View Full Version : Fort Hood

11-06-2009, 09:42 AM
Not for me to say I guess but in a culture (like a military base) full of violent people with the free and easy access to guns I'm surprised things like this don't happen all the time.

Anyway, from what I can tell the army is trying to pick which story they want to tell to the public. When it first happened the Governor of Texas came out and said there were three shooters. Then that was changed several times from 4 to 3 to 1.......I'm guessing it was just the one guy although I'm sure if there was a muslim in the area he will get blames too. Also, they told us the guy was dead and come to find out that was not true either.

All of this is no different from the Pat Tillman or Jessica Lynch stories. The story the government tells us and what really happened are going to be two different things.

11-06-2009, 10:43 AM
Well it's happening again. Some crazy is shooting up Orlando as I type this.

When will America wake up to the fact that the free and easy access to guns in this country is the reason for all of the violent.