, 05:38 AM
Wing chun as an art does not depend on ups and downs of one promoter.

joy chaudhuri

05-15-2009, 07:52 AM
the first rule of wing chun
you don't ever talk bad about wing chun

or you might hurt Joy's feelings :rolleyes:

05-15-2009, 08:43 AM
A good friend of my wife had an illegitimate child with Leung Ting. When she told him she was pregnant, he left her. She moved to England to bring up the boy. I think that this may be history repeating....

05-15-2009, 09:56 AM
She probably deserved it. A ggm is always right

05-15-2009, 10:43 AM
suppose it was your mother

05-15-2009, 11:56 AM
suppose it was your mother

don't feed the troll.

05-15-2009, 12:40 PM
don't feed the troll.

he seemed hungry. besides what else are they good for?

05-15-2009, 01:04 PM
he seemed hungry. besides what else are they good for?

what else they good for?

beating and p*ssing on :cool::eek:

05-15-2009, 01:09 PM
what else they good for?

beating and p*ssing on :cool::eek:

lol, you got me there. ;)

Phil Redmond
05-15-2009, 08:19 PM

Katsu Jin Ken
05-15-2009, 09:13 PM
i've seen this as a thread before, googled it but the thread has been deleted. I dunno if its real or not, for Ting's sake i hope it isnt.

Violent Designs
05-16-2009, 04:20 AM
in the general discussion here, is a thread about this topic Leung Ting's attack. Its called big news in HK.

05-16-2009, 08:14 AM
isnt the thread in the main kjung fu forum?

yep it is

05-18-2009, 02:25 AM
A Ggm of Almightyness can do as he please, i.e if u were pimp and one of ur girls get out of line, u telling me u wouldn´t slap some sence into them too.

Violent Designs
05-18-2009, 02:38 AM
what else they good for?

beating and p*ssing on :cool::eek:

Like women?

Such as Leung Ting's girlfriend. :p

05-18-2009, 01:26 PM
A good friend of my wife had an illegitimate child with Leung Ting. When she told him she was pregnant, he left her. She moved to England to bring up the boy. I think that this may be history repeating....

Well mate, the world is small. I know a woman called Diana who is the 3rd or 4th wife of the "grandmaster" and must work in a fish & chips shop just to make a few quid. Liang Ting the miser rarely gives her money for their mutual son. She said he used his ving tsun to brake her arm once when they were arguing...he's an arse!

05-19-2009, 10:16 AM
Does anyone know antything about Leung Ting being arrested in Hong Kong for beating up his lover over her failure to have an abortion? Apparently this is big news in the HK rags.

05-19-2009, 10:37 AM

05-19-2009, 11:17 AM
Does anyone know antything about Leung Ting being arrested in Hong Kong for beating up his lover over her failure to have an abortion? Apparently this is big news in the HK rags.

This is like the fourth thread on this same subject...wow...

Yea did you read the article...you been away for a minute niehoff where you been?

05-19-2009, 03:42 PM
You would think a Master of Almightiness would know about birth control or else learn to keep it in his pants.

There's discussion on the other thread about the woman possibly being a conniving whack job trying to extract $$$ (not unlike LT himself in some respects) but I guess we'll never know for sure.

Another example of how (alleged) MA skill does not necessarily develop good character.

Xiao3 Meng4
05-19-2009, 05:27 PM
Actually, this is exactly the kind of thing I would expect from someone who claims to have reached the 11th level of almightiness.

I'd also expect it from someone who doctored a photo of themselves standing beside their master...

...or from someone who told his student to go challenge another Master...

...or from someone who likes to make angry constipated faces in all their "action" pictures....

...or from someone who walks around waving at the public (no one in particular) like the Queen of Britain (only they're not the Queen of Britain.)

I really hope Wang Kiu's legacy balances out the coverage of the Kung Fu Toad in the media, at least for a little while.

05-20-2009, 09:40 AM
【本報訊】詠春大師梁挺被指打傷女友案曝光後,一直對事件不欲多談的女主角聶小姐,昨透過電話接受記者訪問 ,駁斥梁挺「冇打人」的言論,憶述自己曾被人按倒在地,扯着頭髮猛撼地上十多次,導致頭臉重傷。聶說:「我 有晒證據證明我被人打到好傷!」
現年 45歲的聶小姐直認是梁挺的紅顏知己,二人拍拖逾四年,經常出雙入對,連梁挺不少徒弟都尊稱她為「師母」, 對方過往從未對她動粗,「佢以前真係未試過對我郁手郁腳。」

當晚,兩人為感情問題起爭執,聶小姐聲稱被人按在地上,還被扯着頭髮猛撼地上十多次。「我雙眼爆晒微絲血管 ,右眼傷到連睜都睜唔開,前額瘀傷、腳同腹部腫痛。」她指這樣的傷勢,怎可能是梁挺所說的「仆親」,她更激 動地說:「我仲用相機影低咗啲傷勢,有晒證據,到時上法庭就會用嚟證明。」

05-20-2009, 11:50 AM
【本報訊】詠春大師梁挺被指打傷女友案曝光後,一直對事件不欲多談的女主角聶小姐,昨透過電話接受記者訪問 ,駁斥梁挺「冇打人」的言論,憶述自己曾被人按倒在地,扯着頭髮猛撼地上十多次,導致頭臉重傷。聶說:「我 有晒證據證明我被人打到好傷!」
現年 45歲的聶小姐直認是梁挺的紅顏知己,二人拍拖逾四年,經常出雙入對,連梁挺不少徒弟都尊稱她為「師母」, 對方過往從未對她動粗,「佢以前真係未試過對我郁手郁腳。」

當晚,兩人為感情問題起爭執,聶小姐聲稱被人按在地上,還被扯着頭髮猛撼地上十多次。「我雙眼爆晒微絲血管 ,右眼傷到連睜都睜唔開,前額瘀傷、腳同腹部腫痛。」她指這樣的傷勢,怎可能是梁挺所說的「仆親」,她更激 動地說:「我仲用相機影低咗啲傷勢,有晒證據,到時上法庭就會用嚟證明。」

engrish prease

05-21-2009, 02:23 AM
be interpreted as personally threatening, arrogant, rude, and incredibly disrespectful towards a ggm giving free tutorialslesson on Wdummy and longPole with some bcd applications to private fimale student

05-21-2009, 02:29 AM
engrish prease

u asked for it...:D

Liang Li-ting evidence girlfriend was severely beaten
"Do not open the right eye injury to a" uphold the court
May 8, 2009
By Wing Chun master Leung Ting was accused of injuring his girlfriend came to light, the incident has been the heroine does not want to talk about Miss Nie yesterday by reporters by telephone, rejected Leung Ting "no hit" remarks recalled the events of their own had been in the按倒, Meng hair pulled more than a dozen times to shake the ground, resulting in serious injuries头脸. NIE said: "I have evidence to prove that the sun hit I was a good hurt!"
Reporter: Liao Yun Si
Nie 45-year-old Miss Leung Ting is admitted friend of the sirens, they get married more than four years, often into the double-right, even the beam quite a lot of her disciples are known as "Mrs." to her other activities that have never rough, "the Department of Drainage ago I have never before been on my feet Yu Yu hands."
Evidence to take them
Enlarge image

Wing Chun Master Leung Ting (left) yesterday returned to the Mainland on business, take a temporary leave of non-land.
That night, two起争执for emotional problems, Ms. Nie by claiming to have been on the ground, pulled hair Meng was more than a dozen times to shake the ground. "My eyes microfilament vascular, prolonged sun exposure, even to open the right eye injuries are not open to open, bruises on his forehead, legs and abdominal pain." She was referring to such a condition, what might be said Leung Ting's "pro-servant "she excitedly said:" I used the camera Mr Li does not work with low impact injuries, the evidence of drying, when I would come to court to prove. "
Nie said that the brain is still worried that the trauma will lead to side effects, "home to see What will occasionally vague, activity temper

05-21-2009, 05:44 AM
Yep that's Engrish alright.

Try this:

Leung Ting girlfriend strenuously testifies that she was severely beaten.
"Right eye is so injured that it cannot be opened"
Will persist in taking this to court
May 8, 2009

After accusations of Wing Chun master Leung Ting injuring his girlfriend came to light, the reluctant “leading actress” in this drama Miss Nie (Miss Lip) yesterday gave an interview to reporters by telephone. Refuting talk that Leung Ting "did not hit anyone", she recalled being pressed to the ground, hair pulled and head hitting the ground more than 10 times, resulting in serious injuries to the head and face. Nie said: "I have evidence to prove that I was severely beaten and injured by someone"

Reporter: Liao Yun Si
45-year-old Miss Nie acknowledges she is Leung Ting’s soulmate, the pair have dated for over four years, often seen together. Leung Ting’s disciples even called her "Simo". He (LT) had never been rough to her: "He really has never raised a hand or foot to me before".

Evidence taken for court submission
Enlarge image

Wing Chun Master Leung Ting (left) yesterday returned to the Mainland on business, taking a temporary leave of absence from troubled lands.

That night, the two argued over emotional problems. Miss Nie claiming to have been pressed to the ground, hair pulled and head smashed against the ground over 10 times. "Both my eyes have burst blood vessels, my right eye injured to such an extent that it cannot be opened, bruising on the forehead, legs and abdominal pain." She pointed out that how can such injuries be caused by what Leung Ting calls "a fall". She excitedly said: "I used a camera to record the injuries, I’ll use this as evidence when I go to court".

Nie said that she is still worried that her the brain trauma will lead to latter complications, "Sometimes my eyesight will go fuzzy, and my temper [excerpt ends here]

05-22-2009, 02:54 PM
then why do we, over here, scramble its brains and suck it out with a vacuum?

Also consider that with his skill level he could inflict pain without damaging her. If he knows anything about dian xue he could have given her tea and a foot massage and she would have miscarried.

05-23-2009, 05:37 PM
pennyroyal and lady slipper combined as a tea usually brings on menstral period within four days. The problem is, it wreaks havoc on the system..or so I've heard.

05-24-2009, 12:05 AM
Well it looks loike Wing Tsun is a great style for fighting girls...

For the sake of the HK kung fu community and Wing Chun I hope its not true.

by Paul

Yep, I agree with Paul.

When the first time I read the news story in the local media, I was a bit disappointed on the character of Master Leung Teng. Because my impression of him just before the news is not super but quite alright. Some days later, I almost had an urge to kick myself after thinking about the news story again. The problem is that I did not think of the possibility that the main points of the story are not true. Any way, I do not think the Wing Chun community will be changed much no matter the story is true or not.


Hong Kong

05-24-2009, 12:56 AM
Sad story. Leung Ting has been involved in some shady business plenty of times in the past. Its not really that surprising that he beats up on women, too. He is, if only judged by his ridiculous great grandmaster title(and not the tons of other things), a ****ing nutcase.

Well it looks loike Wing Tsun is a great style for fighting girls...

For the sake of the HK kung fu community and Wing Chun I hope its not true.

by Paul

Well, it was made by a woman, right? :D

05-24-2009, 08:04 AM
where can i get more info about "pregnant woman aren't supposed to get foot massages?"

I just googled it and didn't find anything. I've never heard that before.

06-26-2009, 03:08 PM
Open Statement of Great Grandmaster Leung Ting from forum in Europe

As I’d received some of my grandstudents informing me that in Youtube some of the idiots (mostly my enemies) even spread rumours that "I was in jail"!
For this reason, I have to send U (N all the others) my 2nd email wth more details to clear up everything!
In fact, the woman wanted to threaten me a lot of money for my own privacy. She has some kind of mental problem. In this case, I‘ve no choice to expose it before she attacked me. Further, I was NOT under "arrested". I was "invited" by a CID to walk into the YauMaTei police station for a statement under examination by myself.
The whole thing was that at the night of 30th March, one day before I went to Xian for lectures in 2 universities, after dinner, the woman came into my house wth me. She asked for HK$50,000 for going to Singapore to stay there as well as to make an abortion. I was so stupid not to ask her a paper from the doctor to prove that she was lying but promise to pay her HK$30,000 by a cash-check (she asked for "cash"). However, she got mad at me & she scolded me wth very evil words. I still pretended to work on computer as I hated to quarrel wth her. However, when she bad-mouthed my 1st wife for complaining "that woman could grab me all the money, why she couldn’t get enough money from me?" I just returned her one word, she immediately climbed up to the platform & opened the window, crying that "she would jump down & cause me trouble if I didn‘t fulfill her demand!"
I was at that time too eager to jump up trying not to let her do this crazy thing. It was my biggest mistake to try to pull her back from the window. I applied a Biu-Tze pulling technique to pull her down but strongly threw her onto the floor which was several feet away N she fell heavily onto the carpeted floor. It was her heavy fall that pitched her to fall on her forehead. When she found out she was bleeding, she strongly kowtowed & yelled out "WingTsun Leung Ting beat up a woman"! This is her trick.
She did not stop until I finally promised to pay her another HK$20000 more so as to make it totally HK$50000 as what she wanted. After that, she slept in my house for a whole night. The next early morning I‘d even paid her another HK$20,000 from another Bank account. Then I flighted to Xian wth my 1st wife. I didn‘t know that she reported this case to the police by telling the police that "it was Leung Ting who seriously hurt her"!
Funny thing was that even I went back from Xian, she still came up to my house twice (on 9th Apr & on 11st Apr) N still asked me for another $ 40,000.
It was not until I found out she was a total lair N refused to pay her so much money for 3 day (25 April) then I received a tel call from a CID asking me to go to the police station to make a statement under examination. The whole thing happened over one-&-a-half month. (She reported to the police on 31st Mar. Then the police contacted me on the phone on 24th April. Then he asked me to go to the nearby police station on 25th April.) They still not yet charge me for any criminal offense but said that it was some kind of "family affairs". Even up to now, (18th May) they still have not enough evidence to charge me as there R still some suspected points! As the "Apple Daily" wanted to catch the eyes of the readers, they used a bad headline to make the paper sold out N they really made it!

Mr Punch
06-26-2009, 05:38 PM
I'm all for believing someone innocent till proven guilty, but that story stinks to high heaven.

Scott R. Brown
06-26-2009, 07:32 PM
You must not know any crazy women!

Ask RD or his Alias about crazy women!

Mr Punch
06-26-2009, 11:01 PM
I've known too many crazy women.

He's either lying or stupid, it seems to me:

1) He didn't ask for proof and gives her 30,000.

2) He states he uses a biu jee tech to pull her away from the window: why so specific... and yet even then, he doesn't say which tech... there's only one pulling movement to pull someone in BJ, and you wouldn't use that against a chick standing above you (on a 'platform') if you weren't trying to hurt her, especially not a guy who's supposedly a grandmaster and should have some control...

3) She 'accidentally' flew across the room? C'mon! I've been attacked by nutso dames a couple of times and have had to grab them, wrestle them to the floor and smother them etc etc, but a woman who isn't attacking you, and you throw her across a room? Again, it's not like he's some beginner.

4) If he's been seeing her for that long, he should know her well enough not to take things from her on trust.


Scott R. Brown
06-26-2009, 11:17 PM
Thank you for the more detailed reasoning, it makes more sense now!

06-27-2009, 05:40 AM
Open Statement of Great Grandmaster Leung Ting from forum in Europe

I was at that time too eager to jump up trying not to let her do this crazy thing. It was my biggest mistake to try to pull her back from the window. I applied a Biu-Tze pulling technique to pull her down but strongly threw her onto the floor which was several feet away N she fell heavily onto the carpeted floor. It was her heavy fall that pitched her to fall on her forehead. When she found out she was bleeding, she strongly kowtowed & yelled out "WingTsun Leung Ting beat up a woman"! This is her trick.

Her trick? Yes very clever of her tricking your grandmaster into using bil jee to put her in the hospital. Only his own students would believe this infomercial!

taai gihk yahn
06-27-2009, 07:23 AM
However, when she bad-mouthed my 1st wife for complaining "that woman could grab me all the money, why she couldn’t get enough money from me?" I just returned her one word, she immediately climbed up to the platform & opened the window, crying that "she would jump down & cause me trouble if I didn‘t fulfill her demand!"
I was at that time too eager to jump up trying not to let her do this crazy thing. It was my biggest mistake to try to pull her back from the window. I applied a Biu-Tze pulling technique to pull her down but strongly threw her onto the floor which was several feet away N she fell heavily onto the carpeted floor. It was her heavy fall that pitched her to fall on her forehead. When she found out she was bleeding, she strongly kowtowed & yelled out "WingTsun Leung Ting beat up a woman"! This is her trick.

Madam, how like you this play?

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Hamlet Act 3, scene 2, 222–230

06-27-2009, 07:48 AM
An old adage says 'Stay away from sharp sword and (beautiful!!) women"!
Remembering beauty is in the eye if the beholder.

Scott R. Brown
06-27-2009, 01:10 PM
An old adage says 'Stay away from sharp sword and (beautiful!!) women"!
Remembering beauty is in the eye if the beholder.

It seems the simplest solution would have been preventative.....don't have an affair with a nut!

06-27-2009, 03:59 PM
It seems the simplest solution would have been preventative.....don't have an affair with a nut!

or at least nut on her and not in her...

06-28-2009, 09:40 PM
As for LT, no wonder everyone leaves him and his organization. Emin, Simon Mayer, Jeff Webb.

Jeff Webb (from Austin) left Leung Ting's organization?

06-29-2009, 02:58 AM
i remember meeting jeff webb and leung ting at paul hwangs event in austin. i saw leung ting walk behind me and i said "hey, you're leung ting" and jeff webb got really annoyed, looked at me and said "it's great grandmaster leung ting"

11-19-2009, 04:52 PM
Kung fu master found guilty of beating girlfriend
Patsy Moy
Friday, November 20, 2009

Renowned kung fu master Leung Ting was sentenced yesterday to two months in jail for attacking his girlfriend.

Kowloon City deputy magistrate Ko Wai-hung released Leung, 62, on HK$50,000 bail pending appeal. Following the sentencing, Leung's former girlfriend and victim Rita Lip Sik-ying, who described the assault as "disgraceful," said she would not have called police if she had not been beaten so severely.

Speaking to Sing Tao Daily, sister paper of The Standard, Lip, 45, described Leung as a womanizer who had many girlfriends.

Nevertheless, she saw him as an attractive man ever since meeting him through a friend about five years ago.

"He is a kung fu master but is also knowledgeable about everything," said Lip, adding she has not been in touch with Leung since the March assault. "I have mixed feelings about the sentence, considering we had been together for a few years."

After hearing Ko's guilty verdict, Leung stood up twice in the dock and shouted that the court did not have the facts and a full picture of the incident.

Leung, the WingTsun founder, had denied one count of assault causing actual bodily harm.

In his ruling, Ko admitted the case involved a "one-against-one situation, with no independent witness."

But he said Lip was honest and did not exaggerate her case against Leung.

Neither did Ko believe Leung beat Lip out of self-defense. He said being found guilty would seriously hurt Leung's career.

Lip testified that Leung banged her head against the floor, kicked her in the stomach and boxed her ears during a dispute concerning one of his former wives.

But Leung, in refuting the claims, said Lip became upset when he did not give her the HK$50,000 she wanted for an abortion to be performed in Singapore.

Leung said Lip became hysterical and tried to jump from a window, and that he tried to save her by grabbing her arm and neck.

He also claimed Lip began hitting her head on the floor and banged on his neighbors' doors, shouting: "Leung Ting is hitting a woman."

A medical report on Lip indicated tenderness to her neck, redness to her face, bleeding to the eyes, and bruises.

11-19-2009, 05:04 PM
2 months is not enough.

11-19-2009, 06:47 PM
Yea you're right. Two Months plus some Disneyland tickets should be about right.;)

11-19-2009, 07:56 PM
There is no excuse to hit a woman, ( an exception might be , if a woman has a gun or knife and is trying to kill ya) .

good post i would never hit a woman

even if gina carano took me down mounted me and tried to submit me i would not fight her


11-19-2009, 08:36 PM
even if gina carano took me down mounted me and tried to submit me i would not fight her


or Kyra Gracie.

11-19-2009, 09:28 PM
i remember meeting jeff webb and leung ting at paul hwangs event in austin. i saw leung ting walk behind me and i said "hey, you're leung ting" and jeff webb got really annoyed, looked at me and said "it's great grandmaster leung ting"

What an asshat. Can you imagine if everyone wanted to be called by their work titles in social situations? Hilarity.

11-20-2009, 07:24 AM
What an asshat. Can you imagine if everyone wanted to be called by their work titles in social situations? Hilarity.

I don't have to imagine I'm in the military. :p

You go to a bar to pick up chicks...

Hi, I'm senior account analyst Richard Asshat.
Nice to meat you Richard.
That’s senior account analyst Asshat to you. Kowtow to your master!

Phil Redmond
11-21-2009, 09:40 AM
I don't have to imagine I'm in the military. :p
Good one :).
Semper Fi

David Jamieson
11-23-2009, 09:11 AM
What an asshat. Can you imagine if everyone wanted to be called by their work titles in social situations? Hilarity.

Martial artists that do this are the height of pompous ass-hattery.

Always good for a laugh and definitely an indicator of where the door is. :)

11-24-2009, 06:21 PM
Sun, Nov 22, 2009
The Daily Chilli

Kung Fu master jailed for beating mistress

HONG KONG - Kung Fu master Leung Ting, the last student of martial arts sifu Ip Man, has been sentenced to two months' jail for assaulting his girlfriend.

Leung, the 62-year-old junior apprentice of international kungfu star Bruce Lee, is the founder of the International WingTsun Association.

He was charged with attacking his girlfriend, who was then three months' pregnant, by dragging her on the ground, pulling her hair and kicking her stomach at his home in Hong Kong on March 30.

The couple had entered a heated argument after the girlfriend, 45, was believed to have offended Leung's ex-wife.

Hong Kong's Sing Tao Daily reported that the court had found Leung guilty and sentenced him to two months' jail on Thursday.

After the judgement was read out, Leung raised his hands and shouted ?objection?. He even blurted out the word "bull****" at the judge.

He was released on HK$5,000 (S$903) bail with HK$50,000 (S$9,030) sureties pending his appeal against the judgement.

He has a criminal record for fighting in public areas and was fined HK$500 (S$93) some 18 years ago.

Leung had started practising WingTsun at the age of 13 but was trained by Ip Man when he turned 18.

He started teaching martial arts in foreign countries in the 1980s.

Today, Leung has established his martial arts centres in more than 60 countries with thousands of students worldwide.

11-24-2009, 08:01 PM
Yep that's Engrish alright.

Try this:

Leung Ting girlfriend strenuously testifies that she was severely beaten.
"Right eye is so injured that it cannot be opened"
Will persist in taking this to court
May 8, 2009

After accusations of Wing Chun master Leung Ting injuring his girlfriend came to light, the reluctant “leading actress” in this drama Miss Nie (Miss Lip) yesterday gave an interview to reporters by telephone. Refuting talk that Leung Ting "did not hit anyone", she recalled being pressed to the ground, hair pulled and head hitting the ground more than 10 times, resulting in serious injuries to the head and face. Nie said: "I have evidence to prove that I was severely beaten and injured by someone"

Reporter: Liao Yun Si
45-year-old Miss Nie acknowledges she is Leung Ting’s soulmate, the pair have dated for over four years, often seen together. Leung Ting’s disciples even called her "Simo". He (LT) had never been rough to her: "He really has never raised a hand or foot to me before".

Evidence taken for court submission
Enlarge image

Wing Chun Master Leung Ting (left) yesterday returned to the Mainland on business, taking a temporary leave of absence from troubled lands.

That night, the two argued over emotional problems. Miss Nie claiming to have been pressed to the ground, hair pulled and head smashed against the ground over 10 times. "Both my eyes have burst blood vessels, my right eye injured to such an extent that it cannot be opened, bruising on the forehead, legs and abdominal pain." She pointed out that how can such injuries be caused by what Leung Ting calls "a fall". She excitedly said: "I used a camera to record the injuries, I’ll use this as evidence when I go to court".

Nie said that she is still worried that her the brain trauma will lead to latter complications, "Sometimes my eyesight will go fuzzy, and my temper [excerpt ends here]

Sometimes Wayne Brady Gotta smack a hoe and apparently so does Leung Ting:D

11-25-2009, 08:51 AM
if he did beat up or assault the girl or anyone else, he deserved the jail term.

as for girl friend having the baby at late age

chance of miscarriage is high. risky for both fetus and mom, seek medical help


do they think of a name, if it is a boy or a girl

he or she may carry on his name one day


domestic disputes should remain domestic

the public or a clean judge do not have a say in them

unless of course, some abuses occur.


11-25-2009, 12:17 PM
"(note to self) Don't sleep with any WC chicks"

And don't sleep with Leung Ting :eek:

Oh--I forgot--Great Grandmaster Leung Ting--and I forgot again..isn't he "master of all holiness--10th level" or some other moniker too? :rolleyes:

11-25-2009, 12:28 PM
LT will now see how well his WT works in Prison.

11-25-2009, 12:47 PM
"(note to self) Don't sleep with any WC chicks"

And don't sleep with Leung Ting :eek:

Oh--I forgot--Great Grandmaster Leung Ting--and I forgot again..isn't he "master of all holiness--10th level" or some other moniker too? :rolleyes:

hes gold level too!

11-25-2009, 12:50 PM
LT will now see how well his WT works in Prison.

for once I am glad there was a sanjuro post that DID NOT have a pic attachment :eek:

11-25-2009, 12:55 PM
lol and he was a juniour apprentice of bruce lee ahahahaah!
my god can that guy be any more lost in his own @ss?

11-26-2009, 12:45 AM
I guess Bawang will not be paying Leung Ting any visits in prison, any tiime soon.:D

Sifu Mike
05-10-2010, 11:09 AM
Thought you might be interested in the outcome of this case.

On April 29, 2010 in Hong Kong in the High Court, Grandmaster Leung Ting, founder of the International WingTsun Association (IWTA), was cleared of all charges in the appeal of court case HCMA978/2009 and pronounced innocent of all allegations.

Once all the facts and evidence of the case were presented, it was a simple matter for Court of First Instance Judge Darryl Gordon Saw to reach a verdict of innocence, and the case was concluded in one morning.

Numerous Chinese language newspapers have carried the story, including the Hong Kong Daily News:


[Note: Google Translate and Babel Fish produce translations that are almost unreadable, so I didn't include them here.]

It's more difficult to find an English language version. It was covered in the April 30, 2010 edition of the South China Morning Post. Unfortunately, the South China Morning Post has archived the story and you have to become a member (free trial available) and then search for it to get to the story. I tried to create a direct link, but direct links just redirect you to a search page every time. Here's a link to their main page:


05-10-2010, 12:24 PM
Thank you sifu mike.

Sifu Mike
05-10-2010, 03:22 PM
You're welcome, Sifu Ron.

05-11-2010, 05:11 AM
Would love to learn the "facts" of this case. She probably beat herself up...right?:rolleyes:

Sifu Mike
05-11-2010, 05:38 AM
Would love to learn the "facts" of this case. She probably beat herself up...right?:rolleyes:

Unless you were one of the two people in the room, there is no way you can ever know the facts in the case. But the judge felt that the medical reports indicated she had fallen and had not been beaten up.

David Jamieson
05-11-2010, 06:15 AM
He was actually tried, found guilty and convicted and sentenced to 2 months in jail.
He was then released on bail and now it appears he has absolved himself.

He admits he did the damage himself.
It's clear she has issues, but that doesn't negate the fact that he threw a pregnant woman across the room and admitted he did that. Whether or not she was being less than upright in her own character is irrelevant.

I don't put a lot of stock in any sort of Chinese justice system anyway. (Hint; there really isn't one)

But, I don't put a lot of stock in Leung Ting and his stories either. lol

So, OJ was innocent too right?

Money. Meh.

05-11-2010, 07:09 AM
I'd put a bit more stock in the HK Criminal Justice System than I would the PRC. But like most jurisdictions, money talks.

05-11-2010, 07:29 AM

I still believe that there is a love story that lasts till end of time.

it is like a unchained melody.


especially your GF carries YOUR baby.

what kind of a father would--


05-11-2010, 08:00 AM
for the GF

what happened to

I only want to be with you.







David Jamieson
05-11-2010, 01:15 PM

spj, sometimes you just lose me. lol
You're not ashamed on Leung Ting's behalf are you?

he should be okay now that he has purchased a clean slate for himself.

Scott R. Brown
05-11-2010, 02:38 PM
So, OJ was innocent too right?

The only thing OJ is guilty of is having a lot of vitamin C...

......and being good for you!:)

David Jamieson
05-11-2010, 07:27 PM
The only thing OJ is guilty of is having a lot of vitamin C...

......and being good for you!:)

OJ was no good for Ron and Nicole

Scott R. Brown
05-12-2010, 12:33 AM
OJ was no good for Ron and Nicole

This is true. In their situation I think it would be fair to say they had too much OJ!!

05-13-2010, 05:32 PM
whatever happened to the true love

lasting longer than the sea

or till the sea dried up and the rocks rotten away.

or just money and money and money only.




05-13-2010, 05:35 PM

I guess that only fools falls in love

or something like it.
