View Full Version : Teabagger Convention

01-28-2010, 03:39 PM
:D It's coming up next week.

You know somethings up when that nut Michelle Bachmann pulls out because of shady teabagger financing.....must really be bad!:eek::D

Didn't stop Sarah though. She's going to be there in all of her glory! Maybe they can get O'Keefe if he is out of jail!:cool:

01-29-2010, 01:32 AM
Yeah, yeah, we get it - you're a flaming liberal. Congratulations. Everyone knows by now. You can take off the pink dress and give it a rest already.

01-29-2010, 09:46 AM
Well it looks like the Teabagger Convention is about to blow up in their faces!:D

As with anything Neo, greed is of course driving it. Tickets are like $500 and to hear Sarak speak is like another $400.:eek:

I hope they pull it off. It will be fun watching Sister Sarah stand up and speak to a small group of rich people!

01-29-2010, 12:40 PM
I'm thinking we should have a Liberal Convention. Of course the only cost would be whatever donation you would like to make on the way in.

However outside the convention there might be some problems. I'm sure there would be a teabagger group out there just armed to the teeth, with racist signs and vulgar comments to the attendees.....No matter though, Liberals have seen all of that before!:D

01-29-2010, 12:50 PM
However outside the convention there might be some problems. I'm sure there would be a teabagger group out there just armed to the teeth, with racist signs and vulgar comments to the attendees.....No matter though, Liberals have seen all of that before!:D

Do you think the signs would have the word "Darkie" on them?

01-29-2010, 01:04 PM
I haven't seen any that had the word "Darkie" on it. However I have seen plenty of signs showing Obama as a minstrel and as a monkey.

In any case the Teabaggers only use code words these days. Their latest one is "Arrogant". Like instead of saying "Obama is a stupid N" they will say "Obama is arrogant"........means the same thing.

Bad you should go to the convention. I'm sure you would have a good time!:D

01-29-2010, 01:12 PM
I haven't seen any that had the word "Darkie" on it. However I have seen plenty of signs showing Obama as a minstrel and as a monkey.

In any case the Teabaggers only use code words these days. Their latest one is "Arrogant". Like instead of saying "Obama is a stupid N" they will say "Obama is arrogant"........means the same thing.

Bad you should go to the convention. I'm sure you would have a good time!:D

"It depends on what the meaning of the word "IS" is."

01-29-2010, 02:16 PM
In any case the Teabaggers only use code words these days. Their latest one is "Arrogant". Like instead of saying "Obama is a stupid N" they will say "Obama is arrogant"........means the same thing.

Dude, just STFU about calling people racists becaust of stuff they never said, but giving liberals passes when they call people the N-Word. It makes you look like a hypocrite on top of looking like an idiot.

01-29-2010, 02:59 PM
Did I just hear the Teabagger Convention just went tits up?

What a shame if that is true!:D

01-29-2010, 03:02 PM
Dude, just STFU about calling people racists becaust of stuff they never said, but giving liberals passes when they call people the N-Word. It makes you look like a hypocrite on top of looking like an idiot.

You know instead of dropping snide comments why not copy the "darkie" post I made that so offended you and we can discuss it. It will also allow any black folks who just wonder by the board to see who they might agree with.

01-29-2010, 03:11 PM
I just have to post this....It's funny as hell!:D


And yes I ripped off Keith's comments!:eek:

01-29-2010, 03:12 PM
You know instead of dropping snide comments why not copy the "darkie" post I made that so offended you and we can discuss it. It will also allow any black folks who just wonder by the board to see who they might agree with.

They can look it up themselves if they are curious.

Or is what you said actually a code word for 'The darkies are too stupid to find it themselves'? ;)

01-29-2010, 03:14 PM
I don't even remember what I said or where it is. And I'm not going through pages of posts trying to find it.

If you don't have it then that must mean it doesn't exist!:p

01-29-2010, 03:22 PM
I don't even remember what I said or where it is. And I'm not going through pages of posts trying to find it.

If you don't have it then that must mean it doesn't exist!:p

So me and Drake are both just imagining things? The exact same things? Is that your story now?

FYI, you said it several times....

01-29-2010, 04:02 PM
So me and Drake are both just imagining things? The exact same things? Is that your story now?

FYI, you said it several times....

Must be! I'm sure not seeing any post. Do you see any post? Does anyone here see a post?:confused::confused::confused::D

01-29-2010, 04:09 PM
You know instead of dropping snide comments why not copy the "darkie" post I made that so offended you and we can discuss it. It will also allow any black folks who just wonder by the board to see who they might agree with.

Shut up and own up to your own stupidity. You posted it, it was quoted repeatedly, and now you want to play stupid, AGAIN? Nobody owns you a copy of your own **** post, much less references to every single thing we say when you have NEVER backed your crap up. You remind me of a spoiled child who expects everything to be handed to him, yet cannot muster the basic courage of man and back up your own senseless whining with anything remotely resembling fact.

01-30-2010, 11:47 AM
Shut up and own up to your own stupidity. You posted it, it was quoted repeatedly, and now you want to play stupid, AGAIN? Nobody owns you a copy of your own **** post, much less references to every single thing we say when you have NEVER backed your crap up. You remind me of a spoiled child who expects everything to be handed to him, yet cannot muster the basic courage of man and back up your own senseless whining with anything remotely resembling fact.

This is code!:p

Translation of above post: "You just verbally slammed me into the wall so the least I'm going to do is come out and insult you as much as I can!"

01-30-2010, 12:19 PM
Translation of above post: "You just verbally slammed me into the wall so the least I'm going to do is come out and insult you as much as I can!"

Kind of an odd choice of words considering....

"I broke and slammed [my wife] back against our bedroom wall, telling her that if she kept it up, she’d be apt to land in a hospital." -Ward Churchill

01-30-2010, 12:40 PM
Kind of an odd choice of words considering....

"I broke and slammed [my wife] back against our bedroom wall, telling her that if she kept it up, she’d be apt to land in a hospital." -Ward Churchill

I'm just wondering where he got the idea that by randomly spouting untrue and unsourceable crap, he suddenly has the leg up.

01-30-2010, 03:34 PM
Shut up and own up to your own stupidity. You posted it, it was quoted repeatedly, and now you want to play stupid, AGAIN? Nobody owns you a copy of your own **** post, much less references to every single thing we say when you have NEVER backed your crap up. You remind me of a spoiled child who expects everything to be handed to him, yet cannot muster the basic courage of man and back up your own senseless whining with anything remotely resembling fact.

Really? You continue to call me a racist at every turn by bringing up the "darkie" post. Yet you never explain to anyone what the post was about, where it came from or anything else. I'm surprised that you think it's represents "spoiled child" or "whining" when I attempt to answer your claims about me. It seems only natural for me or anyone else to want to respond to these charges.

I'll repeat the call for you to reprint the original post and explain to me and others here just what exactly in that post so offended you. If you honestly can't find it or don't even remember what the post was about then you've shown your ignorance by your continued attacks referencing it.

Now I've spoken to you like a gentleman talks to another gentleman. However I sure don't expect to get the same type of respect in a return post.

How about it? Either show and explain to the board why I'm such a out an out racist or apologize for your comments and move on. You talk about the "Basic courage of a man". Let's see how much manhood you're willing to express.

01-30-2010, 05:50 PM
Ok, then... let's be completely straightforward here. Did or did you not use the word "darkie" to describe African Americans?

It's not really a question. You did. End of story. And I'm not sifting through your dozens of posts a day in order to dig that up.

01-30-2010, 05:54 PM
I don't even HAVE to dig it up. Just google your "Boulder Dawg" and "darkie". There's the evidence. Here's ONE quote...

"During that time Limby managed to insult the President twice and do a skit where the guy playing Obama had this deep, deep darkie accent....."

Awesome... now the entire friggin web can see your racism.

01-30-2010, 06:32 PM
I don't even HAVE to dig it up. Just google your "Boulder Dawg" and "darkie". There's the evidence. Here's ONE quote...

"During that time Limby managed to insult the President twice and do a skit where the guy playing Obama had this deep, deep darkie accent....."

Awesome... now the entire friggin web can see your racism.

That's it? That's all you got? Good grief.

How about this.. if some SOB puts on a show or skit about a respected eloquent black man and he is portrayed as "yassuh mastah, Ah reckon ah don know nuttin put pickin dis heya' cotton!"

Then it would be ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE to call that a "deep deep darkie" accent.

So how about you put me in the "RACIST" category right next to BoudlerDawg.

That's not racist. Racism involves the use of power to oppress or offend the subject of that exercise. It is difficult to be racist when you are using racially-tinged vocabulary in a matter that deplores or depreciates the conduct the racist vocabulary generally denoted.

Otherwise I couldn't say "I really think people using "n****r" all the time is just pathetic".

You guys are pathetic and just using that to try and score political points. A fundamental symptom of Republican intellectual bankruptcy in the post-Buckley conservatism I might add.

01-30-2010, 06:34 PM
You moron. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a Republican? I supported Obama last election. IDIOT.

01-30-2010, 06:45 PM
You moron. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a Republican? I supported Obama last election. IDIOT.

You sure sound like a right-winger to me. You have the same bent towards militarism, victim mentality, and ideological purity.

If it walks like a neo-con, and it talks like a neo-con.....

01-30-2010, 07:15 PM
I don't even HAVE to dig it up. Just google your "Boulder Dawg" and "darkie". There's the evidence. Here's ONE quote...

"During that time Limby managed to insult the President twice and do a skit where the guy playing Obama had this deep, deep darkie accent....."

Awesome... now the entire friggin web can see your racism.

Is that what all this is about?

You follow me around the board and call me a racist in dozens of post because I criticized Rush Limbaugh for having an actor on his radio show that sounded like Uncle Remus?

All I can say let the people who read this judge for themselves.

01-30-2010, 07:19 PM
You moron. How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a Republican? I supported Obama last election. IDIOT.

Real class man.......

Also, for anyone that didn't know, Drake has on more than one occasion came to this board and left very serious messages that frankly I should sit down and kill myself over my political views.

Strange guy.

01-30-2010, 09:59 PM
Is that what all this is about?

You follow me around the board and call me a racist in dozens of post because I criticized Rush Limbaugh for having an actor on his radio show that sounded like Uncle Remus?

All I can say let the people who read this judge for themselves.

That wasn't the only time you used the word.

01-30-2010, 10:01 PM
You sure sound like a right-winger to me. You have the same bent towards militarism, victim mentality, and ideological purity.

If it walks like a neo-con, and it talks like a neo-con.....

Really? I dare you to find something supporting those accusations. I'm sure you'll find it somewhere between my like for Obama's State of the Union address and my overwhelmingly down the middle views. So, yeah, go for it. If it looks like a liar, and walks like a liar...

If you want to do character assassination, it's always good to be able to back it up. Or else you look like an idiot.

01-30-2010, 11:12 PM
Real class man.......

Also, for anyone that didn't know, Drake has on more than one occasion came to this board and left very serious messages that frankly I should sit down and kill myself over my political views.

Strange guy.

Smart guy.

01-31-2010, 12:16 AM
That wasn't the only time you used the word.

Of course

After being chased around the board and accused of being a racist dozens of times because of it I have used the word time and time again.

You said I was a racist because of the way I used the word "Darkie" when talking about Limbaugh. Are you now backing out of that?

If you want to do character assassination, it's always good to be able to back it up. Or else you look like an idiot.

Another classy move. Let's see, just in this thread you have called this guy an idiot twice and a moron once....then you accuse him of character assassination. Look in the mirror.

Let's talk about character assassination: Idiot, moron, fool, racist and many more such terms are words that you use to decribe me in almost every post. It has nothing to do with my politcal opinion. It's simply a personal attack. Not only are you rude but the practice of name calling on a BB is cowardly at best. You simply would not do that face to face.

In any case, you speak of "adult" discussion. I felt it was time to put forth a few adult facts about how you behave on this board.

As I said, present the facts of what was said and the context in which it was used. Then whoever is deemed a racist or a race baiter can be judged fairly.

01-31-2010, 01:39 AM
Of course

After being chased around the board and accused of being a racist dozens of times because of it I have used the word time and time again.

Because you are a racist and a hypocrite.

01-31-2010, 01:40 AM
Idiot, moron, fool, racist and many more such terms are words that you use to decribe me in almost every post.

He is highly accurate.

01-31-2010, 12:00 PM
Of course

After being chased around the board and accused of being a racist dozens of times because of it I have used the word time and time again.

You said I was a racist because of the way I used the word "Darkie" when talking about Limbaugh. Are you now backing out of that?

Another classy move. Let's see, just in this thread you have called this guy an idiot twice and a moron once....then you accuse him of character assassination. Look in the mirror.

Let's talk about character assassination: Idiot, moron, fool, racist and many more such terms are words that you use to decribe me in almost every post. It has nothing to do with my politcal opinion. It's simply a personal attack. Not only are you rude but the practice of name calling on a BB is cowardly at best. You simply would not do that face to face.

In any case, you speak of "adult" discussion. I felt it was time to put forth a few adult facts about how you behave on this board.

As I said, present the facts of what was said and the context in which it was used. Then whoever is deemed a racist or a race baiter can be judged fairly.

You conveniently leave out the fact that you used the word several times. It's simple... google your username and darkie. Come on, I know you can do it.