View Full Version : Machida footsweep on concrete

07-13-2009, 08:17 PM

07-13-2009, 08:33 PM
I kind of want to see what happens afterwards. She was slipping and sliding way before she got sweeped.

Tough guys all around it seems.

07-13-2009, 08:37 PM
I kind of want to see what happens afterwards. She was slipping and sliding way before she got sweeped.

Tough guys all around it seems.


Mr Punch
07-13-2009, 08:39 PM
What a ****head.

07-13-2009, 09:49 PM
What a ****head.

Touchy subject.

She WAS being a ***** and he did what we all WANTED to do, but probably wouldn't have. Chivalry, and all...

07-13-2009, 09:56 PM
Yeah, when she was all like "Yeah, I AM a b1tch!" and throws the beer in his face, well if it was me I would have just fantasized about knocking her feet out from under her, 'cause I wouldn't hit a woman for such a ridiculous thing. But still, it would have taken a bit of self control not to follow through with it. She thought she was hot sh1t and that she could do whatever she wanted.... she found out differently...

07-13-2009, 10:10 PM
Touchy subject.

She WAS being a ***** and he did what we all WANTED to do, but probably wouldn't have. Chivalry, and all...

1. you never touch a woman no matter what she does

2. if you don't come on like an a-hole and push even when the woman obviously has no interest, she probably won;t throw beer in your face

even if she does, see 1. you never touch a woman no matter what she does

Mr Punch
07-13-2009, 10:34 PM
Touchy subject.

She WAS being a ***** and he did what we all WANTED to do, but probably wouldn't have. Chivalry, and all...What a ****head .

07-13-2009, 11:30 PM
I agree it was a ***** thing to do, but you gotta keep in mind there are certain cultures where they just don't take that kind of slack from a woman...especially not an American one. That's something too many of us are ignorant of when traveling abroad. I say she's a bimbo for not knowing better.

Mr Punch
07-13-2009, 11:39 PM
I agree it was a ***** thing to do, but you gotta keep in mind there are certain cultures where they just don't take that kind of slack from a woman...especially not an American one. That's something too many of us are ignorant of when traveling abroad. I say she's a bimbo for not knowing better.
What a ****head.

07-14-2009, 03:46 AM
He broke the Connery Rule.

07-14-2009, 03:51 AM
I'm sure it is a situational thing but usually girls do not go around throwing beer in people's faces. You have those rare cases where provocation is not necessary but I would have just had one of my female friends fight her. :D

Seriously though, it probably didn't have to go that far.

07-14-2009, 03:52 AM
the whole 'never hit a woman no matter what she does' is VERY chauvanistic in essence. by saying that, men are continuing to say that women are too stupid to realize the consequences of their actions and we should treat them as less than equals.

when a woman decides to physically attack a man she is counting on whatever chivalry he has to allow her to unfairly attack him. that's as bad a case of bullying as any other.

not saying that is the case here. just a general response to the general statements made.

taai gihk yahn
07-14-2009, 04:34 AM
He broke the Connery Rule.
I would say that he actually fulfilled it! somewhere, Sir Sean is smiling...

that said, it was flat out wrong to do that: if she had tried / succeeded to hit him over the head w/a beer bottle, fine; take gender out of it, it's got nothing to do w/it - he is guilty of aggravated assault;

07-14-2009, 04:53 AM
I would say that he actually fulfilled it! somewhere, Sir Sean is smiling...

no, i don't really think so...

that said, it was flat out wrong to do that: if she had tried / succeeded to hit him over the head w/a beer bottle, fine; take gender out of it, it's got nothing to do w/it - he is guilty of aggravated assault;

...because, he did break the rule.

It was wrong. At most, the retaliation should have been another cup of beer in her face...response equal to the threat. He overstepped the line.

Also, I believe that the bigger, stronger and better you are, the more you are obligated to moderate your response. If you CAN completely decimate someone, you should not generally need to do so.

I like the 'fast approach with sudden stillness in thier face' response to mild physical threats: get in there face faster than they believed possible and then don't move while giving them that 'look'.

Most men CAN subdue a woman w/o really coming to blows with them. A simple bear hug and lift them off their feet till they stop screaming at you works...or did the several times I had to use it as a bouncer.

07-14-2009, 06:18 AM
he shoulda just given her a wedgie.
payback is so much more gratifying when it involves humiliation.

07-14-2009, 06:25 AM
1. you never touch a woman no matter what she does

2. if you don't come on like an a-hole and push even when the woman obviously has no interest, she probably won;t throw beer in your face

even if she does, see 1. you never touch a woman no matter what she does

yah that's what I truly thought... until I took a kickboxing class at your gym. :rolleyes:

07-14-2009, 06:39 AM
the whole 'never hit a woman no matter what she does' is VERY chauvanistic in essence. by saying that, men are continuing to say that women are too stupid to realize the consequences of their actions and we should treat them as less than equals.

no, it's saying that as a general rule (Monji is making a joke because we have a female fighter who has beaten up a lot of guys in the gym, but that is an EXCEPTION) but as a general rule women are not as big and strong as a man

Also, "equality" and all that crap aside, women are NOT men... there are differences

07-14-2009, 06:54 AM
we need the evil sanjuro to post pics of manly women bodybuilders, like bev francis in her prime... y'know, the ones with the huge jaws..

07-14-2009, 07:01 AM
no, it's saying that as a general rule (Monji is making a joke because we have a female fighter who has beaten up a lot of guys in the gym, but that is an EXCEPTION) but as a general rule women are not as big and strong as a man

right, and I covered that

Also, "equality" and all that crap aside, women are NOT men... there are differences

agreed...but, when they cross a line that no should really cross then they are no more or less than equal...that does not mean that you should respond to the point where Machida does...but saying 'never touch a woman no matter what she does' is silly. when a woman crosses the line to the physical she is not asking for it any less than a man who crosses that line.

besides, there are plenty of women out there who have killed or seriously hurt other people...I don't think you can say 'never touch a woman no matter what she does' applies in those instances.

07-14-2009, 07:05 AM
If a six year old kid ran up to you and punched you in the thigh, would you punch them back? I mean "the kid had it coming, he crossed the line"?

I had a former GF come at me with a knife once. I grabbed her wrist and took the knife away. Did I beat her up afterwards? NO.

07-14-2009, 07:16 AM
If a six year old kid ran up to you and punched you in the thigh, would you punch them back? I mean "the kid had it coming, he crossed the line"?

not at all, that doesn't mean he wouldn't get a discussion and possibly a swat on the ass to help make the point

I had a former GF come at me with a knife once. I grabbed her wrist and took the knife away. Did I beat her up afterwards? NO.

right, you didn't have too because you were 'bigger, faster, stronger or better'

personally, i stop dating chicks if they think it is cool to punch or hit a guy...much less take a knife to me

please go back and read EVERYTHING i said

07-14-2009, 07:19 AM
I left the apartment and the chick after the knife thing , no duh

So, are you concerned with the attack of the 50 foot woman maybe?

David Jamieson
07-14-2009, 07:19 AM
What the dude should have done is spoken to her calmly, and then shouted out loudly "I would never give you 100 dollars to sleep with you".

Then he could walk away in disgust while all her friends think she tried to ho herself to another tourist. lol

anyway, he shouldn't of dumped her, but she was being a shmuck.

07-14-2009, 07:25 AM
we need the evil sanjuro to post pics of manly women bodybuilders, like bev francis in her prime... y'know, the ones with the huge jaws..

I have my standards, to quote Austin Powers, "That's a Man !!"

taai gihk yahn
07-14-2009, 07:26 AM
...because, he did break the rule.
no, I hear you - I was just goofin' is all;

I like the 'fast approach with sudden stillness in thier face' response to mild physical threats: get in there face faster than they believed possible and then don't move while giving them that 'look'.
problem is, some people are so stupid, especially if they never have had their asses handed to them physically, that if you do that, they interpret it as "oh, he got in my face but couldn't do anything else"

Most men CAN subdue a woman w/o really coming to blows with them. A simple bear hug and lift them off their feet till they stop screaming at you works...or did the several times I had to use it as a bouncer.
I certainly agree it's a matter of degree, etc.; and again, I don't think it should be gender specific - it should be based purely on physical attributes; so a beer bottle attack may have not warranted a sweep, but hey, if she had pulled her knife out, which you never know, she may have been getting ready to do that...:p

07-14-2009, 07:26 AM
I simply would have choked her out, laid her on her back and teabagged her while a friend took some pics and then posted it on the web.
Its how I roll.

taai gihk yahn
07-14-2009, 07:28 AM
I had a former GF come at me with a knife once.
and to this day, all who know and luv Dave regard her as, "She Who Did What The Rest of Us Only Dream Of Doing";

BTW, she didn't happen to be a 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Japanese gal who lived on King Street in the W. Village around summer of '89 by any chance? no reason, just asking...

taai gihk yahn
07-14-2009, 07:29 AM
I simply would have choked her out, laid her on her back and teabagged her while a friend took some pics and then posted it on the web.
Its how I roll.

remind me to never, EVER, grapple w/you...

07-14-2009, 07:48 AM
I left the apartment and the chick after the knife thing , no duh

So, are you concerned with the attack of the 50 foot woman maybe?

not really, my vertical leap is getting pretty good...would just have to find a body condom....

07-14-2009, 07:52 AM
What the dude should have done is spoken to her calmly, and then shouted out loudly "I would never give you 100 dollars to sleep with you".

Then he could walk away in disgust while all her friends think she tried to ho herself to another tourist. lol

anyway, he shouldn't of dumped her, but she was being a shmuck.

he was probably being a schmuck too...didn't get audio so I don't know...a smart man would have started a food fight and made her change her mind

07-14-2009, 07:55 AM
no, I hear you - I was just goofin' is all;

i know :)

problem is, some people are so stupid, especially if they never have had their asses handed to them physically, that if you do that, they interpret it as "oh, he got in my face but couldn't do anything else"

c'mon...you've seen pictures...i'm one ugly *******...generally considered 'big' and pride myself on my 'scary' face :p

I certainly agree it's a matter of degree, etc.; and again, I don't think it should be gender specific - it should be based purely on physical attributes; so a beer bottle attack may have not warranted a sweep, but hey, if she had pulled her knife out, which you never know, she may have been getting ready to do that...:p

a beer bottle attack would warrant a sweep in my book...i thought all i saw was a glass of beer thrown in his face???

however, any retaliation after an attack is over is simply another attack...you can do many things to prevent a real attack but once the threat is over you have a duty to retreat...he obviously did not retreat

07-14-2009, 08:04 AM
remind me to never, EVER, grapple w/you...

What are you saving up to be. jewish?

Quick story:
years ago, in one of the Kodokan closed door sessions ( BB only) one particular asswipe that was always a tad mouthy, got choked out, his pants were pulled of and on his ass was written in permanent marker, " Property of the Kodokan".

07-14-2009, 08:08 AM
Some women are crazier and feistier than others. I had a female friend years ago who got into a fight (a REAL fight) with her boyfriend. When I and another friend saw what her face looked like (pretty messed up) from being hit, we were getting ready to hunt the guy down & have our own... "conversation"... with him. She asked us not to and admitted that he was just defending himself. We said "bullsh1t, how much need could he have to do THIS to a petite little barbie-doll looking woman?"

Then we saw what HE looked like. There really would have been no point in beating the guy any further than what he'd already received. She had really done a number on him.

And as a former law enforcement officer, I can tell you that men sometimes do get stabbed by women, and sometimes it's fatal. Of course it all depends on the situation. The one in the vid was truly an unwarranted level of response. The woman WAS being a b1tch (and maybe the guy had brought that on himself, who knows), but yeah, there were many more appropriate responses to "assault with a deadly beverage"...

07-14-2009, 08:12 AM
What are you saving up to be. jewish?

Quick story:
years ago, in one of the Kodokan closed door sessions ( BB only) one particular asswipe that was always a tad mouthy, got choked out, his pants were pulled of and on his ass was written in permanent marker, " Property of the Kodokan".

and i was given a hard time for wanting to spank transgressors on the OT forum????

07-14-2009, 08:22 AM
What a ****head .

The thing that made me mad was the fact that she completely WASTED a full glass of booze!

Who DOES that?!?!?

taai gihk yahn
07-14-2009, 08:25 AM
What are you saving up to be. jewish?
wow, you'd think HW108 would have stopped w/the racist comments by now...

07-14-2009, 08:30 AM
wow, you'd think HW108 would have stopped w/the racist comments by now...

Now, that was just uncalled for !

By the way, points if you can guess what movie that "jewish" remark was from.

Mr Punch
07-14-2009, 08:32 AM
The thing that made me mad was the fact that she completely WASTED a full glass of booze!

Who DOES that?!?!?Good point. Beeyatch got away lightly.

07-14-2009, 09:19 AM

07-14-2009, 09:42 AM

Well done Sir !!

07-14-2009, 10:01 AM

i actually watched platoon this past weekend, and sniper, it was a back to back weekend of badassness.

07-14-2009, 10:13 AM

i actually watched platoon this past weekend, and sniper, it was a back to back weekend of badassness.

As a former Sniper I always had a soft spot for that movie.

07-14-2009, 10:41 AM
As a former Sniper I always had a soft spot for that movie.

i just got a copy of 'Taps' for 4.99 and watched it for the first time in 20 years

07-14-2009, 11:36 AM
Not to derail the humor of this thread, but I thought I would add that women in today's society are much more violent and potentially deadly than any other time I can think of. For example, Steve McNair's wack job girlfriend shoots him while he is asleep on the couch, then, not a week later, Arturo Gatti's wife stabs him and strangles him with a purse strap while he is passed out drunk. Now I would never condone hitting a woman for merely ****ing you off or even hitting you, I think the douche bag in the video was way out of line. However, you throw a knife or gun or any deadly weapon into the mix, that is a different story. If I believe my life to be threatened, I do not discriminate when it comes to violence.

07-14-2009, 11:46 AM
no, it's saying that as a general rule (Monji is making a joke because we have a female fighter who has beaten up a lot of guys in the gym, but that is an EXCEPTION) but as a general rule women are not as big and strong as a man

Also, "equality" and all that crap aside, women are NOT men... there are differences
Being a son of a Physically abused mother, I have a major issue with hitting or hurting females. Even for training I have issues. I have only came across one woman who I had to give everything I had to try and hurt her. I stopped thinking of her as a woman. She became a guy with big tits.. :rolleyes: I still think of her that way.. so its odd that she has a boyfriend.

07-14-2009, 11:55 AM
Being a son of a Physically abused mother, I have a major issue with hitting or hurting females. Even for training I have issues. I have only came across one woman who I had to give everything I had to try and hurt her. I stopped thinking of her as a woman. She became a guy with big tits.. :rolleyes: I still think of her that way.. so its odd that she has a boyfriend.

that's probably TMI, but thanks for sharing ;)

07-14-2009, 12:02 PM
that's probably TMI, but thanks for sharing ;)
inside joke you wouldn't understand.

07-14-2009, 12:07 PM
yea, i got the reference upthread....still funny the way you said it

07-14-2009, 12:44 PM
Being a son of a Physically abused mother, I have a major issue with hitting or hurting females. Even for training I have issues. I have only came across one woman who I had to give everything I had to try and hurt her. I stopped thinking of her as a woman. She became a guy with big tits.. :rolleyes: I still think of her that way.. so its odd that she has a boyfriend.

Dennis is sort of her girlfriend :D

David Jamieson
07-14-2009, 03:39 PM
bwahahahahaha. Now THIS is a thread!

also, that guy was in the wrong for using physical means against someone who clearly could not deal with that. Also his douchebaggery knows know bounds for having done that.

07-14-2009, 03:41 PM
I simply would have choked her out, laid her on her back and teabagged her while a friend took some pics and then posted it on the web.
Its how I roll.

That's a pretty good deterrent.

I will NEVER throw beer on you, ever.

David Jamieson
07-14-2009, 05:10 PM
That's a pretty good deterrent.

I will NEVER throw beer on you, ever.

The worst part is that he takes a sharpie to his nuts and makes em look like eyeballs! :eek:

then you lie there all googly eyed, knocked out with his balls in your eye sockets.

it's pretty creepy.

just ask ...

07-15-2009, 07:36 AM
The worst part is that he takes a sharpie to his nuts and makes em look like eyeballs! :eek:

then you lie there all googly eyed, knocked out with his balls in your eye sockets.

it's pretty creepy.

just ask ...

You know....you;re not suppose to tell the inner secrets of the Hung Kuen !!

07-15-2009, 08:25 AM
im just wondering if any of those guys in the back ground had a pair and showed that fool what was up.

07-15-2009, 08:28 AM
im just wondering if any of those guys in the back ground had a pair and showed that fool what was up.

If you click "NEXT", it shows the guys in the background run up to shake Machida's hand and buy him a round.

07-15-2009, 09:02 AM
If you click "NEXT", it shows the guys in the background run up to shake Machida's hand and buy him a round.

rofl. thats kind of what i expected. they all missed out on an easy lay ;)

07-16-2009, 03:46 AM
I think he gave her something to think about:rolleyes:

Lama Pai Sifu
07-16-2009, 06:32 AM
Being a son of a Physically abused mother, I have a major issue with hitting or hurting females. Even for training I have issues. I have only came across one woman who I had to give everything I had to try and hurt her. I stopped thinking of her as a woman. She became a guy with big tits.. :rolleyes: I still think of her that way.. so its odd that she has a boyfriend.

Uh...I think that's a transexual

07-16-2009, 08:53 AM
wonder if she got a concusion. she did grab her head after the fall. suprised she didnt crack her skull.

07-16-2009, 09:31 AM
Uh...I think that's a transexual

monji: see, Michael thought it was funny too :p