View Full Version : hey there are no stupid questions.....

08-17-2009, 03:56 PM
well maybe this is one, and yeah I registered pretty much to ask it, (although I am a fan of kung fu I've only taken a couple months of Hung Ga years ago) so here it goes. You know how on kung fu movies there is always a series of strikes/moves that paralyze the opponent? And then a similar deal to unparalyze them.....? Is it based on anything in reality or pure fantasy?

David Jamieson
08-17-2009, 04:13 PM
well maybe this is one, and yeah I registered pretty much to ask it, (although I am a fan of kung fu I've only taken a couple months of Hung Ga years ago) so here it goes. You know how on kung fu movies there is always a series of strikes/moves that paralyze the opponent? And then a similar deal to unparalyze them.....? Is it based on anything in reality or pure fantasy?

wu xia novels.

'journey to the west' and 'outlaws of the marsh' mostly.

You can wind someone, you can break something and even paralyze someone.
But point striking in the manner depicted is indeed either:

a) lost knowledge that is no longer extant


b) total crap to begin with


08-17-2009, 06:13 PM
right on...:rolleyes:
you never know.....I like to argue with my wife that they used to really be able to fly around like on Crouching Tiger by focusing their Qi, but that the secrets were lost when they outlawed Kung Fu and burned down the Shaolin Temples...
If we only use 10% of our brains...I wouldn't put it past them! :p

Scott R. Brown
08-17-2009, 06:47 PM
right on...:rolleyes:
you never know.....I like to argue with my wife that they used to really be able to fly around like on Crouching Tiger by focusing their Qi, but that the secrets were lost when they outlawed Kung Fu and burned down the Shaolin Temples...
If we only use 10% of our brains...I wouldn't put it past them! :p

However, the latest scientific fantasy is that "We only use 10% of our brains!" is scientific fantasy. Apparently this statement is not founded upon any scientific studies. It was an educated guess! I tracked down the history of the comment at one time, you can find it somewhere on the net.

Lee Chiang Po
08-17-2009, 09:50 PM
When I was a kid I was a nasty one for sure. Loved to fight as I was usually far more capable than most of the local kids. One day I was talking smack to a young man a couple years older than I, and I did not know that he was a serious gung fu fighter. He shoved me back across a banister and slapped downward into my solar plexus. It felt like I was having a 15 foot log chain drug out of my arse. I could not breath either. It took me about 10 minutes to regain my composure somewhat. He then told me that he had used Dim Mak. I knew exactly what he was talking about too. He told me that if it were not reversed within about 20 minutes it would not be reversable. That I would go into fits and die as my insides burst. I cannot fully explain how that made me feel at the time. I had to agree to leave him alone and never get into his face again. I agreed and he slapped me on the back a few times, looked into my eyes and had me take a few deep breaths. Then he told me that I would be fine as long as I did not drink beer for at least a week. It was some time before I told anyone. My older brother almost had a stroke laughing at me. But, he also told me that dad could do dim mak. when I asked him he just smiled and told me that there was no such thing. that was the end of that.

08-17-2009, 10:35 PM
Wow, you were a pretty dopey kid.

Scott R. Brown
08-18-2009, 01:19 AM
Wow, you were a pretty dopey kid.

I'd be careful if I were you! His dad really does know Dim Muk. You can tell because he denied it, and everyone knows that a denial, under these circumstances, is the same thing as an admission of truth!:)

08-18-2009, 05:23 AM
well maybe this is one, and yeah I registered pretty much to ask it, (although I am a fan of kung fu I've only taken a couple months of Hung Ga years ago) so here it goes. You know how on kung fu movies there is always a series of strikes/moves that paralyze the opponent? And then a similar deal to unparalyze them.....? Is it based on anything in reality or pure fantasy?

An exagerated tale(s) based on the ability to, in a limited scope, immobilize the human body by pressing ( and maintaining the pressure) certain anatomical leverage points.

Lee Chiang Po
08-18-2009, 07:59 PM
I assumed that he was telling me the truth when he said there was no such thing. Then again, I was a dopey kid. I took advantage of others at every turn. Took their lunch money, whatever. I had an edge and I liked it. I don't think I was much different from the average kid that age though. I think it all comes down to cultural differences really. Say a man gets shot through the middle with a big gun. A western viewpoint would be that the huge hole and massive tissue damage caused the guy to bleed out and die. A Chinese point of view would be that his chi was disrupted and backed up and killed him. Either way, the dude would be dead. A solar plexus strike to a person that is not prepared for it, and even if he is prepared, might almost make you think you are dying. Nerve centers, tender spots, and other such striking points can put you out of commission quickly, and it could be chi disruption for all I know, but the results are the same. So Dim Mak is a relative concept.

08-18-2009, 11:06 PM
well maybe this is one, and yeah I registered pretty much to ask it, (although I am a fan of kung fu I've only taken a couple months of Hung Ga years ago) so here it goes. You know how on kung fu movies there is always a series of strikes/moves that paralyze the opponent? And then a similar deal to unparalyze them.....? Is it based on anything in reality or pure fantasy?

its fantasy tehres no such thing as dim mak
in northern kung fu there are 8 places to hit. head stomach balls and some other place

08-19-2009, 12:54 AM
I'd be careful if I were you! His dad really does know Dim Muk. You can tell because he denied it, and everyone knows that a denial, under these circumstances, is the same thing as an admission of truth!:)

That makes it even more deadly!