View Full Version : Bruce Lee waist band

04-29-2010, 08:59 PM
Hey all

Does anyone know what type of waist band Bruce Lee wore during his fighting scenes and in his films?

I know it's not a karate belt but some long cloth type band. See BrucePoster jpeg image attachment - the band in the image is what I'm looking for.

Also, how does one wrap this cloth band around the waist securely so it won't come off.

Where can I buy one online?

Thank you for your suggestions.

David Jamieson
04-30-2010, 05:46 AM

the pic shows nothing.
it's a sash belt to hold his pants up.
You can buy them at any martial arts place.

here's a bunch in different colours

04-30-2010, 06:39 AM
Thks for the response David

Here are a couple more pictures of the waist band that I'm looking for. Especially, the white band which doesn't look that shiny or silky like the sashes from your link.

It's a longer cloth type band that I believe he wrapped around several times.

These images should be better visibly; the white band is exactly what I'm looking for.

How does one wrap this band securely without it coming off?


David Jamieson
04-30-2010, 07:11 AM
it's a piece of cloth, same as a sash.
you can have a shiny sash or a plain cotton one or polyester if you prefer.
You're using images from the 1970's and they are likely movie props as well which are generally custom made.

so, go to a textile store and fashion something for yourself. I don't hink anyone really sells what amounts to long strips of rag cloth.

make a nice one, wrap it around and tuck it in.

can i ask why a belt is so important to you?

04-30-2010, 07:36 AM
Hi David

I'm hoping the band will provide a given structure, sense of centered balance, during quick changes in direction when playing soccer -

thks for the information!

Have a great weekend!

I believe you may be correct in that these bands from the 70s are no longer in use and I may need to go to china town or a textile store or something

04-30-2010, 07:39 AM
Hope you find what your looking for . But OMG lookat Bruces abs!! is that what thousands of crunches will get you?

04-30-2010, 07:45 AM

true answer is no

a varied fitness lifestyle and being active gets u those abs and more

change exercise routines, make them challenging, unique, different, etc.

resistance training, stretching after a workout, and eating right (avoid fast food joints)

and there's more

04-30-2010, 09:21 AM
I'm hoping the band will provide a given structure, sense of centered balance, during quick changes in direction when playing soccer -

thats actually what the sash is intended for. helps keep your abdomen 'secured'. kind of similar to what a back brace does, but on a different scale and not soley intended for the back.

get a lenght of cloth around 10 feet and wrap it comfortable to provide support.

04-30-2010, 09:24 AM
How does one wrap this band securely without it coming off?


just wrap it snuggly and firm yet not tight, and then knot it appropriately. go on google or youtube and search "how to tie a kungfu sash" should help

04-30-2010, 01:04 PM
I believe "the white one", was simply his shirt that was ripped off in the film, "Fist of Fury."

04-30-2010, 01:15 PM
thats how all us manly men do it !

although i take my q from the Hulkster

can you hear whats happening in the hulkisphear??


04-30-2010, 03:37 PM
Thanks Lucas

I'm hoping that the sash also supports the back straight when doing quick changes in direction in soccer.

04-30-2010, 05:49 PM
thats how all us manly men do it !

although i take my q from the Hulkster

can you hear whats happening in the hulkisphear??



anyway yes it keeps your stuff in ya gut stable as all that torquing of the waist is supposed to be bad for your organs and everything if done with out any kind of support

i just used a weightlifting belt

04-30-2010, 08:00 PM


The belt that Bruce Lee wore appeared to be made for the movie. It looks like some sort of secured elastic It is not your typical sash. It appears that Chuck Norris is wearing something similar. If anything, it helps maintain continuity between shot scenes.

Yang Jwing Ming used to sell belts that were designed to help minimize shock to the internal organs. You may want to contact him or the people at YMAA (or the schools of his students) to see if they still have them.

Since you are so concerned about support, why don't you avail yourself to a serious core conditioning program?


04-30-2010, 10:45 PM

true answer is no

a varied fitness lifestyle and being active gets u those abs and more

change exercise routines, make them challenging, unique, different, etc.

resistance training, stretching after a workout, and eating right (avoid fast food joints)

and there's more

No way! I know crack addicts that are build like BL. Low body fat and genes.

David Jamieson
05-01-2010, 04:55 AM
No way! I know crack addicts that are build like BL. Low body fat and genes.

Distance yourself form the crack addicts, you don't want to know them and you certainly don't want them stealing all your stuff.

05-01-2010, 06:29 AM
Hi Mickey

I am core training and in the meantime looking for some sort of support for lower back while playing soccer and making those quick changes in direction.

Thks for the response.

Yum Cha
05-01-2010, 03:54 PM
that looks like a, funny enough, Chinese kung fu belt. It has a thick section that goes around your waist, then cords that come off and wrap around again to tie it into place.
Knot to the side is student, knot in the center is Sifu.

HEY GENE! You don't sell these on your site, what's the Story?


05-01-2010, 07:15 PM

That wushu belt does look nice. But it doesn't appear to have that sturdy support that I think cwbp15 needs. Yang Jwing Ming had the good stuff.


05-01-2010, 07:40 PM
The wushu belt looks like it can be personalized to cwbp15's needs. He can reinforce it (as a suggestion) with heavy canvas or dense foam rubber in the area that goes across his back.


05-01-2010, 09:27 PM
I was thinking about that as well - using a sturdy foam material and tighting the cloth/sash may make a supported structure for the lower back area when defending and making those quick changes in direction.

I noticed when I defend in soccer, I do hunch over/keeping myself low to the ground as I make the quick change in directions. I must change that and defend in a straighter posture, as though standing.

For now, I've got two weeks before coach needs to see what I can do on the pitch. I would like to find something before then and experiment as I continue to train.

05-01-2010, 09:29 PM
I was thinking about that as well - using a sturdy foam material and tighting the cloth/sash may make a supported structure for the lower back area when defending and making those quick changes in direction.

I noticed when I defend in soccer, I do hunch over/keeping myself low to the ground as I make the quick change in directions. I must change that and defend in a straighter posture, as though standing.

For now, I've got two weeks before coach needs to see what I can do on the pitch. I would like to find something before then and experiment as I continue to train.

I have an old 100 % long sleeve baseball shirt that has holes on sleeves and would like to turn that into the waistband. Any ideas how to go about doing this online, youtube? I'll search around. How to turn a long sleeve shirt into a waistband - similar to the Bruce Lee picture having the white waistband.

05-02-2010, 08:04 AM

It appears that you are going into "football mode" when you are defending.

Do you train any of the following in your core conditioning routine? I only ask because of your initial need for lumbar support during playing and I got the impression your erector muscles are very weak:


Good Mornings


Given the two week time frame given, if you do not do any of the above you really need to start doing so and maintain the practice in your fitness regimen. Wearing a support belt can offer relief in the short run; but, over time, it can lead to dependance and a continued weakening of the area. Of the three above I would recommend good mornings and hyperextensions. If you have been experiencing any kind of pain during practice you should see a doctor. If you have a strength coach, take the time to share your situation with him. You may also want to consult your doctor before embarking on these exercises if you have a pre existing condition causes you lumbar discomfort.

I don't know of any link that could teach you how to convert a shirt into a support belt.


Lee Chiang Po
05-02-2010, 08:57 AM
Hope you find what your looking for . But OMG lookat Bruces abs!! is that what thousands of crunches will get you?

I am sure you have seen the electic crunch belts sold on TV? Well, bruce sort of pioneered that himself. He learned about the tinge units that doctors use to treat break injuries for athletes so that the limb did not atrify in the cast. He would hook himself up and turn it up full blast so that it would make his muscles flex again and again. He targeted certain muscles that give one a more manly appearance. This I seen in a documentary. This way he could get a really effective workout as he did other things of importance.
I own one of these units, and it has several settings. You can control the amount of jolt, the duration of the jolt, and the regularity of the jolt. It is also a joint saver as it only effects the muscles and tendons without putting extreme weights on your joints. I think it was ingenius.

05-02-2010, 11:38 AM
Yes mickey

I do



obliques, abs,

I'll look into adding the good mornings

05-02-2010, 12:57 PM
I am sure you have seen the electic crunch belts sold on TV? Well, bruce sort of pioneered that himself. He learned about the tinge units that doctors use to treat break injuries for athletes so that the limb did not atrify in the cast. He would hook himself up and turn it up full blast so that it would make his muscles flex again and again. He targeted certain muscles that give one a more manly appearance. This I seen in a documentary. This way he could get a really effective workout as he did other things of importance.
I own one of these units, and it has several settings. You can control the amount of jolt, the duration of the jolt, and the regularity of the jolt. It is also a joint saver as it only effects the muscles and tendons without putting extreme weights on your joints. I think it was ingenius.
I bought one of those ab belt things several years ago while I was in the military. I figured I did enough physical sit ups during the day that I could relax and have something do it for me during my off time. I have to admit that it was a bit painful, sort of like getting a tazer to the gut. Not to mention the fact that the batteries did not last very long (it was obviously a cheaper model). I stopped using it after a short period of time. Fast forward six years and I recently get a check in the mail for the amount I originally paid for the belt. It turns out some fat people sued the makers because they erroneously claimed in their advertising that you could lose weight by using it. I'm glad I got my money back, but, if I were a judge, I would have laughed the plaintiffs out of the court for utter stupidity. Wearing the belt while sitting on the couch 24 hours a day and eating a cheese nacho-coconut cake sandwich with a side of Crisco will not induce a weight loss situation!