View Full Version : Bio Meridian Stress Assessment

09-27-2009, 09:51 AM
Another high-tech thingamajig for TCM and dietary assessment. Do any of you use this in your practice? What do you think--unintentional quackery, or a useful diagnostic system?


herb ox
10-06-2009, 10:34 AM
Hmm... thought provoking reply.

Is it safe to quickly write off innovation and experimentation as 'quackery' if the safety of the patient is not in danger?

If the device allows a patient to see progress of some sort, it may encourage 'patient compliance', that is, taking your herbs and doing your breathing exercises, thus increasing overall health in the end.

Although I must agree that the ability to interpret and know how to use lab tests is crucial for certain practitioners. In California, licensed acupuncturists are considered primary care physicians and may be the first practitioner a patient sees. As such, the ability to recognize 'red flag' situations is paramount. Lab work helps tremendously with appropriate treatment and referral to specialists. However, lab work is not the be-all-end-all diagnostic tool. A patient could expire while you wait for the lab results. Knowing how to recognize danger in the eyes, tongue, and pulse are critical as well.

in health,

herb ox