View Full Version : Other types of Kunf fu

05-06-2010, 08:16 AM
It's well known to anyone on here that the phrase "kung fu" doesn't exactly mean
martial arts, but rather refers to the accumulation of a particular skill through diligence.

So I was curios to know, what other types of kung fu do the members of this board practice. And to make the discussion more relivant, how would you compare that skill to your martial art of choice.

One of my other kung fus is "scratch foo," aka turntablism. Like most martial arts, it starts with learning a few basic techniques wich set a foundation for more advanced ones. The latter techs are just more complex variations and combonations of the initial ones. Through repition the movments become 2nd nature and require no thought as to how to perform them. After you have accumulated a larg repetiorre of 2nd nature movments you can move into a free flow of movments, much in the way that you talk with out having to think of the word that will express your idea.

My other favorite kung fu is chess. To anyone adept at this game who is also a martial artist, no explanation is needed. But more specificly, I find it's relation to Wing Chun amazing.

First of all, the key to winning, or even learning the game, is learn to controll the center of the board (center line theory). It is the most direct rout to your oponents and from there you can controll a larger portion of the board.
Simultaneous attack and defens are also prevolent at an advanced level. Your knight is under pressure from bishop, you move your queen to check your oponents king and the only defense he has is to used said bishop to block the path, thus eleviating the pressure on your night.

On a larger scope of the game, it's as if the kings are the body and all the other peices are the arms and legs, moving about manipulating one another in order to reach the ultimate goal, and if a direct hit pressents itself (leavs himself wide open)take it (fools mate).

I can go on and on for days, especially with chess and wing chun, but i'd rather see what everyone else has to say.

05-06-2010, 08:34 AM
If you like chess try go (weiqi).

05-06-2010, 08:48 AM
Piano. Still trying to undo the finger knot which was tied up while I tried my luck against a certain Chopin piece.

05-06-2010, 11:21 AM
Well doing a bit of DJ'ing myself, although I am not much of a "scratch foo" guy I am more of a "mix-fu", More flowing from one beat/tempo to the next. Much like how I would prefer my forms to show and also how I aspire to move when I spar. Add to that "gun fu", powerfull and lethal. Pretty much how I would like my punches and kicks to be. :cool:

05-06-2010, 02:55 PM
stone masonry, aborsculpture, maze drawing, juggling, mycology, making canes/fighting sticks... eat some shrooms and you'll see how they all manifest themselves in the martial arts. :)

05-06-2010, 03:04 PM
Writing, academics (student for life, probably), guitar, military equipment, counterinsurgency, historical studies, mathematics, and when time allows, crazy theories and mysteries regarding space. :D

And sometimes I do Army stuff too, but you do eventually get tired of battle plan 1A, 3-5 buddy rushes, and watching CFLCC change their %^$#ing minds about how to do things every five minutes.

05-06-2010, 03:49 PM
wow ... many DJs.
Me too.
Mixer Fu'er here too.

05-06-2010, 04:40 PM

I used to make model airplane.

I used to ride motorcycle.


I had some injuries from motorcycle accidents.


Yum Cha
05-06-2010, 04:47 PM
One of the great things about being a martial artist is that 'the fu' is something you learn to use and apply as required wherever. IMHO.

05-06-2010, 05:20 PM
I like to sing and play a guitar.




05-06-2010, 05:21 PM
wow ... many DJs.
Me too.
Mixer Fu'er here too.

Cool - me as well!

I was a professional Dj on the circut here in Oz for many years and still play a few gigs every now and then just for fun.

I actually find for some reason that kung fu and martial arts attracts a lot of Djs or generally peeps with a love for fresh toons.

We have a few Djs and big wax heads at our school - its great.

When new students start training with us I think they assume most of us are nerds :rolleyes:

This is short lived however... when they come to one of our social gatherings and there are 3 guys all playing anything from Dub, Roots, Reggae to Hip Hop, Funk, Soul, Disco, House, Electro, Techno and everything in between....its great and a really nice balance with the training.


05-06-2010, 05:24 PM


I like singing and playing a guitar.

Mary passed away sept 2009.


05-06-2010, 05:27 PM

wow one man band

harmonica, guitar,--


music owns my soul--


05-06-2010, 05:33 PM



quite a treat for me.


05-06-2010, 05:58 PM
Cool - me as well!

I was a professional Dj on the circut here in Oz for many years and still play a few gigs every now and then just for fun.

COOL! My Sihing in USA (Joe) is also a DJ.
I play here in China too, gig every weekend and few week nights. Sadly these days this is probably the most "kung fu" training I get, cause Im at work 10 hours a day (during the day) and which leaves only night time to do anything else.

Techno/House :)

05-06-2010, 06:58 PM
COOL! My Sihing in USA (Joe) is also a DJ.
I play here in China too, gig every weekend and few week nights. Sadly these days this is probably the most "kung fu" training I get, cause Im at work 10 hours a day (during the day) and which leaves only night time to do anything else.

Techno/House :)

Nice work :)

I went to Hangzhou and Shanghai a few years ago and some of the clubs I went to there were unreal - some of the fit outs, soundsystems were amazing.

Funny though - still a very young scene. I was considering moving over there at one stage and trying to hook up Dj work by night to fund my kung fu by day.

Deep House, Tech House, Deep Tech as well of loads of other stuff:D

05-07-2010, 12:33 AM
ja, you wont get a visa for DJing. Finnish friend here is stuggling, so you'd need a day job.
clubs have good systems here, pitty the people have $h!t taste in music :eek:

05-07-2010, 01:12 AM
clubs have good systems here, pitty the people have $h!t taste in music :eek:

LOL Agreed!!!:)

monkey mind
05-07-2010, 05:17 AM
Guitar, writing and ballet!

05-07-2010, 05:43 AM
guitar. learning violin. art

05-07-2010, 07:38 AM
electric blues guitar-I played last night at a local club which has a great Blues Jam.
The backing band asked me to go into the studio with them-cool!
Drawing, painting, (I studied Sumi-e under Yukio Toshiro)
I have designed many tattoos, which people then take to tattoo artists, who make a transfer and ink it on. I have my own gun, just haven't had the time to learn it.
I used to win medals in marksmanship as a kid (NRA .22 stuff as well as archery) I still love to shoot.
Hope to be doing alot of skeet shooting this summer-loads of fun
I'm really a great lover...I bet...

05-07-2010, 07:39 AM
My P0rno-fu is GM level !!

05-07-2010, 12:56 PM
My P0rno-fu is GM level !!

GM? Grand masterbater?

05-24-2010, 09:32 PM
my Si-Dai just got a nice Fender Telecaster and a line 6 amp, and brought it over for me to test drive. Just noodling around...


05-25-2010, 09:04 AM
c'mon, show yer stuff!
Remember, if it isn't on video, it doesn't exist!:p

05-25-2010, 12:37 PM
I am a musician with many musical projects, here are some links...







I was a sponsored bmx bike rider (ramps/street) too;)

05-25-2010, 06:11 PM
I like to meditate in my own style, but I'm very interested in Qigong as well. I think practicing awareness and awakeness are important skills. I also know alot of kung fu practitioners who are dj's or musicians, or both. I play the kalimba, which is one interesting form of meditation for me.

05-26-2010, 03:38 AM
back in the day I used to ride a flatland bmx semi-pro

heres some random warm up footage


05-26-2010, 03:43 AM
...and now my new 'kung fu' is 'Kung Fu Cha'. I love tea. Addict...

Heres some pics of one of my setups (I am 'sevenstar', have way down the page)
