View Full Version : "Got'cha Nose!"

04-24-2010, 10:44 AM
The technique is used by placing the thumb between the curled index finger thus forming the "Nose Mudra"and then swiping at your opponent's nose, while uttering the words, "Got'cha Nose!" and then showing them the hand formation, thus convincing them that you have indeed removed their nose and are now in complete and total possession of it, rendering them helpless.
I have used this technique with great success, although I must admit, most of my opponents were under the age of four.
This technique is used by SPM practitioners and is evident in the Kuen Po, "The hand is like a nose, it catches and snares.."
How many of you have used this technique?

04-24-2010, 10:48 AM
the technique in action:

YouTube - Daddy! I want my nose back!

Xiao3 Meng4
04-24-2010, 11:07 AM
I know it as the nipple mudra. Very effective. I think Chi Sao derived from it.

Scott R. Brown
04-24-2010, 06:28 PM
My favorite technique is the one where you take a 6"-12" four inch wide strip of paper, fold it a number of times and wipe! Then run around and try to wipe it on your enemy.

Most people will squeal like a little girl and runaway. If they don't and they trash you.....they will always carry your stink with them and in essence, even if you are dead, you still won!!!!

04-24-2010, 06:41 PM
if you hit on the right spot just below the nose and between the mouth and the nose, about 6 or 7 sweat glands away from the upper lip, you can actualyl kill someone. The person wont die right away, they usually die later in life, but the WILL die. I can promose you that. Ive seen this happen. Its also called the Delayed Nose Touch

04-24-2010, 06:45 PM
My favorite technique is the one where you take a 6"-12" four inch wide strip of paper, fold it a number of times and wipe! Then run around and try to wipe it on your enemy.

Oh man! I cant tell you how popular this technique is in China. Chinese Snot Masters are the best in the world. They dont use paper, the can shoot Qi-snot balls from their noses by using just their thumb.

Scott R. Brown
04-24-2010, 06:59 PM
if you hit on the right spot just below the nose and between the mouth and the nose, about 6 or 7 sweat glands away from the upper lip, you can actualyl kill someone. The person wont die right away, they usually die later in life, but the WILL die. I can promose you that. Ive seen this happen. Its also called the Delayed Nose Touch

That is NOTHING....I can kill someone by just pointing at them, of course it may take up to 80 years depending upon the person's age.....er....I mean chi strength. But it is guaranteed to work EVERY TIME!!!

I am available for assassinations!:)

Oh man! I cant tell you how popular this technique is in China. Chinese Snot Masters are the best in the world. They dont use paper, the can shoot Qi-snot balls from their noses by using just their thumb.

That has also been known as "Farmers Kleenex" or something like that!