View Full Version : Funny accidents from VT training

03-06-2010, 03:58 AM
I brought this from another thread.
I once made some tonfu's. I had bought a lathe to make arms and decided to make some other stuff. A mate asked me why I would make them when I didn't do karate. I said I could use them like VT. He laughed so I said," grab my katana and swing at me. He swung diangonally down. I did a tan sao at the wrists to block the sword and did a punch with the other hand. I forgot the tonfu ends about 15cms after the handle. I stopped it before I would normally hit him. But as the tonfu was way past my fist I connected and broke his nose with the end of the tonfa.
Anyone got any good stories were VT has made you use reflexes you didn't mean to do. I have a few more from me and other students I learnt with if its an interesting topic.

03-06-2010, 05:45 AM
I brought this from another thread.
I once made some tonfu's. I had bought a lathe to make arms and decided to make some other stuff. A mate asked me why I would make them when I didn't do karate. I said I could use them like VT. He laughed so I said," grab my katana and swing at me. He swung diangonally down. I did a tan sao at the wrists to block the sword and did a punch with the other hand. I forgot the tonfu ends about 15cms after the handle. I stopped it before I would normally hit him. But as the tonfu was way past my fist I connected and broke his nose with the end of the tonfa.
Anyone got any good stories were VT has made you use reflexes you didn't mean to do. I have a few more from me and other students I learnt with if its an interesting topic.
Hi Benny- what I did is NOT recommended. Some years ago -a guy with a moustache gave me a 3 sectional staff and wanted to see how I would use it. He went across the room and waited.
I sense the weight and balance of the weapon and I shot the weapon out at him. An auto system control took over and I was lucky. The tip of the staff when I pulled back touched the fuzz on his upper lip and didn't hurt him. We were both surprised.While I sensed something about the distance of that particular staff- No- never again -for play. I thanked the stars. And was grateful that the gods were kind that day.

joy chaudhuri

03-08-2010, 06:34 AM
cannot remember what tool it even was now, but...

me and my dad where putting the roof on my car port and he swung for me low with a lump of metal something.

i KNOW i should have gone forward, but it was the 'oh sh!t' mentality that drove me back.

i gaan'd the attacking arm but misjudged and got clouted by a lump of metal on the side of my wrist. it broke my wrist :o

03-08-2010, 06:54 AM
cannot remember what tool it even was now, but...

me and my dad where putting the roof on my car port and he swung for me low with a lump of metal something.

i KNOW i should have gone forward, but it was the 'oh sh!t' mentality that drove me back.

i gaan'd the attacking arm but misjudged and got clouted by a lump of metal on the side of my wrist. it broke my wrist :oWhat's your dad's name, Cato? :D

03-08-2010, 08:03 AM
What's your dad's name, Cato? :D

Kato isnt it?!?!

it was a hammer or something similar, or a wrench of sorts...

i first got introduced to wck from my Dad - he always randomly attacks me for 'laughs' :eek: like Peter Pan - i dont think he grows up :)

03-08-2010, 08:08 AM
Kato isnt it?!?!

it was a hammer or something similar, or a wrench of sorts...

i first got introduced to wck from my Dad - he always randomly attacks me for 'laughs' :eek: like Peter Pan - i dont think he grows up :)With relatives like this who needs enemies? ;)

k gledhill
03-09-2010, 06:15 AM
Ive had more 'accidental' injuries from friends/sparring partners than in real fights :D

Many years ago I was demo fighting at Londons chinatown on a new year while training under Sifu V Kan . Desmond Spencer and I did a 'sparring' VT demo no real intent beyond putting on a little show, punch , kicks etc parries counters...at one point Des did an elbow strike that 'just' touched the upper edge of my eye socket, I felt the wind on the strike pass my face ...only the skin was touched but no pain, then I felt big drops, drop,drop,on my chest,drop, drop and saw red all over the white school tshirt..in no time it was a bloody mess...without stopping I kept going and attacked him back, We ended up at the corner of the raised stage so des couldnt move , then having done judo, I did a leg sweep to Des who was just letting me for show, as he stared at the blood :D I then made a 'movie' strike' like Bruce Lee in Big Boss , a strike as a finish like a movie , the crowd loved it, blood lust :D so theres me and Des, Im covered in blood t soaked hilarious. I had to get stitches so went to the local hospital, meanwhile my mum and sister had shown up at the demo only to be told by Sifu Kan that Kevin had to go to hospital :D:D:D:D my poor mum had to sit down..so much for impressing family with skill ;)
I carry the scar happily as a good memory ...other scars not so much happy ;)

03-09-2010, 11:11 AM
A junior classmate and I were drilling using wu da against hooks. He got funny and threw 2 back to back real fast, and on the 2nd one the punch landed and he nose busted..oops.

03-09-2010, 11:18 AM
One time I was watching a WC DVD and started to chain punch the air for fun, I had the remote control in my hand and it went flying !!
Luckly I had someone around to help with the DVD:

03-09-2010, 11:38 AM
One time I was watching a WC DVD and started to chain punch the air for fun, I had the remote control in my hand and it went flying !!
Luckly I had someone around to help with the DVD:

Meoow? "Whats new ***** cat?" says Tom Jones. :p

03-09-2010, 03:24 PM
Dude where do u find this stuff?!

03-10-2010, 12:54 AM