View Full Version : "Terrorists", "Terrorists", Everywhere????

01-01-2010, 12:59 PM
I think that the more intelligent members of this forum should have a look at this.

Pay attention to the CNN news report.

It seems that a man is ALLOWED into a an aircraft and he turns out to be a "terrorist". And yet again more infringements on our freedoms are seen as the answer to the artificially created "problem"!!!!!!!!


01-01-2010, 01:11 PM
americans are in for a VERY rude awakening. :)

01-01-2010, 03:11 PM
Alex Jones is a sister boy.

David Jamieson
01-01-2010, 03:17 PM
Canada and the UK are less repressed than the US at this time.

Seriously. It's ridiculous.

01-01-2010, 03:30 PM
I think that the more intelligent members of this forum should have a look at this.

Well, that leaves you out, you ****ing idiot.

01-01-2010, 03:33 PM
americans are in for a VERY rude awakening. :)

What country are you from, juggle boy?

01-01-2010, 03:55 PM
Alex Jones is a sister boy.

IMHO, you should focus on the CNN report and its implications, before shooting the messenger.

01-01-2010, 03:57 PM
Seriously. It's ridiculous.

What do you find so ridiculous?:confused:

01-01-2010, 05:43 PM
Canada and the UK are less repressed than the US at this time.

Seriously. It's ridiculous.

avec toi. mon ami

David Jamieson
01-02-2010, 09:24 AM
What do you find so ridiculous?:confused:

Well for starters A few of us flew across the pond for NYE.

Myself and my wife flew direct from Canada to UK.
Very standard flight the only difference being that we brought a passport as opposed to standard OP for domestic flights.

Now our other friend went through the US on a connecting flight and like everyone else was not allowed to have carry on, was frisked, had the contents of his wallet searched, shoes removed the whole pile and it led to long delays and many missed flights etc etc .

generally traveling into the states was a huge pita once more.

So, by merely comparing the 2 experiences, I draw my comparison about the state of air travel in the more developed western world countries such as UK, USA and Canada are. the People of the US have the bigger hassle of the 3.

And really, it is ridiculous. there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the alternating dog and pony show the US TSA staff do from airport to airport across america.

01-02-2010, 10:18 AM
Leaving the US for China was much more of a hassle than returning. Beijing Airport is a wonder of technology and efficiency. I didn't even have to take my shoes off:D

taai gihk yahn
01-02-2010, 10:30 AM
". And yet again more infringements on our freedoms are seen as the answer to the artificially created "problem"!!!!!!!!
ummm, don't you live in Colombia? so how exactly does increased security in US airports constitute an infringement on your freedom in particular?

and I'm guessing that you are of the opinion that the destruction of the WTC was also an "artificially created problem"?

01-02-2010, 10:36 AM
and I'm guessing that you are of the opinion that the destruction of the WTC was also an "artificially created problem"?i am... it's not an opinion either, it's a belief - planes crashed into the towers, but they were taken down by controlled detonation... you can call me crazy, but i have heard that a few times before in my life. :p

01-02-2010, 11:37 AM
i am... it's not an opinion either, it's a belief - planes crashed into the towers, but they were taken down by controlled detonation... you can call me crazy, but i have heard that a few times before in my life.

ok i'll bite, your crazy. crack pot.

01-02-2010, 11:56 AM
i am... it's not an opinion either, it's a belief - planes crashed into the towers, but they were taken down by controlled detonation... you can call me crazy, but i have heard that a few times before in my life. :p

How 'bout I call you a ****ing moron, juggle-boy?

01-02-2010, 12:01 PM
How 'bout I call you a ****ing moron, juggle-boy?as long as you feel safe enough not to blow your synapses out... sure - go for it. :)

01-02-2010, 12:05 PM

Check this from about 5:20. It pretty much says it all.



01-02-2010, 12:42 PM
CNN was a respected news media 24/7

till they fabricated a report about Chinese para military police hurting civilian in tibet.

it was actually a rescue.

since then many Chinese boycotted CNN.

China is going to air something like CNN 24/7 covering news world wide and not just China.

but for most people

we rely on VOA, BBC, Deutsche Welle, France Age---AP, UP--

I mean there are many and many media world wide, CNN is not the only one.


01-02-2010, 01:39 PM

Check this from about 5:20. It pretty much says it all.



Thank you for the link Mickey. Unfortunately I am having a problem with the volume of the dialogue on my computer. Can you summarize what she is saying?



01-02-2010, 01:52 PM
CNN was a respected news media 24/7

till they fabricated a report about Chinese para military police hurting civilian in tibet.

it was actually a rescue.

since then many Chinese boycotted CNN.

China is going to air something like CNN 24/7 covering news world wide and not just China.

but for most people

we rely on VOA, BBC, Deutsche Welle, France Age---AP, UP--

I mean there are many and many media world wide, CNN is not the only one.


I have seen CNN referred to in the past as the "CIA News Network" and in my humble opinion it is run by the same mind set, if not people, that run the BBC, which is nothing but a British Intelligence asset, whose Persian language "news" broadcasts played a significant role in the overthrown of the Shah of Iran in the late 1970s, which was a joint CIA and MI6 operation.

So, if I was Chinese, I would not trust these two "new" networks, and even a few of the others you have mentioned. What happens sometimes is that some of these "new" networks will play "good cop, bad cop", giving the illusion that there is a free press in the West, when the fact is, there never was a free press and that if people don't wake up, there never will be a free press in the Western Hemisphere!!!

However, going back to the thread, the particular CNN report contained an interview that is very revealing about the so called "Islamic Terrorist" threat, which was created and is "owned" lock, stock and barrrel by CIA, MI6 and other related Western intelligence operations, and whose sole purpose is to frighten and traumatise the masses in the West into giving up their freedoms as individual citizens.

Another angle of this plan is the fraud known as the Global Warming/Climate Change "threat". This international con is currently led by the con man known by the name of Al Gore. I guess this is a subject for another thread, however, I mentioned it because it is part of the attack directed at us and is meant to create more control mechanisms to subdue the human freedom and spirit, now that new technology can help enforce any new laws and regulations that are planned.


01-02-2010, 05:45 PM
Should've known this would be a conspiracy theorist thread. And I bet Uki also thinks the "controlled dets" were done by the Jewish community, Bush, or both. Maybe Haliburton did it?

Too bad you can't fake a videotaped Al Qaeda celebration for their successful strike. Too bad they've already caught/killed numerous individuals who admitted being responsible. And too bad a controlled det would have impossible to arrange without detection. But I'm sure the UFO-watching, Black Copter chasing, fringe militia at large can disregard any sense of methodology and simply invent a reason it happened. It's like religion gone worse. Can't make the conspiracy fit? Invent a reason, and disregard inconvenient facts.

Don't like how the TSA does things? Don't fly. There's MILLIONS of boats, trains, and buses, and some preplanning can avoid the atrocity of freedom that you suffer by unconditionally agreeing to be searched (read the **** stuff before you buy your ticket, moron). You aren't losing your freedom. You are LEGALLY and WILLINGLY giving up certain rights, because you EXPLICITLY agree to certain things. And if you don't, then the airline will be more than happy to give your seat to someone else.

As for the Canadian thing, it made American news, and our TSA experts even said Canada was overreacting to the incident. I hear they even banned carry on bags.

01-02-2010, 06:54 PM
Should've known this would be a conspiracy theorist thread. And I bet Uki also thinks the "controlled dets" were done by the Jewish community, Bush, or both. Maybe Haliburton did it?

Too bad you can't fake a videotaped Al Qaeda celebration for their successful strike. Too bad they've already caught/killed numerous individuals who admitted being responsible. And too bad a controlled det would have impossible to arrange without detection. But I'm sure the UFO-watching, Black Copter chasing, fringe militia at large can disregard any sense of methodology and simply invent a reason it happened. It's like religion gone worse. Can't make the conspiracy fit? Invent a reason, and disregard inconvenient facts.

Don't like how the TSA does things? Don't fly. There's MILLIONS of boats, trains, and buses, and some preplanning can avoid the atrocity of freedom that you suffer by unconditionally agreeing to be searched (read the **** stuff before you buy your ticket, moron). You aren't losing your freedom. You are LEGALLY and WILLINGLY giving up certain rights, because you EXPLICITLY agree to certain things. And if you don't, then the airline will be more than happy to give your seat to someone else.

As for the Canadian thing, it made American news, and our TSA experts even said Canada was overreacting to the incident. I hear they even banned carry on bags.

Just watch the CNN interview and just try and think for yourself once, soldier.

And don't expect people who need to fly across oceans for business or relatively short vacations to opt for week long ship voyages. The people behind the "terrorist" scam are aware of that fact too!

Also, nobody is talking about UFOs and black helicopters.

Why are you so nervous?????

01-02-2010, 07:34 PM
Why would I be nervous? Over a post by a LARPer? In fact, why would I care even if there was the remote possibility that anyone actually cared? I deal with issues relevant to my battalion, not some insane poster on a ruined kung fu board.

And if you don't like the airlines' rules, then you are perfectly free to buy your own plane and hire your own pilot. It's a commercial service, not a right.

01-02-2010, 08:11 PM
Why would I be nervous?
You tell me!

Over a post by a LARPer? In fact, why would I care even if there was the remote possibility that anyone actually cared? I deal with issues relevant to my battalion, not some insane poster on a ruined kung fu board.
It wouldn't be a ruined board if people like you did not enter threads with idiotic comments.

Try to think for yourself, soldier!

And if you don't like the airlines' rules, then you are perfectly free to buy your own plane and hire your own pilot.
That is a very "intelligent" comment, soldier. Why don't we all just buy planes....LOL

It's a commercial service, not a right.
Unfortunately, your whole government is a "commercial service" except that it does not serve the US population as it is there to serve its shareholders, and you are not one of them. Neither are the overall majority of Americans.

You guys would do well to wake up and start asking questions!!!!!!!!

01-02-2010, 11:30 PM
It is intelligent, actually. And the fact that you took it literally speaks volumes about you. My apologies for not reverting to 4th Grade debate class in order to suit your degree of reading comprehension.

Why don't you look at how much time you invest in arguing with other forum members here, accusing most of them of being Dave Ross in one form of another. It's kind of disturbing.

01-02-2010, 11:31 PM
And for this stupid plane argument sprung up for no reason except to sound like you know something, just research Jonathan Locke and the concept of the Social Contract. If you don't like the rules, toss your computer out the window and go live in the woods. We don't want you in our system.

01-02-2010, 11:34 PM
It is intelligent, actually. And the fact that you took it literally speaks volumes about you. My apologies for not reverting to 4th Grade debate class in order to suit your degree of reading comprehension.

Why don't you look at how much time you invest in arguing with other forum members here, accusing most of them of being Dave Ross in one form of another. It's kind of disturbing.

You are digressing and using distractions.

Just watch the d@mn CNN interview.

What does that say to you?

Why was someone like the gentleman in question allowed on a plane without his passport, in this day and age?

Who was the well dressed man with him?

Why did the airport authorities listen to him and let the so called "terrorist" board the plane?

What have official sources said about this second man?

Have you considered the so called "solutions" Western governments come up with every time one of their groomed panzies attempts or actually carries out a "terrorist" attack?

Do you see where these so called "solutions" to the "terrorism" problem ( see also "Climate Change" and the sudden "epidemics") are taking the American ( and other Western countries') citizens?

Do you realize the level of technology at the disposal of those who would enforce the laws that infringe our rights as human beings?

Do you also realize that government officials such as yourself are playing a part in condemning your own decendents to a life of high tech slavery, where their every move is watched;
where their speech is controlled;where their freedom to freely travel is inhibited;
where they are fined at a drop of a hat, not to mention drowned under unfair taxes and robbed out of their livelyhoods;
where their bodies are filled with poisonous vaccines to "protect" them from big bad "mysterious" viruses and epidemics;
where they are lined up like cattle, stripped of their dignity by, among other things, being scanned and almost strip searched every time they decide to travel;
Where they will be tagged like animals with microchips (apparently for "security reasons"to "facilitate" their own lives) and their every movement controlled while life info is at the disposal of government officials. Some people say that microchipping is on its way.

By the way, how, long do you think before a "terrorist"incident in a bus station result in the same measures being taken for bus travellers. Or a "terrorist" incident in a train station? or one in a sports stadium?

Do you realize that if things continue this way there will be freedom protests in the streets and that you and your fellow soldiers may be asked to come in and enforce these rules? And that may require you to use violence against your fellow citizens? Is that why you became a soldier?

If you have got a brain then use it, soldier!!!!

01-02-2010, 11:38 PM
And for this stupid plane argument sprung up for no reason except to sound like you know something, just research Jonathan Locke and the concept of the Social Contract. If you don't like the rules, toss your computer out the window and go live in the woods. We don't want you in our system.

In view of the fact that you are a military man representing your country and system, I find that your comments pompous, not to mention, disturbing!

01-03-2010, 03:16 AM
the system is flawed and anyone who agrees with it is flawed aswell. :)

taai gihk yahn
01-03-2010, 05:09 AM
the system is flawed and anyone who agrees with it is flawed aswell. :)

flawed is an arbitrary / relative conceptual construct, as is unflawed / perfection - no system is with out flaw, because the posing of a given situation carries within it the eventuality / necessity of its own corruption; the exception is from the vantage point of the totality of all things, which, in context of its inherent suchness, is without flaw: being such as it is, there is no comparative that can be made to determine flawed / unflawed;

therefore, ANY system is flawed, because any system will, at some point fail to respond to its own basic, inherent stated goals - so, in the case of the US government, there will always be a failure to live up to its organizing / founding principles;

the individual, living within the context of other individuals (society) can only truly be free if he is able to act without obligation to habitual response; therefore, any perceived limitation or control on behavior is purely relative, and therefore freedom in the conventional sense is as arbitrary as anything else: one man's security is another's repression!

as Krishnamurti said, "truth is a pathless land"

01-03-2010, 10:03 AM
flawed is an arbitrary / relative conceptual construct, as is unflawed / perfection - no system is with out flaw, because the posing of a given situation carries within it the eventuality / necessity of its own corruption; the exception is from the vantage point of the totality of all things, which, in context of its inherent suchness, is without flaw: being such as it is, there is no comparative that can be made to determine flawed / unflawed;

therefore, ANY system is flawed, because any system will, at some point fail to respond to its own basic, inherent stated goals - so, in the case of the US government, there will always be a failure to live up to its organizing / founding principles;
You are correct but the flaws in question are not natural or accidental. There is a spiteful agenda behind all this and things are not looking good for the citizens of the Western Hemisphere, nor for the human race for that matter.

So,it is not a case of, "hey, nobody is perfect". It is a case of a planned and looming dictarship that is on its way.

the individual, living within the context of other individuals (society) can only truly be free if he is able to act without obligation to habitual response; therefore, any perceived limitation or control on behavior is purely relative, and therefore freedom in the conventional sense is as arbitrary as anything else: one man's security is another's repression!
I agree with this concept of freedom and would like to think that my Kung Fu practice is a path to this, however, I and others who are of the same mind, find what has been happening in the past decade or so alarming.

You can free your mind all you want but the authorities coming down on you the minute you step out of line by emotional or physical violence is not excusable from the human right's perspective. And I am not talking about the popular "Human Rights" concepts invented by our establishments that are used to screw and destablise rich Third World countries, either.

Furthermore, to have this free unattached mind one would need to carry out some kind of training. The training will at the least involve some meditation which would require periods where the mind is at peace.

Now look at how our societies are so hectic. Most of the population is debt ridden, there are social problems; job insecurities, not to mention constant announcements of "threats" to our security and survival through the controlled media that warns us about "Terrorist" threats, Climate Change and Epidemics, most of which are created by our own leaders, together with events such as the current Financial Crisis. These are all designed to hurd us, the human race, into a global dictatorship by offering "global solutions" to what are advertised as global problems. All this is designed to create a Global Government!

And guess who will be holding the reigns of power? It will be the Anglo-American business cartel, that is, the bankers, Petrol companies, arms manufacturers, pharmaceuticals and etc. or more correctly the business interests and people who own them, who by some accounts, are the same people, all over. Of coure, there will be some crumbs left for the other Western business interests that are lower on the food chain.

as Krishnamurti said, "truth is a pathless land"
Where was he when Hitler, Stalin and other dictators were committing atrocities?
Do you believe that most of the people in prisons and concentration camps had the chance to meditate and become unattached. I doubt that you do.

Many people, including myself, who believe in freeing the mind by making it unattached are ruffled, to say the least, by what is happening in the world today. Alarmingly, it is becoming more overt and arrogant as far as the puppet politicians who are selected to bring about this new order are concerned.

The epicenter of this planned change is the US and parts of Western Europe, particularly the UK. These two nations have adopted a surveillance society "culture" based on lies and deceptions implemented by their so called "security" agencies, whose task is nothing but to "run" these countries on behalf of the people who really own these nations, the elite, while politicians (intellectual prostitutes) are selected by them to give lip service to the masses by promising "change"; "justice"; "freedom" and all the other crappy emotionally charged key phrases that are so loved by the mindless masses. All this while the population believe that they are electing them "democratically" to look after their interests...LOL.

Anyway, It is time for people to wake up and realize that their leaders do not give a **** about dead soldiers; homeless families; starving populations;massacres and so on., because if you do not possess psychopathic character traits as well as other nasty personal qualities, or you are genuinely a good and caring person then the intelligence agencies in charge will not select you to be President or Prime Minister.

Your, "freeing the mind solution" would work fine if every body could do it today but that ain't going to happen. This is ancient knowledge and I believe that for the long term we should all strive for it.

However, as far as the now is concerned then the game is rigged. The powers that be are also aware of this concept (knowledge) and that is why they do everything to keep the mind busy, through feelings of fear, insecurity, worry, mind overload with trivia, guilt not to mention chemical attacks on our bodies with attempt to overload our systems with unnecessary amounts of food additives and prescribed and none prescribed medicine.

This attempt to shut our minds down has been going on in one form or the other for a long time. Look at how most world religions have been "presented" to the public in the past. Yes, the purposes, for the most part, has not been freeing the mind but the opposite through fear, guilt and other things I mention above.

You cannot free or expand your mind when you are constantly kept in survival mode! Having said that, I admit that a few may be able to "break through"but we need more!


01-03-2010, 11:56 AM
If you spent even half the time training as you did posting lengthy cut and paste responses, you be an ultimate ninja master by now.

01-03-2010, 12:11 PM
If you spent even half the time training as you did posting lengthy cut and paste responses, you be an ultimate ninja master by now.

I see that you have no intelligent response to my very serious posts. It seems to be a case of you not letting facts getting in the way of your brainwashed mentality.

Good luck to you.

01-03-2010, 12:20 PM
I see that you have no intelligent response to my very serious posts. It seems to be a case of you not letting facts getting in the way of your brainwashed mentality.

Good luck to you.

I stopped responding to your posts because they are a waste of time. This is a stupid conversation, and it bugs me that I wasted as much time as I did on it.

01-03-2010, 01:37 PM

For Hardwork108:

She is saying that the forces that are trying to go out and protect us ARE the people that we need protection from.


01-03-2010, 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Drake
If you spent even half the time training as you did posting lengthy cut and paste responses, you be an ultimate ninja master by now.

I see that you have no intelligent response to my very serious posts. It seems to be a case of you not letting facts getting in the way of your brainwashed mentality.

Good luck to you.

ah hai... see i'm not the only one that noticed this. of course Mr. carpetbagger will come back with his usual "well you knuckleheads do flock together" line of crap or something very similar to it. predictable to say the least. :p

01-04-2010, 08:45 AM

For Hardwork108:

She is saying that the forces that are trying to go out and protect us ARE the people that we need protection from.


Thank you Mickey for clarifying that but I doubt that it will do any good as the poster, "Drake" is in the employment of those very people we need protection from, in a military capacity.

That means that his butt is owned, stock and barrel, by these same forces, and his insistent and blind preaching of the "party line" is the proof.

By the way, I am a he and not a she.:)

01-04-2010, 08:54 AM
By the way, I am a he and not a she.

I thought you were an IT.

01-04-2010, 09:00 AM
I stopped responding to your posts because they are a waste of time.


You never stopped responding to my posts. However, you do so slanderously and by spreading mis-information.

This is a stupid conversation,
There you go again.....lol

and it bugs me that I wasted as much time as I did on it.
You hardly spent any time on it. You are still attempting to discredit the information.

A serious incident took place on an aircraft. There are many unanswered questions resulting from the observations of ACTUAL WITNESSES who were interviewed on an international news channel.

And all you can do is make idiotic comments. Just like you tried to convince everyone that the Federal Reserve was a government body and not a (corrupt to the core) private banking cartel.

A cartel whose identity of shareholders are secret is in charge of printing the US dollar and then lending it to the US government who in turn pay an interest for it by imposing income taxes on the American citizens, sometimes enforced with Gestapo like tactics. Income taxes which apparently did not exist before the creation of the Federal Reserve. All this while the US government has, under its constitution, the legitimate right to print its own money without having to borrow it from any banks and paying interests on it!

I just hope that they are paying you enough, Drake!!!

01-04-2010, 09:05 AM
I thought....


How did it feel?

Did it scare you? If so, then don't worry as it is an unusual phenomenon for cross training knuckleheads and will probably never happen again.;)

I really have to rush now....

Take care.

01-04-2010, 09:10 AM
Finally. How did it feel?

Did it scare you? If so, then don't worry as it is an unusual phenomenon for cross training knuckleheads and will probably never happen again.

I really have to rush now....

Take care.

felt like it did every other time. ;)
anyways... awww don't leave you need to post more come on. I'm enjoying this fun game.
Do you want me to insult you some more? you need a new 'project' I'm sure i can come up with something for you ?
you going to go do some of your 'internal' MA's, your religious base in your life? If you do learn some new stuff I'm getting tired of your repititious dogma you have now. :( thats why i don't read a lot of your stuff, you repeat it constantly.

01-04-2010, 11:09 AM
Glad this stupid thread was moved.

01-04-2010, 11:31 AM
Glad this stupid thread was moved.you seem to be following it...

01-04-2010, 11:32 AM
you seem to be following it...

Currently stuck in the office with nothing better to do. It sucks when you complete a week's worth of tasks before most even get started on their first. May sneak out early and get some KUNG FU into my day.

01-04-2010, 11:42 AM

You never stopped responding to my posts. However, you do so slanderously and by spreading mis-information.

That's par for the course for this guy.

He must like you. At least he hasn't told you to go off and kill yourself.:D

I wish that if he wanted me dead he would come up to Boulder and attempt the job himself!

01-04-2010, 12:05 PM
Like I'm going to drive to Boulder to commit battery against some loser with delusions of grandeur, tossing my very good career and security clearance to the wind and embarassing myself by beating up some hippie in CO. Yeah, great idea. You aren't worth the gas, jail time, or loss of career. You aren't even worth consideration for that.

And e-challenges, by the way, besides being immature and childish, are also bannable offenses. Unlike 1bad, I am not interested in these silly e-challenges, because it's nothing more than hot air.

01-04-2010, 12:29 PM
And e-challenges, by the way, besides being immature and childish, are also bannable offenses. Unlike 1bad, I am not interested in these silly e-challenges, because it's nothing more than hot air.

Looks like you're the one that expressed an interest in my death. I'm not in habits of going around and suggesting that people kill themselves. That's pretty warped if you ask me. I don't want anyone to commit suicide or kill anyone else.

However, if you like, go ahead and complain to Gene. I'll then show him the email where you made such a suggestion. Not to mention the dozens of Emails of name calling and personal attacks. Also let's not forget the couple of dozen childish Emails where you followed me around the board talking about a misspelled word.

Anyway forget Gene. Why don't we contact your CO and show him how you spend your time on the taxpayer's dime. I bet he would really be pleased especially the part about the suicide. Don't you know? You're suppose to be protecting me from the evil terrorists!:D Get to it GI Joe and start protecting!

01-04-2010, 12:34 PM
Why don't we contact your CO and show him how you spend your time on the taxpayer's dime. I bet he would really be pleased especially the part about the suicide. Don't you know? You're suppose to be protecting me from the evil terrorists!:D Get to it GI Joe and start protecting!

LMAO at a guy who admits he lives off of others threatening to complain about someone else's job performance.

01-04-2010, 12:54 PM
My CO would back me 100%. Like I said, I just make sure everything gets done, and gets done efficiently. Besides, my CO makes me look like a saint when it comes to you killing yourself, which I still think you should do.

And you have your agencies and roles confused. Typical ignorance.

01-04-2010, 12:55 PM
LMAO at a guy who admits he lives off of others threatening to complain about someone else's job performance.

Who are these people? I want to know where to find them so I can get my money. I'm missing out here. I want my check!

I guess I should have been a little soldier boy. On 60 minutes last night they said that over 200K soldiers have filed for disability since 2003. So many in fact they can't even keep up processing them.

All I would have had to do would have been go to Iraq, ride around on a Hummer all day, drink beer, smoke dope and hit on young Iraqi girls. Then I could come back to the US and say "I can't work because the war tramatized me!!!!"

In any case where is this dude that is suppose to be giving me money!:D

01-04-2010, 12:59 PM
My CO would back me 100%. Like I said, I just make sure everything gets done, and gets done efficiently. Besides, my CO makes me look like a saint when it comes to you killing yourself, which I still think you should do.

Well that's not going to happen so I guess if you're so interested in seeing me dead you are going to have to come up here and do the job yourself.

01-04-2010, 01:03 PM
Are you absolutely insane or just damaged? Drive to Boulder to kill some internet troll? There's stupid, and then there's **** stupid.

01-04-2010, 01:05 PM
Who are these people? I want to know where to find them so I can get my money. I'm missing out here. I want my check!

In any case where is this dude that is suppose to be giving me money!:D

Well, according to you someone is giving you money:

Oh of course not! I live off the kindness of strangers!:p

I'd also know who is supposed to pay for your "free" healthcare?

I should be able to walk into any hospital or doctor's office and receive free care. No need for any insurance.

01-04-2010, 01:05 PM
Are you absolutely insane or just damaged? Drive to Boulder to kill some internet troll? There's stupid, and then there's BoulderDawg.

Fixed that for ya.

01-04-2010, 01:10 PM
BoulderDawg, I have a serious question for you. I know you have ducked just about every other question in the past, but I'd really like this one answered.

So, you openly admit healthcare should be "free". You admit the working people should have to dole out their money to the poor and lazy. You admit you have no job and live off of others. So here is my question: How do we decide who has to work and who gets a free pass living off the sweat of others?

01-04-2010, 01:27 PM
Gene: Hey Paul, you wanna moderate the "Off Topic" area?
SR: Are you freaking crazy !?!?!?!?
Gene: **** it !!!!

01-04-2010, 01:28 PM
Gene: Hey Paul, you wanna moderate the "Off Topic" area?
SR: Are you freaking crazy !?!?!?!?
Gene: **** it !!!!

He e-challenged me! Ban him! DOOOOO EEEEEEET!

01-04-2010, 01:31 PM
He e-challenged me! Ban him! DOOOOO EEEEEEET!

Not my forum, LOL !
There are only 2 serious forums here, the southern and the health and Fitness ( and sometimes the MMA one), the rest I leave to Gene and his infinite ignoring skills !!

He thinks you guys all need to get laid, even the ones he's made "deals" with ;)

01-04-2010, 03:30 PM
felt like it did every other time. ;)
anyways... awww don't leave you need to post more come on. I'm enjoying this fun game.
Do you want me to insult you some more? you need a new 'project' I'm sure i can come up with something for you ?
you going to go do some of your 'internal' MA's, your religious base in your life? If you do learn some new stuff I'm getting tired of your repititious dogma you have now. :( thats why i don't read a lot of your stuff, you repeat it constantly.

See, I was right. I told you that it will probably never happen again......

01-04-2010, 03:33 PM
you seem to be following it...

It is Drake's job to follow it and discredit any revealing info about the so called War on "Terrorism". ;)

That is why his psychopathic CO is so fond of him......

01-04-2010, 03:39 PM
It is Drake's job to follow it and discredit any revealing info about the so called War on "Terrorism". ;)

That is why his psychopathic CO is so fond of him......

Are you another screenname BD is using? Or are there really two of you? :eek:

01-04-2010, 03:42 PM
There are only 2 serious forums here, the southern and the health and Fitness
You forgot the Wing Chun forum....:D

( and sometimes the MMA one),
Oh how can we forget the knucklehead den of this forum.

Actually, I believe you, seeing that most people who post here are really nothing but MMA-ists or modern cross trainers, then it makes sense that there are serious (none TCMA related) discussions taking place in the MMA threads. I just wish the you MMA-ists would just limit your posts to MMA forum and only post in the TCMA forums if you have any polite questions to ask (hence are willing to learn), regarding authentic TCMA methodologies.

He thinks you guys all need to get laid, even the ones he's made "deals" with ;)

And so you should Sanjuro.

I mean you can't spend the rest of your life fantasizing over bikini clad women. Go to a dance club where sexy women hang out and try talking to few (If you were here in Colombia I would even take you to some great clubs myself, that is, if you promised to not act tough, as some of these places are full of mafiosos and we wouldn't want any of them to have an heart attack from laughing to death). Try the short sighted ladies first and if they are low IQ bimbos, so much the better as you will have plenty to discuss.:p

Once you get laid please come and start a thread as I am sure you will be an even a bigger hero for this forum's punch bag humping knuckleheads. ;):)

01-04-2010, 08:41 PM
Currently stuck in the office with nothing better to do.
You could always go out kill some "terrorists". I hear that they are every where.:rolleyes:

It sucks when you complete a week's worth of tasks before most even get started on their first.

You are a good soldier and that your CO always tells you what a good boy you are.

May sneak out early and get some KUNG FU into my day.
You mean you are not going to spend your free time searching for "terrorists"?:eek:

Don' t you know that they are every where, under our beds; up in the trees; in pot holes; in our cellars; standing next to you at the bus stop and of course in our airports.

That is why you all that scanning and molesting of passengers going on all over the US (and outside the US) airports.

Yes, me must scan everybody's eyes and store the info in a huge computer. You never know who those nasty terrorists are, "Hey look, there is a sheep farmer from Finland and the guy behind him at security check, is a Tibetan monk. This looks suspicious as they are visiting the US. They could be "terrorist", I tell ya!!! So let's scan their eyes and ask them if they are terrorists...LOL.

If they refuse to be scanned, then we can always ask Drake to come and shoot them, as he always does what he is told. Yes he is a very good soldier". LOL

01-04-2010, 08:45 PM
Are you another screenname BD is using? Or are there really two of you? :eek:

Even though intelligent people are in the minority, I would like to think that there are more than just two of us here.

What does the CNN interview suggest to you?

01-04-2010, 10:34 PM
Well for starters A few of us flew across the pond for NYE.

Myself and my wife flew direct from Canada to UK.
Very standard flight the only difference being that we brought a passport as opposed to standard OP for domestic flights.

Now our other friend went through the US on a connecting flight and like everyone else was not allowed to have carry on, was frisked, had the contents of his wallet searched, shoes removed the whole pile and it led to long delays and many missed flights etc etc .

generally traveling into the states was a huge pita once more.

So, by merely comparing the 2 experiences, I draw my comparison about the state of air travel in the more developed western world countries such as UK, USA and Canada are. the People of the US have the bigger hassle of the 3.

And really, it is ridiculous. there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the alternating dog and pony show the US TSA staff do from airport to airport across america.

I would hazard a "guess" that the reason is to get people used to being controlled and doing what they are told to do. You get one generation to accept this then the next generation will accept it because it will see it as the norm. Then you go on to traumatize them with some other "terrorist" incident and take further freedoms away from them.

Of course, the population accept all of this because of what happened on 9/11(and other "terrorist attacks" and "threats"-. It is the good old, "first you traumatize the population and then bring in the draconian "solutions" that you had prepared beforehand, while on an other level you carry out your world control agenda through wars and interference in other sovereign countries.".

And of course, the masses accept that because they see it as "either them or us". Hundreds of thousands of human lives are lost; millions of others (in the West!!!) get a few steps closer to living under total dictatorship; Billions of dollars are made by the interests and the organizers of these problems and their "solutions", while people are sitting at home watching their sitcoms and believing what their SELECTED Intelllectual Prostitutes (Presidents/Prime Ministers/Secretaries of../ Ministers, etc.) tell them about world events.

Yes, you are right. There is no sense in the stupid security measures. For example, you are not allowed to take more than a certain amount of liquids on board for fear of you taking in explosives. So (at least in the UK) you are allowed to take in small amounts, not deemed enough to be used as explosives. However, if like 9/11 where there were supposedly multiple "terrorists" on board, if multiple bad guys enter the plane with their own small supply of liquids adding up to dangerous amounts, then would that not constitute danger?

Also. Everybody is allowed to take on board, liquor bought in the duty free. What if they empty big bottle of vodka where they are sitting and strike match to it when the plane is 30 thousand feet high?

What about the fact that no one is allowed to take even nail clippers on board because someone may highjack a plane with his nail clippers..LOL. What if some "terrorists" smashes two bottles of liquor (bought in duty free) together inside a plane and then use the glass bits to attack people?

Hey, if I, Joe the public, can think of this then I am sure the people who have come up with these stupid controls, have deducted as much as well.

All these possibilities show that most of the flight safety regulations are useless and the people who have pushed them nationally and internationally have other agendas which have nothing to do with fighting "terrorism", that is, by the way, created by the main Western security agencies (CIA, MI5/MI6, etc. themselves!!!!

People need to wake up. This not some Hollywood movie where the good guys go and kill the bad guys and solve the problem. It is not that simple. We are talking about psychopathic mindset that has been in power in the main Western countries for a long time. It is a cult of power, if you will.

They have their own agendas and no matter how much they smile and talk about human values; human rights; Freedom and Democracy and similar emotionally charged phrases which are designed to deceive the "cattle" - the fact remains, if you are not part of them, then you are EXPENDABLE as were all who died on 9/11, 7/7 and in Iraq and Afghanistan (on both sides) and other similar incidents and events!!!!

01-05-2010, 04:32 AM
See, I was right. I told you that it will probably never happen again......
my existance on this forum is to annoy you. I've made it a goal, (of course not a real high bar considering the person i'm annoying) Anyways, i've had plenty of idea's of late, heres one I thought of a month or so ago. "YOUR A FU(KING IDIOT" See pretty good idea huh. I'm sure everyone else will agree with me.

01-05-2010, 08:23 AM
You forgot the Wing Chun forum....:D

Oh how can we forget the knucklehead den of this forum.

Actually, I believe you, seeing that most people who post here are really nothing but MMA-ists or modern cross trainers, then it makes sense that there are serious (none TCMA related) discussions taking place in the MMA threads. I just wish the you MMA-ists would just limit your posts to MMA forum and only post in the TCMA forums if you have any polite questions to ask (hence are willing to learn), regarding authentic TCMA methodologies.

And so you should Sanjuro.

I mean you can't spend the rest of your life fantasizing over bikini clad women. Go to a dance club where sexy women hang out and try talking to few (If you were here in Colombia I would even take you to some great clubs myself, that is, if you promised to not act tough, as some of these places are full of mafiosos and we wouldn't want any of them to have an heart attack from laughing to death). Try the short sighted ladies first and if they are low IQ bimbos, so much the better as you will have plenty to discuss.:p

Once you get laid please come and start a thread as I am sure you will be an even a bigger hero for this forum's punch bag humping knuckleheads. ;):)

You really need to stop hitting on me, its embarrassing.
Just accepted the rejection and move on, muffin-boy.

01-05-2010, 08:30 AM
You really need to stop hitting on me, its embarrassing.
Just accepted the rejection and move on, muffin-boy.


01-05-2010, 10:46 AM
my existance on this forum is to annoy you. I've made it a goal, (of course not a real high bar considering the person i'm annoying) Anyways, i've had plenty of idea's of late, heres one I thought of a month or so ago. "YOUR A FU(KING IDIOT" See pretty good idea huh. I'm sure everyone else will agree with me.
IMHO, you need to get a life. Try a healthy hobby, such as practicing authentic Kung Fu. It will do you a lot of good and stop you from stalking posters on internet forums. LOL! ;)

01-05-2010, 10:49 AM

I see that you are lost for words again. That is OK as I was not excpecting you to come back with anything intelligent. Just go on with your life and follow orders until one day the people you so eagerly serve, come for you as well.....

01-05-2010, 10:53 AM
There were terrorists down at King Sooper today! They were poisoning the food!:D

01-05-2010, 11:35 AM
There were terrorists down at King Sooper today! They were poisoning the food!:D

They are everywhere, EVERYWHERE, I tell ya!!!!!!!:eek:

Everywhere there are CIA and MI5/MI6 operations in process, that is!

01-05-2010, 11:36 AM
They are everywhere, EVERYWHERE, I tell ya!!!!!!!:eek:

Everywhere there are CIA and MI5/MI6 operations in process, that is!

I'm going to run up into the Flatirons and hide out until the bad, evil terrorists go away!

01-05-2010, 12:19 PM
IMHO, you need to get a life. Try a healthy hobby, such as practicing authentic Kung Fu. It will do you a lot of good and stop you from stalking posters on internet forums. LOL!

this is my hobby...:) it's fun annoying idiots such as yourself. I guess it could be worse, like I could be a self professed know it all. (you) 2 year master and political savey expert that thinks everyone else is wrong and can't agree with anyone. yeah it could be worse. but hey following you around and annoying you is not that bad actually.

01-05-2010, 10:37 PM
this is my hobby...:) it's fun annoying idiots such as yourself. I guess it could be worse, like I could be a self professed know it all. (you) 2 year master and political savey expert that thinks everyone else is wrong and can't agree with anyone. yeah it could be worse. but hey following you around and annoying you is not that bad actually.

Hey, who said you are annoying me?:confused:

01-06-2010, 04:53 AM
Hey, who said you are annoying me?

if not hey good for you. but make it my hobby/quest to do it. so go one Mr. carpetbagger make some more friends here your doing a bang up job. :cool:

01-06-2010, 11:22 AM
if not hey good for you. but make it my hobby/quest to do it.
IMHO you should get a life.....

so go one Mr. carpetbagger make some more friends here your doing a bang up job. :cool:
Hey, who said I was making friends here?:confused:

01-06-2010, 11:38 AM
I saw a terrorist in my shower this morning!:eek:

01-06-2010, 01:37 PM
Hey, who said I was making friends here?

agree there

01-06-2010, 02:04 PM
agree there

See? Not too late for you to evolve now, is it?

01-06-2010, 02:07 PM
I saw a terrorist in my shower this morning!:eek:

Did you check to see if he had a Koran in one hand and a Bic Mac in the other? Did you ask him he had been to a strip club last night? It seems that the Islamic terrorists of today are more liberal, or that is, at least according to our "security" services....LOL

01-06-2010, 02:29 PM
This was a female terrorist. She did look a little liberal...a little hippyish!:D I'm sure if she showed up at the airport everyone would run for their lives!

But no Big Mac, She's a vegan terrorist. I'm sure that information alone is enough to get us both on a "no fly" list!:eek:

01-06-2010, 02:41 PM
This was a female terrorist. She did look a little liberal...a little hippyish!:D I'm sure if she showed up at the airport everyone would run for their lives! But no Big Mac. She is a vegan terrorist.
LOL....I hope I find a liberal female terrorist in my shower one day and not to worry because I will be giviving her a Big Mac myself.:D

I'm sure that information alone is enough to get us both on a "no fly" list!:eek:

Not to worry. If that happens let me know. I have a friend in the US Military Intelligence, his name is Drake. All I have to do is make one phone call to him and you will be off the "no fly" list.:D

01-06-2010, 04:57 PM
See? Not too late for you to evolve now, is it?

just an obvious statement.

01-06-2010, 07:25 PM
just an obvious statement.
It was obvious for me but I don't know if it was so obvious for you....LOL

01-07-2010, 05:22 AM
It was obvious for me but I don't know if it was so obvious for you....LOL


01-07-2010, 05:46 AM

Thank you.:)

"Your a Gud sport" .....LOL!

01-07-2010, 05:48 AM
thats what people keep telling me.

01-07-2010, 07:45 AM
for my ongoing battle against Mr. carpetbagger :) when fighting a clown you have to use the latest in technology.


01-10-2010, 12:06 AM
for my ongoing battle against Mr. carpetbagger :) when fighting a clown you have to use the latest in technology.


Why are you fighting so much with yourself?:confused: