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06-15-2009, 01:25 PM
There's even youtube vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vA4eYxHGUo&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.google.com%2Fnews%3Fq%3Dcar radine%26oe%3Dutf-8%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26um%3D1%26ie%3DUTF-8%26sa%3DN%26hl%3Den%26tab%3Dwn&feature=player_embedded)

Hundreds pay respects at Carradine funeral (http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/lifestyle/chi-tc-ft-carradine-funeral-0614jun15,0,6091559.story)
June 15, 2009

Under gloomy and overcast skies, hundreds of people gathered to honor actor David Carradine at a sprawling hillside cemetery in Los Angeles Saturday. More than 400 guests -- including Lucy Liu, Tom Selleck, Daryl Hannah, James Cromwell and Rob Schneider -- attended the funeral, which came a week after the 72-year-old actor was found hanging in a Bangkok hotel room June 4. Carradine is probably best known for his role as Kwai Chang Caine on three seasons of the 1970s hit show "Kung Fu" and for his stellar work in Quentin Tarantino's two-part "Kill Bill" saga. Programs handed out to guests included a photo of a smiling Carradine in a tuxedo on the cover and sketch of the actor on the back. Song selections included The Beatles "Let It Be" and Beethoven's "Requiem for a Fallen Hero."

Carradine's family, friends pay last respects (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/06/15/DDVQ18714Q.DTL)
Anthony McCartney, Associated Press
Monday, June 15, 2009

(06-15) 04:00 PDT Los Angeles --

Hundreds gathered to honor David Carradine at a sprawling hillside cemetery on Saturday during a funeral that was attended by family, former co-stars and other Hollywood friends.

The invitation-only services were held indoors at the Hall of Liberty at Forest Lawn-Hollywood Hills, a 400-acre cemetery laid out adjacent to Los Angeles' Griffith Park.

Mostly gloomy skies prevailed outside, with cold blasts of wind sweeping across the cemetery. The funeral lasted more than two hours, and as more than 400 mourners left, clouds parted in the west, offering a magnificent sunset.

Guests gathered and hugged outside the hall, where security ensured only invited guests gained entry.

They gathered more than a week after Carradine, 72, was found hanging in a Bangkok hotel room on June 4. Thai authorities continue to investigate his death. A statement released Thursday by a private pathologist said suicide had been ruled out as a cause of death.

Carradine's family stayed out of sight from a small group of reporters and cameras. His burial was private. Brothers Keith and Robert Carradine asked for privacy and understanding while the family mourned in a statement released on Thursday.

Keith Carradine briefly appeared outside before the service and greeted some people before heading back inside.

Among the hundreds of guests were numerous actors, including Michael Madsen, Jane Seymour, Tom Selleck, Frances Fisher, Daryl Hannah, Lucy Liu, Edward James Olmos, Ali Larter and James Cromwell. Rob Schneider also attended, carrying a basket of flowers.

Madsen and Liu both starred alongside Carradine in Quentin Tarantino's two-part "Kill Bill" saga. Carradine married his fifth wife, Annie Bierman, at Madsen's home in 2004.

Carradine is perhaps best known for his role as Kwai Chang Caine on three seasons of the 1970s hit show "Kung Fu." His role in popular culture was cemented by the time he left the show in 1975.

He later went on to star in the cult flick "Death Race 2000" in 1975 and in Ingmar Bergman's "The Serpent's Egg" in 1977, but by the 1980s his career arc had moved to lower-budget fare.

Tarantino's "Kill Bill" films offered Carradine a career resurgence.

06-16-2009, 09:46 AM
I've received a few queries from freelancers eager to write something along these lines. So far, they are all sort of the same - sort of like this - writers ruminating about the effect Caine had on their lives. No major epiphanies really.

Understanding China takes time (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-06/15/content_11544322.htm)
www.chinaview.cn 2009-06-15 10:26:38

BEIJING, June 15 -- Little Stumpy Mobbs charges me like a wounded bull, swinging his arms, kicking his legs and screaming "Ah yaaaa!" I duck from his crazy moves before striking back. He tumbles, but rebounds taunting me with the sign of the praying mantis - a sign of certain death.

"Ah Grasshopper," my 8-year-old schoolmate replies.

"I have taught you a lot, but now the student must submit to the master."

In the mid 1970s, millions of kids like me were hooked on the genre breaking martial arts/western TV show Kung Fu, starring the recently departed David Carradine.

May he rest in peace.

Kung Fu was one of the most influential English-language TV shows to reveal the mysteries of old China. At that time, China was still caught in the fog of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76), and was not widely accessible to the rest of the world.

Kung Fu transported me, and countless millions of other children, into the world of Chinese culture for the very first time, a world of ancient wisdom and roundhouse sidekicks.

These first impressions were long lasting, and on reflection, I packed many of these boyhood memories into my suitcase when I moved to China three years ago.

Carradine played a Shaolin monk by the name of Kwai Chang Kaine (aka Grasshopper), who escaped to America's wild west in the 1800s after killing the Chinese emperor's nephew.

Grasshopper's daily routine was beating up bad cowboys and passing on his Buddhist philosophy to those in need. "Ah Grasshopper!" was a phrase bandied around school grounds before you clobbered your classmate before ending up in detention.

Each Kung Fu episode contained a flashback to the Shaolin Temple where Kaine would recall a pearl of wisdom from the old Buddhist master Po.

"Patience, Grasshopper. An angry man is only a fearful man. Conquer your fears and you can conquer everything."

Kaine would pass this knowledge to a farmer being terrorized by the bad guys. Kaine would then systematically kick all their butts.

For most people under 30, Carradine is best known for his role of Bill in Quentin Tarrantino's Kill Bill movies, in which he makes fun of his Kung Fu persona. The flute-playing scene where he tells the story of the five-finger death punch is a classic example.

Carradine appeared in more than 200 movies but for me, the 72-year-old American will always be Kung Fu, one of the most influential ambassadors of Chinese culture to the West.

Grasshopper was a nice guy and tried to help people whenever he could in between opening a can of whoop ass. The fact he wasn't Chinese makes this role a little strange.

I came to China with many preconceptions, which began with Kung Fu, but have developed a much fuller understanding, discovering so much diversity in view points, customs and even physical appearances.

But I've only scratched the surface, and the Middle Kingdom, as the old China hands will tell you, is always a work in progress.

(Source: China Daily)
Editor: Chris

David Jamieson
06-16-2009, 10:00 AM
i think most of us suspected as much.

now the real question is; what crazy bruce lee nut finally did him in...

The fact he didn't commit suicide doesn't automatically mean someone else killed him.

I'm still leaning towards the death by misadventure conclusion which is gonna come out.

Meaning, he did kill himself, but not intentionally. He was involved in a fetishistic sex game and consequently succumbed to auto erotic asphyxiation.

there could have been someone else who fled the scene when things went bad.

But, he's not a threat to any organized crime syndicates. He's a celebrity...or was a celebrity, who spent quite a lot of time dealing with drug and alcohol problems.

Making movies and inspirational TV shows is what actors do, not who they are. It's important to remember that.

'He'll always be..." this or that is called projecting your own desires onto someone else.

Take his death for what it is. In a lot of senses, it is fitting for him to meet his end in such a way. He lived an interesting life and had an interesting death. :)

06-16-2009, 10:25 AM
well, ya, i was really just kidding around.

personally im not a fan of dc, never really got into his stuff.

kill bill was cool, but then i think the best scenes are with sonny chiba :p

06-16-2009, 11:43 AM
For most people under 30, Carradine is best known for his role of Bill in Quentin Tarrantino's Kill Bill movies, in which he makes fun of his Kung Fu persona. The flute-playing scene

apparently, the author of the above piece didn't get that the FLUTE part was a tribute to the notoriously aweful "circle of Iron" (aka "the silent flute")

David Jamieson
06-16-2009, 12:28 PM
apparently, the author of the above piece didn't get that the FLUTE part was a tribute to the notoriously aweful "circle of Iron" (aka "the silent flute")

silent flute WAS bruce lee's idea. lol

I liked it myself, although when watchin it now, it has a real cheesy vinegar balls 70's look and feel to it with a lot of fortune cookie platitudes.

But, they were platitudes that not many had heard at the time, so back then, they were cool!

06-16-2009, 12:45 PM
circle of iron was kinda awesome in the bad cheesy 70's kind of way.

06-16-2009, 12:50 PM
silent flute WAS bruce lee's idea. lol

I liked it myself, although when watchin it now, it has a real cheesy vinegar balls 70's look and feel to it with a lot of fortune cookie platitudes.

But, they were platitudes that not many had heard at the time, so back then, they were cool!

Yesterday I saw "Forced vengeance" with Chuck Norris, talk about fromage !!

06-16-2009, 12:53 PM
Norris' "the octagon" - he knew that in the future real fighting was going to take place in a geometric pattern YET also managed to incude the ever so popular ninja factor! That's why Chuck is so cool

06-16-2009, 01:00 PM
Norris' "the octagon" - he knew that in the future real fighting was going to take place in a geometric pattern YET also managed to incude the ever so popular ninja factor! That's why Chuck is so cool

The Octagon was far too cool to be cheesy.
Remeber DC's "POW" where he liberates a bunch of Vietnam POW's and drapes himself in the American Flag?
That was serious cheddar !

David Jamieson
06-16-2009, 01:19 PM
I saw the octagon in theatres when it first came out.

that was some A1 awesomeness!

magnum force was also cool.

man, i gotta get a collection of some 70's fromage-dvds! :p

06-16-2009, 04:46 PM
The more I hear of DC's death saddens me I will always recall my start in Kung fu and how I wanted to walk on rice paper and do jump kicks w/o making a noise. I used to walk in the woods on leaves and not make a sound. I really enjoyed him as an acvtor and will make a pilgrimage to his grave in the future to show respect. I am not the MA I used to be but am glad for what I learned over time and will learn in the future. I hope you will all be respectful of him and the dead that perpetuated our progress. "do you hear the Grasshopper at your feet" I just love it and wish things were simpler now. KC

06-16-2009, 05:19 PM
...it's Silent Flute. Maybe Tony Jaa could play the lead....or Chris Brow (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54178)n. :eek:

06-16-2009, 05:32 PM
I'm waiting to see a resurgance of Jason Scott Lee.:rolleyes:

06-16-2009, 05:54 PM
...it's Silent Flute. Maybe Tony Jaa could play the lead....or Chris Brow (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54178)n. :eek:

if Chris Brown plays Bruce Leroy in the remake of the Last Dragon, can they get Rihanna to play "Suranuff" and re-enact the beating :D

06-16-2009, 09:09 PM
It began when David Carradine shot ______ on ______'s wedding day, only to discover that ______ carried David's illegitimate lovechild. For the following years, a redneck orderly was taking cash from his friends for the chance to touch the comatose ______'s flawlessly pale white flesh. When ______ awoke, he killed the orderly, and Uki, who, for some reason, had shown up in a nurse's outfit.

Flash forward some years, ______ is perched on a building top in Bangkok, hookswords in his hands: wearing his twelve year old he-she "disguise", he sneaks his way into David Carradine's hotel room carrying a length of rope and lingerie, only to discover his and David Carradine's lovechild, Hardwork. ______immediately sees the resemblance, but kills David Carradine anyway.


But whenever they want to remember David Carradine, LKFMDC and Hardwork sit together, watching the original Kung fu series.

Hey I object to that!

One, I would never sit anywhere with the likes of Lkfmdc!


Two, Dave Carradine was lkfmdc's kung fu teacher (and it shows) NOT mine!

So don't ever expect me to sit and watch the "Kung fu" re-reruns, EVER! :mad::D

06-16-2009, 11:26 PM
I saw the octagon in theatres when it first came out.

that was some A1 awesomeness!

magnum force was also cool.

man, i gotta get a collection of some 70's fromage-dvds! :p

I worked on that movie with Chuck Norris (he was too cool to speak to anyone) Aaron Norris (was cool as f**k!) , Richard Norton, John Barret, Gerald Okamura, Lee Van Cleef, Tadashi Yamashi-ta, Simon and Phil Rhee as well as a whole bunch of cool Martial Arts people. As a matter of fact that was the first time I met Danny Bonaducci (Partridge Family) at the audition who was at the time a martial artist.

Rest in Peace David Carradine.

06-17-2009, 03:34 AM
I worked on that movie with Chuck Norris (he was too cool to speak to anyone) Aaron, Norris, Richard Norton, John Barret, Gerald Okamura, Lee Van Cleef, Tadashi Yamashi-ta, Simon and Phil Rhee as well as a whole bunch of cool Martial Arts people. As a matter of fact that was the first time I met Danny Bonaducci (Partridge Family) at the audition.

Rest in Peace David Carradine.

dude if you were Chuck you wouldn't even look at anyone let alone expend coolness by opening your mouth and speaking. You'd be like "I'm like stevie wonder take my autograph and pay your mortgage my son" or something

Chuck gets googled more than jesus, don't sweat it bra...

06-17-2009, 05:18 AM
dude if you were Chuck you wouldn't even look at anyone let alone expend coolness by opening your mouth and speaking. You'd be like "I'm like stevie wonder take my autograph and pay your mortgage my son" or something

Chuck gets googled more than jesus, don't sweat it bra...

I was in awe and I hoped and prayed he didn't pull my arm off and beat me to death with it:eek:

08-14-2009, 09:52 AM
I don't think I need to read this. I saw Break (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54655). That's all I needed to know.

Carradine's ex-wife Marina to publish tell-all book (http://entertainment.oneindia.in/hollywood/top-stories/scoop/2009/david-marina-tell-all-book-120809.html)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009,16:46 [IST]

Washington, (ANI): Late David Carradine's ex-wife Marina Anderson is all set to publish a tell-all book on her marriage to the American actor.

The book will capture Anderson's spiritual journey, the abuse she suffered in her younger years, and will then culminate with her dramatic four-year marriage to David Carradine. And if court papers from their divorce in 2003 are anything to go by, it is going to be one shocking read.

Anderson claimed in the documents that she was not only physically abused by her former husband, but that he also degenerated her in public by touching her inappropriately. It also tells that his 'deviate behaviour' included 'an incestuous relationship with a very close family member' which in the end permeated their marriage.

But while Anderson plans to bare her butt and tell-all in the book, she won't name the person involved in this relationship.

“She wants to help other people, not exploit them,” Fox News quoted her representative as saying, before adding that Anderson already had a draft of the book written before Carradine died from asphyxia in June this year.

08-14-2009, 12:49 PM
I don't think I need to read this. I saw Break (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54655). That's all I needed to know.

rofl no doubt.

im tempted to rip that scene off of the dvd and youtube it just because its so cool. but ive never done that and dont want to teach myself. :p

plus its probably illegal.....:rolleyes:

08-14-2009, 04:17 PM
And Break was kind enough to provide those prizes, so I don't want to encourage you to do that. As it stands, you and I are probably the only ones who have seen that scene on this forum. I suspect the other four winners (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54800) are not members here.

08-14-2009, 04:38 PM
Okay, I'll officially start a roaming indefinate lend out of BREAK. Anyone who wants to watch this, let me know and I'll mail it to you. You just have to be willing to mail it to the next participant. (provided anyone wants in on this)

Its worth the postage to see this scene.

Just imagine *SPOILER* D. C. petting a dwarf......

08-16-2009, 09:10 AM

I saw Break last week. The Carradine scene was completely off the hook and the VERY best part of the movie.

You guys should know by now that when I make a recommendation, I MAKE A RECOMMENDATION!!!!!

It was also good to see Chad Everett back in action. He should definitely do more stuff. He handled the lines like he was licking sweet icing off a cake (I'm trying to keep the imagery clean, but don't let that stop you from going there).

See it already,


12-08-2009, 10:26 AM
You know how everyone gets their pick next to Bruce & Brandon's graves? Anyone going to do that here?

'Kung Fu' musical grave (http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/kung_fu_musical_grave_OkhIvBSIpfA7SWIiumd3pM)
Last Updated: 8:38 AM, December 8, 2009
Posted: 2:23 AM, December 8, 2009

Survivors of actor David Carradine honored the "Kung Fu" star with a loving, musical tribute at his grave.

Family members last week placed a marker at his Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills resting place, with the words "The Barefoot Legend" above lyrics from a song he wrote.

"I'm looking for a place where the dogs don't bite and children don't cry and everything always goes just right and brothers don't fight," according to Carradine's song "Paint."

06-04-2010, 09:30 AM
TMZ has the story

David Carradine's Wife: Film Co. Caused Death (http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/03/david-carradine-died-wrongful-death-lawsuit-wife-bankok-auto-erotic-asphyxiation/)
Originally posted Jun 3rd 2010 3:50 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

David Carradine's wife is suing the production company of the movie he was shooting when he died, claiming the company should never have left David alone that night.

According to the suit and obtained by TMZ, on the night David died he was supposed to have dinner with the director of the movie he was shooting -- "Stretch." The suit claims the production company assigned an assistant to David who was responsible for his schedule and transportation.

Before the dinner, the assistant called David but he didn't answer. The assistant then left for dinner without David. An hour later, David reached the assistant but was told "they were already across town and David Carradine would have to make his own arrangements that evening."

David was found naked in a closet in his hotel room, where he died from auto-erotic asphyxiation one year ago today.

The bottom line -- Mark Geragos, lawyer for Anne Carradine, claims David -- who was only in Bangkok for 3 days -- would not have died had the production company fulfilled its obligations and followed industry standards in caring for its star.

Another odd Carradine TMZ story.

David Carradine Sex Toy Shopping List (http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/10/david-carradine-hanging-sex-toys-bondage-dvd-womens-clothing-susies-delights-hanging-thailand-auto-erotica/)
Originally posted Jun 10th 2009 5:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

David Carradine went to a Los Angeles sex shop he frequented just three weeks before he died and placed a large order for clothing, toys and videos.

According to the owner of Susie's Delights in Tarzana, CA, Carradine was a regular in the store -- shopping there a few times a month for years. The owner tells us Carradine owned almost every piece of bondage equipment in the store.

The order Carradine placed three weeks ago included women's lingerie, stockings, a few pieces of bondage equipment and three bondage DVDs. Some of the items were on back order and Carradine was supposed to come back and pick them up a few weeks later. He never did.

The owner told us when Carradine placed the order he talked to her for almost an hour, saying he was upset because he felt his wife was unhappy with him.

The photo gallery (above) includes various items the owner says Carradine purchased in the store.

KC Elbows
06-04-2010, 09:39 AM
If his wife wins that case, I'll be sueing the forum for that time it went on the fritz and I went and saw 2012.

06-04-2010, 05:05 PM
yes. the film company should take a good care of his senior actors or actresses.

not a good idea to leave alone a senior in a foreign setting.


when you are gone, it is not about how much you may hold on to, but how much you may leave behind---



another generation growing up loving the song.


David Jamieson
06-05-2010, 07:54 AM
Wow I worked on that movie:eek:

really? cool. Octagon or Magnum force?

06-06-2010, 07:45 AM

out of many songs the king left behind

I love this the best.


06-06-2010, 07:49 AM

it is only aboout a year ago.

rest in peace.

06-07-2010, 04:41 PM
Thanks KC Elbows. Thanks a lot for that. :rolleyes:

Let’s Get Real about David Carradine’s Death (http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/blog/lets-get-real-about-david-carradines-death-03866.html)

I’m a David Carradine fan. Well, I’m a fan of David Carradine in movies. I didn’t know David personally, so I can’t say if I’m a personal fan. And be that as it may, I’ve tried to separate out his on-film image from the images conjured up by the reports of his death in Bangkok last year.

The images of David being found dead in a hotel closet with ropes around his neck and genitals.

I didn’t need to know that David. But thanks to the widespread press, I now do.

Why do I bring this up now? Because now David Carradine’s widow, Anne, has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the French production company that was managing Carradine’s final film.

Anne’s lawsuit alleges that the production company, MK2 SA, could’ve prevented the actor’s death if they had provided him with “all the best amenities” and “sufficient assistance”.

I’m not sure just what the hell that means, but after reading several (ok, many) news sources on the story, it appears that David et al were supposed to go to dinner on the night of his demise. When someone from the production company (that would be his aforementioned ”assistance”) called to arrange picking David up, David did not answer the phone. So the dinner party left without him. David apparently called a bit later and the dinner party was already across town—so he was on his own to get himself to the dinner.

He never made it. We know where he made it.

The above crossing of the wires re: dinner plans is apparently part of the “negligence” involved on the part of the production company—ie, that they should not have left Carradine alone that night.

So, when I read such things, I try to put myself in the person’s shoes—you know, what would I have done if I were David. Here’s what I would’ve done: If I were hungry, I would’ve called the concierge or the front desk and arranged for a car to come get me. If not, I would’ve ordered room service and called it a night.

The picture above is of the Swissotel Nai Lert Park in Bangkok—which is where, according to BBC reports at the time, the actor was staying. It’s a 5-star property. For me, the hotel which is described as catering to the “demands of the most discerning traveller” would’ve classified as “all the best amenities”—or at least **** in range.

What was lacking?

It leads me to question things like… how much of David Carradine’s demise was maybe brought on by David himself? How much assistance does a person need to get to dinner? Did David have way the heck more difficulty in managing day-to-day activities than we knew? Did David not answer the phone call on purpose? Was the thread count at the hotel not up to snuff—is that why things moved to the closet?

And reports at the time indicated that Carradine’s sex life and preferences were not, let’s just say, like mine—and that this was a fairly well-known tidbit.

I don’t know—and I truly don’t mean to make light of it (though clearly I am). I also feel badly for the Carradine family—that news blast last year had to be a bit of an embarrassment. But I question Anne Carradine’s motivation.

Oh, maybe this explains it—according to AP, the lawsuit also states that Anne has run into difficulties collecting on an insurance policy that MK2 was required to have for the actor.

KC Elbows
06-08-2010, 06:36 AM
Thanks KC Elbows. Thanks a lot for that. :rolleyes:

Now I'm just gonna have to add mental cruelty to the suit.

Honestly, I'm not a DC hater, but we're all responsible for what we personally do. When something happens to loved ones, it's not uncommon for people to look everywhere but in the loved one for what happened. It was a bad accident associated with risky behavior. People have a hard time accepting this sort of thing. It's like sparring with people, everyone is being reasonable, but an injury happens anyway, and suddenly people forget that the practice has risks and want to place blame and take sides.

06-08-2010, 06:57 AM
(Gene will forgive me I'm sure)

So, in summary, Carradine's wife is saying that everyone knew David was a freak and shouldn't be left alone in a Bangkok hotel room ??? :eek:

07-21-2010, 09:37 AM
So, anyone planning to read David Carradine: The Eye of My Tornado?

David Carradine Book Reveals Incest, Murder Suspicions (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/david-carradine-memoir-reveals-incest-kinky-sex-murder/story?id=11208529)
Fourth Wife Marina Anderson Says She Always Loved 'Kung Fu' Star, Despite Deadly Drugs and Sexual Asphyxiation.
July 21, 2010-

Just over a year ago actor David Carradine died a seedy death, hanging by a drapery cord in the cramped closet of a Bangkok hotel room. Now, his ex-wife says she believes the 72-year-old "Kung Fu" actor was murdered.
Thai police say he may have died from accidental suffocation.

Authorities ruled that Carradine had accidentally suffocated in a lone sex practice known as autoerotic asphyxiation, but his fourth wife, Actress Marina Anderson, claims in a new book that the actor "never flew solo" and the autopsy and other details of his death "just don't fit."

Anderson, who was married to Carradine from 1998 to 2001, admits that her husband's kinky sex life -- a penchant for bondage and being choked to the point of orgasm -- was no surprise, ultimately destroying their marriage and leading to his death.

"I believe he was murdered," she told ABCNews.com in an interview this week. "That's all there is to it."

"For David to accidentally do it to himself, that's not the act," said Anderson. "He never flew solo when we were together. That didn't fit the scenario. David liked participation."

Anderson knew that firsthand from satisfying Carradine's sexual requests during their marriage.

"I never got to the point of suffocation," she said. "It totally freaked me out. I liked having oxygen in my brain."

In her memoir, "David Carradine: The Eye of My Tornado," which hit bookstores this month, Anderson said she was compelled to investigate the mysterious circumstances of Carradine's death, obtaining autopsy results and death scene photos and interviewing coroners in Bangkok, as well as American coroners Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Steven Pitt.

"I was angry," wrote Anderson, now 58. "There were certain things on there that I thought, 'Well, you can't have marks around your neck by just doing an autoerotic or sexual asphyxiation.' I mean, it went over the line. There was something really hinky that happened."

"Maybe someone would want to do that for money. David always carried a lot of cash and he always wore expensive watches -- you can attract unwanted elements," she suggests. "Given what David was into, Thailand, Bangkok is sex heaven, and I think he indulged and something went incredibly wrong."

Carradine was found dead on June 4, 2009 at the Swissotel Nai Lert Park Hotel where he was staying while shooting the film "Stretch." At first it was called a suicide.

Family and friends refuted the findings and Anderson agreed. "David was always happy when he worked," she said. Later, after two autopsies were conducted, Thai authorities concluded Carradine's death had been caused by "accidental asphyxiation."

"I believe he was targeted, whether they went up to his room unsolicited or he got bored and went into town and brought somebody up," said Anderson. "I don't believe he was by himself."

At the time, Carradine family attorney Mark Geragos blamed the death on a mysterious sect of secret kung fu assassins. Geragos did not answer an e-mail from ABCNews.com, and he did not pick up his phone to comment on Anderson's book.

A year later, in June, Carradine's fifth wife and widow, the former Annie Bierman, filed a lawsuit against the production company that was handling the film, alleging breach of contract and wrongful death.

Anderson said she began writing the book long before the couple divorced in 2001, hoping to bring insight into the man whom she said had "intoxicating energy" and a renegade life infused with drugs, alcohol and an appetite for deviant sex.

"I don't think he ever wanted to intentionally hurt anybody," said Anderson. "But when he passed away under the circumstances he did, he was handing the baton to me to correct people's thinking and explain why. I didn't want the last memory with the public to be just that. There's got to be an understanding now of him as a human being, not a celluloid fantasy, with faults and his own demons, and for people to understand why he was like this."

Anderson, who is also an author of children's books and designs jewelry, has made appearances on television's "Ghost Whisperers" and "Desperate Housewives." Last year, she was cast as co-lead in an episode of the NBC series "Unsolved."

Incest Destroyed Carradine-Anderson Marriage

Her book is a tribute to the continuing affection she said she still felt for Carradine, now eight years after their divorce. Anderson explores the most intimate moments of their relationship, as well as the actor's "dark side."
Marina Anderson, wife of David Carradine
Actress Marina Anderson with her then-husband "Kung Fu" actor David Carradine. She has written a memoir about their four-year marriage, which ended in 2001. He died last year of asphyxiation in a hotel room in Thailand.
(Courtesy Marina Anderson)

"I felt I had a very heavy responsibility to his fans, family and our relationship to see that my book was a balanced and truthful recount of our life together," said Anderson. "My memoir is very much a love story...I wanted people to know David as a man, not just an icon, with incredible talents and quirky idiosyncrasies.

"Fans may think this is a trash book, but it's not," she said.

Anderson's four-year marriage to Carradine was eventually derailed by incest. She won't identify the family member she calls, "X" -- not even the gender -- though she acknowledges the relationship was with a younger relative and spanned both his marriages to her and to his previous wife of 11 years, Gail Jensen

Anderson married Carradine after Jensen, a longtime friend, introduced them. Jensen died at the age of 60 this year after a fall linked to her long-time struggle with alcoholism.

"David did to her what he did to me," said Anderson. "Obviously, it was a major problem in the relationship. I wanted to confront him and help him move forward, but I could not."

In 2003 statements to a Los Angeles court when she filed for divorce from the actor, Anderson also said she had suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder after their "roller coaster" marriage.

Anderson writes about pleading with Carradine to seek counseling for the incestuous relationship -- she had even caught him in a compromising situation with the younger relative in their home -- but he refused.

The incest sparked flashbacks to Anderson's own abuse by an uncle as a child, a trauma that she chronicles in the book with the help of "Celebrity Rehab" psychiatrist

Dr. Drew Pinsky . Pinsky also suggests that Carradine was addicted to opiates, which enabled him to sustain pain.

"Not to say he was addicted, but we had a lot of painkillers around," said Anderson. "I have a feeling he was taking some opiates along the way with the [erotic] asphyxiation -- taking it up a notch, escalating the activity to the next level."

Anderson, a Canadian-American, met Carradine in the 1970s, but they did not fall in love until they worked together in Toronto on the set of "Kung Fu: The Legend Continues," a television series that aired from 1993 to 1997. She played a variety of roles in different episodes of the series.

The couple called each other affectionately "Johnny" [Carradine was born John Arthur] and "Blackie" [for her raven hair].

Anderson is largely credited for resurrecting Carradine's career, keeping him sober during their six-year relationship, acting as his publicist and personal manager. She introduced the actor to Quentin Tarantino, who in 2003 cast him in "Kill Bill."

Anderson said she wrote the book to help herself heal and to help others understand the casualty of Carradine's life of addiction and risk-taking.

"I started writing this about nine years ago before he passed away," she said. "I saved letters and notes sent to friends and David. I put them in a folder to help me release a lot of pent-up hurt and frustration."

Anderson reveals numerous personal secrets, from their sensuous lovemaking sessions to the actor's propensity for urinating in public.

"He was very out-there," she said, referring to his experimentation with LSD and mushrooms. "It was the '70s and the free-love era and he had this whole viewpoint on life and you color outside the lines and don't put yourself in a box -- very much the rebel thing and one of the things I loved about him. I learned a lot from him."

continued next post

07-21-2010, 09:39 AM
continued from previous

Marina Anderson Played Choking Sex Games With Carradine (http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/david-carradine-memoir-reveals-incest-kinky-sex-murder/story?id=11208529&page=3)

Anderson admits she, too, tried erotic asphyxiation with Carradine, and felt "obligated to talk about it in her book because of her concern over increased interest among teens in the so-called "choking game."

"I had never experienced anything like that and I was really excited about my relationship and that was new territory for me," she said. "I didn't know that was his meat and potatoes. For me, it was just a phase and I just tried it because it was something new. I was already hooked in the relationship."

But at some point, Anderson said she thought, "Aw, oh, this is really his preference. I really have got a problem on my hands."

Her book is also filled with juicy Hollywood details -- she dated rocker Don Henley of the Eagles and actor Dabney Coleman -- and describes star-studded celebrity parties.

She and Carradine were both dog lovers. Anderson used connections with Robert Redford to buy Carradine a Bernese mountain dog. He helped her choose Lulu, her beloved collie, a sister to one of the dogs used in the TV series "Lassie," to whom Anderson dedicates the book

Profits from the sale of the book will go to animal rescue groups and Children of the Night, an organization that fights child prostitution.

Skeptics may raise their eyebrows over Anderson's heavy reliance on noted psychics and numerologists, including the famed clairvoyant John Edward, who helped her unravel what had happened in Thailand.

She even describes a self-exorcism with olive oil to cleanse their house of "bad vibes."

But the memoir isn't just about Carradine's bizarre sexual proclivities, and Anderson said she hopes it's not a "vindictive" tell-all.

"I was totally intoxicated with him" she said. "Many people can identify with what I went through, and that's the reason I put everything in there. There are complex problems with relationships and it wasn't just the sexual stuff. It is a love story and healing journey."

Though Carradine, son of the prolific actor John Carradine, never talked about it, Anderson said an unstable youth was the source of many of his "demons."

"It didn't come out of the air," she said. "It had to come from somewhere. He wasn't open about it, but he projected an inner core of unhappiness. He was very young when his parents separated and he was off to schools. It was a big abandonment issue. He was shuffled off to one person, then another. It's terribly damaging to a child growing up in those circumstances. He never healed from it."

The couple had tried to have their own children, but several attempts at in vitro fertilization failed.

"David was extremely shy, but I think he would be pleased with this book as well as this being an avenue to help others," she said. "And the dark side was a part of our life, but only a small part of the book."

Even a year later, Anderson says she still gets "choked up" talking to press about Carradine's death.

"I've got to prep myself," she said. "I start shaking with clammy palms and I start crying. It brings it all up again."

07-21-2010, 09:43 AM
this thread came back from the dead...is that carradines ghost I spy?

07-21-2010, 10:21 AM
There's a really good 'choked out' joke in here somewhere, but I'm not going to go there. I'll let y'all descend to that level.

07-21-2010, 07:26 PM
I am not interested in an actor or actress personal life

sex behavior, hobby, or deviant etc etc

however, I do like the tao or all the talking in kung fu series

fighting was a slow judo throw, most of the time.


hypoxia and asphyixation is alway dangerous even for young people let alone 72 years old

we may always fascinate but do need oxygenation fully and not less.



07-21-2010, 07:47 PM



la fascination.


07-21-2010, 07:51 PM
SPJ, yous a funny motherfrakker :)

11-02-2010, 04:13 PM
Three wives: Donna Lee Becht, Linda Anne Gilbert & Annie Bierman, plus two notable romances: Barbara Hershey & Season Hubley. This I got from wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Carradine).

David Carradine -- Alleged Dead Deadbeat (http://www.tmz.com/2010/11/02/david-carradine-alleged-dead-deadbeat-ex-wife-gail-jensen-kung-fu/)
11/2/2010 2:15 PM PDT by TMZ Staff

Even in death, David Carradine is fighting over money with an ex -- according to new court docs, the former "Kung Fu" star owes more than half-a-million bucks to his deceased ex-wife.

David Carradine

Carradine's 3rd wife -- Gail Jensen -- was locked in a legal war with Carradine's estate before she died back in April ... insisting the actor had owed her $250,000 in royalties from "Kung Fu" and "Spirit of Shaolin" ... and $300,000 in tax payments she made on his behalf.

Now, Jensen's sister has taken up the fight -- filing new legal docs in L.A. County Superior Court in an attempt to collect the money.

But there's more drama -- before Gail died, she was battling for estate control against Anne Carradine ... who David was married to at the time of his death.

Anne filed legal papers claiming David only had $40k to his name ... but judging by the new legal docs, Jensen's camp clearly isn't buying it.

11-02-2010, 05:29 PM
if the wifey are fighting over something to remember him by or of values to hold on to

people may respect.

if it is over money, I think most people will care less.

who cares who gets the money.

I am not getting any money, am I?



11-02-2010, 06:13 PM


06-08-2011, 09:28 AM
I worked U2360 last night. This is just after our tournament (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57943). I'm not sure why I'm posting this. I must be tired...

Actress Marina Anderson, Kung Fu TV Icon David Carradine Ex-Wife endorses Herbal Chi Balm (http://www.onlineprnews.com/news/145969-1307487235-actress-marina-anderson-kung-fu-tv-icon-david-carradine-exwife-endorses-herbal-chi-balm.html)

Contact Information
MAYO Communications, 7248 Bernandine Ave 2nd Floor, Street Address 2, Los Angeles - 91307, California, United States
Los Angeles California, 91307

“I tried Sun Born Products Co. Herbal Chi Balm on my sore neck and back, and the pain went away leaving a relaxed, warm, calm feeling in my muscles. I will use it on my next message," said Anderson.

Online PR News – 07-June-2011 –Hollywood, CA - June 07, 2011— Sun Born Natural Products Co. (SunBornNaturalProducts.com) announced today that it’s has earned the support of Actress Marina Anderson, the ex-wife of the late TV Kung Fu series Icon David Carradine. Sun Born Natural Product’s Herbal Chi Balm is a specialized natural product used for relief of pain from physical exertion, minor injury, and used for sports training.

The Herbal Chi Balm formula contains 100 percent pure organic unrefined Shea Butter, and lavender oil along with 20 hot and cold Chinese herbs. “I tried it on my sore neck and back, and not only did it help the pain go away, but it left me with a relaxed, warm, calm feeling in my muscles,” said Marina Anderson. “I’m going to use it next time I get a massage too!”

Anderson, a noted actress (Law & Order: Los Angeles, Desperate Housewives, The Good Life (1997), Natural Selection (1999) Dangerous Curves (2000) (to name a few) is also a voice-over artist, writer, producer, designer makeup artist, acting teacher and coach, personal manager and career consultant. For more than 35 years, Anderson has ventured in practically every facet of the entertainment industry in front of and behind the camera.

The actress was responsible, as personal manager and publicist, for resurrecting the career of the late Kung Fu TV Icon Actor David Carradine (her now, ex-husband), which led to Carradine starring in Quentin Tarrantino's film Kill Bill (2004). During their six years together, her life and career with Carradine has been highly publicized worldwide. Most recently Anderson wrote a book on David Carradine and also has a new line of jewelry called, “The Flying Goddess" (http://www.theflyinggoddess.com/)

To take advantage of a special price of $19.97, or $5.00 off the regular price on the Balm visit:
http://www.sunbornnaturalproducts.com/Order-Products.html for Father's Day, June 19, 2011.

For the full story and details on Sun Born Natural Products Herbal Chi Balm and Actress Marina Anderson visit: http://www.mayocommunications.com/2011-NEWS%20RELEASES/NR-390.htm

For media interviews or media samples contact George Mc Quade, www.MAYO Communications, Publicity@MAYOCommunications.com or call 818-340-5300.

About MAYO Communications:
George S. Mc Quade is a natn'l award winning veteran TV, radio, print journalist and writes a column on new media trends for various blogs including his own company blog @MAYOCommunications.wordpress.com. He is also founder and VP of MAYO Communications & MAYO PR since 1995. www.mayocommunications.com "We don't guarantee media, we just get it!"™ MAYO PR is also the West Coast Bureau odwyerpr.com.

06-08-2011, 09:19 PM
I was choked up when Carradine died...or course not as choked up as he was.

08-18-2011, 10:03 AM
8/17/2011 10:54 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF
David Carradine
Wife Settles Lawsuit Over Actor's Auto-Erotic Death (http://www.tmz.com/2011/08/17/david-carradine-wife-settles-case-lawsuit-death-bangkok-auto-erotic-asphyxiation-thailand-stretch-mk2-productions-mark-geragos-anne-carradine-annie-bierman/#.Tk1FtWHgnXw)

David Carradine's wife has just settled her case against the production company of the movie David was shooting when he died of auto-erotic asphyxiation ... TMZ has learned.

Anne Carradine had sued MK2 Productions, claiming they had a duty to supervise David while he was on the shoot for the movie, "Stretch." Anne claims the night David died in his Thailand hotel room, the production staff had gone to dinner and told David he would have to make his own arrangements for the evening.

Sources tell us that MK2 paid Anne money to settle. And, we're told the other defendants -- including the hotel and insurance company have settled as well.

In all, sources say Anne will get around $400,000 from the defendants.
I did a search for an image of Anne Carradine. Here it is:
http://www.sugarslam.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/2008+World+Experience+DPA+Gift+Lounge+Day+L25kXlKx Tasl.jpg
Unfortunately I also stumbled on an image of David in death. I'm not going to post that one.

I still have David Carradine's message on my voicemail from when I interviewed him for Kung Fu Killer (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/ezine/article.php?article=779).

08-18-2011, 11:54 AM
a cultural icon from 1970s.

do not like "kill bills".

but like "kung fu series"

the first one better

and not so much the sequel.


" my name is kane, kwai chang kane.

I will help you. "



08-18-2011, 11:56 AM
he played a dirty old chinese man in crank2 with a habbit of stealing organs.

08-18-2011, 01:12 PM
his tragedy was her big pay day, typical

06-18-2013, 09:22 AM
If so, go to this show and let us know here how it is.

Hollywood Museum honors 'Kung Fu' star David Carradine (http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-david-carradine-hollywood-museum-exhibit-20130613,0,6163720.story)

The late David Carradine is the subject of a new exhibit at the Hollywood Museum. (Damon Winter / Los Angeles Times / April 7, 2004)

By Susan King
June 13, 2013, 9:19 a.m.

The Hollywood Museum is celebrating the legacy of the late David Carradine, who was best known for his role in the 1970s TV series, "Kung Fu" and for his title role in Quentin Tarantino's "Kill Bill" martial arts flicks.

"The Barefoot Legend: David Carradine — a Contemporary Renaissance Man" opens June 21 at the museum, located at the venerable Max Factor Building in Hollywood, and continues through September.

The exhibit will feature costumes, props and other materials, including his personal sword collection, that shine the spotlight not only on his acting career, but his work as an artist and musician.

Carradine, the son of legendary character actor John Carradine, made his feature film debut in the 1964 Western, "Taggart." It was his role as Kwai Chan Caine ("Grasshopper") in the 1972-1975 series "Kung Fu" that made him a star. In 1976, he played singer Woody Guthrie in Hal Ashby's acclaimed 1976 "Bound for Glory."

He made more than 100 movies and was nominated four times for a Golden Globe-the last time for 2004's "Kill Bill: Vol. 2."

Carradine died in June 2009 at the age of 72. His death in Bangkok, where he was making a movie, made headlines when he was found hanging naked in his hotel room. His death was ruled asphyxiation by hanging but not a suicide.

06-18-2013, 09:24 AM
every time I think about Carradine, I get all choked up....

06-18-2013, 10:49 AM
It must be from all that closeted emotions you have for him.

06-18-2013, 10:51 AM
That photo...

..... they had him stuffed?


06-18-2013, 11:02 AM
I was the big fannies of david carrradine. I wish we could meet and hang.

06-18-2013, 12:07 PM
lmao you guys are azzholes :p

06-18-2013, 12:13 PM
to be fair, we'd rip on each other just as much if any of us were found in a closet in a thailand hotel dead whilst performing erotic self(supposedly self) asphyxiation to pass the time.

06-18-2013, 12:18 PM
To be fair, the guy is in the sex capitol of the planet and instead of going out he decides to yank it by himself in the closet

06-18-2013, 12:25 PM
to be fair, he was probably being choked and stroked by one of bawangs suggested thai trannys. but they didnt stick around. i mean, who would want to admit to banging david carradine in a closet?

06-18-2013, 01:06 PM
To be fair, he probably was not stuffed.

He was freeze dried.


06-18-2013, 01:35 PM
he was stuffed and mounted

but not in that order

06-18-2013, 01:41 PM
Just out of curiosity, who else here has ever been to Thailand? I spent a couple weeks there and came back bruised and the victim of a robbery.

David Carradine exhibition to open at the Hollywood Museum (http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/Movies/2013/06/13/David-Carradine-exhibition-to-open-at-the-Hollywood-Museum/UPI-65781371130164/)

David Carradine arrives on the red carpet at the 18th annual Night of 100 Stars Oscar viewing party at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Beverly Hills, California on February 24, 2008. (UPI Photo/David Silpa)
Published: June 13, 2013 at 9:29 AM

LOS ANGELES, June 13 (UPI) -- The Hollywood Museum says its exhibit "The Barefoot Legend: David Carradine -- A Contemporary Renaissance Man" is to open next week.

Co-sponsored by The Hollywood Reporter, the exhibit honoring Carradine's life and career is to run from June 21 through September. On display will be iconic costumes, props and materials from his "Kung Fu" television show and "Kill Bill" movies, as well as numerous other items intended to present imagery and artifacts from his life as an actor, artist and musician.

"The Hollywood Museum is thrilled to present this milestone exhibit showcasing David Carradine's many awards and his exciting, fast-paced professional and personal life," Donelle Dadigan, the museum's president and founder, said in a statement. "The first of its kind to capture the many facets and talents of this truly contemporary Renaissance man, the exhibit is here for the public and fans to experience this summer."

Carradine died in Bangkok in June 2009. His death at 72 was ruled asphyxiation by hanging that was not a suicide. The actor was found hanging naked in a hotel closet with a rope tied around his neck and genitals. He had been in the Thai city working on a film at the time he died.

06-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Just out of curiosity, who else here has ever been to Thailand? I spent a couple weeks there and came back bruised and the victim of a robbery.

you should have used more lube :p

06-18-2013, 01:56 PM
Just out of curiosity, who else here has ever been to Thailand? I spent a couple weeks there and came back bruised and the victim of a robbery.

To be fair, thats what happens when you travel to Thailand with David Carradine.

David Jamieson
06-18-2013, 01:58 PM
You know, there's probably some hippy out there who based his entire world view around the kind of pseudo jewish/buddhist/taoist/christian/confucian philo platitudes spouted by DC on a weekly basis in the 70's who is now raging in apoplectic shock at you guys.

So...good job! :p

06-18-2013, 01:59 PM
You should go. It's fun. Really it is.

06-18-2013, 02:02 PM
You should go. It's fun. Really it is.

have had a planned trip there cancelled three times, but I'll make it eventually

06-18-2013, 02:06 PM
Let me know when we're going to Gene!! Thanks for the invite bro. :p

06-18-2013, 02:56 PM
lmao you guys are azzholes :p

dude stole bruce lees glory, hated Chinese people but milked kung fu for 40 years

06-18-2013, 04:02 PM
"hated Chinese people'

?? what are you basing this on?

06-18-2013, 04:17 PM
'I don't blame David Carradine for all the anti-Asian racism in America. But he had an important and highly visible role in a vicious feedback loop. Audiences identified with his performance of a calm, detached, self-important masculinity seemingly grounded in an exotic Asian tradition. He satisfied certain urges of the audience in that regard, and as he performed, he innovated, and created new and more refined stereotypes with extra layers of self-awareness and sophistication. His performances also worked to naturalize the desire of white people to appropriate the aspects of Asian culture they happened to find most appealing.'

06-18-2013, 05:01 PM
dude stole bruce lees glory, hated Chinese people but milked kung fu for 40 years

I really don't care who says what about Carradine. I enjoyed Kung Fu and so long as I am still able to, I don't care who says what about him. I was just remarking sarcastically on the tongue-in-cheek humor of others, which actually did crack me up ;)

06-18-2013, 05:13 PM
I really don't care who says what about Carradine. I enjoyed Kung Fu and so long as I am still able to, I don't care who says what about him. I was just remarking sarcastically on the tongue-in-cheek humor of others, which actually did crack me up ;)

It's ok bro, we dont think less of you for your life choices.

06-18-2013, 05:35 PM
It's ok bro, we dont think less of you for your life choices.

You guys aren't gonna beat me up and take my lunch money?

06-18-2013, 05:40 PM
You guys aren't gonna beat me up and take my lunch money?

we dress you up as a woman and tell leung ting you are pregnant

06-18-2013, 05:45 PM
we dress you up as a woman and tell leung ting you are pregnant

I herd u guis r in a gang. Can I be in ur gang plz?

06-18-2013, 05:47 PM
The Order of the Avenging Dragon of the Guards of the Dragon Throne finally got him.

06-18-2013, 05:47 PM
We are kungfu guys, first we have to talk about you behind your back, and then maybe if you pay us we may consider it.

06-18-2013, 05:48 PM
I herd u guis r in a gang. Can I be in ur gang plz?

you like david carradine. you are the loolee loolee like him. we don't accept people who like to go in van to edge of forest and do bang bang bang in anoos.

06-18-2013, 06:00 PM
you like david carradine. you are the loolee loolee like him. we don't accept people who like to go in van to edge of forest and do bang bang bang in anoos.

I only like him so far as Kung Fu (the TV show) is concerned. Otherwise, I really don't care :p

06-18-2013, 06:17 PM
You should go. It's fun. Really it is.

Well, I've gone. Twice. Bangkok and Chiang Mai. It's fun...but it's a dump. Nice temples though. If I go back again (probably have to since my uncle is retiring there), I'll just go to the beach.

Oh and the Muay Thai fights (at least that I saw) are mostly garbage, and probably rigged. :(

Kellen Bassette
06-18-2013, 06:24 PM
I've seen Carradine and been to Thailand, but not at the same time....

David Jamieson
06-19-2013, 08:09 AM
I've seen Carradine and been to Thailand, but not at the same time....

So, that's your alibi is it?

What do you know about the closet?!

Tell us!

06-19-2013, 10:17 AM
Did you guys train when you were there? I did. Mostly for bragging rights. That's how I got bruised. It was fun tho.

06-19-2013, 10:29 AM

Notice how Gene nonchalantly talks about getting bruised in Thailand (his upper lip was not moving when typing it).

Bruised in Thailand?? It is more likely that he got a blister and is too ashamed to talk about it. Still, he had a great time getting it.


Orion Paximus
06-19-2013, 10:31 AM
Did you guys train when you were there? I did. Mostly for bragging rights. That's how I got bruised. It was fun tho.

I've considered going here http://www.kungfuretreat.com/ but mostly so I could walk around shirtless and get huge tattoos and try to explain how I did fake shaolin in fake china

Sima Rong
06-19-2013, 04:23 PM
Dear old master Dave of 'Kung Fu,'
choked himself with a ribbon till blue,
I've heard this is thrilling
but it's made a killing
of Hide, and Hutchence, and you.

06-19-2013, 07:41 PM
Did you guys train when you were there? I did. Mostly for bragging rights. That's how I got bruised. It was fun tho.

Nah. I would have liked to (also just for bragging rights), but I was only there for a few days each time, and frankly it's too hot to train there... I was sweating just sitting still. I did watch a class though. It was pretty decent, except some of the guys were wearing these rubber suits to make them sweat more--totally unnecessary (and unhealthy) IMO.

probably someone can use this rubber suit thing to segue back to Carradine. :p

Kellen Bassette
06-19-2013, 07:44 PM
So, that's your alibi is it?

What do you know about the closet?!

Tell us!

I didn't see nothing...

Kellen Bassette
06-19-2013, 07:51 PM
Did you guys train when you were there? I did. Mostly for bragging rights. That's how I got bruised. It was fun tho.

You got to train if your already there...get yourself away from Bangkok and Pattaya and you won't be so distracted...;)