View Full Version : Chinese soundtrack music question

10-24-2009, 12:37 PM
This is a long shot, but here goes:

There is Chinese soundtrack music used on several old-school Hong Kong kung fu movies, approximately from 1978 through 1980. There are several different tracks, but I'm assuming they belong to the same album/collection, because they are usually used together or in different combos in the same movies. They don't all sound like traditional Chinese music. Parts of these different music tracks appear in varying degrees in the following films, among others:

The Magnificent Butcher
Buddhist Fist
The Descendent of Wing Chun
The Victim (Sammo Hung)
The Master Strikes

I'm pretty sure there probably isn't any English-language name for the collection/album, so if someone knows and can even somehow put the Chinese characters, I'd appreciate it.

10-24-2009, 05:21 PM

the answer is



10-24-2009, 05:23 PM



10-24-2009, 05:44 PM

the answer is


moslem chinese folk song.



10-26-2009, 12:35 AM
Thanks, SPJ! This is a big help to me.
I had a feeling a lot of the tracks were most likely Taiwanese (though I didn't know that one song was a Chinese Muslim/Hui Jiao/Uigher song). BTW, the non-vocal version used in Magnificent Butcher sounds so much better than the vocal version...!

Back in the '80s, I was walking with a Taiwanese acquaintance in Taipei, and we overheard another one of the music tracks; the music track in question can be heard in several movies, most memorably in Magnificent Butcher, in the scene where Fan Mei-Sheng, as the old drunken Hung Gar master, gets a chicken drunk with wine-soaked rice grains. I think we heard it while passing an electronics store. He remarked, "I don't like that type of music; it's the kind farmers listen to." At the time I had no special interest in the song or these tracks, so I never asked him about it, though I was familiar with them through the movies.

The next step I'll have to take will be to find out if the original (1970s-era??) versions of these songs used in the soundtracks is available on CD, and what said album(s) is called.