View Full Version : Red Cross Auction

10-29-2001, 01:03 AM
Hey Guys, I posted this over at the UG, thought maybe some of you would be interested:

Subject: Red Cross Auction
From: genesimco
Date: 29-Oct-01 | 03:47 PM
Forum Members, Some of you know me, some don't. My name is Gene Simco (ARANHA). I am forum member # 4. I run a site called JIU-JITSU.NET and write BJJ Books that some of you may read. I have been a part of this site since it's birth and check in frequently. Latlely, I've noticed a lot of posts going back and fourth about who sucks and who doesn't - who spams and who to ban, etc ... This is normal for the internet, you can't have anything good without an equal amount of bad, that's life. The other day, a friend of mine did something that restored some of my faith in humanity on the internet. Maguilla (BJJ Black Belt) started a simple thread on my forum in his broken english that said he was auctioning a special air force t-shirt. The money will go directly to the Red Cross, in fact he made the point of saying that the check should be made out to the Red Cross directly when bidding stops - so everyone knows this is not a scam. I watched as the thread slowly dropped and the normal BJJ vs. Sambo stuff went up along with the who can beat who threads. Now, obviously, that's why most of you are here, so I'm not saying it's wrong to talk about this stuff. What I am saying is, this is one chance to put your money where your mouth is. I see quite a few patriotic threads and responses here, ranging from some concerned posters to "let's kill 'em all" ... That's nice talk, but I don't see the physical support I was hoping to get. My forum is small, so I was hoping that by posting here, maybe I could reach a few more who might be willing to help. Don't get me wrong, I AM SURE SOME OF YOU ARE DOING YOUR PART! I have students here in upstate NY (1 hr north of NYC) who are police officers and fire fighters - they have all done their part. I am just trying to turn this very powerful tool (the forum) into something good. I support Maguilla's efforts and encourage more black belts to set this kind of example for the rest of us as our teachers and community leaders. Let's see if we can make this thread as popular as a Tito Ortiz sucks thread ...
I heard Caique is doing a tournament and donating the proceeds ... is this correct? I think it is important that these leaders in our martial arts community are doing these things to set an example. It is especially important in a time where we are struggling so hard to prove that MMA is more than just a bunch of idiots beating each other's brains out ...
Thanks for your time & God Bless,
Gene Simco

www.jiu-jitsu.net (http://www.jiu-jitsu.net)


10-29-2001, 01:51 AM
Red Cross? A big article on them in the LA Times a few days ago. Seems they didn't tell donors that they don't plan on using all the money on Sept 11th related items. I guess the 500 million dollars got to em... but at least they do some good in the world :)

10-29-2001, 02:04 AM
5oomillion try over a billion. They have enough money to give each family one milion dollars and what are they doing with it?

10-29-2001, 02:17 AM
That's a good question. I hope they show penny by penny what they do or plan to do. That's a lot of money to help fight other problems in the USA.
I hope it doesn't up as Christmas bonuses or other
rip off operating expenses.

10-29-2001, 02:24 AM
Really??? I didn't know all this. Well, the guys is trying to help out a charity that he thought was doing some good. I will have to confirm these stories before passing them on to anyone else &/or asking him to send the money to a better organization.

Are there others that you know of?


10-29-2001, 06:59 PM
Kung fu guys should start one of those charity events. You know? like that one they used to do when i was in Elementary school where people pledge to donate several cent's for each minute that you do jump rope.

Kung fu guys could get people to pledge a few cents for each minute they squat in a tai chi stance.

Even though Kung fu is ineffective for fighting, it is great for squatting in kung fu stances. We should try to turn this aspect of kung fu into a fundraiser.

Brazilian jiujitsu is superior.

10-29-2001, 07:43 PM
I had always head united Way was rather questionable (I believe their CEO had received very generous 6-figure salaries), but now Red Cross too?

Seriously, I've been wanting to know for a while now - what is a good legit charity to donate to 9/11 victims? Or should we just cut a check to friends or the local firehouse in the area? Any suggestions?