View Full Version : Another San Da Match - K.O. in the 2nd! - VIDEO

Lama Pai Sifu
07-30-2009, 07:00 AM
Leo Morales of Team NYKUNGFU.com.

Leo has only been training for a few months. He did very well and will only get better with more training. He will be fighting
again in October 2009

He did well, scoring a win by K.O. in the middle of the 2nd round.

TEAM NYKUNGFU.COM - LEO MORALES (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aQyLfvS_R8)

If there any KF schools in the NY/LI area that would be interested in fighting in a San Da match come October, please contact me.

Hope you enjoy the clip.

07-30-2009, 07:42 AM
good clip. your guy looks strong. They were using 14oz gloves?
The slam at the start of the 2nd round was highlight worthy, and the KO was as good as it gets with headgear on. Kudos.

Shaolin Wookie
07-30-2009, 07:47 AM
Leo has only been training for a few months. He did very well and will only get better with more training. He will be fighting
again in October 2009

LOL. That's the kind of highlight reel you want to start your fighting off with. When the other dude came in playing Sumo pattycake, I knew that's where the KO was coming.

Good job all around.

Lama Pai Sifu
07-30-2009, 08:42 AM
good clip. your guy looks strong. They were using 14oz gloves?
The slam at the start of the 2nd round was highlight worthy, and the KO was as good as it gets with headgear on. Kudos.

Thanks. The gloves were 12 oz. I believe.


Lama Pai Sifu
07-30-2009, 08:43 AM
LOL. That's the kind of highlight reel you want to start your fighting off with. When the other dude came in playing Sumo pattycake, I knew that's where the KO was coming.

Good job all around.

Thank you very much!!! I appreciate it. :)

07-30-2009, 08:51 AM
Nice. Strong clean technique, he covered well, had smooth relaxed movement. The one thing that had me worried for a moment was when he went chasing the leg for the takedown, I half expected that he would eat a knee, but fortunately not and that was a nice pick up and slam. Congratulations!

07-30-2009, 09:08 AM
Sao Choi 1
Pattycake 0


That slam was nice as well with the elevation. Sure looked like he was in for a knee to the head though. I'm sure he'll get better at that with time.

Kudos for your guy stepping up & delivering!

07-30-2009, 09:34 AM
Nice throw.

Your man followed him down and landed his weight on top. That must have hurt!:D

David Jamieson
07-30-2009, 09:39 AM
hmmm, dude with no shirt conducts his fighting like I do. lol

seriously, low number of kicks, get inside, know how to eat em, throw em when you can and headhunt like a mofo and drop the bombs.

good style!

nice lift and dump too.

Lama Pai Sifu
07-30-2009, 12:35 PM
Nice. Strong clean technique, he covered well, had smooth relaxed movement. The one thing that had me worried for a moment was when he went chasing the leg for the takedown, I half expected that he would eat a knee, but fortunately not and that was a nice pick up and slam. Congratulations!

We realized he was gassing out and his hands were tired. Didn't think he could stuff the shoot. It all worked out well.

Thank you very much!

07-30-2009, 12:49 PM
wow... i got bored about 1 minute into the match. is it just me or do they both look like they have some jelly rolls... is this a boxing match? wait... dancing? LOL :p

seriously... where are the trappings and the pretzel arms? ah well... each to there own.

07-30-2009, 01:42 PM
Good for your team Mike. The other guy seemed to be using the absorption principle as a defensive strategy. Jeeze he was eating punches and kicks like he was at a buffet.

Lama Pai Sifu
07-30-2009, 01:43 PM
wow... i got bored about 1 minute into the match. is it just me or do they both look like they have some jelly rolls... is this a boxing match? wait... dancing? LOL :p

seriously... where are the trappings and the pretzel arms? ah well... each to there own.

You are just ridiculous. :(

Leo does not have any jelly rolls.

Too bad you didn't like the video.

I apologize for your misundertanding.

07-30-2009, 01:47 PM
You are just ridiculous.tell me something everyone doesn't already know...

Leo does not have any jelly rolls. what was that thing hanging over his waistline? the other guy most definitely had them on his hips... they all jiggled when they were dancing around - seriously... take another look at the vid!!!

Too bad you didn't like the video.i thought it was amusing.

I apologize for your misundertanding.no need to apologize sir... :)

taai gihk yahn
07-30-2009, 01:49 PM
wow... i got bored about 1 minute into the match. is it just me or do they both look like they have some jelly rolls... is this a boxing match? wait... dancing? LOL :p

seriously... where are the trappings and the pretzel arms? ah well... each to there own.

You are just ridiculous. :(

Leo does not have any jelly rolls.

Too bad you didn't like the video.

I apologize for your misundertanding.

yeah, gotta agree on this one - certainly it's one's prerogative not to like san da, but for certain Leo doesn't have "jelly rolls" - I'm actually the one w/the jelly rolls, in fact it's my job to take on the jelly rolls from anyone fighting for NY Kung Fu...

07-30-2009, 01:53 PM
whats leo weigh in at if i may ask? honestly i was more noticing the other guys hips jiggling... maybe leo just had his pants tied to tight which made his stomach fat roll over it more, hence the optical illusion. :D

Lama Pai Sifu
07-30-2009, 02:50 PM
Leo walks around at abou 190-195. He would be shredded at 180. Here is my facebook link. You can clearly see he's not chubby at all.

Facebook TEAM NYKUNGFU page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/manage/#/photo.php?pid=2799599&id=76208741355)

07-31-2009, 10:59 AM
Leo walks around at abou 190-195. He would be shredded at 180. Here is my facebook link. You can clearly see he's not chubby at all.now let me get this straight... i noticed a bit of an over -hang, you deny he is chubby, yet you say he walks around at 190-195 only then to say he'd be shredded at 180!?!?! please enlighten me... why would he need to shed anything if he doesn't have any flab? :p

Lama Pai Sifu
07-31-2009, 11:18 AM
now let me get this straight... i noticed a bit of an over -hang, you deny he is chubby, yet you say he walks around at 190-195 only then to say he'd be shredded at 180!?!?! please enlighten me... why would he need to shed anything if he doesn't have any flab? :p

Leo walks around at 5-10 lbs above his fighting weight. He weighed 190 for this fight. Could he have dropped 5? Sure. But I don't think that would qualify as a 'jelly roll' as you put it in your previous post.

I don't think you understand the dynamics of weight and fighting or preparing for a fight (sport).

I'm not even really sure what the point of this is. :confused:

07-31-2009, 11:20 AM
Leo walks around at 5-10 lbs above his fighting weight. He weighed 190 for this fight. Could he have dropped 5? Sure. But I don't think that would qualify as a 'jelly roll' as you put it in your previous post. i was merely musing on the jiggles... thats all.

I don't think you understand the dynamics of weight and fighting or preparing for a fight (sport). i don't think it really matters to me...

I'm not even really sure what the point of this is.the point is i got a bad vibe off of you at the festival... so i am not taking you seriously anymore. :)

Lama Pai Sifu
07-31-2009, 09:03 PM
i was merely musing on the jiggles... thats all.
i don't think it really matters to me...
the point is i got a bad vibe off of you at the festival... so i am not taking you seriously anymore. :)

Uki, I think the point is here that I got a bad 'smell' off you at the festival. :eek:

Seriously, I can get past the fact that you have a giant tatoo across your face. Well, kinda.

But your body odor was perhaps the worst I have ever smelled in my entire life. It took everything I had to actually be polite and friendly towards you. You were literally the worst smelling human being I have ever encountered.

I actually went to the festival with Chris J. to see Gene and Dale. Not to smell YOU.

08-01-2009, 02:52 AM
But your body odor was perhaps the worst I have ever smelled in my entire life. It took everything I had to actually be polite and friendly towards you. You were literally the worst smelling human being I have ever encountered. awwwwww... don't cry big guy, i knew you weren't as big and tough as you seem... only girlie men complain about body odor... have you ever had a real job? anywhere? you probably wouldn't last two days on the block crew - all those sweaty smelly redneck masons would probably make your weak stomach hurl. :p

I actually went to the festival with Chris J. to see Gene and Dale. Not to smell YOU.yeah well, people don't as for a hurricane now do they... :rolleyes:

Lama Pai Sifu
08-01-2009, 05:53 AM
awwwwww... don't cry big guy, i knew you weren't as big and tough as you seem... only girlie men complain about body odor... have you ever had a real job? anywhere? you probably wouldn't last two days on the block crew - all those sweaty smelly redneck masons would probably make your weak stomach hurl. :p
yeah well, people don't as for a hurricane now do they... :rolleyes:

Wow. You are as riculous on these boards as you are in person, LOL. Have fun in your 'quest' for validation and acceptance, ha ha ha.

I can see how hard you are trying to act out for attention. I would feel sorry for you, if I cared, but alas - I don't.

Have fun showing a bunch of strangers why YOU are the chosen one who has been designated to show them thier 'true selves'. They all seem to be responding to you very well.

Just like a kid who behaves badly in school to get ANY attention he can get, you are still quite 'douchy'.

08-01-2009, 06:59 AM
now let me get this straight... i noticed a bit of an over -hang, you deny he is chubby, yet you say he walks around at 190-195 only then to say he'd be shredded at 180!?!?! please enlighten me... why would he need to shed anything if he doesn't have any flab? :p

Sport fighters ALWAYS cut weight before a match in an effort to get into a lighter weight division, uki. That's the nature of the game. I walk around at 165-167, but cut to 159 to compete.

It's not body fat you shed, it's water weight.

Good clip, LPS. :cool:

08-01-2009, 10:19 AM
At this point, we shoud all just put "uki" on IGNORE and stop feeding the troll

Also, at some point someone in charge here might consider slapping him around

08-01-2009, 12:32 PM
LOL! It truly is a modern era. People actually "put" other people "on ignore". For myself, when I find someone to be a waste of time, I just ignore them....

08-01-2009, 01:21 PM
Ignore has a practical purpose. It makes posts you actually care to read a bit easier to navigate. :) If you're going to willingly ignore someone, might as well as put them on your ignore list so their posts don't take up space.

08-01-2009, 01:48 PM
Good fight BTW ;)

08-03-2009, 07:53 PM
Wow. You are as riculous on these boards as you are in person, LOL. imagine that... someone who doesn't PRETEND to be someone else.

Have fun in your 'quest' for validation and acceptance, ha ha ha. who said i am on a quest? LOL... i draw the maps...

I can see how hard you are trying to act out for attention.hmmmm... i just do it naturally and naturally recieve attention... must be because i am a real person who doesn't hide behind a facade... i am not afraid to be myself and speak my mind... nor am i afraid to smell like a man. :)

I would feel sorry for you, if I cared, but alas - I don't.you care enough to respond old goat...

Have fun showing a bunch of strangers why YOU are the chosen one who has been designated to show them thier 'true selves'.have fun profitting from your business.

They all seem to be responding to you very well. why yes they most certainly are.

Just like a kid who behaves badly in school to get ANY attention he can get, you are still quite 'douchy'.you can only dream of getting the attention i get in my life... i don't stand out for being a nobody. :p

Ray Pina
08-04-2009, 07:29 AM
Awesome slam!!!! Wish I could have had a clear view of the KO but by the sound of it and the way the guy dropped it must have been a wallop.

Uki, brother, you have lost any martial credibility with me. Both those guys had solid technique. They are both fat... so what? They weren't hanging on each other. They were active the whole fight. That means that have condition.

I saw good blocking. Good knee defense. Take downs. Kicking. Stopping power in punches.

You're coming off like some Kung Fu guy that will only be happy to see crane beaks and some unrealistic plucking of full power strikes in mid air. It's not going to happen because it is extremely difficult to pull off on a fighter of that level. These aren't some lame ducks off the street. These are men who trained to fight. Have been focused on not losing, be careful, and giving it their all.

That's why it's so annoying to read armchair remarks from people who have never done what they're commenting on, for whatever reason: spiritual, physical, etc.

08-04-2009, 08:39 AM
Uki, brother, you have lost any martial credibility with me.hmmmm... no comment. :)

Both those guys had solid technique.never said they didn't... i merely was musing at the jelly rolls.

They are both fat... so what?you mean you noticed too!?!?!?

They weren't hanging on each other. god i hope not(i only watched the first minute or so), they'd be stinky...

They were active the whole fight.i am sure they were... yet alot of it was needless prancing around, yet i do understand this is the norm in a sport fight.

That means that have condition.again i agree with you here... yet everyone uses their conditioning in a variety of ways - for myself, it doesn't makes sense to me to dance around and exert myself for nothing... i have my own strengths and weakness, i like to conserve energy.

I saw good blocking. Good knee defense. Take downs. Kicking. Stopping power in punches.and i saw a lack of a variety of other martial techniques not centered around brute physical force, such as: chin na and trapping(pretzel arming)

You're coming off like some Kung Fu guy that will only be happy to see crane beaks and some unrealistic plucking of full power strikes in mid air.actually i am a fan of mantis trapping and breaking of bones, dislocating joints, and other fine techniques that render the individual limbs useless, thus negating any form of striking power and such.

It's not going to happen because it is extremely difficult to pull off on a fighter of that level. again i agree, yet from what i saw, there were MANY opportunities to trap and break... oh wait... you can't trap and break in a sport fight - very un-professional. :rolleyes:

These aren't some lame ducks off the street.perhaps they strolled in from a boxing gym?? LMAO!!

These are men who trained to fight. trained to SPORT fight.

Have been focused on not losing, be careful, and giving it their all.the best way to ensure not losing a fight is by not getting into one. :D

That's why it's so annoying to read armchair remarks from people who have never done what they're commenting on, for whatever reason: spiritual, physical, etc.so now you are my roomate that hangs out with me on a daily basis?? :rolleyes:

we simply approach the arts from two entirely different perspectives... i train to fight so that i do not have to, you train so that you can win. :)

Ray Pina
08-04-2009, 08:56 AM
OK. I'm going to make some points that I believe to be true and have no ego involved and from which I will neither profit nor get pu$$y being that I don't teach and will never meet anyone here:

Those guys were calm and reserving energy.... but movement in all combat is crucial.

You can break joints in competitive fighting.

Sport fighters are MUCH better fighters than 99% of your traditional TCMA practioners, regardless of their level or rank, including sufi's, masters, grandmasters.

Sport fighters are training all the things you're training. They're just training them more often, more intensively and they're putting them to use gaining very valuable experience. We train with the self defense guys doing the same things. Then we do more. A lot more.

There is always the tough guy who is a good fighter but because of past injuries, work, etc. they don't want to fight out. Those guys stand out in training. Are hard to submit. Are the guys you don't want to spar with. They're out there, but there are not as many of them as the people who think they are them.

A fighter can tell another fighter, and even what style of fighter he is, just by looking at them, seeing their build. On here, the things people say reveal their level. To not sound foolish, one shouldn't project themselves as something they are not.

I lock and tap and KO countless training partners, some of whom are considered tough and others in the class don't want to play with. I've taken gold in the last two all island jiu-jitsu tournaments. I've defended myself against two jumpings by multiple armed men when moving here ... I've never tapped or KOed someone in a sanctioned sport event.

Be honest with yourself. Because you're not fooling the people that have dedicated their lives to training. You may love MA and your style and be strong and fit and have a lot of technique, but anyone who fights even remotely regularly would be crystal clear about the chaos surrounding those fights, what it takes to even enter, never mind stay cool and calm in there. They would never disrespect them win or lose.

08-04-2009, 09:00 AM
OK. I'm going to make some points that I believe to be true and have no ego involved and from which I will neither profit nor get pu$$y being that I don't teach and will never meet anyone here:

Those guys were calm and reserving energy.... but movement in all combat is crucial.

You can break joints in competitive fighting.

Sport fighters are MUCH better fighters than 99% of your traditional TCMA practioners, regardless of their level or rank, including sufi's, masters, grandmasters.

Sport fighters are training all the things you're training. They're just training them more often, more intensively and they're putting them to use gaining very valuable experience. We train with the self defense guys doing the same things. Then we do more. A lot more.

There is always the tough guy who is a good fighter but because of past injuries, work, etc. they don't want to fight out. Those guys stand out in training. Are hard to submit. Are the guys you don't want to spar with. They're out there, but there are not as many of them as the people who think they are them.

A fighter can tell another fighter, and even what style of fighter he is, just by looking at them, seeing their build. On here, the things people say reveal their level. To not sound foolish, one shouldn't project themselves as something they are not.

I lock and tap and KO countless training partners, some of whom are considered tough and others in the class don't want to play with. I've taken gold in the last two all island jiu-jitsu tournaments. I've defended myself against two jumpings by multiple armed men when moving here ... I've never tapped or KOed someone in a sanctioned sport event.

Be honest with yourself. Because you're not fooling the people that have dedicated their lives to training. You may love MA and your style and be strong and fit and have a lot of technique, but anyone who fights even remotely regularly would be crystal clear about the chaos surrounding those fights, what it takes to even enter, never mind stay cool and calm in there. They would never disrespect them win or lose.each to their own.