View Full Version : Steroids In Sports

01-13-2010, 11:04 AM
I'm hearing today about people like Bonds, McGwire, Woods, Sosa...the list goes on and on.....

I don't care. In fact I say all steroids should be legal. Let's these pros take as many as they like. I'm not going to go out and load up on 'roids but knock yourself out if you want to!

I'll even go as far to say that a lot of the horror stories we hear today hark back to Reefer Madness...

01-13-2010, 11:36 AM
I agree, allow all performance enhancing drugs for Pros !!

01-13-2010, 11:41 AM
hell ya. let em juice. it will give us some really exciting sports. PLUS for others athletes, boxing for instance, the non juicers will just prove they are THAT much more dominant by slamming the juicers.

just make one rule: if you juice, you have to be registered as a juicer. no big deal, but make it completely open so we know whos all natural and who isnt. its illegal now so those that do do it are hiding it and we only find out if it pops up accidentally or via investigation.

i think some will juice for sure, but a lot wont because of the public face. who wants to look up to a juicer when the guy next to him is doing the same stuff naturally.

01-13-2010, 11:49 AM
I'm hearing today about people like Bonds, McGwire, Woods, Sosa...the list goes on and on.....

I've never heard steroid allegations about Mr Woods. Are you just slamming him again because you are jealous of him and he is black? We all know you are a racist, and a fool to boot.

But please, post any links about Mr Woods alleged steroid use.

01-13-2010, 11:51 AM
hell ya. let em juice. it will give us some really exciting sports. PLUS for others athletes, boxing for instance, the non juicers will just prove they are THAT much more dominant by slamming the juicers.

just make one rule: if you juice, you have to be registered as a juicer. no big deal, but make it completely open so we know whos all natural and who isnt. its illegal now so those that do do it are hiding it and we only find out if it pops up accidentally or via investigation.

i think some will juice for sure, but a lot wont because of the public face. who wants to look up to a juicer when the guy next to him is doing the same stuff naturally.

LMAO! This actually makes some sense.

However, I say go a step furher. Have a steroid legal and a steroid free league. That would be fun to watch.

01-13-2010, 12:10 PM
I say let them have their own league.

01-13-2010, 12:12 PM
What would you rather watch:
guys running the 100 in over 10 seconds or guys running the 100 in less than 9 ?
Guys hitting 300 ft homers or guys hitting 500?
Guys powerlifting 600lbs or 1200?

01-13-2010, 12:13 PM
What would you rather watch:
guys running the 100 in over 10 seconds or guys running the 100 in less than 9 ?
Guys hitting 300 ft homers or guys hitting 500?
Guys powerlifting 600lbs or 1200?

I want to see natural ability, myself. It's like cheating, otherwise. Maybe neat at first, but once you realize they couldn't do it on their own, who cares?

01-13-2010, 12:23 PM
I want to see natural ability, myself. It's like cheating, otherwise. Maybe neat at first, but once you realize they couldn't do it on their own, who cares?

Its not cheating if it is a level playing field.
Besides, steroids ( as an example) do nothing other than to little you workout harder.
You still have to workout and the fact is, the top 5% would still be the top 5%.

01-13-2010, 12:34 PM
Truth about steroids is there are a widely used drug. Many, many people take them to heal faster. They also have a wide variety of uses.

Sly Stallone takes them. To be honest it at 60 or 70 I can take a drug that would improve my quality of life I probably will. Even if it would shorten my life I'd rather live to 85 still doing MA than live to a 100 drooling in a wheel chair.

01-13-2010, 12:44 PM
Sly takes HGH rather than steroids, but he did take them in the past.

01-13-2010, 12:53 PM
Sly takes HGH rather than steroids, but he did take them in the past.

MLB stats show that juicing years have resulted in much higher performance than previous ones. Many want from mid 50's in their HRs to 70 and up. That's a pretty susbtantial change.

01-13-2010, 12:54 PM
Sly takes HGH rather than steroids, but he did take them in the past.

I'm not on the up and up with HGH. Just never had the interest in the field.

01-13-2010, 01:01 PM
MLB stats show that juicing years have resulted in much higher performance than previous ones. Many want from mid 50's in their HRs to 70 and up. That's a pretty susbtantial change.

Because they "learning curve" is smaller.
Steroids allow you to workout more and recover faster and lets not forget oen little thing too, when did you ever see a baseball player do Strength training before?

01-13-2010, 02:50 PM
i just watched jay leno, he had a funny idea. every team should get 1 steriod freak.

01-13-2010, 04:23 PM
I've never heard steroid allegations about Mr Woods. Are you just slamming him again because you are jealous of him and he is black? We all know you are a racist, and a fool to boot.

But please, post any links about Mr Woods alleged steroid use.

I have heard the same thing as well. When the big steriod blow up was hitting MLB, one of the doctors talked about how wide spread it was across ALL professional sports. It was mentioned that more and more in golf are using, Tiger's name was not specifically mentioned, but people have named him due to him packing on size in the last couple of years.

01-13-2010, 04:24 PM
Watch the documentary, "Bigger, Stronger, Faster"...it is a very good look at steroid use and abuse. It cuts through the media hype about them and talks about their use and possible side effects.

01-14-2010, 02:59 PM
this whole issue reminds me of the SNL skit of all steroid olympics. Kevin Nealon does a clean and jerk and his arms come completly off, hysterical.

01-14-2010, 03:25 PM
this whole issue reminds me of the SNL skit of all steroid olympics. Kevin Nealon does a clean and jerk and his arms come completly off, hysterical.

I thought of that skit too. :D