View Full Version : Internet, Life and Martial Arts

05-21-2009, 01:26 PM
In China, you have the largest pool of people on the net. There are internet cafe, internet bar, internet teahouse etc.

Lot of US adults spent times on line one way or another.

it used to be e-mailing and search for info.

now you have the social or media networking on line, such as face book, my space, tweetering --


what effect the internet has on you, your life and your MA practice?


05-21-2009, 01:28 PM
This is really a spin off from another thread.

Cyber bully is real, The kids are bullied in the park and school yard.

they can be bullied on line, too,

some lead to depression, anxiety, insecurity and suicide.

absolutely liable on line.


05-21-2009, 01:33 PM
I like the internet for free flow of info and video of CMA practice.

however, since it is open, a lot of comments from sbd does not have a clue what they are talking about.

this plagues the whole world of internet.


and then there is politics

sort of bring the real world on line.

except that you may say things that you otherwise would not when you face the real person.


I meant that we still have to be responsible for our posts/speech on line or off line.



05-21-2009, 01:38 PM
I set limits for my kids on line just as I would for real life.

I sort of instill them the idea of being responsible for our own acts and speeches.

either in verbal form, or some kind of e form, either texting, chatting, posting and what not.

internet is just a tool or a means for exchanging info.

internet is innocent, people behind the computers typing on keyboards would be responsible for what they typed.

well, this is how I feel and tell my kids so



05-21-2009, 01:40 PM
no legal expert myself,

just rant a bit.


take a bow and shut up now.


05-21-2009, 03:02 PM
I agree, the internet is a useful tool. Especially for bringing the CMA community together however just like anything it brings both the good and the bad. However its a useful concept, it would be nice to see certain bands similar to that in China (in other words censors) in America atleast in some form. But I guess that may infringe on our freedom, but either way I'm all for a censored America. (by the way I'm not a Communist)

Lee Chiang Po
05-21-2009, 08:09 PM
The internet is about the greatest thing since sliced bread. I use my own name, and I see that a few others like to do the same. In most instances however, the true identity of the person is hidden. This gives them license to be rude and aggressive. If you will just visit all the kung fu forums here you will see that each will have their following. The same people all the time. You will seldom ever see a new name enter into a discussion. Most are arm chair kung fu fighters and have never had a fight since 3rd grade. Yet they tend to be experts in every subject. I think that they just have no life and read way to much. Most of what they read is made up anyway. I come here far too often myself. I find it interesting, but I have many more and different interests. I think fantasy plays a great big role here too. I have been fluent in Wing Chun gung fu and jap jujitsu for 50 odd years now and I do not train or practice it and have not for years and years. It would be too boring if I were to try to pursue it like some here do. I have a life.

05-22-2009, 08:33 AM
here are some examples from my family

1. follow Chinese, Taiwanese and US stock market

2. listen to music

3. playing computer games

4. reading Chinese novels

5. me reading and posting in forums.

6. my brother reading only, or too lazy to type.


each has his or her own "persuit" in the internet world.


golden arhat
05-22-2009, 02:09 PM
I'm all for a censored America. (by the way I'm not a Communist)

a censored america isnt america at all!!!
freedom of speech!

05-23-2009, 07:38 AM
We are being told that this stuff is social or for social purposes but if we examine carefully, all this stuff is not reality. We are not face to face with a real person and this is objectification of social reality.
No doubt China has all the internet social sphere but there is no "FREEDOM" as in USA and government has control (USA will reach China in that regard and even surpass them in the near future).

People have even become less tolerant and more anti-social despite the Twittering, the myspace/myspacebook/myface/etc.

Even US is far more socialist (despite what some believe) than the former USSR with its increases and surveillance activities in the quest for National Security!

Sound familiar. From the book 'How to shoot friends and interrogate/waterboard enemies without making it seem like you did" by William "Shotgun" Cheney.

God Bless USA/America

David Jamieson
05-23-2009, 08:16 AM
a censored america isnt america at all!!!
freedom of speech!

freedom of speech is like trying to listen to 500 conversations all at the same time.

Everyone getting to say whatever they want, whenever they want, creates nothing but a sea of nonsense and confusion where you would hope it would bring consensus.

Since the Internet has become readily available to virtually everyone, there is a definite polarization taking place in peoples world views. This will schism further until eventually all these "social" networks will have served to divide us all and create only common ground for small groups.

wait and see.

in the meantime, gauge yourself, realize what you are doing and try to get outside and get some sunshine and birdsong now and then. :)

05-27-2009, 11:33 PM
Let me say that the Internet has improved myself, better the quality of my life, and upgraded my MA. Yes, it has different sides - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Cyber bullying has not affected me even though I has such encounter before. Online gambling is out of me. I have not gambled for money for years, and in fact, I have never been much a gambler. Socialising online is not much of a passtime to me either. Overall, I spend most of my life offline instead of the other way around. Thank God and myself. Let me keep my life so for the rest of it.


Hong Kong

05-28-2009, 06:25 AM
All you have to do, with the internet, is apply a bit of common sense, even more so in terms of MA discussion on the internet.
Subject A has no experience in fighting, he gives out advice.
Subject B has experience in fighting, he gives out advice contridictory to subject A, he backs it up with not only his experience, but the experience of others, even professional and even offers up video proof, and says for you to find out for yourself what works best for you.
Subject A says, "My sifu ( who also has no verifiable fighting experience) says so.
Which ones advice do you follow?

David Jamieson
05-28-2009, 06:58 AM
I'll adopt ideas and apply them so long as they don't come across as obvious failures that I already understand to be failures.

Some of the best material martial arts wise I have seen has been pulled from DVD's.

The more I train the more I move away from cryptic poetry, legends and stories.

the more trappings of that sort of thing there is, the less effective the fighting tools.

Too much time lining up and bowing, burning incense, supplicating to master and upholding cultural practices takes away from actually learning how to conduct yourself in a physical conflict. It's interesting but has no place in a martial arts classroom. Should be a separate thing.

But then, there are a great deal of people who are in it for the t-shirt and to have their friends regard them as the kungfu guy or some such other thing as opposed to actually doing the hard knocks.

qigongs and meditations are awesome, don't get me wrong, and cultural ideology has it's place, but for me, martial arts training is strength, endurance, structure and methods to develop these and not lineage, lion dance, kow towing and so on.

05-28-2009, 07:16 AM
I agree, the internet is a useful tool. Especially for bringing the CMA community together however just like anything it brings both the good and the bad. However its a useful concept, it would be nice to see certain bands similar to that in China (in other words censors) in America atleast in some form. But I guess that may infringe on our freedom, but either way I'm all for a censored America. (by the way I'm not a Communist)

So let me get this straight. You want to government to control what YOU can't.

There is this document that people died for that says you are WRONG!!

The less government intervention and the more people take care of their own business the better. The problem is people now can't be bothered and would like to leave it up to the goverment to take care of their responsibilities for them. If your kids is doing something they should not, it is YOUR responsibility to monitor that. Not the government. If you don't like something, it is YOUR responsibility to expell it from you home. Not the government.

Just because one does not like something does not mean that another doesn't enjoy it. ONe cannot infringe one's beliefs on another through their government.

You say you are not a communist yet you condone communistic views. C'mon.

David Jamieson
05-28-2009, 07:26 AM
So let me get this straight. You want to government to control what YOU can't.

There is this document that people died for that says you are WRONG!!

The less government intervention and the more people take care of their own business the better. The problem is people now can't be bothered and would like to leave it up to the goverment to take care of their responsibilities for them. If your kids is doing something they should not, it is YOUR responsibility to monitor that. Not the government. If you don't like something, it is YOUR responsibility to expell it from you home. Not the government.

Just because one does not like something does not mean that another doesn't enjoy it. ONe cannot infringe one's beliefs on another through their government.

You say you are not a communist yet you condone communistic views. C'mon.

Some people have no idea what they are or what it is they are supporting. This is called being emotionally propelled through life and in my opinion it is becoming all to common.

05-28-2009, 07:51 AM
The whole liable on-line topic is a doulbe edged sword to me.
To say someone is liable for causing suicide is a bit of a spin.

If I were in line at McDonalds and some deuche tweeting on his phone doesn't watch where he goes and spills his latte' on me, and I yell "Deuchebag! Go kill yourself!", and he does, am I liable for his death? I am not a lawyer, and I guess anything can be argued, but I assume, logically, I am not liable.

I can see where a more compelling argument would be, where someone is constantly pushed and battered, either physically or psychologically, and ends up ending their life. I can see where, at least in the U.S., assault, harrassment laws, and precedents open up convincing arguments for laiblilty.

On-line however, most avenues of communication like myspace or facebook or forums have privacy or ignore settings to block communications one does'nt want.
So then, what would be a compelling argument of an on-line interaction that would demonstrate really apparent liability or bullying on-line.

06-06-2009, 12:09 AM
So then, what would be a compelling argument of an on-line interaction that would demonstrate really apparent liability or bullying on-line. by brothernumber9

Last year in mainland China, some people thought that a girl needed to be punished. They exposed her identity on the web by telling where she was working at (the name of the company and the office address). It resulted in her death by committing suicide. The question then is the right thing being done? Is there an apparent liability online there in the incident? Sigh!


Hong Kong

06-06-2009, 12:53 AM
This is really a spin off from another thread.

Cyber bully is real, The kids are bullied in the park and school yard.

they can be bullied on line, too,

some lead to depression, anxiety, insecurity and suicide.

absolutely liable on line.


Absolutely not liable online. We have the freedom to say what we think or feel in the United States regardless of how it makes a person feel. And those people have the freedom to not listen or read it. In the event that they are being harassed, there are laws for that. On the internet, it is impossible to harass someone as one only needs to click a few times to block what that person is saying.

Its utterly ridiculous to say there is such a thing as online bullying because that would mean you either lack the intelligence or will to end it.

The depression, anxiety, insecurity and suicide you speak of as the result of cyber bullying, are actually just extensions of more severe problems in the real world. Problems that are never properly dealt with by ignorant parents and/or teachers.

The cyber-bullying argument is just an excuse to impose control over what people say on a technology that no one should have that kind of power over.

Your argument shows not only a complete lack of understanding of human psychology, but also of modern technology, law, or basic human rights.

06-06-2009, 07:33 AM
Your argument shows not only a complete lack of understanding of human psychology, but also of modern technology, law, or basic human rights.

and yet I have Ph.D and DVM.

I have studied in Japan, Germany, France and US.

I support red cross and international amnesty.

oh I am not bullied and not threatened by the post.


06-06-2009, 07:49 AM



06-06-2009, 07:55 AM

from Singapore.

06-06-2009, 09:43 AM
and yet I have Ph.D and DVM.

I have studied in Japan, Germany, France and US.

I support red cross and international amnesty.

oh I am not bullied and not threatened by the post.


1.) Then you should understand the futility of citing accomplishments on an internet forum.

2.) A Ph.D in what?

3.) A DVM has absolutely nothing to do with child psychology.

4.) A Ph.D does not denote an understanding of an unrelated science.

5.) I'm glad you're not bullied or threatened by the post, as if you felt that way you would be grossly misunderstanding the nature of the discussion.

6.) A collection of biased youtube videos on the subject, which come from supporters of the idea of cyber-bullying, have absolutely zero credibility in this, or any other discussion or debate. I can find you just as many youtube videos promoting a wide range of nonsensical ideas, and even plenty of TV shows.

7.) Your video of CBS news also has no credibility for the same reasons. They may be intelligent people, but they aren't experts in the subject. They're simply voicing their views on it.

06-06-2009, 10:13 AM
I did some research in antidepressant, antipsychotic, anxiolytic drugs.

PhD in pharmacology and toxicology.

university of mississippi.

you may search my PhD thesis and research papers.

post doctoral

department of neurology, university of california, irvine

assistant research professor


06-06-2009, 10:16 AM
1. CBS news and parent giving seminar

meaning there was an incident of suicide may or may not related to cyber bulling

2. Singapore child project

meaning some people think it is a serious thing.

06-06-2009, 10:17 AM

your credential in human pyschology?


06-06-2009, 11:12 AM

I am the one now is doing the bullying?

I am simply refuting that--

I do have some understanding of human psychology.

1. I am a human and a parent or human my self.

2. drug research related to mental health.

3. veterinarin, understanding the bond and human pyschology, related to pet owning and therapy dogs, companionship etc.


these are points that I like to mention to refute the statement that I do not have any understanding of human psychology.


I shut up now.


06-06-2009, 11:21 AM
So let me get this straight. You want to government to control what YOU can't.

There is this document that people died for that says you are WRONG!!

The less government intervention and the more people take care of their own business the better. The problem is people now can't be bothered and would like to leave it up to the goverment to take care of their responsibilities for them. If your kids is doing something they should not, it is YOUR responsibility to monitor that. Not the government. If you don't like something, it is YOUR responsibility to expell it from you home. Not the government.

Just because one does not like something does not mean that another doesn't enjoy it. ONe cannot infringe one's beliefs on another through their government.

You say you are not a communist yet you condone communistic views. C'mon.

Well Fuking said!!!!!