View Full Version : ancient christian qigong

08-12-2009, 04:00 AM
hi guys i found method for ancient christian qigong :eek::eek::eek:


looks like a ancient method of christian prayer for egyptian monks with dantian visualization

08-12-2009, 10:49 AM
pretty interesting read there

Skip J.
08-12-2009, 11:28 AM
hi guys i found method for ancient christian qigong :eek::eek::eek:


looks like a ancient method of christian prayer for egyptian monks with dantian visualization
Ah, well now....

I guess those old hermits knew what they were doing after all....

Thanks! that was cool.......

08-12-2009, 11:46 AM
The term for spirit in the hebrew and greek bibles referes to breath, ie: Chi in TCMA.
The spirit is viewed as the life force and indestructable life force, when we die, the spirit returns to YHWH.
The life force is what keeps us alive, like an "electrical current" if you will, when God created the world, he used his Holy Spirit, his breath, his life force ( sans light saber).
The manipulation of the spirit force, though not something typically referred to in the Bible in regards to humans, is something that God and Jesus were able to do, not sure about angelic beings though...

David Jamieson
08-12-2009, 12:29 PM
The term for spirit in the hebrew and greek bibles referes to breath, ie: Chi in TCMA.
The spirit is viewed as the life force and indestructable life force, when we die, the spirit returns to YHWH.
The life force is what keeps us alive, like an "electrical current" if you will, when God created the world, he used his Holy Spirit, his breath, his life force ( sans light saber).
The manipulation of the spirit force, though not something typically referred to in the Bible in regards to humans, is something that God and Jesus were able to do, not sure about angelic beings though...


The life force bestowed within us and all living things by god in old hebrew is "ruach" or "breath".

08-12-2009, 12:30 PM
Pneuma in greek I think.

08-12-2009, 02:49 PM
i always wondered how some people who can believe in a holy infinite being can have such hard problems with the concept of chi/prana/ki/mana/etc......

David Jamieson
08-12-2009, 03:52 PM
i always wondered how some people who can believe in a holy infinite being can have such hard problems with the concept of chi/prana/ki/mana/etc......

really? I have absolute faith in the ignorance of my fellow humans. :)

especially the overtly religious types. lol

08-12-2009, 11:31 PM
i always wondered how some people who can believe in a holy infinite being can have such hard problems with the concept of chi/prana/ki/mana/etc......

i agree. My mom is one of those who denounced the concept of qi as evil for years. it wasn't until i became a martial artist and really sat down and expalined to her the similarities and described the feeling i had when I did qigong did she really start to listen.

I think that many martial artists can truly benefit from a more spiritual way of life because it can show you many sides to qi and thus increase your understanding of it.

Really old school prayer is actually one of the strongest qigongs I have done. But when you really look at it, its easy to figure it out. you are on your knees but hunched over in a fetal position(which is an old school daoist way of meditaion). The positon allows for more air to be received and pushed out. You are talking and therefore doing reverse abdominal breathing. And as you relax and the words start to flow, your mind is empty and the way you are speaking is similar to the way the six healing sounds are done.

Also, I once heard from a catholic sifu that the reason the saints all have halos, was the fact that there chi was so powerful it presented itself as a halo above their head. :eek:

food for thought

08-13-2009, 06:25 AM
i always wondered how some people who can believe in a holy infinite being can have such hard problems with the concept of chi/prana/ki/mana/etc......

Actually, the majority of people don't have a problem with that stuff, its what people CLAIM they can DO with that stuff that makes people's eyebrows raise up.

08-13-2009, 09:51 AM
Actually, the majority of people don't have a problem with that stuff, its what people CLAIM they can DO with that stuff that makes people's eyebrows raise up.

like turning water into wine? ;):p

Scott R. Brown
08-13-2009, 03:52 PM
like turning water into wine? ;):p

So what's the big deal? I can turn any ingest-able liquid into urine!:eek:

It's easy...you should try it!:)

08-13-2009, 04:17 PM
pffft. thats nothing. i do that in my sleep...:rolleyes:

now, turning solids into liquids.....

i can take any solid food form and in a matter of hours have it transformed into a liquidy substance, provided i add a special mixture into the solid food stuffs.

08-14-2009, 05:48 AM
like turning water into wine? ;):p

Over the past while I have found the Lord and have become a devote Christian so, yes I believe that Jesus did that, he also did the moonwalk on water because that is how COOL he was !

08-14-2009, 06:11 AM
The original Christian communities in Ethiopia, Egypt and Eastern Orthodox rites have a more spiritual and meditative tradition. As Christianity began to move ito Europe proper, it began to lose that tradition as it spread outward to the greater populations.

08-14-2009, 06:13 AM
The original Christian communities in Ethiopia, Egypt and Eastern Orthodox rites have a more spiritual and meditative tradition. As Christianity began to move ito Europe proper, it began to lose that tradition as it spread outward to the greater populations.

Quite true, mysticisim ( for lack of a better word) was a big part of the early church.

08-14-2009, 03:06 PM
so would a miracle, such as turning water into wine or walking on water, have some sort of scientifically identafiable processs. such as altering the molecular structure and converting that into something different.

such as on a quantum level, do miracles rely upon a 'physical' transference or manipulation of energies to take place?

would a miracle indeed be an advanced form of qi manipulation.

a form of qigong only god can do?

08-17-2009, 11:46 AM
The original Christian communities in Ethiopia, Egypt and Eastern Orthodox rites have a more spiritual and meditative tradition. As Christianity began to move ito Europe proper, it began to lose that tradition as it spread outward to the greater populations.

The geography of the "holy land" is considered the "Near East". It's religious beliefs have alot more in common with the other eastern religions than the later Greek's western view of philosophy. It was only after Christianity spread into western culture that it lost most of this aspect.

Although it is now the "in thing" for many celebrities there is a strong movement to get back to the more mystical hebrew ways with Kabballah etc.

08-17-2009, 11:59 AM
so would a miracle, such as turning water into wine or walking on water, have some sort of scientifically identafiable processs. such as altering the molecular structure and converting that into something different.

such as on a quantum level, do miracles rely upon a 'physical' transference or manipulation of energies to take place?

would a miracle indeed be an advanced form of qi manipulation.

a form of qigong only god can do?

God is pure spirit, he works at a sub-atomic level !

David Jamieson
08-18-2009, 06:54 AM
The earliest Christians were gnostic and a sect of Judaism.

in circa 300CE they were separated from Judaism and given their own standing by the emperor Constantine.

With the blend of state and church, the whole idea of intercession was carried forward and it has been a downhill rolling ball of schism and corruption of the original teachings ever since.

Still, if we get passed all the up front crap that Christianity wears, there is some really wonderful stuff in the gospels about how to live a fulfilling life.

But, that is at the core of any religion really.

take your pick if you need too. I'm comfortable with a secular view and a gnostic pursuit without intercession myself. :)

08-18-2009, 07:00 AM
I don't think that ALL the 1st century Christian were Gnostic, some of Paul's letters have been viewed as direct opposition of certain gnostic elements.

11-18-2019, 09:59 AM
Building Inner Fortitude to Move Forward with God-Given Life Purpose (https://www.prweb.com/releases/building_inner_fortitude_to_move_forward_with_god_ given_life_purpose/prweb16725984.htm)

Xulon author shows how Qigong for Christians guides the reader to prayerfully connect with God and FEEL His life-giving love, light and energy as He brings divine healing.

https://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2019/11/14/16725984/gI_97569_NewsImage_vcsPRAsset_526759_97569_2c7412b a-2d94-4b66-9960-0abd7d822835_0.png

Qigong for Christians helps readers feel God's healing in their body, mind, and soul.

Sylvia’s book Qigong for Christians: A Crist-Centered Healing Meditation ($9.99, paperback, 9781545672341; $4.99, e-book, 9781545672358), is available for purchase.

Sylvia's new guide, Qigong for Christians: A Christ-Centered Healing Meditation, brings 12 steps of meditative healing associated with Qigong, an ancient form of healing meditation from China, together with the scriptural insight of the Bible. Readers are easily guided through the meditation steps, assisting them to perceive their connection to God through Jesus Christ. Finally, Qigong for Christians helps readers feel God's healing in their body, mind, and soul.

Sylvia is a strong believer in the power of connecting with God for direction in life, feeling God leading her as a child toward a career in nursing. She has worked in the nursing field since 1994, and has been a nurse practitioner for the past twelve years. Her background in healthcare influences her appreciation for the comfort of Qigong, and the results she knows firsthand that it can bring.

# # #

Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date Qigong for Christians: A Crist-Centered Healing Meditation is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
You really gotta wonder about this PR piece when it misspells 'Christ' in the last instance. It's part of the title, for Christ's sake! :rolleyes:

David Jamieson
11-21-2019, 07:28 AM
To be fair, religion requires the production of nothing material and the output is also nothing material.
Yet, there are loads of literature wrapped around all of them that are not canonical texts to any of them.
These books are for sale. So, for a few dollars, you can work on your soul...

This is how capitalism erodes spirituality.