View Full Version : How is Southern kicking different from kickboxing?

05-12-2009, 02:00 AM
I'm working on my footwork drills looking for research material to help me train smarter in my style, I figure look at all of the systems around yours to see if you have any weaknesses...

spinning heel kick: http://video.google.ca/videosearch?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=pvn&q=how%20to%20heel%20kick%20in%20kickboxing&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wv#

I was going to post all the kick vid's american and thai boxers use, but really when you do kick combo's most kicks look the same...it's not too much stylistic variation.

how does your style differ from Kick Boxing Western and Muay Thai?.

05-12-2009, 10:12 AM
my karate came from south china so i can speak on this

the southern style of kick is very low we dont kick higher than the waist

southern styles rely a lot on trapping so you use the low kicks to control you opponent and destroy his lower legs so you can get in close and control his elbow

the kicks are often aimed and the shin and the knee cap

not simialr at all to western kickboxing
maybe alittle bit to thai boxing

05-12-2009, 12:20 PM
my karate came from south china so i can speak on this

the southern style of kick is very low we dont kick higher than the waist

southern styles rely a lot on trapping so you use the low kicks to control you opponent and destroy his lower legs so you can get in close and control his elbow

the kicks are often aimed and the shin and the knee cap

not simialr at all to western kickboxing
maybe alittle bit to thai boxing

Thanks for the reply, in your system you don't have any big offensive moves like say a thrusting side kick?...how does your spin heel kick to the gut differ from a kick boxers? :)

Violent Designs
05-12-2009, 04:23 PM
Well . . . we have more variety than Muay Thai, but when I use roundhouse kick and push/thrust kick, I do the Muay Thai way.

But I like to use the stomp/push kick to the shins and kneecaps, we also have crescent kick, and sidekick, which doesn't exist in Muay Thai.

05-12-2009, 04:41 PM
we have the thrusting side kick im throwing it on a pick on the shaolin do thread only real high

we dont have any spinning kick at all i dont know if any southern styles do

Violent Designs
05-13-2009, 01:56 AM
we have the thrusting side kick im throwing it on a pick on the shaolin do thread only real high

we dont have any spinning kick at all i dont know if any southern styles do

CLF has spinning crescent.

05-13-2009, 12:22 PM
Just a quick post...Shou Yu Liang's wushu student Aaron Something...bald white guy...at his seminar last year he showed me the wushu side side kick where it's all driven from the glutes...I'll try to find the demo. How is southern side kick differ from say tkd or MT?...Satori Science when we chatted last year mentioned one of his brothers trained the side kick standing beside a chef's table...chamber the knee around the table and heel over...

Will add to this, busy right now:) downloading music. Thanks for the replies.

Violent Designs
05-13-2009, 07:09 PM
From experience the traditional CLF roundhouse is chambered, snap kicks. So are the side kicks and front snap kicks.

All Thai kicks are unchambered, the roundhouses use a small step to the outside with the driving leg to open up the hips, and producing more speed, and power without having to work as hard (if you don't use the initial step).

05-13-2009, 08:39 PM
From experience the traditional CLF roundhouse is chambered, snap kicks. So are the side kicks and front snap kicks.

All Thai kicks are unchambered, the roundhouses use a small step to the outside with the driving leg to open up the hips, and producing more speed, and power without having to work as hard (if you don't use the initial step).

I'm curious the 3 CLF families claim specialized leopard fist footwork..how different are the respective branches Tornado kicks? jumping inside crescent...some call them butterflies, not the wushu anatomical position parallel to the ground prone and **** kick!.:D

Violent Designs
05-13-2009, 10:16 PM
I'm not sure how different the tornado kicks are.

I guess by Leopard fist footwork you are talking about northern footwork? Or how we close the gap?

05-14-2009, 12:29 AM
I'm not sure how different the tornado kicks are.

I guess by Leopard fist footwork you are talking about northern footwork? Or how we close the gap?

I heard BS CLF like to put their shoulder into it more than others...that's great that families have specialized stratagies but I mean how deep does it go when talking about the anatomical position and proper ROM in the joints you turn to much things start to tear, don't turn enough the muscles go limp:)

Violent Designs
05-15-2009, 12:36 AM
I think there are little nuances and differences between families, of course.

While the arts are from the same source, they developed and branched off along different lines, correct?

Being the CLF addict that I am, I research and try to learn as much as possible about all three families of CLF, the differences and nuances that make them unique, then try to implement the stylistic differences in what I do, my individual expression of CLF.