View Full Version : Meeting of Forum Members

Lama Pai Sifu
06-09-2009, 11:26 AM
Last Sunday, Chris Jurak (Tai Giik Yaan) and I went up to Elenville, NY to the Tai Chi weekend to meet in person, the mighty Dale Dugas and the legendary Gene Ching.

Chris and I had a great time and both Gene and Dale are 1st class individuals. We talked some martial arts, shared some stories, mentioned LKFMDC a few times and took some pictures.

We also had a chance to break some bread and have lunch with one of Dale's teachers, Sifu John Painter. Painter was as cool as they come and we chatted about everything from Gun control laws, Tibetan tea, breaking handcuffs and obviously,...martial arts. I've always enjoyed his articles and it was good to meet him in person.

As a bonus, we met Uki as well. He is a wirey guy who demonstrated some amazing skill - he can juggle 3, 9lb cannon balls. Those things were heavy!

Anyway, besides hanging with these guys, I think I would have put a revolver in my mouth had a stayed there for the whole weekend. Lots of tree huggers and such. If you ever get the chance to meet Gene or Dale, take the time to do so.

Dale - thanks again for the free swag! You're the man!

Gene - I'll get an article about the temple to you in a week. In the meantime, send me your email and I'll forward you some pics.


06-09-2009, 12:01 PM
mentioned LKFMDC a few times .....

- "**** him, **** him to hell!"

- "can no one rid us of this plague!"

- "I have put a price on his head!"

Lama Pai Sifu
06-09-2009, 01:11 PM
"-**** him, **** him to hell!"

Too late. You've been married and divorced. Hell has got nothing on 'Fong Fong'.

- "can no one rid us of this plague!"
There is not enough penecillin in the world...

- "I have put a price on his head!"
If one of us was the price-gun police, yes. Like your head is produce and it was on sale. $4.99!!!

"Have at you!"

06-09-2009, 02:35 PM
Couple of years ago at Taiji Legacy I got a chance to have a beer with Porkchop and also chat with Gene.

I was trying to organize a dinner the night prior to the comp. But only Porkchop showed up. Gonna make another attempt this year if anyone is attending.

I also frequent a firearms enthusiast board and we started a monthly dinner for those member in the DFW area as well as shoots here and there at various gun ranges. I have become close friends a few people from that.

Its nice to be around like minded people.

06-09-2009, 02:41 PM
I'm so tempted to merge this with our ZSF thread (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53492), but I'm not going to because the tree-huggers will pout. And I say that as a self-proclaimed tree hugger myself. Come on. Ever hugged a tree? They're so cuddly. The only down side is that the sap can stain your kilt. :eek:

We were really honored that you guys showed up. Dale and I were close to putting money on y'all being no shows, but you are all men of your words, and that's a fine and rare attribute in this age, especially for forum denizens. That was really reaffirming.

As for our discussion of lkfmdc, I'm not sure if we laughed more or spit more. Ok, just kidding. I think we were all on the same page with our opinions of lkfmdc, more or less. Dave, were your ears burning? Don't let it go to your head - you weren't the only forum member we discussed. :p

LPS, you can reach me at Gene@KungFuMagazine.com. I look forward to your submission.

Pork Chop
06-09-2009, 03:45 PM
A few years back it was me, Suntzu, NoKnow, MerryPrankster, ShaolinTiger00, and Apoweyn. That one get-together really influenced me and where I'm at today.

Hopefully this year at Taiji Legacy we can get something good going.

David Jamieson
06-09-2009, 04:02 PM
You guys are lucky to have such events.

In canada it's hard to organize a 2 car parade on a good day.


06-09-2009, 04:56 PM
I just updated the title of the Legends of Kung Fu 2009 thread. (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51496) I will be arriving on Friday and leading a workshop for writers that afternoon. I'm not sure what my commitments will be exactly over the weekend but I'd love to get together with you all. I'm sorry I missed xcakid's gathering last time. Bone Daddy's was too far for all of us (although we all appreciated the intention). We need to find somewhere that's super close - easy for everyone. Let's take this discussion up on that thread.

Also, we're looking at a place to stage an afterparty for Tiger Claw’s KungFuMagazine.com Championship (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53126) on June 27. It's right in the heart of downtown San Jose, in stumbling distance of several bars and night clubs. I was just down there yesterday scoping the scene. I hope some of you can come out for that too, of course.

06-09-2009, 06:53 PM
We were really honored that you guys showed up. Dale and I were close to putting money on y'all being no shows, but you are all men of your words, and that's a fine and rare attribute in this age, especially for forum denizens. That was really reaffirming. if men aren't of their words, they have no buisness posting them. :)

Mr Punch
06-09-2009, 07:30 PM
You guys are lucky to have such events.

In canada it's hard to organize a 2 car parade on a good day.

:(You guys have two cars?! :confused:

I've met a few guys through the forum. It's usually productive... and thousands of times more so than writing on it! ;)

David Jamieson
06-09-2009, 07:33 PM
You guys have two cars?! :confused:

I've met a few guys through the forum. It's usually productive... and thousands of times more so than writing on it! ;)

well,to be fair, i've met guys from other forums, but none from this one so far.

everything happens stateside from this forum. There's guys from Canada here, but so far, nope, not yet.

Mr Punch
06-09-2009, 07:58 PM
I've met three of my regular training partners through this board, though admittedly they're hardened lurkers so you wouldn't know them anyway. I've had occasional contact with some others, and am looking forward to one day meeting and training with Kansuke whenever he comes over here and if he ever has any spare time when he does (not so likely) and with Pork Chop, who considers it every now and then, eh, Pork?!

There've been a fair few no shows though, some of whom asked me to set up and find dojo for them, or train their ex-students or what have you and then rather ill-manneredly blew me out... [/shrug] I'm busy enough without having to meet new people, but without having to run around and organise things for strangers too... nowadays, we meet, we talk, we maybe eat or drink AND then I'll organise something for you!

06-09-2009, 08:11 PM
Don't forget, it was MK, NortherPracticioner, and Lost_Track that kicked off the KFM meet and greet at Taiji Legacy in 2003 with GiGi.

All others have stood on our shoulders!

06-10-2009, 06:03 AM
I've met folks from other forums . It's a good thing to do, some really good friendships develop from it. If any of you are at Tiger Claw June 27th drop by and say hello, be great to meet you

In reality this is a good form with a group of good people ( trolls excluded) on it. I enjoy this place, thanks ,


Pork Chop
06-10-2009, 07:17 AM
Don't forget, it was MK, NortherPracticioner, and Lost_Track that kicked off the KFM meet and greet at Taiji Legacy in 2003 with GiGi.

All others have stood on our shoulders!

our's was in december of 2002 :p

Pork Chop
06-10-2009, 07:25 AM
... and with Pork Chop, who considers it every now and then, eh, Pork?!

I'm going to Japan again in October of 2010 to introduce my kid to his grandparents.
Though, we'll probably just spend time in Okinawa and Ishigaki.
The plan is to spend the first week in Japan, drop the kid off with the grandparents for 2 weeks and have a vacation in Thailand (always wanted to train at a camp).
I'd like to go out to an Izakaya at the very least, if at all possible.

06-10-2009, 07:32 AM
our's was in december of 2002 :p

pics or it didn't happen

06-10-2009, 09:11 AM
TJL...er, I mean LoKF, has always been a hotspot for forum rendezvous. I've met a ton of you all down there. We even did a Will Break Boards for Food (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41273)shoot with Shaolinlueb at TJL years ago. I've often thought that was the perfect role for forum members, at least the ones that don't run schools. To this day, SLL remains the lone forum member to have done one... :D

06-10-2009, 09:51 AM
Well Gene there is always Twin Peaks restaurant in Plano it is about 3-5 miles away to the Holiday Inn where the seminars are being held.

Will post info and see if there is any interest around July.

06-10-2009, 10:11 AM
Let's take this up on the LoKF thread (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?t=51496).

Hey, while I'm all about LPS posting this thread here (it's refreshingly positive) does anyone else wonder about the underlying implication of his post given the 1000 words photo (http://ezine.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showpost.php?p=940096&postcount=167)? :p

Dale Dugas
06-10-2009, 10:20 AM
Last Sunday, Chris Jurak (Tai Giik Yaan) and I went up to Elenville, NY to the Tai Chi weekend to meet in person, the mighty Dale Dugas and the legendary Gene Ching.

Chris and I had a great time and both Gene and Dale are 1st class individuals. We talked some martial arts, shared some stories, mentioned LKFMDC a few times and took some pictures.

We also had a chance to break some bread and have lunch with one of Dale's teachers, Sifu John Painter. Painter was as cool as they come and we chatted about everything from Gun control laws, Tibetan tea, breaking handcuffs and obviously,...martial arts. I've always enjoyed his articles and it was good to meet him in person.

As a bonus, we met Uki as well. He is a wirey guy who demonstrated some amazing skill - he can juggle 3, 9lb cannon balls. Those things were heavy!

Anyway, besides hanging with these guys, I think I would have put a revolver in my mouth had a stayed there for the whole weekend. Lots of tree huggers and such. If you ever get the chance to meet Gene or Dale, take the time to do so.

Dale - thanks again for the free swag! You're the man!

Gene - I'll get an article about the temple to you in a week. In the meantime, send me your email and I'll forward you some pics.



It was great meeting you as well.

And you are very welcome for the schwag. Always wanting people to try my stuff and give me some honest feedback which I know I will get from you.

I have some photos that I have to upload here as well.

Ill do that when I get home this weekend.

Be well brothers.