View Full Version : style - reflections of our inner light

06-02-2009, 04:20 AM
our spirit is expressed thru our body via the mind... this concept of conscious creation is also known as "ART". easterners like to call it kung fu, which gets confused with cartoon pandas, mcmen who fight in cages, and flashy bald acrobats that work for the tourism industry - yet really it amounts to something like time in energy. how do you spend your time and energy? what is your life-style kung fu? we are manifestations of our inner light in ALL that we do...

if i could explain my style with a picture... you could use this one that i drew. http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/bribro009.jpg

if i could describe my style with stone... it might look something like this... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/masonry017.jpg

if a picture could describe style as being a father... this would have to be it... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/grabbed.jpg

keep it real. live your light. :)

taai gihk yahn
06-02-2009, 04:34 AM
nice to have you back, to bring some non-sense to this place...

golden arhat
06-02-2009, 04:37 AM
you must have the mind of the tiger spiritual.......

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 04:44 AM
That presupposes that we have a spirit.

Having said that, I find it difficult to define myself by anything I do.

When my Dad died, he left a tremendous body of work that was his art.

That pile of paper and canvas and sculpture was definitely not him nor was it descriptive of who he was. It was a consequence of his efforts though.

I am of the opinion these days that there is more value in fetch wood and carry water than almost anything else.

Don't worry about trying to define yourself so much. Just be, because when you are no longer being, it is only a short while until you are forgotten entirely but your efforts of fetching wood and carrying water remain behind. Hopefully, those efforts can be further built upon to facilitate yet more fetching of wood and carrying of water.

man's gotta eat. :)

06-02-2009, 05:14 AM
We are so much more than the sum of our parts.

Nice work on the stonework Uki, is it finished yet?

06-02-2009, 05:28 AM
nice to have you back, to bring some non-sense to this place...there is common sense and there is uncommon sense, which is nonsense to those with no sense.

That presupposes that we have a spirit.what shall we call it then? lifeforce, essence, soul... the you of the i that is in and from everything.

I am of the opinion these days that there is more value in fetch wood and carry water than almost anything else.me too... people have become lazy.

We are so much more than the sum of our parts.yet it is nice to express them... life would be quite drab if there were no expressions of itself.

Nice work on the stonework Uki, is it finished yet?no... its getting there.

you must have the mind of the tiger spiritual.......i am a tiger...

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 05:35 AM
maybe "it's" nothing at all?

Maybe it's (a soul/spirit) a complete fabrication to avoid the concept of us being nothing more than bio-mechanical machinery?

running on air and water and fuel acquired from other bio-mechanical machinery.(oroboro eat's itself)

no soul, just being, then, being no more. Like an ant we step on with regularity, we have no more prominent place ultimately than it does.

06-02-2009, 05:50 AM
While we may argue and debate what Soul is and what spirit is, its hard to argue that there is "something" else at play with we hear music played in a way that is, well, amazing.

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 06:48 AM
While we may argue and debate what Soul is and what spirit is, its hard to argue that there is "something" else at play with we hear music played in a way that is, well, amazing.

well, it's not hard to argue from a standpoint of physics. But yes, "something" is at play. The greek philosphers, especially Pythagoras recognized this and expressed it as mathematical harmonics in context to the planets in his Music of the spheres.

Vibration causes change. music is in essence oscillation of tone/harmonics created by vibration of a given element and through movement of air.
This in turn will effect surfaces that it hits. some to no effect and others to greater effect and also causing a cascade in some instances.

so, you hear music, it resonates in your inner ear and is carried to the brain where it is expressed as electrical impulses that in turn spark other reactions. If the tone is close to your own vibration, you get the spine tingler, if it is opposed to your own resonation, you are repulsed somewhat or find it to be not likable.

06-02-2009, 06:53 AM
well, it's not hard to argue from a standpoint of physics. But yes, "something" is at play. The greek philosphers, especially Pythagoras recognized this and expressed it as mathematical harmonics in context to the planets in his Music of the spheres.

Vibration causes change. music is in essence oscillation of tone/harmonics created by vibration of a given element and through movement of air.
This in turn will effect surfaces that it hits. some to no effect and others to greater effect and also causing a cascade in some instances.

so, you hear music, it resonates in your inner ear and is carried to the brain where it is expressed as electrical impulses that in turn spark other reactions. If the tone is close to your own vibration, you get the spine tingler, if it is opposed to your own resonation, you are repulsed somewhat or find it to be not likable.

And what makes one MAKE music like that?

06-02-2009, 06:54 AM
Uki, you're one strange dude- but you do beautiful stone work. Love the yard... very cool.

06-02-2009, 06:56 AM
if i could explain my style with a picture... you could use this one that i drew. http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/bribro009.jpg

if i could describe my style with stone... it might look something like this... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/masonry017.jpg

if a picture could describe style as being a father... this would have to be it... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/grabbed.jpg

keep it real. live your light. :)

like your painting.

like your stone/mason work.

kodak moment for father/son?


06-02-2009, 07:01 AM
how do you spend your time and energy? what is your life-style kung fu? we are manifestations of our inner light in ALL that we do...

1. Buddhist light

6 paths or liu du.

2. Taoist light

go with the flow/nature.

3. Kong Fu Zi light

father be a father, son be a son.

4. Christian light.

love thy neighbor.


a mixture of all of the above for me.


06-02-2009, 07:01 AM
And what makes one MAKE music like that?

Tittays, and the need to touch them.

06-02-2009, 07:08 AM
1. Buddhist light

6 paths or liu du.

2. Taoist light

go with the flow/nature.

3. Kong Fu Zi light

father be a father, son be a son.

4. Christian light.

love thy neighbor.


a mixture of all of the above for me.


actually, these are inner cultivation or self cultivation.


I also like to sing opera. this shi fu is not so bad.


06-02-2009, 07:08 AM
maybe "it's" nothing at all?each to their own, but i find that highly unlikely... we are all extensions of "something", call it what you will... the way, god, light... in the end its just another label for a near inexplicable concept that can only be realized. if everything were random cause and effect, you wouldn't have the phenomenom of snychronicity. :)

no soul, just being, then, being no more. but once a being is no more... it must come into being again - like leaves on tree. a soul only winks out for a season and then returns once more... high tide and low tide.

Like an ant we step on with regularity, we have no more prominent place ultimately than it does.that's quite a statement... i don't regularily step on ANY insect(always rescuing them from the mud or freeing them from the house), ants least of all. much can be learned from watching the wisdom of the ants life unfold before you. in athens below white rocks just before the acropolis there is an ant colony that is thousands of years old... the roads that spoke out of the main entrance are polished with the sheen of marble... i once spent and entire day watching and learning from life on those ant roads.

Uki, you're one strange dude.depends on whose perspective you are looking at me from.

but you do beautiful stone work. Love the yard... very cool.thank you... just wait until i finish it. :D

06-02-2009, 07:09 AM
Tittays, and the need to touch them.

There is much wisdom in this post and boobies !

06-02-2009, 07:15 AM
There is much wisdom in this post and boobies !

to be all honest

I prefer nature curves

not push up or fake ones.


KC Elbows
06-02-2009, 07:44 AM
Interesting thread. I think style certainly is an expression of one's nature and demeanor, using an old meaning of spirit here that does not require the supernatural.

On the other hand, as David related in what he said about his father, this is not what ultimately survives of what we are to those who truly know us, what survives is what we do for and/or with the whole.

I would say that any pursuit of the spirit should logically lead to the knowledge that we are always parts of wholes, and so are defined by our contribution. Where the style of our contribution shapes it positively, we survive through the continuation of that positive contribution among other parts of the whole touched by it. Where the style of that contribution is negative, the same.

When it's Chaotic Neutral, well, that's just running around killing people, dwarves, unicorns, frost giants, but that only lasts until you cross the Githyanki. After that, if your family wants to remember you, they'll have to go to the Githyanki's adamantine fortress and leave flowers where your head and testicles are mounted. Whose gonna go to all that trouble?

Just trying to keep it real here.

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 07:48 AM
Interesting thread. I think style certainly is an expression of one's nature and demeanor, using an old meaning of spirit here that does not require the supernatural.

On the other hand, as David related in what he said about his father, this is not what ultimately survives of what we are to those who truly know us, what survives is what we do for and/or with the whole.

I would say that any pursuit of the spirit should logically lead to the knowledge that we are always parts of wholes, and so are defined by our contribution. Where the style of our contribution shapes it positively, we survive through the continuation of that positive contribution among other parts of the whole touched by it. Where the style of that contribution is negative, the same.

When it's Chaotic Neutral, well, that's just running around killing people, dwarves, unicorns, frost giants, but that only lasts until you cross the Githyanki. After that, if your family wants to remember you, they'll have to go to the Githyanki's adamantine fortress and leave flowers where your head and testicles are mounted. Whose gonna go to all that trouble?

Just trying to keep it real here.

bwahahahaha. you D20 freak! that's hilarious.

06-02-2009, 08:33 AM
to be all honest

I prefer nature curves

not push up or fake ones.


Fine, but all are divine creations, LOL !

06-02-2009, 11:10 AM
When it's Chaotic Neutral, well, that's just running around killing people, dwarves, unicorns, frost giants, but that only lasts until you cross the Githyanki. After that, if your family wants to remember you, they'll have to go to the Githyanki's adamantine fortress and leave flowers where your head and testicles are mounted.githyanki... wow. i haven't seen that word since i owned the fiend folio... their arch enemy is the githzeri. :p

KC Elbows
06-02-2009, 11:11 AM
githyanki... wow. i haven't seen that word since i owned the fiend folio... their arch enemy is the githzeri. :p

It's "Githzerai", uncouth savage!:p:D

06-02-2009, 11:12 AM
It's Githzerai, uncouth savage!sweet jesus forgive me!

KC Elbows
06-02-2009, 11:16 AM
sweet jesus forgive me!

Figuratively speaking, you have just stumbled with torches blazing into the lair of Tucker's Kobolds with only a +1 defender sword and a third level half-orc thief with a sling. Even Jesus won't forgive that!

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 11:37 AM
a +1 anything will turn kobold anus inside out though.

I mean come on, lets get real here.

They're just useless little yappy lizards.

No where near as threatening as a gith of any variety or worse a yuan-ti! :eek:

KC Elbows
06-02-2009, 11:48 AM
No where near as threatening as a gith of any variety or worse a yuan-ti! :eek:

Too true. A yuan-ti is enough to make a grown ranger p1ss his cloak of the manta ray.

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 12:48 PM
Too true. A yuan-ti is enough to make a grown ranger p1ss his cloak of the manta ray.

good thing its waterproof!

06-02-2009, 12:49 PM
you guys are cracking me up here. good to come back from lunch to some humor.

KC Elbows
06-02-2009, 12:57 PM
I'm afraid we've gotten Ochre Jelly all over our inner light.

06-02-2009, 02:19 PM
Figuratively speaking, you have just stumbled with torches blazing into the lair of Tucker's Kobolds with only a +1 defender sword and a third level half-orc thief with a sling. good thing i can jump into my bag of dimensional portals... hopefully it doesn't open onto the slopes of gehenna... then again, that is last resort, i'll take my chances with these kobolds by drawing from the deck of many things. :)

KC Elbows
06-02-2009, 02:39 PM
Sorry it's talking so long for me to reply, what with my plate armour, sack of orc heads, rope, bullseye lantern, four weeks of iron rations, and pet hawk, I'm suffering a hell of an encumbrance penalty.

David Jamieson
06-02-2009, 03:34 PM
*backs away from the weirdos at the ren fair*


06-02-2009, 04:57 PM
Sorry it's talking so long for me to reply, what with my plate armour, sack of orc heads, rope, bullseye lantern, four weeks of iron rations, and pet hawk, I'm suffering a hell of an encumbrance penalty.thats why you need to improve your dexterity with some bracers of speed +3, drop the armour and hone your unarmed skills. orc heads attract hungry ogres, so unless you want to be dodging tree trunks, i suggest you lose them... become proficient in woodlore, edible plants, and hunting-trapping, then you won't have to haul so much dry tack. your pet hawk was just eaten by a screeching harpy. :D

06-03-2009, 04:25 AM
naturally ones home is likewise a reflection of ones inner nature... how it is arranged, how it is set up, what it is decorated with... all of these reveal the characteristics and qualities of the beings associated with it. recently my girlfriends brother and i put up a new set of steps to our porch... check them out. :D

there good for iron ball juggling... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/kungfu004.jpg

and there good for messing around with forms on... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/kungfu007.jpg

if anyone is wondering what the trench is in the lawn leading to the stucco stoned block wall... its a future basement door and walkway. the thought just hit me that it would probably be very interesting to trade constructive-creative training enhancement and flagstone patio work at martial arts schools and homes, in exchange for lessons. :)

taai gihk yahn
06-03-2009, 05:15 AM
it would probably be very interesting to trade constructive-creative training enhancement and flagstone patio work at martial arts schools and homes, in exchange for lessons. :)

crap :( - it's too bad you live in PA - if you were local, you would be instantly dubbed Master of Environmental Harmony (MEH) and our backyard would be at your disposal!

06-03-2009, 05:25 AM
crap :( - it's too bad you live in PA - if you were local, you would be instantly dubbed Master of Environmental Harmony (MEH) and our backyard would be at your disposal!meh... PA is but a hop skip and a jump from you... i am sure we could work something out. start with some pictures of your yard and we can start brainstorming... then we can plan a visit... plot out the course of action, make list of what needs to be collected... you gotta have the VISION man!! :)

KC Elbows
06-03-2009, 06:11 AM
...your pet hawk was just eaten by a screeching harpy. :D

My ex-girlfriend is here?:eek:

Nice place, Uki. Definitely some character went into the design work.

Mr Punch
06-03-2009, 07:55 AM
there good for iron ball juggling... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/kungfu004.jpg

and there good for messing around with forms on... http://i538.photobucket.com/albums/ff350/mossjuice/kungfu007.jpgHoly niiiice!

06-03-2009, 08:04 AM
*backs away from the weirdos at the ren fair*

you'd better keep on backing into the parking lot and get the h3ll out of Dodge.

quick-delete this thread before the guys at Bullshido see it! Hurry! Hurry!

oh sh1t...too late...

(sigh) once again, all TCMAists are forever doomed to be referred to as LARPERS....

KC Elbows
06-03-2009, 08:24 AM
you'd better keep on backing into the parking lot and get the h3ll out of Dodge.

quick-delete this thread before the guys at Bullshido see it! Hurry! Hurry!

oh sh1t...too late...

(sigh) once again, all TCMAists are forever doomed to be referred to as LARPERS....

We are not LARPERS! How are you supposed to eat fritos and drink mountain dew while yelling upstairs "Ma, leave us alone, we're entering the Mind Flayer's lair" when you're lugging around cardboard swords in a public park?

Do not deny us our dignity!

06-03-2009, 08:31 AM
The gayness of this thread has crossed over that 3% ****genized factor, big time !!

KC Elbows
06-03-2009, 08:36 AM
So, you're saying the fact that I only drink skim milk might mean something?

06-03-2009, 10:08 AM
So, you're saying the fact that I only drink skim milk might mean something?you can always switch to camel milk.