View Full Version : More on the NHB Kung fu tournament

10-29-2001, 02:28 AM
Guys look, you have to be realistic. There has to be rules. It will be a tournament, and not a street fight. The rules are so no one gets seriously hurt or killed. Plus, the fights MUST be experts (top student, master, and the like). If you don't have the control, the talent or the resources to fight without doing deadly attacks, maybe you should try to enter. I've seen too many guys get hurt or hurt someone else because they have no control or they don't know what they are doing.

Why only kung fu? Well, it is because I'm tried of hearing guys and tournaments and online talking crap about how good their kung fu is or how great their teacher is. This will be your chance to prove it. Plus, other NHB tournaments give big disadvantages to strikers. The groves they use are soft. In this tournament, the smaller dense gloves will be used. Plus, if you see a Taichi guy grab his opponent and FORCE him to the ground, you will know that his kung fu is garbage.

One thing you guys must remember is that this is leaning more toward the pride of your school, style, teacher, and kung fu lineage. It is not only for personnal fame.

I want to see real kung fu experts, and some clown who went to a black belt factory. I've fighters fight with real technique. They were using their style. It wasn't as clean or as pretty as a kung fu movie, but I can tell what they are doing.

As for ground fighting, it depends. Ground fighting is ok, but not in the same sense as grapplers. If you do Ditang , Monkey, or the like, you can use THOSE ground techniques. Listen, if a Choy Lay Fut guy is fighting a Hung Gar guy, they shouldn't be rolling around on the ground even though these style may have ground tecniques.
If two guys are fighting, and they fall down, they have about 1 minute to get an advantage. If neither can, they have to stand up. Wait a minute! If you guys kung fu is as good as most of say, there should be no worrys.

I'm trying to put this together slowly and carefully. Kung fu has to restart somewhere, and I want it to be this. I don't want to make a lot of money from a tournament. I want raise the quality of kung fu and spead it worldwide. People think that kung fu is weak. They think we talk the talk but can't walk the walk. This is our chance to put kung fu back on top. ;)

10-29-2001, 02:40 AM
Hey, I know this might be too early in development, but I'll make the tournament a kickass web page (I design them professionally) if you want, for free too, as long as you find somewhere to host it.

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10-29-2001, 03:18 AM
What you're describing is a commone vale tudo format. As a matter of fact, Knifefighter posted about an event in So. Cal. a short while ago with nearly the exact same rule structure as you're describing (standups, etc.). They were also looking for "kung fu" fighters to enter.

The only difference in what you're trying to get started is just in the promoter's (meaning you) selection of who enters as fighters.

I want to see real kung fu experts, and some clown who went to a black belt factory. I've fighters fight with real technique.

Out of curiosity, what would be your critera to determine who was actually a "kung fu expert"?

10-29-2001, 04:41 AM
Did any kf guy got in that tournament?

I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt
I'm too sexy for your mother, too sexy for your mother
So sexy, YEAH

10-29-2001, 09:17 AM
So the gloves are too soft, thats why strikers were losing? Well obviously Tank abott, Vitor Belfort, Don Frye, Pedro Rizzo, Mo Smith beg to differ. The've knocked out many people using punches with thoise gloves.

10-29-2001, 04:29 PM
The gloves used in most NHB/MMA events are 4 ounce to 6 ounce gloves with knuckle padding and open fingers. Having sparred with and been hit by them, I fail to understand how they can be considered "soft."

Secondly, I disagree about the grappling issue. Your Kung Fu is either good enough to keep you off the ground, or good enough to get you up once you've gotten there. I don't understand why you feel the need to limit the ranges you are fighting in.

10-29-2001, 04:48 PM
man lets face it nobody who is good at kung fu has anything to prove... When you know youve made it whats the point this goes for stuff like karate and other trad martial arts...

who are you gonna get in that ring frank yee no1 student to fight bucksam kong no1 student ???

Or would it be someone like ren guang yi ???

look in essence the thought of kf guys fighting is great hell im all up for it i love the concept of fighting however in reality its not like that, in reality there are very few people who could stand in the ring with tyson and not get killed, most of the people in nhb tournaments could last 1 round with tyson, even the best of the strikers out there...

Wether we like it or not lets face it nhb tourneys work because the general level of the people competing sucks , its just they have no one better to fight against. if those strikers were that hot they would be in boxing .

In kung fu when you generate power you generate power no ****ing about , how can you hold a tourney where bones get broken every other round.

Why do you tihnk san sohu was devised its for this very reason.

I think the idea is great to get to see some real kung fu in tourneys , but **** man its one thing getting hit by a kickboxers punch and its another thing getting hit by a baseball bat.

Just to end off i donno if ive told this story before but last year or the year before the world kickboxing championships was held in my coutnry and the 2 contenders was 1 russian and 1 guyfrom the netherlands who had competed in the k-1. i thought hm k1 wow ok this is gonan be hot.

(i dont know the name of the belt as i threw the brochure away but it was held at the same time as the european championship kickboxing )
Anyohow i thought the netherlands guy will clean house.they announced the fihgter and it appears the russian guy aint so russian he's a monghol and by the looks of it hes a direct decendant of genkhis khan, and worse his trainer is this little short mongol... okaaayy... and they announced him as east asian champion.

the fight lasted 2 rounds , the mongol hit the other guy once in the first round, and 2 in the second first with a flurry of punches and then with a round kick , the k-1 guy stepped back put his hands up and said i cant take this...

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

10-29-2001, 07:43 PM

I understand your point about "if you know you're a master what have you go to prove?" I respect your right to think that way.

Could you please explain to me what the rest of your post meant? I'm lost.

10-29-2001, 10:47 PM
The post made sense to me, try re-reading it?

I would like to see a tournament of kung fu guys going at it, but I don't think anyone with half a brain would enter that tournament. Too dangerous!

San shou is a good proving ground for kung fu. Even if you're not techincally doing the pure art you studied. Most of the concepts carry over quite nicely. Atleast, that's what I hear. I've never actually competed.

Someone decided it was nesecary to mention tyson. Of course no one can fight him. He's a psychopath. No one could fight me either if I pumped iron all day every day for my whole life, probably ate a bowl of steroids for every meal and trained in what ever time I had left.

10-29-2001, 10:55 PM
Why would a Kung Fu tournament be too dangerous?

When you'r telling one of your little stories, here's a idea; Have a point, it makes it so much more interesting for the reader.

10-29-2001, 11:01 PM
What do Masters have to prove?

Absolutely nothing, this however to some is a professional endeavor. You are trying to tell me that there has been nobody in the history of Kung Fu in America that has not wanted to be a professional fighter. I myself if I was good enough I'd be a pro and do something I love for a living. What seperates KF guys from the Kyokoshin Kai, Seido Kai, Muay Thai and western boxers. Why have they not stepped into the biggest tournaments for the most money.

10-30-2001, 12:48 AM
merryprankster my point is basically that kung fu is generally geared towards an aspect of one hit one kill , wether its hung gar which has aspects where even its blocks are designed to criple or wether its internal arts where they seem soft but have the power to really do damage, kung fu is not made for the ring , and it cannot be watered down for this reason, if you do a kung fu technique with no real power its purpose will not be fullfilled and it will just leave you looking stupid.

Kung fu is geared to a one hit wonder principle, most of the things you hea about real kung fu guys is things like yang lu chan (famous tai ji guy) only used 2 moves to beat his opponents.
Wong fei hung would repeatedly use his no shadow strike.

If you take these moves and reomve their essence its just plain sux.

My point of illustrating this was how the mongol cleaned the floor with his opponent.and had only hit him 3 times, what most people want to see is the fantasy of crouching tiger in the ring, in reality it doesnt look like that , unless you have 2 guys who are so good they can keep blocking and counterattacking to make a fight last 2-3 minutes.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo

10-30-2001, 02:24 AM
I'm sorry for saying this because it is a little rude, but you're full of ****. I'm sorry, but I'm tried of hearing kf guys talk **** about kf is this and kf is that. Kf is too board to give it a name, a face or a beleaf. I always hear the classic sayings "I can't fight you, or I will kill you." or "I'm a master. I don't have to prove it to anybody." All of the hardcore kf guys I met from Hong Kong, Taiwan, and China are quick to fight if you even say something that MIGHT be slightly insulting to their style, school, or teacher.

Is kf deadly? There is a yes and no answer to this question. When that "deadly" technique was developed, which was at the very least a hundred twenty ago, kf guys trained all day, everyday. They could kill you with a few movements. I find it very hard to beleive that some guy who trains 3 hours a day twice a week can compare. 98% of the teachers don't train like they did in the old days. I'm not talking about the all day everyday stuff. I'm talking about training with that same conviction.

Most people in the world today don't have that conviction for anything, and not just martial arts. They think about their self first, and their school, style and teacher last. Even I sometimes do this. It is natural to do so, but I'm trying to change back to the older more traditional ways of thinking.

The point I'm trying to make is that most guys can't fight (at least the way they are suppose to). If there was a nhb tournament, a broken bone would be rare. (Jujitsu guys try to break bone all of the time, but it is rare.) Also, if these kf guys had some "PRIDE" in their style, school, and or teacher, they would feel honored to fight.

"I can't fight you, or I will kill you" BULL****!

"I'm a master. I don't have to prove it to anybody." That's how in the old days masters prove their kf was good. A person who says this reminds me of my large intestines. FULL OF ****!

(Sorry for BAD LANGUAGE) :D

10-30-2001, 02:56 AM
dude chill out man its not my problem if you havent met real masters

but the fact fo the matter is 40% of all kung fu guys out there fight like a kick boxer or a saan shou guy.

that leaves 60% of that 60 %
20% of it doesnt care to fight either they are too old or not confident enough or do it for health or are women who dont participate.

of the remaining 40%, 10% of them will have either attained a status of being too deadly for their opponent or know they are hard enough not to need to fight as it is not really the point of kung fu or have nothing to prove etc.

the remaining 30% are the guys you would get in the competition and what will they be like,half of them will be like an average mcdojo kung fu practitioner who gives kung fu a bad name.
and the other half will be well trained and rite kind of material for this competition, good luck in finding the 15% that will make this competition look great, i guarantee you of that 15% it will be almost all wing chun guys
no bagua hsing yi or tai ji guys, no chin na practitioners etc etc etc...

go to any school and you will see these setups.

we have 3000 members and i can list the handful that im sure would like to fight ,
such as knife fighter, sifu abel, water dragon ,jwt ,ryu, shaolin tiger, and oh ralek.
and i would have loved to if it was 3 years agho or 2 years ago , but now i got nothign to prove.
I know who i can beat and what i need to do to beat them.

If you really want to get support for sometihng like this you need to approach schools and ask the teachers to set a standard, to talk between them and see what students they could each enter, otherwise , tou will get lots of skinny mcdojo death touch kids coming in and wanting to fight with someguy who could kick like a donkey knocking

Kung fu has no standards no real belt rankings thats why its such a mess nowadays, you get studets who practise for 3 years better than teachers who do new age tai ji for 30

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo