View Full Version : Urban Gung Fu & Qi Gong HR monitoring

08-30-2009, 08:19 PM

New Wu...What is the first popular Gung Fu art in western media?.

Does anyone here have a PHD with archeology degrees lol...I'm studying fitness and they talk about things like Reps and HR monitoring, like if you can just make it through 4 sets of 8-12 reps your muscles will get bigger etc...Our Olympic athletes set records beyond those from 100 years ago...CMA died out around then with the last emperor, the war and the cultural revolution.

Bhuddism likes to use 8's and Chinese history is full of numerology, did any Emperors have Gung Fu body knowledge anything close to our Olympic sport scientists understanding?.

so, this is two threads in one, feel free to post a link or drop an opinion...again any phd's with archeology degrees please school a brother:cool:

08-31-2009, 10:20 AM
i love how the video pays homage to 5 deadly venoms

09-03-2009, 07:51 PM
No doubt^:cool:

The origins of life-saving services can be traced back to China, where the first organized life-saving service was formed. In 1708, the *****iang Association for the Saving of Life was first established, and quickly developed into a series of manned stations, equipped with specially designed tool aimed at saving passengers from wrecked ships just off shore. After the British and the Dutch first observed the world’s first organization intended for this purpose each began similar efforts in the mid 1700’s.

In 1784 the first organization dedicated to the saving people from ships wrecked on storm tossed seas was established and was known as the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and was widely supported by dignitaries of the day including George Washington and Paul Revere. Three years later, small structures were being constructed along the shoreline of Massachusetts, intended to provide shelter and supplies for mariners who were lucky enough to have made it to shore alive.

I'm trying to find qi gong theory in western science...so far I've come up with China started the first life Gaurd training and spread it to the world. There is a book 1421 when china discovered the world which is sold at chapters but the internet says the author is a fraud, can't even read chinese...lol sounds like this forum some times:).

09-04-2009, 09:05 PM
That video rules.

I'm trying to find qi gong theory in western science...

I dont have any schooling to offer you but I have a few random thoughts cuz i read your posts and that vid got me in the state of mind.

Thinking about it, its always strange to me to think of how western beliefs changed so drastically from what they used to be. The amount of holistic medicines and remedies that have come from ancient western cultures is vast. Much of it lost. Thinking about something like the dark ages when so much science was lost and abandoned in the western cultures, to be preserved and reintroduced later by cultures further east.

The connection could be in the middle east. If you think about at that time the only way informations like medicine or science was transfered between nations was by physical travel. Trading plays a huge part in that, then you have the trade routes that enter the middle east from both the east and west.

"The late encyclopaedists Boethius, Cassiodorus and Isidore who provided the only remaining links to Greek knowledge were all Christian scholars and it was only within the isolated Christian monasteries that the knowledge of education and science was kept alive, if only at a very low level. However, despite the low level of this knowledge preservation it provided the necessary fundament on which to build when Europe in its turn started to import knowledge from the Muslims in the 11th and 12th centuries, the people doing the importing (read translation) being all Christian scholars."
link to article of quote (http://thonyc.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/science-and-religion-in-the-early-middle-ages/)

Now take that into consideration. The church resupplying the west with science from the east. How much in the time that the west (at this point europe) were an uneducated, science devoid society, did the Muslims in the middle east develop and invent new sciences, at a later point imported back to the west by Christians?

Now is there a connection at this period of time in scientific development between the middle east and the far east? Heres what pops into my head. The Silk Road. Silk comes from China right? Every culture that has people of 'high society' like Sheiks use silk. How much of Chinese science did the Muslims import? We know there is Muslim kungfu.....

just some random thoughts for ya :D

09-08-2009, 08:12 PM
That video rules.

I dont have any schooling to offer you but I have a few random thoughts cuz i read your posts and that vid got me in the state of mind.

Thinking about it, its always strange to me to think of how western beliefs changed so drastically from what they used to be. The amount of holistic medicines and remedies that have come from ancient western cultures is vast. Much of it lost. Thinking about something like the dark ages when so much science was lost and abandoned in the western cultures, to be preserved and reintroduced later by cultures further east.

The connection could be in the middle east. If you think about at that time the only way informations like medicine or science was transfered between nations was by physical travel. Trading plays a huge part in that, then you have the trade routes that enter the middle east from both the east and west.

"The late encyclopaedists Boethius, Cassiodorus and Isidore who provided the only remaining links to Greek knowledge were all Christian scholars and it was only within the isolated Christian monasteries that the knowledge of education and science was kept alive, if only at a very low level. However, despite the low level of this knowledge preservation it provided the necessary fundament on which to build when Europe in its turn started to import knowledge from the Muslims in the 11th and 12th centuries, the people doing the importing (read translation) being all Christian scholars."
link to article of quote (http://thonyc.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/science-and-religion-in-the-early-middle-ages/)

Now take that into consideration. The church resupplying the west with science from the east. How much in the time that the west (at this point europe) were an uneducated, science devoid society, did the Muslims in the middle east develop and invent new sciences, at a later point imported back to the west by Christians?

Now is there a connection at this period of time in scientific development between the middle east and the far east? Heres what pops into my head. The Silk Road. Silk comes from China right? Every culture that has people of 'high society' like Sheiks use silk. How much of Chinese science did the Muslims import? We know there is Muslim kungfu.....

just some random thoughts for ya :D
I'm not into conspiracies but i downloaded this history of illuminate body of work while grabbing fitness texts and around 1905-1920 there was a lot of anti mason christian groups...anyway it said Sir Francis bacon was pure illuminate and put all of the world power symbols in shakespeares body of work...they said shakespeare was a mr. jefferson type landlord bacon used his name as a cover to spread his esoteric symbols...so from micheal moore's point of view the recycling of knowledge is planned...:(


I just downloaded all of Pavel's books without never have heard of dude before...he is smart, blends bruce lee with the terminator it's a good sales pitch, he blends kung fu knowledge with russian exercise physiology. good hsit.

09-08-2009, 08:34 PM

naked warrior

09-16-2009, 10:15 AM
man that kind of stuff is crazy to think about. part of me always thinks, naw cant be, but there is always that little voice that says 'well what if'...


did you have to pay for the book downloads, id like to read his stuff.