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View Full Version : Mantis School In NYC

05-20-2001, 03:13 PM
Anyone knwo of a mantis school in NYC?

"There are no shortcuts in Kung Fu only long days of Hard Work."

05-20-2001, 05:03 PM

Here is a site that has a good amount of listings. Best wishes in your search.

"It's all the same; Only the names have changed........."

Laughing Buddha
05-20-2001, 09:45 PM
Have a look at the website of the school I attend in NYC:


It gives you information on location and times that you are welcome to drop by and observe classes (you are encouraged to watch multiple classes and even check out other schools before making a decision). Hope this helps.


A "Laughing Buddha" or "Dai Tao Fut" is usually found cavorting in front of and leading the lion(s) in a Southern Lion Dance troupe.</P>

*** I speak for myself and not for my Si Fu nor kwoon, so any errors I make are mine alone. ***</P>]

[This message was edited by Laughing Buddha on 05-21-01 at 12:58 PM.]