View Full Version : NaStY Pinch! Where to pinch?

04-24-2010, 10:36 AM
I knw we've all heard Stinky from Abott And Costello (played by Joe Besser) say,
"ooooh, I'll give you such a PINCH!" But, what is the best place to pinch in a down and dirty street altercation, or to break free of a RNC when dealing with a trained, conditioned MMA fighter in the cage?
Some say the "Purple Nurple," while others insist on the "Wasp Sting," and still others say it's the feared, "Shark Bite." or worse still, the "Cootie Shot."
(maybe this should have been written as a poll...)

04-24-2010, 06:17 PM

But in all seriousness a pinch or a bite could be the move that destroys even a champions hold.

I had limited success with the eagle claw as a pinch. The goal was to crush someones throat (or jugular, or other such place).

I realised why; There is a science to pinching!

The eagle claw uses 3 sharp points. Although this can be potencially effective it requires good targeting and a lot of strength. But there is a simpler way. In order to crush something the easiest method is a SHARP point grinding against a BLUNT surface. So for example the leopard fist. The fingers crushing against the palm of the hand. Or the Thumb against the blunt SIDE of the forefinger for hitting smaller targets. Then a little grinding action.

You might laugh at the concept of 'pinching' a conditioned MMA fighter, but realistically who would want to keep their hold while their Testicles are being torn to shreds, or while their throat is crushed etc. I mean, if your gonna get your arm broken anyway, might as well stop him having kids.

Scott R. Brown
04-24-2010, 06:22 PM
Curl your fingers at the first knuckle and pinch and twist in between those two knuckles on the inside of the thigh or the inside of the bicep, also twisting the ear off is a nice move!

04-26-2010, 12:22 PM
pinching, biting and pulling hairs

are like not allowed in the competitions


pinching plus twisting



04-26-2010, 12:33 PM
pinching noses is easy!

David Jamieson
04-26-2010, 01:19 PM
Well, a collarbone grab isn't really a pinch, but it's kind of like it...


oblique muscles or love handle pinch/claw and twist - very painful

thumb to armpit, pinch and pull Latissimus dorsi - somewhat painful

thumb to windpipe, pinch/claw neckbase - painful

trapezius muscle = painful, pinch/claw and push downwards

pectoral muscle = grab/claw from side shake and pull

of course, inner thigh, genitals and pretty much anywhere that muscle attaches to bone or overlaps allowing a seat for the fingers to grab on.

fat people are highly susceptible to pinching and it can be extremely painful for them whereas fit and lean people it is more difficult because you have to go for overlaps or crevices along the shape of the muscle as opposed to random grab at the general area.

It takes more work on a leaner person is what I'm saying.

Now run home and try these on your chubby little brother. :p

remember, once you have a clutch, use the other hand to strike! :D

04-26-2010, 02:12 PM
titty-twisters come to mind... another reqason to practice iron ball juggling with only using your fingertips in order to strengthen them for nasty nipple ripping... imagine pinching or hooking your fingers around the tendons that attach from the top of the collar bone to the head(up the sides of the neck where them juglars are hiding) and pulling them off... ouch!!! :eek:

David Jamieson
04-26-2010, 02:47 PM
titty-twisters come to mind... another reqason to practice iron ball juggling with only using your fingertips in order to strengthen them for nasty nipple ripping... imagine pinching or hooking your fingers around the tendons that attach from the top of the collar bone to the head(up the sides of the neck where them juglars are hiding) and pulling them off... ouch!!! :eek:

do you know what pinch stones are?

Scott R. Brown
04-26-2010, 05:35 PM
do you know what pinch stones are?

Are they testicles?:eek:

04-26-2010, 05:49 PM
do you know what pinch stones are?are they like two small rocks that can be held in one hand and used to pinch by clenching a fist with some flesh pinched between the two stones? can't you also use baoding balls for this? :)

04-26-2010, 06:49 PM

for some people tickling is worse than pinching

we may take some pain

it is very hard not to laugh


Scott R. Brown
04-26-2010, 06:55 PM

for some people tickling is worse than pinching

we may take some pain

it is very hard not to laugh


Excellent point and one that is rarely considered in a self-defense situation. Many big tough guys turn to jello when you start tickling them, LOL!!!

04-27-2010, 03:08 AM

for some people tickling is worse than pinching

we may take some pain

it is very hard not to laugh

--especially if you are tickling the scrotum of some wannabe bada$$. :D

David Jamieson
04-27-2010, 04:50 AM
are they like two small rocks that can be held in one hand and used to pinch by clenching a fist with some flesh pinched between the two stones? can't you also use baoding balls for this? :)

they are conical shaped stones that one picks up with their fingers and in turn this develops the strength of the hand and in particular the grip.

I don't see that they sell them here...

wle seems to be the only one who has them.

here's a picture: http://www.wle.com/media/TD22.gif

Scott R. Brown
04-27-2010, 07:54 AM
they are conical shaped stones that one picks up with their fingers and in turn this develops the strength of the hand and in particular the grip.

I don't see that they sell them here...

wle seems to be the only one who has them.

here's a picture: http://www.wle.com/media/TD22.gif

Try these for developing pinching and gripping:

IronMind (http://ironmind-store.com/Crushed-to-Dust153-Grip-Tools/departments/7/)

David Jamieson
04-27-2010, 08:06 AM
yep, there's some things there.

you could do grip[ drills with a partner as well to develop that hand strength.

take 3 staffs, bundle and hold them with both hands at the ends.
Have your partner do the same.

twisting, pushing and pulling, try to loose your opponents grip, while he does same to yours.

have fun! :D

Scott R. Brown
04-27-2010, 08:32 AM
yep, there's some things there.

you could do grip[ drills with a partner as well to develop that hand strength.

take 3 staffs, bundle and hold them with both hands at the ends.
Have your partner do the same.

twisting, pushing and pulling, try to loose your opponents grip, while he does same to yours.

have fun! :D

Don't forget wringing out the laundry with your Shaolin monk friend!;)

David Jamieson
04-27-2010, 08:43 AM
Don't forget wringing out the laundry with your Shaolin monk friend!;)

unfortunately, due to a lack of shaolin monks I don't have any to do laundry with. :(

04-27-2010, 09:08 AM
For an actual pinch you have to make sure you're getting just skin, and often as little as possible. Two good places for a real pinch is inside the thigh and inside the bicep. Some years back I used to train with a FMA guy and he showed me a method of pinching he called a crab bite. You only use the first knuckles of your thumb, index and middle finger to catch just a tiny amount of skin. It worked anywhere and felt like a hot needle.