View Full Version : Ultimate Body Mechanic Thread

Water Dragon
10-29-2001, 06:39 PM
Let's try something new. List your best or favorite body mechanic. Let's see if Kung Lek is serious about serious discussion. Keep this one on topic buddy.

Here's Mine:

Squeezing the Kua

Definition: The kua is basically the area where your thigh connects to your hip joint. If you "squeeze" it shut, you can see a crease in you pants along the joint.

What it does
Squeezing the kua from an open to a closed position pitches your body weight forward and causes a rotational torque through the body. It is very similar to a boxers right cross from the waist down.

How to "get it"
1.Stand in a fairly wide horse stance (feet straight ahead) with both elbows parallel to the ground and the fists facing each other.
2. Rotate to the left on your heels until your feet are on a 45 degree angle from where you started.
3. Now "squeeze" your kua until you are in a Front Stance (left side forward). At the same time, twist your elbows as far as possible to the left. At the end position, you want your head resting on the crook of your right elbow, looking to the left.

** Feel the squeeze in your kua, the stretch in your back leg, and the torque in your waist. These are the key points.

Now, go back to the beginning position and repeat on the other side. This will end up being a relatively slow, smooth moving exercise when you get it right. When you get comfortable with the motion, start applying it to punches, elbows, etc.

Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of dogs. Not wild dogs, just neighborhood dogs who all scurry under the fence on the same night and set off together to reclaim a glimmer of the glory their species possessed before domestication.

[This message was edited by Water Dragon on 10-30-01 at 08:47 AM.]

10-29-2001, 09:48 PM
flexed carples with multiple extended digits. Theoretically thi is multiple mechanics. Thaought you'd want a broader picture than a flexed wrist. No happy jokes. :-)

Very some such, perhaps might have been, likely say some, some not.

10-29-2001, 10:01 PM
My favorite:

Extend your arm.. Squeeze on with your thumb about 1/2 way down your forearm on the inside..

It makes your hand close!!!

Do you believe in magic? dootodootodotodoo

10-30-2001, 12:56 PM
Mine is the "coils" that the body is capable of creating. They can be used to generate a lot of power.

"Just because I joke around sometimes doesn't mean I'm serious about kung-fu.
" - nightair

10-30-2001, 11:27 PM
this could be a good topic if poeple would chime in.

"Just because I joke around sometimes doesn't mean I'm serious about kung-fu.
" - nightair

10-30-2001, 11:52 PM
Holding your hands open with fingers spread apart and a 90-degree bend in the wrist (palms out, like doing push-ups) for extended periods resulted in a very noticeable increase in my grip strength.

10-31-2001, 04:38 PM
body integration/converging energy; ex:as you pivot into bow and arrow on your heels,while executing a reverse punch, allow your back heel to slide foward about 4". your body will 'float'but don't allow your focus to leave your dan tien, otherwise you will be hitting from your chest. Maintain elbow down position, brushing your ribs with your forearm and turn the fist over 3/4 when the elbow passes the body, dip the index finger knuckle ever so slightly at the squeeze point(this causes a 'body lock') and release. It's hard to describe without being there, you have to play with this, but you will eventually be hitting with the power of your whole body mass in your fist, while maintaining root. When someone gets run over by a Mack truck, nobody ever says he was hit by a bumper. They say he was hit by the truck. fist=bumper,body=truck. Basic bread and butter technique that can be applied to everything.

Water Dragon
10-31-2001, 04:42 PM
Now that's what I was looking for. I'm gonna try and add that to the Kua squeezing and see what happens.

Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of dogs. Not wild dogs, just neighborhood dogs who all scurry under the fence on the same night and set off together to reclaim a glimmer of the glory their species possessed before domestication.

10-31-2001, 04:42 PM
also, the extra dig at the end of the punch twists and penetrates into the tissue. The idea is to tear and rip the fascia, and also be able to "pulse' into the body.

10-31-2001, 07:00 PM
What style is that punching method from? One of the internal ones?

11-01-2001, 08:43 AM
Hung-Ga, what else?;-)

11-01-2001, 02:11 PM
do those principles apply in something like xing yi?