View Full Version : China's National Treasures

08-10-2009, 01:01 AM
does anybody know any names that China made National Treasures to do with martial arts?

I'll get us going

Sum Nung - wing chun
A De Sui master that i will find the name of - aka 'Immortal Leg'

and i also think Pan Nam - wing chun

08-10-2009, 04:46 AM
I'm sure the Lama Pai guys can provide more details, but I seem to remember them posting that their sifu Chan Tai San was named a national treasure.

08-10-2009, 04:53 AM
A De Sui master that i will find the name of - aka 'Immortal Leg'You read very widely!


Chan/Chen Gouw.

Lama Pai Sifu
08-10-2009, 05:34 AM
Yes, my teacher, Chan Tai-San was named a "National Treasure" by the PROC in a documentary video of the 1970-1980's Wushu / Chi Gung team to which he was a coach.

I'm actually having a hard time finding the original video...it sprouted legs from my original archive. If anyone has a copy, please let me know. :)

08-10-2009, 01:23 PM
My teacher, Dr. Chao Hung (Cao Xiong) also was presented with that honor. The PRC gave him this scroll, handwritten by one of China's most famous calligraphers.
Chao-Sifu specifically said that he didn't want his name placed on it. "This way, one day I can sell it. It'll probably be worth something" -shows how much he valued the "Honor" bestowed upon him. He keeps it in the closet next to his galoshes. It's proababaly the same as all those "Hall of Fame" awards we keep getting nominated for. I would have a wall full of plaques, but each one requires you to go to the award ceremony-a black tie affair, with a hefty per plate fee.
I would be interested in seeing LPS's video if it ever turns up also. My Sifu is in his seventies, and might possibly be on that film as well.