View Full Version : Top 10 KFM people you would like to hang out and drink a beer with

01-07-2010, 09:51 PM
Did we do an awards thread this year? did we do one last year?

So, here's the new twist on it.
List your top 10 and in 3 words or less, why.

01-08-2010, 02:07 AM
in no order of preference...

dale... need i explain?
lucas... goats are rambuctious!
gene... com'on, it's gene!
raypina... for heavybag lessons!!
taai gihk yahn... he's seen nothing!!
dimethylsea... redneck circle walker.
goju... for karate man!!!
taryn p... erotic banana plantations.
drake... he needs de-programming. :D
dragonzbane76... for obvious reasons. :p

01-08-2010, 06:19 AM
hell i would hang with anyone and drink a beer. :)

Uki I think you would be suprised if you met me in person. :p the internet is a bad way of meeting someone and gathering knowledge from them because of lack of tone and body language that are so needed in communication. I would enjoy a sit down and beer with uki I believe, even though he has totally opposite views from me I like discussion with others.

The other i would have to say I would like to have a beer with would be Bawang. He just makes me laugh and the off the wall comments are classic sometimes.

01-08-2010, 06:38 AM
hell i would hang with anyone and drink a beer. ain't that the sad truth... although i might not continue to hang out and drink the beer if the person is a whack job. :)

Uki I think you would be suprised if you met me in person.the feeling is mutual. :D

the internet is a bad way of meeting someone and gathering knowledge from them because of lack of tone and body language that are so needed in communication. i believe that a discerning eye can also glean much understanding of the individual by choice of words, sentence structure, blah, blah... we are all energy, energy will manifest in some form - much like becoming a proficient mycologist, you have to pay attention to the fine details in all forms of communication. :)

I would enjoy a sit down and beer with uki I believe, i ain't the sitting type. :p

even though he has totally opposite views from me I like discussion with others.you are a dragon, i expect nothing less.

The other i would have to say I would like to have a beer with would be Bawang. He just makes me laugh and the off the wall comments are classic sometimes.he was my eleventh choice, but i was only allowed 10. :(

01-08-2010, 08:09 AM
knife fighter

though i have to get him a booster seat so he could see over the bar table

god im such a douche:D

any of the hot kung fu womanz too


Boston Bagua
01-08-2010, 08:11 AM
my picks that are not in any form of order.

Sanjuro ronin: my brother from the great white north
Tai Gik Yahn: good guy
Lamapai Sifu: Big n Bald like me
Gene: nuff said
Uki: for being Uki
Oso: always wanted to meet up
Tentigers: for being old school like me
Lkfmdc: for being himself
HW108: so I can see if he can EVER back up the drek he has posted on the net
Lucas: as he seems to be more balanced the most of us...

01-08-2010, 08:13 AM
Only 10?

In no order:

Dave Ross
David Jameson
Dale ( Bostan Bagua)
Dale (knifefighter)
Ten tigers
Pork chop
Iron weasel

Oh darn, that's more than 10 already !!!

01-08-2010, 09:34 AM
Hmm, well, let's see...

and in no particular order

Bawang-Jow on genitals

Lucas- Seems cool

David Jameison-Canadian Pagan Brotherhood

Uki-No explanation needed.

Pork Chop-Best KFM Name

Sanjuro Ronin- Cigarette kicking contest:D

MasterKiller-Stupid Daniel-san Gi

Boston Bagua-Best Kilt Ever

Goju-LOL at Karate:p

Harkwork108-"teh real" Kung Fu lesson:rolleyes:

01-08-2010, 10:45 AM
Lucas: as he seems to be more balanced the most of us...all goats are well balanced, although lucas is the earth goat, which makes him the most balanced of all the goats - the most receptive by nature. :)

01-08-2010, 10:48 AM
im a rule breaker :D

i cant really narrow it down to 10. id like to hang with most regulars here really. i dont have any issues with anyone so i can float like a thistle down!

I'm pretty sure i can learn something from just about everyone here, you all have something to offer.

you all honestly seem like good guys to me.

if i were rich id fund a full board gathering on a tropical island.

01-08-2010, 10:50 AM
i should be meeting dale for training this year, and ill be in uki's neck of the woods so those guys are very likely possibilities for me to meet. im a non drinker though :D

it seems like half of us are in canada though, im somewhat close to BC but those east coast canadians are a grip away from me.

01-08-2010, 11:07 AM
i want to learn dales iron palm.

id like to put me and uki and ray into a room with a hooka and see what happens.

i want to watch samurai flicks with sanjuro, and then have him beat me with a bokken.

hanging in any city downtown with bawang i think would probably be fun.

id like to watch tai ghik yan (im sure i spelled that wrong) and scott r brown have a debate.

ill hang out and be goju's wing man.

ill buy gene some nachos :)

id like to kick it with masterkiller and gda because they have some twisted senses of humor.

DJ and tentigers are guitar playing, chopper riding, badasses, if i remember correctly. nuff said.

for some reason i think hangin with pork chop will be training sanshou sessions of him schooling me.

id like to train at david ross' gym. seems like a good invironment.

iron eagle and i would steal some fighter jets and go save his dad ;)

skip j. is so down to earth, im sure he could give me loads of enlightenment opportunities.

ya i know im totally missing a few of you guys here though. sry :D

01-08-2010, 11:20 AM
I've even drank a beer with some of you already. I've even drank abominable ginseng single malt with some of you (DALE! :mad:).

Skip J.
01-08-2010, 11:26 AM
i want to learn dales iron palm.

id like to put me and uki and ray into a room with a hooka and see what happens.

i want to watch samurai flicks with sanjuro, and then have him beat me with a bokken.

hanging in any city downtown with bawang i think would probably be fun.

id like to watch tai ghik yan (im sure i spelled that wrong) and scott r brown have a debate.

ill hang out and be goju's wing man.

ill buy gene some nachos :)

id like to kick it with masterkiller and gda because they have some twisted senses of humor.

DJ and tentigers are guitar playing, chopper riding, badasses, if i remember correctly. nuff said.

for some reason i think hangin with pork chop will be training sanshou sessions of him schooling me.

id like to train at david ross' gym. seems like a good invironment.

iron eagle and i would steal some fighter jets and go save his dad ;)

skip j. is so down to earth, im sure he could give me loads of enlightenment opportunities.

ya i know im totally missing a few of you guys here though. sry :D
Thank you for the kind words here Lucas!

Anytime, anyplace.....

01-08-2010, 11:33 AM
galapagos islands!!!! ive always wanted to go there

Boston Bagua
01-08-2010, 12:29 PM
Gene will never forgive me for putting some really good ginseng in some really good single malt....

at least you can say you tried it.

Lucas, looking forward to when you come train with me. It will be a good time.

And as Gene and other have said, I would drink a beer or any form of beverage with my peeps from KFM Online.

01-08-2010, 12:37 PM
ginseng single malt?
my god thats so gross sounding lol:D:eek::D

Boston Bagua
01-08-2010, 01:05 PM
some people think nachos and that revolting substance they smother them in is just as or nasty or worse.

now if you have some hot ladies cavorting around in said product, well... I could overlook that as I watch them frolicking in the nacho cheese.

01-08-2010, 01:07 PM
How would nacho sauce mix with ginseng?

We should post another thread about the Top 10 KFM people you would like to eat nachos with. :p

01-08-2010, 01:10 PM

01-08-2010, 01:42 PM
Lucas, looking forward to when you come train with me. It will be a good time.

likewise, i was going to pm you this today but ill just put it here. i may be accepting a new job offer, if i get the position, my benefits wont kick in for 6 months, which means no vacation time for that time frame. ill definately keep you posted with the results. i should know this month.

01-08-2010, 05:35 PM
oh duh i forgot the thread poster. i suppose id have to drink a beer with the bear, then we'd have an epic melee with giant battle axes to the death!

01-10-2010, 12:43 AM
Harkwork108-"teh real" Kung Fu lesson:rolleyes:
Don't flatter yourself as you ain't ready yet.....:D

01-10-2010, 10:18 AM
In no particular order:

Uki - His manly pheromones will draw the ladies to our table
Hardwork108 - To see if he's actually Uki
Gene - Well, we wouldn't be drinking together at all if not for him
Dale Dugas - Since I was laid up during the Zhang feng festival
Stonewarrior67 - I owe you a drink (or drinks)
Akronviper - A friend of SW67 is a friend of mine
Ten Tigers - I love all of his '70's pop culture references
Tai Gik Yahn - Intellectual sparring and more subreferenceing than Dennis Miller
Lama Pai Sifu - To keep Dave Ross honest
LKMFDC - To say out loud what the rest of us are thinking
Bawang - I'll buy, since you need monehs
Sanjuro Ronin - Lecherous minds think alike

...that's ten, right?

01-10-2010, 12:35 PM
Mantis108 - pick his brain on our style
Tainan Mantis - talk mantis
Three Harmonies - talk mantis and grappling
Lucas - see how many styles he's tried ;)
Tensei85 - talk mantis with a Michigander
Tony Puyot - talk mantis
Gene Ching - find out how he juggles family life with martial arts
sanjuro ronin - find out why this dude is still single
Taryn P - she's a former Michigander, talk grappling and to sell her some mantis ;)
MightyB - talk mantis with a Michigander

Taryn P.
01-10-2010, 10:55 PM
You have a one-track Mantis mind. :cool:

01-12-2010, 07:01 AM

When are we getting these beers?!?!???

01-12-2010, 07:05 AM
sanjuro ronin - find out why this dude is still single

Dude, I've been married going on 10 years !

Here I am with wife and my two girls:

01-12-2010, 07:42 AM
beautiful family sanjuro. :)

01-12-2010, 07:53 AM
beautiful family sanjuro. :)

We share that in common my friend :)

01-17-2010, 12:38 AM
April 23rd in columbus, for the tourney...


(I'll get the first round);)

Pork Chop
01-17-2010, 05:54 AM
pickin' 10s too hard
appreciate the votes that've been sent my way and definitely reciprocate the feeling

think i've hung out with over 10 people from here already...
water dragon
northern mantis
renegade monk
merry prankster
shaolin tiger00
khun kao charuad

probably more i'm not thinking of

all i know is if sanjuro ronin's in town we're heading over to Flying Saucer, where the waitresses all wear catholic school girl outfits

lucas- dun worry, the worst that would happen would be me making you puke on the thai pads....with a belly full of IPA. :p

01-18-2010, 08:00 AM
all i know is if sanjuro ronin's in town we're heading over to Flying Saucer, where the waitresses all wear catholic school girl outfits

*sniff* I love you man !

01-18-2010, 09:28 AM
*sniff* I love you man !for a moment there i thought you were sniffing up a catholic school skirt with this comment. :D:p

01-18-2010, 09:49 AM
for a moment there i thought you were sniffing up a catholic school skirt with this comment. :D:p

How your mind works....


01-18-2010, 02:34 PM
How your mind works...atleast it's working. :)

01-18-2010, 03:57 PM
I don't drink alcohol but I would still have a soft drink with some of the guys here.

In not any particular order of preference:

Gene Ching - Because I believe that one could discuss a whole range of subjects with him and he has the sense of humor to make any discussion interesting.

Earthdragon - Because he seems to be knowledgable about his particular style of kung fu and has a no nonsense approach to his training. Furthermore, he is intelligent and sees most of the internest "kung fu-ists" for what they really are.
One can learn a lot from people like him.

TenTigers - Because he is also a traditionalist and comes across as an intelligent, respectful and sensible person. My kung fu knowledge will benefit from interacting with him and so, hopefully, will his.

Lucas - Because, he comes across as an all round sensible person.

Uki - Because, people like him always see what most people miss.

IronWeasel - Just to prove to him that I am not Uki.

Chusauli (Robert Chu) - Because I believe him to be a genuine Wing Chun sifu, with a lot to teach a beginner such as myself.

Goju - Because, he is cool, wise and a great sense of humor.

Taai Gihk Yahn - Because, he is an eloquent and complex person who has some solid TCMA experience. A TCMA discussion with him would be very interesting. Also, I hear that he makes great potato soup.:D

Hendrik - Because his approach to Wing Chun goes pretty deep and it makes sense to me because of some the stuff my own Wing Chun sifu teaches.

There are a couple of more people who would be good or interesting company, but I will mention them in another occasion perhaps.

David Jamieson
01-19-2010, 07:22 AM
any of you.

so long as the first round's on you eh?


01-19-2010, 07:26 AM
any of you.

so long as the first round's on you eh?


I still owe you a get together, beaver hunter !

David Jamieson
01-19-2010, 07:45 AM
I still owe you a get together, beaver hunter !

wednesday night is open practoce in my mo gwoon.

I also have a fully stocked bar at all times with some of teh finest scotch in the world.


straight down the 407 into cornell! 7-9pm religiously.

mind you, any other day would be fine as well. I usually meet up with other guys from martial arts forums in chinese malls for some reason. lol

01-19-2010, 08:54 AM
I'd like to meet Ray so he could show me how to surf. Always wanted to surf.
YouKnowWho - 'cuz I think Combat SJ is cool
Oso - seems like a stand up guy
Lucas and SimonM - 'cuz you can never know enough buddhists and I can't remember which one was my sworn nemesis, and which one is the buddhist.
TaiChiMantis - Michigan West Coasters are all right (although I suspect we've probably met at one of Sam Chan's events or even a Midland Open back in the day)
Red5Angel - Old School poster who was pretty cool
7Star - another old schooler and BJJer
Sanjuro would be fun to hang out with
and Gene.

01-19-2010, 09:14 AM
wednesday night is open practoce in my mo gwoon.

I also have a fully stocked bar at all times with some of teh finest scotch in the world.


straight down the 407 into cornell! 7-9pm religiously.

mind you, any other day would be fine as well. I usually meet up with other guys from martial arts forums in chinese malls for some reason. lol

I put my little ones to bed everyday, no fail.
Right around 7:30, LOL !
It is something that I promised myself to do when I became a father, to be there every night to say good night.

But I think a meet up of the Ontario Clan might be kind of fun...

David Jamieson
01-19-2010, 09:40 AM
I put my little ones to bad everyday, no fail.
Right around 7:30, LOL !
It is something that I promised myself to do when I became a father, to be there every night to say good night.

But I think a meet up of the Ontario Clan might be kind of fun...

I agree.

Perhaps, in warmer weather, at the beaches we could arrange something. I'm for end of june when it's starting to get really nice and the trees are greening up.

Let's keep it in the back of the mind for now and try to set something up for a weekend or something.