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12-15-2009, 07:27 PM

12-15-2009, 09:04 PM

Well, I have to give it to the girl in the white top. She stood her ground; closed down her opponent and never went back (when many others might have), enabling her to "circle" her adversary to chock her out.

Now, that is good kung fu! :D


taai gihk yahn
12-15-2009, 10:19 PM
tap or nap...

12-15-2009, 10:31 PM
tap or nap...
Well, she napped and then "tapped" with her head, as she fell.:eek:

What on earth has happened to today's women? :confused:

I hope these women don't have any kids!


Fa Xing
12-15-2009, 10:34 PM
Well, she napped and then "tapped" with her head, as she fell.:eek:

What on earth has happened to today's women? :confused:

I hope these women don't have any kids!


I think they are kids.

12-15-2009, 10:58 PM
I think they are kids.

That is the problem!

They are BAD kids. Sometimes these BAD kids have their own bad kids and the cicle continues. I believe that this phenomenom is not an accident. It is by "design", by which, I mean, social engineering by governments or more correctly the people who pull the strings behind the scenes, no matter what government is in "power".

I guess that I have gone off topic, because this is not a political thread.:eek:


Fa Xing
12-15-2009, 11:16 PM
That is the problem!

They are BAD kids. Sometimes these BAD kids have their own bad kids and the cicle continues. I believe that this phenomenom is not an accident. It is by "design", by which, I mean, social engineering by governments or more correctly the people who pull the strings behind the scenes, no matter what government is in "power".

I guess that I have gone off topic, because this is not a political thread.:eek:


That's quite a slippery slope fallacy you got going for yourself there. Let me know how that reasoning works out for ya, mmkay pumpkin? :rolleyes:

12-16-2009, 12:51 AM
That's quite a slippery slope fallacy you got going for yourself there. Let me know how that reasoning works out for ya,

It has been working fine so far.;)

We live in a controlled society where the masses are treated with contempt. We are preached about god, human rights, democracy and "freedom" while our preachers, who are in many cases, our "freely elected" (what a laugh) governments" go on to poison us - the masses - by allowing dangerous chemicals in our food chain and by allowing the use of dangerous medicine, including vaccines, on one hand, while on the other hand these "lovers" of freedom and human rights bomb the crap out of whole nations, killing hundreds of thousands, in the name of the same "Democracy"and "Freedom".

The same forces destroy our family lives through propaganda and legislation while making sure that our streets are full of drugs, provoking increased delinquency and hence increased crime. Keep the public in fear of criminals, "terrorists" that you have yourself created; Bird flue, Swine Flue or Frog flu....LOL. Then tell them that the world is going to come to an end because of climate change and that is their fault.

Use all these "imaginary" problems, many of which you have created yourself, to scare them into accepting any solution that you "the caring government" offers. Solutions, which will tax them to death; take away the few precious civil rights that they have left and imprison them in a dictatorship while you are STILL preaching the values of "Democracy", "Human Rights", "Freedom" etc, etc, etc. [By the way, this is called, Mind Control].

YOu, the "government" know that they will buy this crap because your controlled media has brainwashed almost all of them into thinking that they know all that there is to know and because of their "decades" of experience in life they are too smart to be conned in the ways that I have just described.

Just as they think that they are all good drivers; just as those among them who have practiced TCMAs for "decades" also think that they know all there is to know about all their aspects, wether external or internal and they rather go on thinking this and making clueless comments than look outside the box. It is all the same!

People don't see any of this because perhaps they have "decades" of experience in life and hence they "know" everything.

So yes, when looking at the UK for instance, single parenthood was encouraged through tax breaks and financial aid, decades ago. There were no limits such as with your first child you well get government aid but not with the second one. Many women started having babies just to get money and even homes from the government. The kids grew up in government projects (Council homes/flats) while many times their mothers would do only the minimum, if that, to take care of them. Within a few short decades the UK which was not known for its crime problems, became for famous or rather infamous for its hooligan problems, other crime went up as well.

Did the legislature do anything to contain the situation or combat the increase in crime, including murders? Yes of course they did. They gave more rights to the criminals and less rights to defend oneself as far as the innocent masses were concerned.

The same as the US, where you are afraid to defend yourself because the same government that is wiping out generations of innocent people in the Middle East, Africa, etc, will jail you to protect the rights of the scum of society, proven criminals, in many cases!

In the UK's case to "protect" the public from the criminals (and later on, the "terrorists - read CIA/MI5/MI6 panzies), the "freely elected government" of the UK put up cameras almost everywhere in the Capital and other major cities. Did the crime go down? NO IT DIDN'T!

WHY? Because the authorities were still refusing to punish the criminals themselves in any effective way. Furthermore, most the legislation that resulted in thousands of children being brought up little better than animals was still in place.


And continue to read the above in the next paragraph.

Furthermore, UK's gates were opened to hundreds of thousands of immigrants. Many were allowed in because they were classified as "refugees" who were let in out of the kindness of the "government's" heart. Maybe they felt guilty about playing part in mass murdering hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterns for decades, but I doubt it...LOL.

So, why? The answer would be to wear down UK's national identity to make the union of Europe run more smoothly. The same thing has been happening in the US, where national identity is being worn out preparing for an eventual union of the Americas.

So coming back, we have the UK and increasingly the US turning into a surveillance society, where family values are loosing ground as we speak. It is a case of, "if you want to control the masses then get the individuals on their own, where they are alone and have no strong human connections.

I have strayed and Master Killer may get upset with me because he probably wanted this thread to turn into a grappling/ BJJ discussion, after all, this is a kung fu forum.:D

However, sometimes it is good to take one's head out of the darkness to see the light and the bigger picture. :)

mmkay pumpkin? :rolleyes:

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 01:11 AM
Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!:)

12-16-2009, 01:18 AM
Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!:)

That is just about what I was expecting. I had a lot of "Fa la la la laaaaa...." in the "Dynamic Tension if forms thread, where I was discussing a lesser known Internal TCMA methodology which apparently everyone was clueless about and where only a few accepted even the possibility of there being a TCMA method they had not heard about, LOL. :)

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 02:14 AM
There is no such thing as freedom. It is a relative concept. If you have a job, a family etc. then you are not free. Any sense of responsibility becomes something that controls and determines your behavior and freedom.

There has never been a time when governments were not corrupt. There has never been a time when the rich and powerful did not seek to dominate the weak and poor. There has never been a time when humans were completely free. We are all slaves to some kind of world view, whatever that world view ma be. Even needing or wanting freedom is a form of slavery to a particular world view.

We all need to eat, wear clothes and have a place to live. We all socialize with others. These things create slavery to the desire for their continuation.

The powerful are slaves to their power, the weak are slaves to their weakness, the rich are slaves to their wealth, and the poor are slaves to their poverty. And nearly all people are complete slaves to their emotions!

Freedom is a state of mind. Freedom from desire is the only true freedom there is.

Any definition of freedom and slavery is relative to ones perspective. There has never been complete freedom in the history of man, except for those who have attained freedom of the mind. These are individuals that are able to accommodate themselves to the slavery of their time without buying into the illusion of the world system.

Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!:)

12-16-2009, 05:37 AM
HW8 aka (carpetbagger),

your philosophies are about as exaggerated as your thoughts on TCMA. You really need a life. I just think you need a friend, but I can't see anyone putting up with your overbearing nature.
I KNOW YOU NEED A PEN PAL from another country that cant read english and you 2 can write each other and not offend the other. That's about the only way I can see you having a friend. I think i'll set it up for you because I'm awesome like that.

12-16-2009, 06:57 AM
I saw no poultry in that clip !

12-16-2009, 08:35 AM
stopping the blood flow to the brain

would make her pass out for a while

once the blood flow resumed, consciousness regained.


how asphyxiation would enhance "sex"?

I always thought hyperbaric O2 would--


this is very dangerous to do anything around neck--


12-16-2009, 09:38 AM
There is no such thing as freedom. It is a relative concept. If you have a job, a family etc. then you are not free. Any sense of responsibility becomes something that controls and determines your behavior and freedom.

There has never been a time when governments were not corrupt. There has never been a time when the rich and powerful did not seek to dominate the weak and poor. There has never been a time when humans were completely free. We are all slaves to some kind of world view, whatever that world view ma be. Even needing or wanting freedom is a form of slavery to a particular world view.

We all need to eat, wear clothes and have a place to live. We all socialize with others. These things create slavery to the desire for their continuation.

The powerful are slaves to their power, the weak are slaves to their weakness, the rich are slaves to their wealth, and the poor are slaves to their poverty. And nearly all people are complete slaves to their emotions!

Freedom is a state of mind. Freedom from desire is the only true freedom there is.

Any definition of freedom and slavery is relative to ones perspective. There has never been complete freedom in the history of man, except for those who have attained freedom of the mind. These are individuals that are able to accommodate themselves to the slavery of their time without buying into the illusion of the world system.

Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!:)

The flipside to that is that YOU HAVE A CHOICE.
You don't HAVE to do these things, you GET TO do these things. They are all choices, so enjoy them.
You don't HAVE to eat, you can starve. You CHOOSE to eat, so therefore, you GET TO eat. YAY!
You don't HAVE to work, you can be unemployed and homeless. You CHOOSE to work, You CHOOSE to pay taxes, You CHOOSE to do these things, so therefore, congratulate yourself and celebrate these choices. YOU GET TO do all these things.
Unless you have been kidnapped and forced into slavery, or were born deformed, or have an incurable illness, most everything in your life is a result of a concious choice.
Sure, it's alot easier to not hold yourself accountable, blame others, and say,"Poor little me," but that story wears thin...unless you have collected a nice little support group, where you can all blame the government, The Man, society, your mom didn't give you enough hugs, etc.
If you don't like your present situation, change it.
If it's not working for you, change it. Shift your point of view, the angle at which you attack the situation.
Insanity is repeating the same thing, and expecting a different result.

12-16-2009, 09:40 AM
Insanity is repeating the same thing, and expecting a different result.

Oh, what you said !!!
Now you did it !!

12-16-2009, 09:55 AM
There is no such thing as freedom.It is a relative concept. If you have a job, a family etc. then you are not free. Any sense of responsibility becomes something that controls and determines your behavior and freedom.
But then it us that many times choose our jobs and or choose to have a family. Those who are lucky enough to have their preferred jobs will embrace their "responsibilities". That is they freely choose to have their responsibilities.

There has never been a time when governments were not corrupt.
Very true. However, there are elements in Western world governance that are down right murderous. They lie, they kill and their pillaging is never enough. They masacere and steal from other nations, while they have surplus food stocks rotting in their warehouses. They treat their own masses with contempt. This is down right evil.

In recent years, whatever agenda the "great" powers follow has been speeded up. That is,we have more chemicals injected into our foods, more things to fear - "terrorism", diseases, Global Warming- and more of our rights and individuality taken away. Of course, the technology available to "tag" and control people has also been utilized more and more and will continue to increase in the years to come.

There has never been a time when the rich and powerful did not seek to dominate the weak and poor. There has never been a time when humans were completely free.
Then lets start by being free-er and then take it from there, as right now we are heading for enslavement, big time.

We are all slaves to some kind of world view, whatever that world view ma be. Even needing or wanting freedom is a form of slavery to a particular world view.
I know where you are coming from but needing and wanting are something that is part of the natural human condition. Of course, we can all try and control and limit our wanting to what we actually NEED.

We all need to eat, wear clothes and have a place to live. We all socialize with others. These things create slavery to the desire for their continuation.

I am very well aware of the Eastern philosophies regarding what you are saying. And I AGREE with you.

The powerful are slaves to their power, the weak are slaves to their weakness, the rich are slaves to their wealth, and the poor are slaves to their poverty. And nearly all people are complete slaves to their emotions!

I agree. However, that does not mean that the human race has to put up with the evil CULT that is aiming to dominate every living soul on the planet.

Freedom is a state of mind. Freedom from desire is the only true freedom there is.

Any definition of freedom and slavery is relative to ones perspective. There has never been complete freedom in the history of man, except for those who have attained freedom of the mind. These are individuals that are able to accommodate themselves to the slavery of their time without buying into the illusion of the world system.

I agree with you totally. However, we live in a world that one can be blowen to bits while sitting in his living room meditating to cleanse his mind of all desire. Life is sacred and most, if not all, the philosophies that preach enlightenment through over coming of desire, see it as such.

What I am saying is that we cannot just accept all that is being thrown at us. We are being murdered, poisoned and kept in total state of stress, fear and worry. I would hazard a guess that the powers that be know exactly about what you are talking about and are doing their best to confuse the human race by keeping their minds occupied with all the negativity and superficial desires that are throw at us daily through the media.

Of course, I personally, try to keep my mind in peace. My TCMA practice helps me in this regard. However, burying our heads in sand will not make things better.

I like your post. There was a lot of truth in it and yes you are right, ultimate freedom will come to those who free their minds, but as always, what good is freedom when you are dead or maimed.

Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!:)

La,la.la,la,la,la,la,la!!!!! :)

12-16-2009, 09:59 AM
HW8 aka (carpetbagger),

your philosophies are about as exaggerated as your thoughts on TCMA. You really need a life. I just think you need a friend, but I can't see anyone putting up with your overbearing nature.
I KNOW YOU NEED A PEN PAL from another country that cant read english and you 2 can write each other and not offend the other. That's about the only way I can see you having a friend. I think i'll set it up for you because I'm awesome like that.

I see that your butt is still sore because of what I did to you in the other thread. Not to worry. Just look at it as an introduction to the Internals for Meat Heads...LOL.

However, feel free to use some medicated cream to sooth your pain....LOL

12-16-2009, 10:09 AM
what you did on the other thread?? :confused:

would that be the repeating of your non-existant points over and over and over?

I'm not sore just making sure everyone and there dog know exactly what you are. Doing my civic duty, to help the beginner know that he should stay on the other side of the world from you. that's all. ;)

I use aloe sorry no cream for me thanks. you can keep your assortment of K-Y and lubricants for what ever it is you do at your keyboard during your lonely nights on other MA's forums trying to 'enlighten' all the beginners and starters of MA's.

Just doing my duty Mr. Carpetbagger. :)

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 10:09 AM
Concerning Choices:

Choices give a false impression of freedom. I used this ploy many times on my children when they were little. Instead of telling them what to do you give them two or three choices to choose from. It gives the false impression that they are in control of the decision when in actuality, their choices were artificially limited by me and designed to provide the results I chose for them.

It is a psychological ploy designed to give the impression of choice and freedom, but when your choices are artificially limited you don't truly have the freedom of choice you think you do.

So from the government, you can:

1) pay your taxes,

2) go to jail,

3) leave the country, or

4) live in hiding!

You get to chose the one you want, see how free you are?

You are only free when you get to choose your own options to chose from, not the government, the society, or your sense of responsiblity.

Freedom is an illusion!

12-16-2009, 10:22 AM
You are only free when you get to choose your own options to chose from, not the government, the society, or your sense of responsiblity.

Freedom is an illusion!
or maybe a parameter....?

12-16-2009, 10:32 AM
what you did on the other thread?? :confused:

would that be the repeating of your non-existant points over and over and over?

I'm not sore just making sure everyone and there dog know exactly what you are. Doing my civic duty, to help the beginner know that he should stay on the other side of the world from you. that's all. ;)

I use aloe sorry no cream for me thanks. you can keep your assortment of K-Y and lubricants for what ever it is you do at your keyboard during your lonely nights on other MA's forums trying to 'enlighten' all the beginners and starters of MA's.

Just doing my duty Mr. Carpetbagger. :)

I guess you will just have to use those plastic "dough nuts" to sit on for a few months. LOL

12-16-2009, 10:38 AM
that's cool... you have fun with you pedofilic activities online 'closet master' .

12-16-2009, 10:47 AM
My illusion of freedom is strongest within my own mind, the only limitations there are posed by myself, thus freedom in its highest illusionary form is only restricted by mine own self!


12-16-2009, 10:57 AM
freedom is about boundry.

how big is the sky?

the frog at the bottom of the well, said it is yeah big. or as big as the circle of the well.

the squirrle came by and said, actually it is bigger and as far as the river bank, since squirrel may not swim across the river.

the eagle came by and said, it is as big as the valley.


the Chinese tai kong ren came by and said it is as big as your eyes may see but also as big as you may imagine it to be.

tai kong naut = cosmo naut = astra naut = space folks.


Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 11:25 AM
My illusion of freedom is strongest within my own mind, the only limitations there are posed by myself, thus freedom in its highest illusionary form is only restricted by mine own self!


The only problem with that is that we rarely fully understand the limitations of our own minds, because we only know what we know, we don't know what we don't know!

Since we don't know what we don't know we cannot journey there because we do not know how to get there.

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 11:27 AM
or maybe a parameter....?

I agree, we have freedom within limits, and that is why freedom is an illusion. As long as there are boundaries it is not truly freedom.

12-16-2009, 11:29 AM
The only problem with that is that we rarely fully understand the limitations of our own minds, because we only know what we know, we don't know what we don't know!

Since we don't know what we don't know we cannot journey there because we do not know how to get there.

Tell that to the purple and yellow fire breathing talking pegasus that comes to me in the night and shares the cosmos ultimate mysteries with me!

or wait...maybe that was a dream...

12-16-2009, 11:33 AM
Concerning Choices:

Choices give a false impression of freedom. I used this ploy many times on my children when they were little. Instead of telling them what to do you give them two or three choices to choose from. It gives the false impression that they are in control of the decision when in actuality, their choices were artificially limited by me and designed to provide the results I chose for them.
That sounds so much like what we call "Democracy" nowadays,"Hey, I voted for Obama, because he is for change, duuh....".

Having said that I will add that we humans need to be able to make some fundamental choices in our lives, without manipulation from outside parties. We need some basic rights without them being "jerk off" political tools.

It is a psychological ploy designed to give the impression of choice and freedom, but when your choices are artificially limited you don't truly have the freedom of choice you think you do.
And that is the world we live in.

So from the government, you can:

1) pay your taxes,

2) go to jail,

3) leave the country, or

4) live in hiding!

You get to chose the one you want, see how free you are?

That is my point, but it doesn't have to be that way if people don't give their minds away.

Furthermore, the "government" does not seem to be happy with everything it gets, hence it is clamping down on the rights of its citizens. How far is this going to go? Every time they perceive some form of resistance to their unfolding dictatorship there will suddenly be another "terrorist" attack to traumatize the masses into accepting more restrictions on their freedoms.

You are only free when you get to choose your own options to chose from, not the government, the society, or your sense of responsiblity.
Very true, but there is no problem in aiming to get to that stage or at least as close as possible.

Freedom is an illusion!
As things are today, then I could not agree with you more.

12-16-2009, 11:35 AM
that's cool... you have fun with you pedofilic activities online 'closet master' .

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 11:36 AM
Tell that to the purple and yellow fire breathing talking pegasus that comes to me in the night and shares the cosmos ultimate mysteries with me!

or wait...maybe that was a dream...

You may notice that your dream/imagination contains forms/shapes/ideas you are already familiar with. That is, they are merely variations of forms/themes you already know.

This is the limitation of your dreams/imagination. Try to imagine something that is beyond the familiar forms. You will most likely find it impossible because all ideas, thoughts, imaginings are limited by forms with which you are already familiar!

So, as I previously posted, you cannot see beyond what you can see, you cannot know beyond what you know, because you don't know how to get to where it is beyond what you know!

And if, perchance, you could get beyond what you already know, you would still have to get beyond that "new" knowing!

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 11:39 AM
Very true, but there is no problem in aiming to get to that stage or at least as close as possible.

Outside of every Matrix is found yet another Matrix!

12-16-2009, 11:42 AM
Only on this forum could a video of two crack who**res fighting turn into a contrived manifesto of wannabe philosophers talking about the true meaning of freedom, government, family, responsibilities, pedophiles, hypocracy, Obama, and a ******ing partridge in a pear tree:cool:. Long live kung fu magazine and all it's idiotic posters.


Hardwork, your still full of sh**it!!:p:D

Scott R. Brown
12-16-2009, 11:44 AM
Only on this forum could a video of two crack who**res fighting turn into a contrived manifesto of wannabe philosophers talking about the true meaning of freedom, government, family, responsibilities, pedophiles, hypocracy, Obama, and a ******ing partridge in a pear tree:cool:. Long live kung fu magazine and all it's idiotic posters.

LOL!! That is why I originally said:

"Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!":)

12-16-2009, 11:44 AM
I believe that the key point in what we are discussing is that the little freedom we have in the major Western Industrial countries are being eroded as we speak. The powers that be are using scare tactics( Climate Change, None existant epidemics, "terrorism" that they themselves have created) to introduce more and more restrictive legislation to control what we do, what we think and what we say. One of the most worrying aspect is the advanced technology that they have in their possession to control and enforce these laws on us.

On the other side of the coin these governments continue to commit geonocide and pilage the wealth of the "Third" World Nations, while preaching Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy. And every one seems to be sitting blind, "yes Obama is going to bring a lot of change" :rolleyes:

I believe that the assault on our freedoms are escalating. One can see a lot of national and international legislation being rushed through to enslave us further. It would not be bad for people to wake up!


12-16-2009, 11:45 AM
So what does all this have to do with girls and t1tties?

12-16-2009, 11:48 AM
internet kung fu forums are eventually go down the drain
i remember a cool website called cyberkwoon where people had good talks, then people just stopped visiting and u started getting messages like
"dragonballgoku1992: hey guys i want to train kung fu but can i still masterbate?"

12-16-2009, 11:49 AM
Only on this forum could a video of two crack who**res fighting turn into a contrived manifesto of wannabe philosophers talking about the true meaning of freedom, government, family, responsibilities, pedophiles, hypocracy, Obama, and a ******ing partridge in a pear tree:cool:. Long live kung fu magazine and all it's idiotic posters.


Hardwork, your still full of sh**it!!:p:D

i believe that the contents of this conversation are far above your head so why don't you get together with Frost and his friend Dragonzbane for some dumbell practice. I tell you what, why don't you enhance your training by hitting each other on the head with those same dumbells and barbells. You can call it modern "functional" training that is "so much better than that traditional stuff..." LOL

12-16-2009, 11:50 AM
internet kung fu forums are eventually go down the drain
i remember a cool website called cyberkwoon where people had good talks, then people just stopped visiting and u started getting messages like
"dragonballgoku1992: hey guys i want to train kung fu but can i still masterbate?"

Are you Dave Ross??????

12-16-2009, 11:52 AM
So what does all this have to do with girls and t1tties?

Well, they would not be acting like animals if they were not brought up like ones, to start with.

However, their titties are always appreciated, no matter what their IQ happens to be.:D

12-16-2009, 11:55 AM
LOL!! That is why I originally said:

"Fa la la la laaaaaa, la laaa laaa laaa!!!":)

YOu also posted a very intelligent take on the concept of freedom!

Why "apologize" for participating in an interesting conversation to someone who just came in to ridicule.

12-16-2009, 11:58 AM
So what does all this have to do with girls and t1tties?

Some people just have too little Yang and see the Yin in everything.

12-16-2009, 12:02 PM
i believe that the contents of this conversation are far above your head so why don't you get together with Frost and his friend Dragonzbane for some dumbell practice. I tell you what, why don't you enhance your training by hitting each other on the head with those same dumbells and barbells. You can call it modern "functional" training that is "so much better than that traditional stuff..." LOL

LOL, above my head, huh. Well, what I see, particualry in you, is a self absorbed twit who likes to spout off about theories that you really don't understand, yet have loads of fun pretending you do so everyone thinks you "oh so smart":rolleyes: Your theories hold as much merit as your so called knowledge of TCMA, that is, they are worthless and contrived. So have fun with that.:)

12-16-2009, 12:28 PM
LOL, above my head, huh. Well, what I see, particualry in you, is a self absorbed twit who likes to spout off about theories that you really don't understand, yet have loads of fun pretending you do so everyone thinks you "oh so smart":rolleyes: Your theories hold as much merit as your so called knowledge of TCMA, that is, they are worthless and contrived. So have fun with that.:)

Spoken like a true clueless knucklehead.

By the way, my "so called" knowledge is not mine. It has been around for centuries, except that it is not taught to every meat head who walks off the street, that is if they and their two brain cells manage to locate an ACTUAL TCMA school.;)

12-16-2009, 12:32 PM
Some people just have too little Yang and see the Yin in everything.

Ironically, most people in this forum have too little Yin.

If you understand the significance of that statement then you will be enlightened.;)

12-16-2009, 12:40 PM
Ironically, most people in this forum have too little Yin.

If you understand the significance of that statement then you will be enlightened.;)

If this is about your offer to shave my ass, the answer is still no.

12-16-2009, 12:41 PM
i dont know whats worse, that someone offered to shave your ass, or that your ass needs to be shaved.....


12-16-2009, 12:42 PM
I don't imagine the position of ass shaver would look good on a resume.:D

12-16-2009, 12:46 PM
i dont know whats worse, that someone offered to shave your ass, or that your ass needs to be shaved.....


Hey, I didn't say it needed shaving, just that he offered.
Probably around too many greeks and he ASSumed because of my mediteranian background that I need one too.
Sure I am flattered, but I just don't swing that way.

12-16-2009, 12:46 PM
I don't imagine the position of ass shaver would look good on a resume.:D

Unless you were a Spartan wannabe.

12-16-2009, 01:51 PM
By the way, my "so called" knowledge is not mine. It has been around for centuries, except that it is not taught to every meat head who walks off the street, that is if they and their two brain cells manage to locate an ACTUAL TCMA school.
nope just taught to the 3-5% pompous hypocritical 'closet teachers', as you seemed to have stumbled blindly into. you ever think of this Mr. Carpetbagger? no one wants your snake oil. maybe they see you very accurately for what you are and this gives me hope in the human race.
I believe thats the answer.

12-16-2009, 01:54 PM
i dont know whats worse, that someone offered to shave your ass, or that your ass needs to be shaved.....


If someone has a squirrel's tail, it's nothing to be ashamed of and none of our business.

12-16-2009, 09:26 PM
If this is about your offer to shave my ass, the answer is still no.

And I am supposed to discuss Internal TCMA methodologies with some one like you? LOL.

And to think that you are also supposed to be a moderator here who deletes posts that contain "personal insults" (Except your own, that is LOL! )

By the way, your sexual fantasies do not reflect well on this forum's cross training community, who see you as some kind of beacon or is it bacon? LOL

12-16-2009, 09:32 PM
nope just taught to the 3-5% pompous hypocritical 'closet teachers', as you seemed to have stumbled blindly into. you ever think of this Mr. Carpetbagger? no one wants your snake oil. maybe they see you very accurately for what you are and this gives me hope in the human race.
I believe thats the answer.

You misunderstand, it is not snake oil but medicated cream for your sore butt! LOL!

12-16-2009, 11:11 PM
That is the problem!

They are BAD kids. Sometimes these BAD kids have their own bad kids and the cicle continues. I believe that this phenomenom is not an accident. It is by "design", by which, I mean, social engineering by governments or more correctly the people who pull the strings behind the scenes, no matter what government is in "power".

I guess that I have gone off topic, because this is not a political thread.:eek:


Remember Good Girls got to church, but bad Girls go Everywhere;)

12-16-2009, 11:43 PM
Remember Good Girls got to church, but bad Girls go Everywhere;)

Hey, I like those type of bad girls.:D:)

12-16-2009, 11:53 PM
i dont know whats worse, that someone offered to shave your ass, or that your ass needs to be shaved.....


Hey Lucas, let's leave Sanjuro's ass out of this thread, even if he likes to throw his ass in every other thread. I guess his ass plays the role of a back up(no pun intended) every time he is at a loss for words regarding various TCMA practices. It kind of gets thrown in to divert attention from his cluelessness...LOL.

So let's just leave the "mysteries" of Sanjuro and his cross training ass to him and his knucklehead boyfriends to figure out. :D

I am at last beginning to understand what these MA "modernists" mean by "functional" :eek:

12-17-2009, 05:19 AM
You misunderstand, it is not snake oil but medicated cream for your sore butt! LOL!

whatever you wanna call it snakeoil, butt cream, ehhh... whatever it's still your cure all formula (which is the def. for snakeoil) Sell away 'O carpetbagger...:p we bow before your vast knowledge of things we care little for. ;)

12-17-2009, 07:09 AM
And I am supposed to discuss Internal TCMA methodologies with some one like you? LOL.

And to think that you are also supposed to be a moderator here who deletes posts that contain "personal insults" (Except your own, that is LOL! )

By the way, your sexual fantasies do not reflect well on this forum's cross training community, who see you as some kind of beacon or is it bacon? LOL

If this is about those pictures of you in that speedo, no, you can't have them back !

12-17-2009, 07:10 AM
Hey Lucas, let's leave Sanjuro's ass out of this thread, even if he likes to throw his ass in every other thread. I guess his ass plays the role of a back up(no pun intended) every time he is at a loss for words regarding various TCMA practices. It kind of gets thrown in to divert attention from his cluelessness...LOL.

So let's just leave the "mysteries" of Sanjuro and his cross training ass to him and his knucklehead boyfriends to figure out. :D

I am at last beginning to understand what these MA "modernists" mean by "functional" :eek:

There you go again, with my ass on you lips.

12-17-2009, 09:51 AM
a bit off topic from the off topic ness here, but what is it with gay dudes automatically assuming all other guys are gay, rather than assume they are straight first? im pretty sure straight guys are in the majority, so whats up with that. idk if any of you are gay, and im not being insulting on purpose, but this isnt some isolated sitation, i live in portland or, LOTS of gay people here, and this is really the norm. kind of annoying if your straight and single lol

12-17-2009, 09:54 AM
a bit off topic from the off topic ness here, but what is it with gay dudes automatically assuming all other guys are gay, rather than assume they are straight first? im pretty sure straight guys are in the majority, so whats up with that. idk if any of you are gay, and im not being insulting on purpose, but this isnt some isolated sitation, i live in portland or, LOTS of gay people here, and this is really the norm. kind of annoying if your straight and single lol

You are SO GAY !

Scott R. Brown
12-17-2009, 10:00 AM
a bit off topic from the off topic ness here, but what is it with gay dudes automatically assuming all other guys are gay, rather than assume they are straight first? im pretty sure straight guys are in the majority, so whats up with that. idk if any of you are gay, and im not being insulting on purpose, but this isnt some isolated sitation, i live in portland or, LOTS of gay people here, and this is really the norm. kind of annoying if your straight and single lol

I have observed this same thing many times in my own experience. It isn't that they THINK all other men are gay, it is that they WANT all other men to be gay. I have found they tend not to take NO for an answer either.

I see it as overcompensation. They want as many other men to be gay as possible, especially those in popular culture, because it helps them justify a socially unpopular lifestyle within their own eyes.

Society generally does not approve of the gay life style, even though it is tolerated. So the more popular people that are gay the more acceptable they think it will be.

At least that is my personal assessment!

This does not apply to all gay men, but certainly most of them that I have known.

12-17-2009, 10:01 AM
You are SO GAY !

lol i stepped into that one.

Scott R. Brown
12-17-2009, 10:03 AM
lol i stepped into that one.

As long as you didn't BACK into it you'll be all right!:eek:

12-17-2009, 10:04 AM
I have observed this same thing many times in my own experience. It isn't that they THINK all other men are gay, it is that they WANT all other men to be gay. I have found they tend not to take NO for an answer either.

I see it as overcompensation. They want as many other men to be gay as possible, especially those in popular culture, because it helps them justify a socially unpopular lifestyle within their own eyes.

Society generally does not approve of the gay life style, even though it is tolerated. So the more popular people that are gay the more acceptable they think it will be.

At least that is my personal assessment!

This does not apply to all gay men, but certainly most of them that I have known.

that makes a lot of sense. i also wonder if it has anything to do with the aspect of their sexuality being such a foundational point in 'who' they are. you see the same thing with straight guys, in how some of them interact with women. the 'gods gift to women' syndrome.

the main reason this is on my mind is that i got hit on by 2 gay guys on my way to work this morning. i ride one bus and it takes 15 minutes.....

i feel so cheap. LOL ;):p

12-17-2009, 10:05 AM
As long as you didn't BACK into it you'll be all right!:eek:

oh no you didnt!


Scott R. Brown
12-17-2009, 10:10 AM
that makes a lot of sense. i also wonder if it has anything to do with the aspect of their sexuality being such a foundational point in 'who' they are. you see the same thing with straight guys, in how some of them interact with women. the 'gods gift to women' syndrome.

the main reason this is on my mind is that i got hit on by 2 gay guys on my way to work this morning. i ride one bus and it takes 15 minutes.....

i feel so cheap. LOL ;):p

It has happened a number of times to me too. I find it disgusting. Part of their perverted lifestyle, of course, is frequent, unprotected sex with strangers. I believe some of their behavior isdue to testosterone which, of course, is related to aggressive and risky behavior.

Just think of the average male's sex drive, now combine that with other males who enjoy having sex with men and you have two, or more, testosterone driven libidos with no reason for restraint.

Women are generally a restraining force on the aggressiveness of men. Without that ameliorating influence, there is no reason for men to exercise self-control.

12-17-2009, 10:27 AM
you're too smart for your own **** good

Scott R. Brown
12-17-2009, 10:32 AM
you're too smart for your own **** good

LOL!!! ;)

Maybe so!!!

12-17-2009, 11:20 AM
unfortunately both guys and girls are attracted to the same type of man.

with lots of gusto from testastorne

are the same pheromone attracting both men and girls.

as the first clip

both need diet and exercise to slim down

or lose weight

free lessons from jenny craig or something

other than choking each other out in public

or see who would win in yoga posturing.


David Jamieson
12-17-2009, 12:40 PM
looks like she got some free dermabrasion treatment there.

I would totally send her the bill for that.

12-17-2009, 01:22 PM
a bit off topic from the off topic ness here, but what is it with gay dudes automatically assuming all other guys are gay,
I know, Sanjuro's behavior is not an isolated incident but we need to forgive him because I believe his testosterone driven grappling sessions with his fellow bird brains have gotten the best of him.:D

12-17-2009, 01:23 PM
You are SO GAY !

See, there he goes again..LOL.lol,lol.

12-17-2009, 01:24 PM
i touch your smooth butocks
no h0m0

12-17-2009, 01:35 PM
I know, Sanjuro's behavior is not an isolated incident but we need to forgive him because I believe his testosterone driven grappling sessions with his fellow bird brains have gotten the best of him.:D

tease !

See, there he goes again..LOL.lol,lol.


Always with Sanjuro on the mind eh?

12-17-2009, 02:10 PM
Always with Sanjuro on the mind eh?
Well, when Lucas brought in the subject about gays, all of us here thought of the one and only Sanjuro_ronin. LOL!

Actually, I believe Lucas brought the whole matter up after reading your "wishful thinking" posts. LOL.

12-17-2009, 02:10 PM
could we turn all gay talk around to be about girls again.

a picture of a girl wearing thin clothes would be nice.

too much testastrone or yang on this thread already.


12-17-2009, 02:13 PM
Well, when Lucas brought in the subject about gays, all of us here thought of the one and only Sanjuro_ronin. LOL!

Actually, I believe Lucas brought the whole matter up after reading your "wishful thinking" posts. LOL.

Hey, you hitting on Lucus too now?
Man-***** !!

12-17-2009, 02:13 PM
could we turn all gay talk around to be about girls again.

a picture of a girl wearing thin clothes would be nice.

too much testastrone or yang on this thread already.



12-17-2009, 02:15 PM

12-17-2009, 02:16 PM

12-17-2009, 02:23 PM
whatever you wanna call it snakeoil, butt cream, ehhh... whatever it's still your cure all formula (which is the def. for snakeoil)

You can call it what you want but it will still help cure your sore butt and the sooner you cure it then the sooner you can continue your loving and intense relationship with your fellow knucklehead, Sanjuro, without having to worry about serious an@l injury.LOL.

we bow before your vast knowledge of things we care little for. ;)

You "care little" because you donīt actually practice kung fu and you never have, beyond a superficial level.

You are just a "jack of all trades", cross trainer and that is the point of your reference to the fighting arts. Furthermore, you are not alone in this world of Mcdojo fodder, fast food martial arts and inflated egos. So at least you have some friends that you can't be proud of.:D

12-17-2009, 02:25 PM
Hey, you hitting on Lucus too now?
Man-***** !!

There you go again, thinking that everyone is gay, like you. LOL.

Do keep posting pictures of sexy women to convince everyone(and yourself?) that you are heterosexual....LOL.

12-17-2009, 02:26 PM

I was thinking about more alone this line






12-17-2009, 03:20 PM
You can call it what you want but it will still help cure your sore butt and the sooner you cure it then the sooner you can continue your loving and intense relationship with your fellow knucklehead, Sanjuro, without having to worry about serious an@l injury.LOL.

Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76
we bow before your vast knowledge of things we care little for.

You "care little" because you donīt actually practice kung fu and you never have, beyond a superficial level.

You are just a "jack of all trades", cross trainer and that is the point of your reference to the fighting arts. Furthermore, you are not alone in this world of Mcdojo fodder, fast food martial arts and inflated egos. So at least you have some friends that you can't be proud of.

Mr. Carpetbagger I don't want your garbage can't you see that I'm not interested in your "if I act now" for $9.99 I can be enlightened booklet and dvd your selling. Go to the next town or better yet....


12-17-2009, 04:51 PM
If this is about your offer to shave my ass, the answer is still no.


12-17-2009, 10:05 PM
Mr. Carpetbagger I don't want your garbage can't you see that I'm not interested in your "if I act now" for $9.99 I can be enlightened booklet and dvd your selling. Go to the next town or better yet....
Unlike a lot of people here who do sell dvds and booklets, I am only trying to sell you sore-butt cream, made from Amazonian herbs, for only $8.99. If you order now you will get an extra tube of this wonderful cream(which you can give to Sanjuro) that also contains Dit Dat Jo ingredients and will give you both Iron Asses after 2 months of application.

This cream's special ingredients will thicken and strengthen you butts in a way that will match the thickness of your skulls. This is an offer that no knucklehead can refuse.

This offer is available for only a limited period of time so hurry and make your order now and I guarantee delivery before you are finished scratching your sore butt.

12-17-2009, 10:09 PM

I see Sanjuro is still looking for volunteers to shave his ass. I guess with a little more persuasion his cross training buddy Dragonzbane may take up the offer, after all, cross trainers do always seem to "stick" together, LOL.

12-18-2009, 05:10 AM
Unlike a lot of people here who do sell dvds and booklets, I am only trying to sell you sore-butt cream, made from Amazonian herbs, for only $8.99. If you order now you will get an extra tube of this wonderful cream(which you can give to Sanjuro) that also contains Dit Dat Jo ingredients and will give you both Iron Asses after 2 months of application.

This cream's special ingredients will thicken and strengthen you butts in a way that will match the thickness of your skulls. This is an offer that no knucklehead can refuse.

This offer is available for only a limited period of time so hurry and make your order now and I guarantee delivery before you are finished scratching your sore butt.

haha Mr. carpetbagger quit TRYING TO SELL ME STUFF. I'M NOT INTERESTED. :p

12-18-2009, 06:57 AM
There you go again, thinking that everyone is gay, like you. LOL.

Do keep posting pictures of sexy women to convince everyone(and yourself?) that you are heterosexual....LOL.

You saucy tart !

12-18-2009, 06:58 AM
I see Sanjuro is still looking for volunteers to shave his ass. I guess with a little more persuasion his cross training buddy Dragonzbane may take up the offer, after all, cross trainers do always seem to "stick" together, LOL.

Don't be jealous muffin.