View Full Version : Private lessons

Shadow Skill
09-25-2009, 06:27 PM
I have a lady that wants me to teach her and her 4 boys privately... 1 hour or so 1 day a week, what do U think I should charge.

09-25-2009, 06:41 PM
If you have to go to their house, factor in driving time and expenses.
I charge 100-150 per hour. If it takes you 20-25 minutes to get there each way, you're almost working three hours. What is that time worth to you?
Also remember that when you are giving privates, you need to look at it as part of your regular work day. Try to do this on a weekday. If it's on a Saturday or a Sunday, sometimes it gets in the way of plans, and you have a responsibility to your clients. If you have a full-time job, after awhile, this can be a severe drain on you.

Boston Bagua
09-26-2009, 04:07 AM
Can I ask why you have a porn DVD link in your sig and why on earth you think that is appropriate?

Shadow Skill
09-26-2009, 05:57 AM
150/hour sounds fair enough thats kinda what I was thinking thanks

Boston Bagua
09-26-2009, 06:44 AM
again I ask you why someone who has been trained in Jook Lum Hong Long Pai would advertise porn dvds in his sig.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Your shifu should be proud

yu shan
09-26-2009, 07:03 AM
WOW! This is a first

09-26-2009, 07:17 AM
Good eyes, Dale! I didn't even see that.
ShadowSkill-I would definately remove that from your sig-especially if you are planning on teaching public. The world becomes very small and intimate when you are on the net. It can ruin your life.

taai gihk yahn
09-26-2009, 08:07 AM
I was under the impression that linking to adult content on this forum was grounds for banning? I mean, that's why Sanjuro has become the acknowledged master of successfully skirting the shoals of disaster...

that said, to advertise publicly as a teacher and linking to pron? what an idiot...

09-26-2009, 10:41 AM
I was under the impression that linking to adult content on this forum was grounds for banning? I mean, that's why Sanjuro has become the acknowledged master of successfully skirting the shoals of disaster...

that said, to advertise publicly as a teacher and linking to pron? what an idiot...

Maybe the lady that he is referring to wants a Different kind of lesson...:eek:

pron and secks


09-26-2009, 11:19 AM
I do not believe $150 per hour is fair, especially if all youre doing is teaching these kids some drills and forms and such. On what basis do you feel that you are worth $150/hour? Will they even get 1-1 time with you or will you be partnering them up with themselves? For $150/hr you had better be prepared to let each one of them experience your profound martial skill for the entire hour.

Most doctors (including many surgeons) dont make that much money in an hour, and Id imagine they are more qualified and certified in their field than you are in yours. And there are plenty of martial arts masters and grand masters out there that charge 1/2 to 1/3 that while also providing the most enriching experience a student could ask for at the same time...Can you do that? Can you do it 2-3 times better?

In my opinion, be a little more humble and ask for something a little more realistic.

09-26-2009, 11:26 AM
$150 is ridiculous. That's $600/month for 4 hours of training.

You have an overinflated sense of your worth. ESPECIALLY if you are just a student, yourself.

$25 to $30 hour is a working man's union wage. You seriously don't think you are more important than them do you?

09-26-2009, 11:43 AM
AVG is 5 $ per hour per student.

so timed by 5 students

5x5= 25 $ total

if 5 to 10$ per hour per student

so 25 to 50 $ total


David Jamieson
09-26-2009, 01:11 PM
75 - 100 bucks an hour for a personal trainer is pretty standard.

you have to offer a lot more than making someone sit in a stance though. lol

if you have a method that is proven with results that can be measured and shown such as another personal trainer is expected to deliver, then charge what the market will bear.

10 bucks a lesson is pretty much a thing of the past.

Tao Of The Fist
09-26-2009, 01:19 PM
$150 is ridiculous. That's $600/month for 4 hours of training.

You have an overinflated sense of your worth. ESPECIALLY if you are just a student, yourself.

$25 to $30 hour is a working man's union wage. You seriously don't think you are more important than them do you?

I believe that $30 an hour seems fair... train for about three hours and you got $90 in your pocket. IF you think you're worth than that than MAYBE 45-50 an hour, but DONT CHARGE MORE THAN THAT! As far as transportation time is concerned, either make them come to you or deal with it.

Boston Bagua
09-26-2009, 02:51 PM
I charge $60 and hour, and have not found that to be out of sight for most, and helps pay for the gas, my time, and the knowledge you are getting.

I also have special rates for more than a hour and offers deals where you buy 4 and you get one free or buy 8 and pay for 6.

Lee Chiang Po
09-26-2009, 06:59 PM
Before jumping off into this, have you ever taught before? You need a program to start with. You have to start with 1 2 3 4 5 and so on. You can not do it 5 1 3 6 2. If you catch my drift. It is a very long and drawn out process if all you are going to do is an hour a week. I personally would never agree to anything like that. It will be something that could go on for a very long time. I have only taught a hand full of people in my entire life. Only a few paid me, the rest were family. I would do no less than 8 hours a week, with right at 32 hours a month. I made a great deal of progress in a 6 month period. I think I charged something like $350 a month. That is not a great deal really, but it was an honest charge. That was for 2 people. I always had to have 2 people so that they could work together in learning.
The problem some of the local teachers had was young people coming to them all fired up and full of themselves, then after a few sessions become disappointed because they couldn't clean out a room full of bikers or something and stop coming. They would be late, miss days, and make every kind of dumb excuse. There is no excuse for wasting the time of another. Waste your own time, but not mine. I would ask for $1,000 cash up front. I would get all sorts of responses, but for certain they made every date for that first 3 months.
what ever you do, good luck.

09-27-2009, 04:39 AM
You have to start with 1 2 3 4 5 and so on. You can not do it 5 1 3 6 2.or you could do it 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, and 97. you gotta screw things up in order to find an appropriate harmony within all the chaos of the simplicities... notice how there is no reduced 9's in these numbers?? pretty interesting...

the best way to do private lessons is to use the barter-like system based on each individual involved... obviously if your client is driving around in a mercedes or jaguar, you can charge a "reasonable" price to accommodate their financial situation - yet to the common working man or single mom who may be in the dire straits of the times, "reasonable" tends to differentiate... usually teachers will have both ends of the financial spectrum, yet to deny someone because they are financially incapable of paying a hefty price is not very humble or honorable - compensating from wealthier individuals helps to balance out the difference in charge. trade of services is another brilliant concept, as perhaps one of your students is a carpenter or other tradesmith and you yourself are in need of services? like... you have a leaking roof and your student is a roofer or you need a new foundation wall and your student is a mason... each individual in question is case specific - to hold onto an absolute price is not in accordance with the nature of the way. :)

Mr Punch
09-27-2009, 07:38 AM
$150 an hr? WTF? You'd better be teaching proven pro-fighting level skills for that; i.e. with a roster of fighters.

taai gihk yahn
09-27-2009, 01:31 PM
$150 an hr? WTF? You'd better be teaching proven pro-fighting level skills for that; i.e. with a roster of fighters.

really; I'm a licensed PT and I don't even charge that to people who are paying out of pocket (if it's insurance, that's a different story), and I guarantee noticeable results every single session;

09-28-2009, 05:08 AM
when i read the $150 p/h i thought it was a little steep, but the more i think about it i'm not so sure that it is

the average MA instructor is the UK charges £40-50 p/h (around $80). thats for run of the mill instruction, swerving more towards McDojo than the higher echelons.

My instructor charges £45 per hour for each student privately, or £25 if your a member of his school.

TenTigers, i think, was saying that $150 is his standard charge for hours outside of class time. if you have a small group that is certainly not unreasonable.

Also he's in NYC - thats gotta be one of the most expensive places on the planet to live right?

If someone has trained for 10 years+ to become something at a University then they will be charging a lot more than $150 p/h. in the UK a supply teacher can earn more than that for reiterating lessons already taught by a teacher, effectively just 'qualified' supervision.

people will pay what they deem something to be worth. if his students didnt think he was worth $150 per lesson they wouldnt pay it. It must be worth it... They could always go to another Hung Gar teacher and probably pay $30 p/h. they choose not to.

plus, for some people MA's can increase their confidence and self belief tenfold. what price can you put on that?

I'm with tentigers on this - it is reasonable if your skill is at an advanced level

09-28-2009, 05:47 AM
LSWCTN1 is correct-if a student comes to my school for privates, they are much cheaper, and if they are students enrolled at the school, cheaper still. The privates I teach where I drive to my students, are in an exclusive community in Long Island, NY.

09-28-2009, 06:09 AM
really; I'm a licensed PT and I don't even charge that to people who are paying out of pocket (if it's insurance, that's a different story), and I guarantee noticeable results every single session;

Do you give happy endings?

David Jamieson
09-28-2009, 12:52 PM
Do you give happy endings?

uh, he's a physical therapist not a rub&tug proprietor.

09-28-2009, 12:56 PM
uh, he's a physical therapist not a rub&tug proprietor.

So he says....
Not what I found out:

David Jamieson
09-28-2009, 12:59 PM
I see no tugging there. what are you on about?

Post more pictures please and thank you.


09-28-2009, 01:02 PM
I see no tugging there. what are you on about?

Post more pictures please and thank you.


You wanna see pics of Chris tugging?

taai gihk yahn
09-28-2009, 05:34 PM
to say that this has spiraled somewhat out of control in my absence would be an understatement...

David Jamieson
09-29-2009, 05:04 AM
You wanna see pics of Chris tugging?

hmmm, I'm pretty sure we're both using english as the modality of communication.

But in response, no, no I don't want to see that.


09-29-2009, 05:32 AM
to say that this has spiraled somewhat out of control in my absence would be an understatement...

Serves you right !

09-29-2009, 04:27 PM
Serves you right !as if primordial chaos can maintain divine order...

09-29-2009, 05:38 PM
a base range of 25-50 an hour depending upon your experience is fair for the first student. adding 5-10 an hour for each additional student is fair...especially if driving to them.

10-01-2009, 11:25 AM
Getting back to the question/thread topic.

You get what you pay for (or should)

I don't negotiate fees.
A customer comes/contacts my school
I set up & give the required introductory lesson (free, mind you).
Then it comes down to enrollment.
Tell them what they will get and how much it costs.
Any objections to price then I simply state we are not the school for you.

YOu don't see people going into high end stores and try to negotiate down the price.

So for "Privates" its the same for me.

Students enroll for 1 private a week (4 a month) and they can attend all the Group Classes for their level. ($200 a month, 50 per private session).

If a student wants to have additional privates then its still $50 per hour.
(now this is for actual members/students of the school who are following the course requirements/curriculum)- I offer discounts for families.

If an individual wants to learn material outside their curriculum it is called a Seminar. There is the private and the group seminar. According to the topic the price varies but generally is a minimum of $100 for a hour. If the material takes more time or even sessions then the price increases accordingly.

Now this is all being done at my school. Traveling outside to lets say a customers house or business then add the $$

See pretty simple and professional.

Yes I'm worth it.



Joe Mantis
10-01-2009, 11:48 AM
Have people pay what the market will bear. Yes I'm a capitalist pig. But really, I think that if we give people what they want and charge for it and they are willing to pay it... then why not? I mean, think of all the time and effort you invested in yourself to be where you are.
Besides, one doesn't necessarily have to be a world champ in fighting, forms or whatever to properly convey the necessary information (moves, nuances, etc) to a student.
Of course prices must be disclosed up front. I even give my students a list of things we will be training. But hey, you have a skill, charge for it. :)

KC Elbows
10-01-2009, 12:52 PM
Since these are privates, the rate shouldn't reflect a group rate at all. These people are paying not only for the lesson, but to not be part of a larger class. $30 is way too low: just the gas to get there eats up profits.

Using MK's system, $25-$40 per hour is fair for the work, but if you want specific times, unusual working hours, etc., the guy writing up the bid is not going to provide such services free unless he is desparate for work, and the union will flat out not agree to it if it means more is being done for the same money, which travelling to teach and keeping class sizes confined to one person does.

After all, for one hour, with everyone paying $35 for that hour and an average class size of ten people, a teacher makes $350 for his time. Now, tell him nine of those people can't come, and something needs to be adjusted, or the teacher is losing money or time.

David Jamieson
10-01-2009, 04:19 PM
If you're not confident enough in your ability or your skills to not charge what you feel you're worth, then perhaps you should not be teaching.

If you must apply a dollar value to something such as lessons in methods used to achieve kungfu, then there is of course myriad formulas you could use to come to some dollar value. :p

I'm not saying charge $500 an hour.

But, a massage therapist gets roughly $75 to $150 an hour flat rate and you go to them or there are some companies that will come to your home or offices. At least where I live, this is how it is.

Is a kungfu teacher worth at least as much as a massage therapist? You are after all, contributing to people's health. :)

10-02-2009, 05:49 AM
Nothing special there. Generally the norm throughout the industry or even businesses in general.

They are the customer and you are the product.
The customer is always right as long as they are willing to pay for the services they want.

Being a professional in all aspects is the key to success.

10-02-2009, 07:32 AM
mom with 4 kids ?

I meant that gimme a break.
