View Full Version : Who here has a home gym to train MA?

Yung Apprentice
05-21-2009, 08:44 AM
I don't mean a total gym, or a bowflex but place/area where you train MAs at home? I.E. A heavy bag and mats in the garage or a wooden dummy in the spare bedroom, or weapons in the den. I was thinking of EVENTUALLY converting my garage into gym. (funds are kinda tight right now, and I might be losing my job soon, but once I get situated again)

Which lead me to wonder, who here has a designated place at home for training MAs? (and I don't mean practicing forms, or chi gung in the living room) How big is it, where is it, and what kind of equipment or training do you do there?

Just curious I guess.

05-21-2009, 08:54 AM
For solo training, the must are:
Heavy bag, at least 80lbs.
Weight rack and free weights.
Chin and dipping bar.
extras: Wooden dummy ( must if doing WC of course), weapons, throwing/grappling dummy.

If you are gonna train with partners at home, all of the above, plus mats ( judo mats are a great choice), sparring gear and padded weapons.
You will need at least a 10 x 10 area for 1-on-1 training, just for the sparring and rolling, but perferably 12x12 or 15 x15.

Yung Apprentice
05-21-2009, 09:03 AM
This thread was asking who has a gym, and what do they have in it. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

05-21-2009, 09:40 AM
my living room is my training area.

i have a heavy bag, makiwara, free weights, pull up bar, sand bags, weapons, surgical tubing, wall bar for stretching, mirrors, floor, and a baseball.

05-21-2009, 09:44 AM
This thread was asking who has a gym, and what do they have in it. Sorry if I wasn't clear.


I have 400 SQ ft in my basement with:
Heavy bag
Throwing dummy
Striking dummy - for boy weapons and sticks
IP area
Weight rack with 500 lbs of free weights and another 300 in DB.
Chinning and dipping station
Wooden dummy
Padded / training weapons - stick and knives
Real weapons - sticks, knives and swords.

05-21-2009, 10:11 AM
I do have 3 places at home.

1. living room 10x10 feet

2. garage space about the same

3. backyard.

we store away mattress, weapon, bags etc

we place them when I use them.

for any weapon practice, I have to go to the park.

we all make good of what we have.


05-21-2009, 10:14 AM

my living room is bigger with a cathedral ceiling 2 and half stories high.

I only designate the central part of it for practice.

I put all of my furniture against the walls, such as couch, coffee table, ming dynasty cabinets with 4 seasons scenery carving etc.


Reverend Tap
05-21-2009, 01:13 PM
I've got some space out in my "backyard," which is also my driveway so it's basically hard-packed dirt. Only piece of equipment I've got out there is my iron arm dummy (hanging log wrapped in rope), but I've got other stuff I can take out there on an as-needed basis.

Yung Apprentice
05-22-2009, 06:33 AM
Throwing dummy
Striking dummy - for boy weapons and sticks.

By striking dummy, do you mean like a B.O.B? I was thinking of getting a the B.O.B XL, which is the one that has the thighs for practicing legs strikes.

05-22-2009, 11:46 AM
20' X 30' area in basement.
70 lbs. Iron Bar for Luk Que Ex.
2 sets of 5 each arm, 3 lbs. ea. Iron Rings. 20ttl.
8 - lengths of surgical tubing.
Bean bucket for hand strikes and conditioning.
Kicking post.
2 - knee height and waist high palm striking bags.
San Chin Iron hoop.
1 - 15lbs. Medicine ball.
1 - 9 lbs. Medicine ball.
1 B.O.B, shorter model(not 3/4 model)
1 - 40 lbs. Heavy bag.
1 set of focus mitts.
2 - forearm trainers.
1 - Chuka South Mantis wooden dummy.
2 - 10" x 14" Makiwara's.
200 lbs. of dumbell and barbell free weights.
and some other South Mantis specialized training equipment.

05-22-2009, 12:14 PM
By striking dummy, do you mean like a B.O.B? I was thinking of getting a the B.O.B XL, which is the one that has the thighs for practicing legs strikes.

Nope, its a special full dummy, like the ones used by firemen in training, it heavier, denser and legs, arms, feet , hands, the works.

Yung Apprentice
05-22-2009, 01:11 PM
Whats your opinions on a Muay Thai bag or banana bag taking the place of a heavy bag?

05-22-2009, 01:15 PM
I have a 100 lb heavy bag, speed bag, wall bag, door way chin up bar, and training weapons for swords and pole. I have a spare bed room for the bags and my living room is large so I simply move my coffee table to get enough room for partner work or I can always go outside. I do have some limited weights at home but I go to a gym to lift. When I live somewhere bigger I know my gym will grow with space available.

Lee Chiang Po
05-22-2009, 07:32 PM
I go to a local community center gym to do physical training. Nothing hard. But in my back yard I have covered a large 30x30 area with indoor/outdoor carpet. I have a dummy, some free weights, a couple of padded posts, a couple of striking pads, a couple of sand and gravel boxes for hand training. However, though at one time I would do some training there, and would even do some fall training as well, I seldom do any more. I don't feel the need or the importance of being in top shape or trying to increase my abilities at my age. I can still defend myself pretty well unless against a trained fighter of some sort maybe, so I don't really need it.

David Jamieson
05-23-2009, 08:17 AM
I have everything required.

It's a great thing to get together.

05-24-2009, 05:08 PM
I have an unfinished basement in a row house in Brooklyn, with a yard. I walk Bagua circles around the fire pit and train with the bokken indoors.

05-24-2009, 06:19 PM
No forms or qigong mentions, just places and contents and how used.

My so-called home practice place used to be the equipment room in the basement (where fuses are.) I had three foot by three foot by one inch tiles/slabs of a white marble. I used the marble on my hip/back for Lying Tiger/ Sleeping Tiger(cyclical push-ups.) (two or three times ever). A broken one with the height but nearly half the width was for lifting practice (elbows down.

I used the concrete(cinder blocks) that made-up a basement wall to practice striking for palms, forearms, elbows, knees and thighs.

Staff practice in the garage extinguishing candle flames and thrusting and smashing with stance and footwork.

Weapons were kept wherever in the house-place.


Mano Mano
05-25-2009, 11:57 AM
My home training is in my backyard. My equipment for solo training consists of a freestanding striking dummy, 2 12kg & 1 16kg kettlebells, a skipping rope & an old tyre on a pole for stick & weapon practice.

05-25-2009, 12:04 PM
Whats your opinions on a Muay Thai bag or banana bag taking the place of a heavy bag?

A MT Bag is a heavy bag, just longer, not sure what your question is...
Some MT bags are a tad narrow, but you can get a 'regular" diameter MT bag too.
Unless there is a height restriction, MT bags are just fine, however, if you like to train "groin" kicks and knees on the bottom of a bag, then MT bags are not for you.

David Jamieson
05-25-2009, 12:18 PM
A MT Bag is a heavy bag, just longer, not sure what your question is...
Some MT bags are a tad narrow, but you can get a 'regular" diameter MT bag too.
Unless there is a height restriction, MT bags are just fine, however, if you like to train "groin" kicks and knees on the bottom of a bag, then MT bags are not for you.

yes, sphere bags are best for upper cut and knee training on a hanging bag.
otherwise get a partner to hold the thai pads for you and wail away. they are great for that too.

05-25-2009, 06:07 PM
The backyard is our at home training area, we have
heavy bag
focus mits
large kick pad
kick paddle
light dumb bells used while punching the bag
stacked bricks in place of plum poles
machete that is used to cut down bamboo, gives you a good workout
bamboo poles used for blocking practice
stationary bike
a grappling/throwing dummy
finally a sheet of plywood with holes in it that are numbered, this is used for focus striking, as a number is yelled out and the striker has to hit the numbered hole that was mentioned and so on.
not much but it does the job.
as for strenght training we use mainly different drills that involve using your own body weight. thanks

monkey mind
05-25-2009, 06:18 PM
My wife's ballet school is attached to our house. When the kiddies aren't there, I've got a 8mx10m space for training with a wooden floor & two walls of mirrors. Ceilings are 4m high - plenty of room for weapons. Outside I've got a heavy bag plus a stack of tires.

05-27-2009, 07:46 AM
One stipuation for me to move from NYC to Georgia was a Home Gym/studio.
Since I was the one building my home it wasn'tthat difficult only cost a bit more on the mortgag;)e

1000 sq ft - more or less usable space (mostly in a rectangle configuration)

10 ft high ceilings (paid extra for that) but being built on a sloping yard there is a convient entrance to the yard.

Having run a school in the bronx I ahd all my old training equipment.

Weapons, heavy bags, Shields, Mits, Mats.

newest additions were a multip purpose cybex system and a couple of wooden dummies of different desings (actually made out of industril plastic piping).

Its actually nice of have all my books videos etc. in the place where I train & teach.

Another stipulation before I relocated was a nice piece of land. 2 acres with a lake. Taken about 6 years to clear/landscape the property so that it pleases the wife but also usable for outside training. Heavy Bags, Level ashalt basketball court (still haven't installed the hoops), a Bagua Forest that also doubles as plum blossom footwork poles.

The only draw back is locating training partners who aren't flakes or lazy.