View Full Version : Athletics in Martial-Arts

10-29-2009, 10:29 PM
When it comes to self-defense, of which MMA is an integral part, I have one of my most fundamental ideas about training: When you hit an opponent, it must make the difference in the existence of his life as a human being of flesh and bones and to do that your hits must carry lot of strength, along with your stamina to fight longer .

I am not talking about sports here. I think every part of body must be trained and perfected no matter what the source is. Being slim and strong, being obese, being devoid of stamina, being a man with an average strength are lifestyles. Except in exceptional circumstances, I think choosing a lifestyle is a person's choice and most choose being an average rather than one who continuously and consistently trains his body. I believe in being athletic, that people who are highly active in athletics lifestyle are the ones who have greater chances of being a Martial-Artist (If they go for it). Along with doing all the training drills, punching and kicking and sparring and practicing your favorite styles, I definitely believe one needs to invest some time everyday in doing Pommel Horse (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pommel_horse) and Rings Gymnastics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rings_(gymnastics)) and Squash (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squash_(sport)).

What is your opinion on it ?

10-29-2009, 10:47 PM
actually, i will say without a second of hesitation that top level martial artists are the best of athletes.

even the bigger guys who, if they truly have developed skills, have extremely refined physical abilities that i have not seen in other physical endeavers.

and, i have never seen a fairly physical sport/skillset where as the player gets older, his skills continue to develope in an extremely noticable and functionable way.

throughout my younger years in school, i played baseball, basketball, and a bit of football. and i am many times a better athlete now than i was then.

so, i would say, in general that martial arts will enhance a sport that you would like much more than the other way around.