View Full Version : DVD Review PART 2

05-06-2010, 08:29 PM
I decided to buy a few of Mike Patterson's DVDs and come to my own opinin of their content and t see if a 35 minute DVD is worth $35.

Dale Dugas tried to pounce on me last time and I suspect he will this time as well. I have no doubt that Mr Patterson is very skilled being that he was the kuoshu full contact fighting champion 2 years in a row and continues to coach winners.

The DVDs were not worth the price I paid. Here's why: Though some of the DVDs are 35 minutes there isn't much content. Mr Patterson demonstrates a move and then shows the same move in slow motion, fast speed, and then a few more times in regular speed so you can follow along. In my opinion this was a huge waste of time and seemed like DVD filler to me. My original post asked if the power generating DVDs would be of worth to those with experience in the so called internal arts. I highly recommend his Internal Force Dynamics Vol. 1. This video featured the annoying slow motion movements but the excercises themselves are a good workout and have been of benefit to me. Internal Force Dynamics vol. 2 wasn't so useful to me. It featured him doing some of the hsing I Element punches and talks about how power is generated in punches. This video was super basic and contained mostly filler slow motion movements.

Honestly, I wouldn't have paid more than 10-15 bucks for these had I known their content.

05-06-2010, 08:51 PM
friday looks cloudy with a high chance of a s hit storm moving in from the east followed by a hail of gong sau challenges

this is goju reporting from kung fu magazines weather copter!

05-06-2010, 08:54 PM
I know right! I feel like some people are going to try and trash me for being honest. I've had these 2 DVDs for a few weeks. I wanted to absorb their teachings for a while before making an official review. They're officially too expensive.

05-06-2010, 08:59 PM
Keep the dvd and watch it again in a year or two. Who knows, you may or may not find something of value you hadn't noticed before that might or might not make you change your mind about its worth.

05-07-2010, 06:13 AM
Keep the dvd and watch it again in a year or two. Who knows, you may or may not find something of value you hadn't noticed before that might or might not make you change your mind about its worth.

Wise words here.

05-07-2010, 08:06 AM
There is value to the DVDs but they are not worth what is charged for them.

05-07-2010, 08:09 AM
There is value to the DVDs but they are not worth what is charged for them.

Well, they are not worth that to you, just to be clear, right?

05-07-2010, 08:15 AM
My statement is open to interpretation.

Golden Arms
05-07-2010, 09:58 AM
I have both of them, and feel they are more than worth the money. To put it in perspective:

What you are getting is someone who specializes in generating power and using their body a certain way, showing openly how to do so. That knowledge is well presented, and difficult to obtain without the typical B.S. that comes along with most martial arts.

If a person goes and gets a massage, its around 1.00 a minute out here. If you went to fast food 3 or 4 times, its about the same price as the DVD. In my book, good information is worth much more.


Perhaps you should just decide they are not worth it to you and call it good at that. Most of the nastiest stuff in martial arts can be explained or shown in 10 minutes or less, its the doing it and getting it into ones body that takes all the time.

05-07-2010, 10:26 AM
What we have is a difference in opinion. You're welcome to yours. I'm welcome to mine. I'm not sure why you're trying to stifle mine. If you don't like the thread or my opinion there are many more threads to browse.

I used my money to buy it and can do what I want with it and talk about it anyway I like.

Dale Dugas
05-08-2010, 12:51 PM
you of course are able to give your opinion about the material,

it is too bad you would rather trash the cost than actually train and use what was shown to you.

many will think about the parable of pearls before swine.

good luck with finding those skills you seek on DVD.

if you are ever in the Boston area, come look me up. I can show/teach you to generate power and use it. and this is not a challenge.

05-08-2010, 01:25 PM
I've found out the more I learn in Xing Yi, the more I see I can learn or didn't know on such dvds.

You have the right to your opinion, stand firm if you must.

Mike Patterson
05-09-2010, 08:03 PM
When I was much younger, I once read an article on Hsing I (xingyi) in a magazine. I was very nonplussed about the readily apprarent lack of understanding on the part of the author. It affected me to such a degree in terms of outrage that I took the article to my teacher, Hsu Hong Chi, to show him.

As he thumbed through it, page after page, he began to chuckle and continued to do so throughout. I was confused by this and asked him why he was amused by the apparent total lack of knowledge and skill in the author. He looked at me, smiled, touched his heart and said... "I laugh because secret still safe".

Years later, when I began to teach, he told me.. "Teach everyone. Anyone like to learn, you teach, no worry. If they bad heart.. not too smart.. they no learn anyhow. Art take care of itself."

I cannot tell you how many times and how many instances this has been shown to me to be true. It is still true today. :)

05-09-2010, 09:24 PM
that is great story. thanks for sharing sifu Patterson.

05-09-2010, 09:37 PM
$35 is about the average price for DVDs these days. You won't find instructional DVDs much cheaper.

That being said, I haven't seen these DVDs, nor will I. However, you are still paying for a lesson that you can get as many times as you want. No need to keep going to classes over and over again, and you can practice from your own home.

Now, what I PREFER to see in an instructional DVD are the techniques and forms, but also practical application as well. I think it's very important to see why you are traipsing about your house, and to see how each part of the form is essentially a drill of techniques.

05-10-2010, 06:02 AM
Years later, when I began to teach, he told me.. "Teach everyone. Anyone like to learn, you teach, no worry. If they bad heart.. not too smart.. they no learn anyhow. Art take care of itself."

Well said, very well said.
I know a few people that like to believe that keep certain things "inside" is good, but all I have seen is that this makes for a slow decay of MA skill.
The more open we are with knowledge and the more it is tested, the better it gets.

05-10-2010, 08:51 AM
Years later, when I began to teach, he told me.. "Teach everyone. Anyone like to learn, you teach, no worry. If they bad heart.. not too smart.. they no learn anyhow. Art take care of itself."

I cannot tell you how many times and how many instances this has been shown to me to be true. It is still true today. :)



05-10-2010, 11:49 AM
When I was much younger, I once read an article on Hsing I (xingyi) in a magazine. I was very nonplussed about the readily apprarent lack of understanding on the part of the author. It affected me to such a degree in terms of outrage that I took the article to my teacher, Hsu Hong Chi, to show him.

As he thumbed through it, page after page, he began to chuckle and continued to do so throughout. I was confused by this and asked him why he was amused by the apparent total lack of knowledge and skill in the author. He looked at me, smiled, touched his heart and said... "I laugh because secret still safe".

Years later, when I began to teach, he told me.. "Teach everyone. Anyone like to learn, you teach, no worry. If they bad heart.. not too smart.. they no learn anyhow. Art take care of itself."

I cannot tell you how many times and how many instances this has been shown to me to be true. It is still true today. :)

Holy Cow! Mr Patterson has to take time out to teach for free!
I have your Hsing I dvds, still studying, thanks.

05-10-2010, 04:33 PM
"Short Bridge Hung Gar and partner drills/sparring. Currently working some Kali in my off time. Played with some Dai Xinyi guys, JJJ/Sambo guys, Systema, an amature boxer or 2, wrestlers, San Da/San Shou guys, but Hung Ga is my main focus. Practice some Baguazhang as taught by Zhang Jie, as well as some Taoist Qi Gong work and Gun Fa Tui Na

Sounds like you are in just "super" position with your lack of involvement in Hsing I (xingyi) to judge my material as "super basic" ****. Too funny. Sticks like you just crack me up"

The area with the stars had my name typed there. This guy actually looked through his order records to find out who I was. And then sends out this email trying to knock me. Is that what a respectable sifu is supposed to do? Sounds kind of crazy to me, probably illegal. Does anyone else see a problem with Mr Patterson's online behavior? Moderators??!?

You're selling a product. I bought it. This is America. I'm free to form an opinion. If you didn't want to open yourself up to criticism than you shouldn't have put up a website and sold anything. I'm never buying anything from you again because of this childish behavior. Is this how you treat people who pay you their hard earned money? Who do you think you are? Did you copy Robert Redford's look or did he copy yours?

Dale Dugas
05-10-2010, 04:42 PM
again it seems you are not man enough to take the heat from what you said.

Man up, or do not post on internet forums.

05-10-2010, 04:46 PM
again it seems you are not man enough to take the heat from what you said.

Man up, or do not post on internet forums.

Thanks for taking my side, Dale. I wish he could take more heat on the Internet. You're a good guy, Dale.

05-10-2010, 04:48 PM
yeah that was kind of pathetic to be honest

remember its the internet guys not real life!

Dale Dugas
05-10-2010, 04:57 PM
Thanks for taking my side, Dale. I wish he could take more heat on the Internet. You're a good guy, Dale.

I was not taking your side, actually this was directed toward yourself.

You started this thread and "badmouthed" a senior teacher who has not only the skills, but way more experience than you by making your original statements.

Your opinions are fine, but when you post them up on a public forum, and you are taken to task for your comments, you have no recourse. You take what people say.

This is not presented as an attack but as a honest look at what this appears to be to myself.

I have had people say all manner of things to me, at me and especially about what I post online.

Shifu Patterson has every fight to contact you off forum if he so desires.

You could have done this via email with Shifu Patterson as well.

Again you did not, so once you make your bed, you have to sleep in it.

05-10-2010, 05:04 PM
I never attacked him personally! I referenced his DVDs for god's sake. I hope the rest of you don't have such small egos. This is so sad. You're getting defensive for something that didn't happen.

I know you weren't siding with me but the way you posted could have gone either way. I made a funny and you don't have a sense of humor.

05-10-2010, 05:11 PM
Oh yeah.

Dale, I don't need to be taken to task for anything. I'm not Mr. Patterson's child. He has my money and I have his DVD. It was a business transaction. If I bought a car and the car salesman did this it would be ridiculous. But because his and your ego was hurt it's now a big deal.

Mike Patterson
05-10-2010, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=SavvySavage;1012750 I'm never buying anything from you again because of this childish behavior. Is this how you treat people who pay you their hard earned money? Who do you think you are? Did you copy Robert Redford's look or did he copy yours?[/QUOTE]

This would have been Sooo much more effective if you had added a "stomping your feet" animation or something.

Internet profiling, as google calls it, is an interesting thing. We all have such unique and distinctive styles of writing... they often can be found many places, for example, here: http://www.emptyflower.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=40&st=80 about 3 or 4 down as I remember. One just needs to know how and where to look.

Ego has nothing to do with it. Qualifications are what matter when rendering "an opinion" as an uninformed opinion is simply drivel. And an uninformed and anonymous opinion is simply a waste of space and everyone's time. But, in this world of the modern internet, the smallest mice often masquerade and roar as lions.

When I was younger, my teacher once said to me: "As long as you like learn, I like teach. Have one day you no like learn, who lose? I lose? I no think so. I already know."

Guess what dude? I already know. You are free to keep your opinions. I do not care to change them for reasons I have already made clear. But, I do like to know, as I think everyone else does also, who exactly is making the ruckus.

Btw, I wasn't sure.. but thanks for validating my shot in the dark. Again, too funny. :)

05-10-2010, 05:52 PM
I know that belittling someone's business can be taken very personally. You bring up a car dealer. I recently bought a Ford Escape Hybrid from a local dealer. However, when I googled them, there was a review which called them shady carnival hawkers (whatever that means). I brought this up during the test drive and paperwork, and they actually became quite offended by it. The manager came in, looked it up, and was visibly angry about it.

Another case came from a wonderful restaurant down in Pueblo. Turns out a rival said their meat was bad, the shake sour, and the fries burnt via an anonymous review. Considering the care and effort they put into their meals, I was inclined to ask about it. Again, the manager was incensed.

Don't mess with someone's livelihood and not expect it to be taken personally.

05-10-2010, 06:17 PM
but on the flip side savy kept his post pretty mannerly

considering how volatile people who review products on blogs and other things online can be i say its not much of a big deal

he just felt the material wasnt enough for the price and he is entitled to his opinion
(if you dont want your products reviewed well.... then dont put them out! not everyone is gonna like them after all!)

and if any would be buyers of this product saw this and decided not to buy it soley off this review with out doing any further investigations of the dvd, well then they are preeeeeeeeeeetty dumb:D

now in the spirit of wude, festivus, and this cat pictured here( http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1091/529412931_9c4fa0aa67.jpg ) lets all smoke em peace pipe!

05-10-2010, 06:20 PM
I'm not taking sides or anything. I'm just saying I've seen people get pretty bent out of shape when you criticize their business.

taai gihk yahn
05-10-2010, 06:24 PM
why make the distinction between that it's not worth $35 but rather $15 (what you said was the max you would have paid)? I mean, to make a distinction of worth over a lousy $20? look, if you have $35 of discretionary income to spend on a non-essential item like a MA DVD, then just consider it money well-spent to answer the question you were unable to find the answer to on your own, which is, "is Sifu Patterson's stuff of benefit to my own practice"; if you don't like the material, that's fine, certainly one is entitled to their own opinion (informed or otherwise), but what's with the grousing?

if you wanted to critique content, that's fine - state what you didn't like and let the discussion ensue; but when you quibble like that, you show yourself as the small man you are;

05-10-2010, 06:24 PM
oh i know

theres this pizza joint in ny( i think) where they attack you if you send the food back:D

taai gihk yahn
05-10-2010, 06:25 PM
I recently bought a Ford Escape Hybrid
how do u like it? i'm looking at it for my next car buy (I am currently in a Subaru Forrester, which I luv - it would take something significant to get me not to stay with the same model...)

taai gihk yahn
05-10-2010, 06:26 PM
oh i know

theres this pizza joint in ny( i think) where they attack you if you send the food back:D

there's another place where they don't let you buy the soup again for one year...

05-10-2010, 06:29 PM
there's another place where they don't let you buy the soup again for one year...

05-10-2010, 06:31 PM
how do u like it? i'm looking at it for my next car buy (I am currently in a Subaru Forrester, which I luv - it would take something significant to get me not to stay with the same model...)

I like it, but if you <3 your current manufacturer, I wouldn't suggest changing. It has nice gizmos and stuff. Moonroof, backup motion sensors, backup cam, dual climate control, sync and USB plugs, 110VAC outlet, heated leather seats, and built in GPS.

However, nothing beats familiarity and personal opinion if you ask me. My last car was a Ford Mustang, so I guess I have some degree of brand loyalty. That and the Toyota Highlnader costs way too much, looks like a bloated hippo, and apparently may or may not decide to take me on an uncontrollable joyride.

taai gihk yahn
05-10-2010, 06:41 PM
I like it, but if you <3 your current manufacturer, I wouldn't suggest changing. It has nice gizmos and stuff. Moonroof, backup motion sensors, backup cam, dual climate control, sync and USB plugs, 110VAC outlet, heated leather seats, and built in GPS.

However, nothing beats familiarity and personal opinion if you ask me. My last car was a Ford Mustang, so I guess I have some degree of brand loyalty. That and the Toyota Highlnader costs way too much,
yeah, the Escape has a lot of nice options, sum which the Forrester doesn't (although the new one is coming out in a year, so we'll see what they'll load in); that said, there is a distinctive difference driving a Subaru AWD in terms of pick-up and handling, especially in snow and rain, no question about it, that will be tough to beat; guess I'll just have to test drive...

looks like a bloated hippo, and apparently may or may not decide to take me on an uncontrollable joyride.
sounds like my ex...:D

05-10-2010, 07:47 PM
Hey Savage, if ya don't like the dvd's feel free to send'em my way!
I don't think "re-gifting" is frowned upon in Martial Arts....

05-11-2010, 05:30 AM
Mommy, Johnny called me a naughty word!