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View Full Version : A public questions for VTM: Black and RED

05-17-2009, 12:05 PM
Since VTM promoting this


VTM is obligated to provide reasons to the general WCners who are the decendents of the Red Boat Opera actors WCK or ancestor YIM WIng Chun.



Liu Yong-Fu a cantonese. (1837 - 1917)

早年当过水手。咸丰七年(1857年)后,先后参加郑三、吴亚忠领导的反清起义军,以七星黑旗为军旗,称黑 旗军。

Liu was a sailor when he was young. after 1857, Liu had involved with the Anti -Qing uprising solder leads by Zhen San, Wu Ya-Chung.

Using Seven stars black flag as thier army flag, Thus, it is called the Black Flag Army.


1867 Qing army attact Wu Ya-Chung's black flag army.

次年刘永福率余部三百余人进驻保胜(今越南老街),屯垦安民。队伍很快发展到两千余人,由于军纪严明,深受 当地群众拥护。

1868, Liu Yong-Fu leads the rest of the Black flag army, around 300 solders, enter into Bao Sen (today's VietNam old street) planting and settle the people. The (black flag army) grows to around 2000 solders.

Because this is a very discipline army, the local people loves and support them.


1872 (the twelve years of qing emperor Tong Tze) France army invaded Vietnam.
Liu was requested by Vietnam for help. Liu leads the Black flag army union with the Vietnam army to fight the France army.

在河内西郊大败法军,斩法军首领安邺上尉等数百人,乘胜收复河内。次年,越南国王授予他三宣副提督之职,让 他管理宣化、兴化、山西三省。

Liu defeat the France army in Vietnam, be headed a few hunderds France army leaders.

Vietnam's king appointed him to rule three states.

So, Yes, Black Flag Army is Anti-Qing. The Leader Liu Yong-Fu was know in the history of China clearly.


刘永福(1837-1917),字渊亭,本名义,广西上思人。雇工出身,原为广西天地会领袖,1865年起义失败,受清政府镇 压,率300人出镇南关(今友谊关)

Liu Yong-Fu, a West-Cantoness, A worker, He was a leader of West Canton's Tien Die Wui ( HUng Mun) . 1865 involve in anti-Qing uprising but lost, suppress by the Qing, lead 300 people fleet.....

So, Black Flag army exist, clearly in the Chinese history. The leader Liu Yong-Fu is seen as hero for some.

As for how is this Black Flag army got to do with WCK? that is a quesition for VTM.



We today could have accessed to these information. Now, look into Red Bandana? What histody record is


  李文茂是清道光末年至咸丰初年粤剧凤凰仪班著名“打武家”,出身梨园世家,体格魁梧,声若洪钟,精于击 刺等武功

Lee Man Mau a member of Cantonese Opera the Pheonix group, he was a famous martial artists. As a opera actor, he has strong body and expert in martial arts.

1853年,太平军攻克南京后,洪秀全接纳部将罗大纲保举,派密使到广东寻找反清群众组织领导人,策划武装 力量,以期南北配合,推翻清廷。先在佛山大基尾琼花会馆找到李文茂,再联络得广东天地会领袖陈开、陈金刚等 人,密谋起义。

1853 Taiping army capture Nanjing. The Taiping heavenly King Hung Xiu Chuan send his people to Canton to look for local Anti-Qing group's leader.... to over thrown Qing Dynasty.

Hung's people, found Lee Man mau in the Fine Jade (opera) association.. and make contact with the Canton's Dien Dee Hui/ Hung Mun leaders Chen Kai, Chen Cin-Kang and others for secret meeting on uprising to over thrown Qing dynasty.

红船子弟和城市贫民都趋之若鹜。李文茂便以戏班中的健儿为骨干编建三军,曰“文虎军”、“猛虎军”、“飞虎 军”。他自穿戏班中的蟒袍甲胄,其余将官均按品位穿着明朝戏服。女官由女花旦充任,戴七星额,穿女蟒袍。后 因义军人数激增,戏服不足,便一律以红巾扎头代替冠盔,故称红巾军。他们利用戏班中的翻筋斗超跃、腾跳等武 打功夫,飞登城楼,攻击敌阵,使守城清兵惊慌失措,弃城而逃。文茂起义伊始,仅数千人,很快就拥有数万之众 。而且“旬日间,连下数十州县”声威大振。连清廷统治阶级也不得不承认他们“战功懋著,有似吞 舟之鲸”。

At that time, the Opera house against being taxing and beat the Qing tax officers.
The follower of Red Boat and the poor citizen of the city very please.. Lee Man Mau selected the skill actors and assign them to become the anti-qing army.... later due to fast grow of this army and there is not enough uniform for them, they all use the Red bandana to replace hat. This is why it is called the Red Bandana army.


Now, Who is Hung Gum Biu? How to prove he existed?

How is Hung Gum Biu related to the Red Bandana army?
We need to have an evidence as clear As for Liu Yong-Fu's identity

and how is Hung Gum Bui related to WCK? How is HFY related to WCK?

These are again, questions for VTM


For RED BOAT OPERA WCK, what we know and consistence with the History of China;

(1853年,太平军攻克南京后,洪秀全接纳部将罗大纲保举,派密使到广东寻找反清群众组织领导人,策划武 装力量,以期南北配合,推翻清廷。先在佛山大基尾琼花会馆找到李文茂,再联络得广东天地会领袖陈开、陈金刚 等人,密谋起义。

1853 Taiping army capture Nanjing. The Taiping heavenly King Hung Xiu Chuan send his people to Canton to look for local Anti-Qing group's leader.... to over thrown Qing Dynasty.

李文茂便以戏班中的健儿为骨干编建三军,曰“文虎军”、“猛虎军”、“飞虎军”。他自穿戏班中的蟒袍甲胄, 其余将官均按品位穿着明朝戏服。女官由女花旦充任,戴七星额,穿女蟒袍。

Lee Man Mau selected the skill actors and assign them to become the anti-qing army....)


we known the code name of the above activity for some RED BOAT OPERA WCK ancestors

As I mention in this forum and other forum a few time, Yes, there is code to identify oneself in the Red Boat era.

In fact, From the WCK group of the Red Boat opera members at that time, still embedded within the SLT and 6.5 pole set as for today, we know the following code today:

反清 復明 五湖四海 十指連心 遝我河山

Over turn the Qing, Return to Ming, Five lakes four seas, ten fingers with the same heart, return me my country.


Sword finger, Bong Elbow present to the Hero (Ying Hung)
(Ying Hung was used in that era for to refer to the Hung Mun because the pronouciation of Hung in hero is similar to the Hung of Hung Mun.)

Notice the following CLF stanza, in the following site, it starts also with Ying Hong. and we know CLF was also involved in the uprising activity in the same era of 1800's



This Ying Hung term ( the reverse writing and same pronouciation of Hung Ying, the Hung Mun or Dien Die Wu ) also could be found in YUE YUAN / Dim Chun hall exhibit of Shang Hai. there is a picture on the Shang Hai Ying Hung Stanza some where in the old article in Rene's site.
One can sees the activities between Shang Hai, Taiping, Canton, Opera....etc at that era. Rene and Robert have written a series of details article on these.




Half Point of center spear settle the Tai Ping
( Taiping for Tai Ping Tien Kuo, )http://wsu.edu/~dee/CHING/TAIPING.HTM

Thus, as a conclusion, among with other southern martial arts group for example CLF,
We know WCK ancestors involve in the Join effort activity of Taiping and Hung Mun which try to over thrown Qing Dynasty in the 1850

Lee Man Mau who is the chief leader of this over thrown Qing army (which later was named the Red Bandana army in the Chinese history) .


As a conclusion,

Since VTM is and have been promoting thier research on the Black and Red group;

If would be resonable for WCners to know these BLACK and RED group leader's real identity, thier group identity, and code name of thier group in the operation, and how are them related to WCK in the 1850.

These are the expectation evidence VTM needs to supply to promoting a family tree such as the following


05-17-2009, 12:51 PM
A question that i have concerning this topic is "if the BFWC traces there lineage back to the Southern Shaolin Temple it would seem that there is a generational gap" given that Master Lin is only a 4th generation successor. Most lineages that would trace there lineage back to that era should atleast be somewhere between 8th-11th generations. Any clarifications on that subject is greatly appreciated.

05-17-2009, 02:42 PM
A question that i have concerning this topic is "if the BFWC traces there lineage back to the Southern Shaolin Temple it would seem that there is a generational gap" given that Master Lin is only a 4th generation successor. Most lineages that would trace there lineage back to that era should atleast be somewhere between 8th-11th generations. Any clarifications on that subject is greatly appreciated.

The following is a bio of a real Shao lin Monk who is related to Shao lin

and endose by Shao LIn


If there is any relationship of Shao LIn, I really expect an endosement similar and not less then the above example.

AS we know from the history of China shown above be it from Qing side or from Shao lin, alots can be traced and we must make use of these to identify what is our art is about.

we dont have to live in the life of secrecy and cover up in this modern era and dont have to mislead or to misleading.

05-17-2009, 08:28 PM
李文茂便以戏班中的健儿为骨干编建三军,曰“文虎军”、“猛虎军”、“飞虎 军”。他自穿戏班中的蟒袍甲胄,其余将官均按品位穿着明朝戏服。女官由女花旦充任,戴七星额, 穿女蟒袍.

Lee Man-Mau arranged and organized the elite opera members into three types of army. They are the literate tiger army, the fierce tiger army, and the flying tiger army.

Lee himself ware the serpent symbol costume armor . the rest of his general and official wearing the Ming Dynasty Official costume according to their rank.

Lee's female official were assigned to the FA TAN or the male actor who plays the feminine role wearing the seven star jewels and female serpent costume.

What was recorded in the Chinese history at the 1850 from NanJing, Canton, and Shang Hai, confirm the code passing down by Yik Kam to Cho family. on Yik Kam and WCK's Taiping Hung Mun join uprising connection.

We know, Yik Kam is a male actor who plays the feminine role. We still preserve the salutation of Yik Kam at that time. We still preserve the SLT of Yik Kam practice with its kuen kuit. we still preserve the 6.5 pole kuan Kuit.

So, we do have the capability to re build the face of what WCK looks like for female official group of Lee's army which Yik Kam belongs to.

and we know on top of the female official, there is only Lee Man Mau.

05-18-2009, 07:04 AM

I think you’re the feminine guy! You don’t know what you’re talking about! Your dates are way off!

All the Flags: Black, Red, Yellow, Green are from circa 1921. Well after the fall of the Qing Dynasty. These people had nothing to do with Anti-Qing in 1850! Just look at the dates! This is poor “research” and poor quality. You better get your facts straight!

05-18-2009, 08:29 AM

I think you’re the feminine guy! You don’t know what you’re talking about! Your dates are way off!

All the Flags: Black, Red, Yellow, Green are from circa 1921. Well after the fall of the Qing Dynasty. These people had nothing to do with Anti-Qing in 1850! Just look at the dates! This is poor “research” and poor quality. You better get your facts straight!

Sure, that is what you think. why not? and what is your agenda?

read the time line of the Black Flag Clearly before make any accusation.


and btw, also these are a Cantonese and Fujianess group.

05-18-2009, 09:04 AM

You have compiled some outsider tidbits of information and connected the dots all on your own. How convenient for you.

Unfortunately real history does not work this way. It is much more complex and involved that the naive and over-simplified conclusions you have presented here.

IF you were a real historian, you'd know this.

HFY will be officially releasing more historical information soon enough. Until then, have fun playing the part of the historian. We'll get you a beard, some thick old glasses, some dusty books, and a cane. That should finish off the role quite nicely for you.


05-18-2009, 09:17 AM
Unfortunately real history does not work this way.

It is much more complex and involved that the naive and over-simplified conclusions you have presented here.

Sure, it is much more complex when dealling with hidden agenda and keep making His-story for cover up.

When there is no hidden agenda , making up HIS-STORY, how complex can life be by just telling the truth? it is a cause and effect world isnt it?

HFY will be officially releasing more historical information soon enough. Until then, have fun playing the part of the historian. We'll get you a beard, some thick old glasses, some dusty books, and a cane. That should finish off the role quite nicely for you.

do you speak for HFY?

is the history in BM and GG's book's not enough?

05-18-2009, 09:51 AM
Sure, it is much more complex when dealling with hidden agenda and keep making His-story for cover up.

What's this hidden agenda Hendrik?? Please let us all know. Then tell us how making these accusations benefits YOU!

The fact is, we released some of our oral history to the public. What people do with it.... whether they accept it, hype it up, or write it off. That is beyond our concern.

When there is no hidden agenda , making up HIS-STORY, how complex can life be by just telling the truth? it is a cause and effect world isnt it?

do you speak for HFY?

No I can only speak for myself. Just like you. :) Difference is, I never forget that!

The truth often is simple yes, however the cause and effect behind it is not. Multitudes of circumstances and influences all meet and converge to create certain environments. Differing environments like these can then become in conflict with one another themselves.

That's life. simple, but not simple. Just depends on how you look at it.

is the history in BM and GG's book's not enough?

That's a question you have to ask yourself. It is what it is. Just a brief outline written in a couple pages of a book.

I do know however that HFY will be releasing another book or article soon with much more information and details.

Good training to all.


05-18-2009, 10:22 AM
Hey Duende,

Any spoilers yet? Do you happen to know what topic the book (article) will contain? I'm guessing history will be one of the topics covered?

05-18-2009, 10:31 AM
Hey Duende,

Any spoilers yet? Do you happen to know what aspect the book (article) will be about?

Ha ha.... no spoilers yet.

It is not my place to release any of the info.

But I can tell you that many people here will find the info VERY interesting as it gives details in regards to many key figures, events, and places from our history.


05-18-2009, 11:33 AM
lol, alright I guess I'll have to leave it to the old fashioned way and just wait. : )

05-18-2009, 12:07 PM
The fact is, we released some of our oral history to the public. What people do with it.... whether they accept it, hype it up, or write it off. That is beyond our concern.

I accept everyone's history or his-story.

05-18-2009, 02:16 PM
I accept everyone's history or his-story.

That could account for your deluded ramblings. :eek:


Xiao3 Meng4
05-18-2009, 03:21 PM
The Problem with Kung Fu in general is that there are few recorded documents detailing the exact inception and lineage of an art. It all breaks down somewhere, even if that somewhere is Shao Lin, Wu Dang or Chen Jia Gou.

Museums are important not only because they preserve historical events or artifacts, but also because they provide a nexus for research. To properly be able to offer this, researcher must be able to access the original catalogued and uncatalogued resources of the museum.

I think it's a great idea to have a museum or museums dedicated to the martial arts. To have museums dedicated solely to one art is a good way to start, but eventually there will come the problem of substyles: of Yip Man, Chi Sim, Hung Fa Yi, Gu Lao, Vietnamese Wing Chun, etc. (btw, Wing Chun had to get to vietnam SOMEHOW...)

Documenting and recording their individual oral histories is an important step in determining the similarities and differences in their shared and divergent histories. It helps to gain an understanding of when/where a certain lineage may have branched off, and how the branches may have changed or stayed the same. It also offers some indications as to why the branches may have split, and why they may have changed.

For these resources to be of any value, though, enough of them must be properly documented, and there are few, if any, oral traditions which have been completely documented, anywhere, regardless of whether it's a Martial oral tradition or a Medical oral tradition, or even a family tradition. The best we can ask for is:

1. From the horse's mouth - video or audio of a recognized authority telling the stories of their tradition.

2. Artifacts - So-and-so's Dummy, So-and-so's shoes, etc (with provenance).

3. Participation - Presenting the traditions in such a way that researchers (and the public) can participate, document, and comparatively or correlatively learn from the them.

4. Continuing research - new documents and artifacts, findings from historical records, field work, landmarks, etc. (with citations)

5. Continuing development - development of peer-reviewed publications (historical pubs reviewed by historians, etc.) Development of accurate public displays, including the up-to-date conclusions of research (with any previous conclusions kept for historical purposes, and maybe a few chuckles, as well.)

6. Preservation of the resources in question.

7. The inclusion of present-day, post-modern material of the subject at hand.

This is all very important, and for a museum to dedicate itself to this is a respectable undertaking. The quality of any museum, however, is determined by the quality of its resources, which is determined primarily by points 1 and 5.

I'd love to visit a true Kung Fu exhibit at a museum, any museum. Oh yeah, I guess that's another thing: if the resources are of a high enough quality, they should be able to travel to other museums for display.

As far as text goes, I'll accept something as having at least some historical merit if there is a respectable bibliography with strong citations.

As far as the VTM goes, I'm not sure what they're up to these days. I'll have to visit sometime soon to see how things have developed. As far as Shao Lin Wing Chun is concerned... well, I'm not all that concerned. Things are what they are. Personally, I see all of this as being related to points 3 and 7. Either the VTM develops a quick, comparative course for public consumption, or offers each tradition individually (in reality, the VTM could offer the space only, and let the traditions do their own thing in that space under a set of agreed upon rules of etiquette, I think that that would be best actually.) Another option would be for the VTM to offer a post-modern derivative, but at that point I don't think it should be associated with either the original traditions, or even directly with the VTM.

Whatever's going on, I'm sure we'll all be hearing about it as things happen.

05-18-2009, 05:02 PM
That could account for your deluded ramblings. :eek:


Sure, you are right,

I dont expect you capable of post sensible post anyway. hahaha