View Full Version : funny racism in kung fu

05-30-2010, 04:53 AM
hy gys
i had sum kung fu people i met who said ching chong and chinaman LOL
one time i talk 2 dis guy he called his students gwei lo, but hes not chinese hes cambodian LOL

i find in small town theres a lot of funny reverse racism , sum people who do kung fu but are racist to chinese people. i find it very confusing and funny lol. it reminds me of the time i went to a chinese restaurant and whiite ppls were staring at me because i was not a waiter, i was eating LOL

does anyones hav funy stories of racism in kung fu pls share

also, my mom tell me chinaese babbies cum from there mom belly button, butt wite babbies cum fram eggs from a very big monster called the broodmother. its at inside the cave of a mountain called "the old gold mountain" today know as chicago. is dis tru??? any1 kno pls tel me thax :confused:

05-30-2010, 05:57 AM
Hey Ching Chong,

I get quite the opposite. I live in China. I've never heard guai lou anywhere (i think it must be from the south) but I get called Lao Wai (lit. outsider) 100 times a day, even by my master while he is adressing me (with affection though). Although not technically offensive the term LaoWai is a less friendly and intelligent than the preferred 'waiguoren' or 'waiguopengyou' (foreigner, foreign friend). The funny thing is is that people just spontaneously say it when you walk past, even if they are alone... its really wierd, its like if every time i saw a car i said 'car'.

My master even told me that because I am a foreigner the teachers here will never teach me anything good. I retorted that thats not because they didn't want to teach a foreigner its because most of them don't have anything good to teach. After a while he said he couldn't teach me the best stuff but he promised he would teach me something real since i had spent such a long time in china. He proceeded to teach me more about kung fu in 2 months than i had learned in the last 5 years in china combined. So either what he said is true and they hold back a lot, or he is just way better than most other masters... I am convinced the latter is true.

Its strange here because everyone is very friendly (much more open and friendly than in england) but at the same time you always get the feeling its a bit of a front and there is stuff going on behind the scenes that your not privy to. Even though i speak the language well enough now.

One time I was helping this american agricultural company sell products to farmers in Henan province (no american rep wanted to go to these places so i filled in as a favour to a friend). We had to do 2 hour presentations to groups of about 100 farmers. After talking on and off for 2 hours, the talk was over and in the silence one farmer at the back stood up pointed at me and said 'Lao Wai'. I think it had taken him that long to realise.

taai gihk yahn
05-30-2010, 06:29 AM
I used to go into Chinese restaurants in Chinatown with my late sifu Chan Tai San; sometimes I would go back to those restaurants without him; when I did, the waiter would recognize me and acknowledge me by saying, "Tai San"...

also, if I go into a Chinese restaurant and order something in Cantonese, a lot of times the waiter will think I am fluent and start talking to me, on and on and on, and I sit there without a clue as to what he is saying and just nod and smile and keep saying, "hai-yah, haih-ya, haih-ya" , and we are both very happy...

sometimes in a Chinese restaurant I order something, and the waiter doesn't understand, so he gets another guy and I tell him and he understands me and then he turns to the first waiter and tells him what I asked for, and it sounds exactly the same way that I said it, and the first waiter will understand him...

once I had invited my taiji sifu out to yum cha, and I ordered a bunch of pork buns; he became very quiet and finally asked me in a very concerned manner if I had enough money to pay for the meal; I said of course I did, and asked why he was worried about that; he said that when you don't have a lot of money and have to take someone out for yum cha, you order pork buns because they are cheap and filling; I was like, no, I just like pork buns...

I seem to spend a lot of time in Chinese restaurants...

05-30-2010, 06:42 AM
hello rendahai,

if you want chinese people to love you, go to shanghai/beijing. they will build a statue of you and let you borrow their wife and film it.

i think the reason chinese teachers dont wanna teach real stuff is because
ppl often come to take photos and make fake claims once they go back
ppl steal knowledge and use it to make money, and dont give tribute
some ppl go to china to "play" kung fu. they see it as a vacation.

also, i think many westerners dont wanna learn real kung fu. they want to play. how many ppl actually learned real fighting stances? u c what i mean dood? xactly

05-30-2010, 06:51 AM
I just thought of another funny thing, One time i was having tea with my teacher (different teacher) and his wife walked in. We'd met before. He said ' hey, you remember Dahai' and she said ' i don't know, laowai all look the same to me!' Which i found hilarious. Because i always used to think they look alike, it is really funny that that works both ways. Another funny thing is that they see black guys, white guys, indian guys all just as 'laowai' as in 'not chinese'. Its kind of strange when you have a multi ethnic group of you hanging out, but here in china you are all one race 'not chinese'.

Another funny story is I was in a country village and some old guy started talking to me saying how funny my nose was... any way i replied to him in chinese and he said 'oh, they speak mandarin where your from as well?' I was like 'er...no, but i speak it'.

05-30-2010, 06:58 AM

u do know in china theres huge discrimination even among chinese themselves? i saw a shanghai lady in fur coat on a bus spit on a farmer and yell at him because he bumped into her
there class discrimination and skin color discrimination (dark skin chinese looked down on)

also have you been deflowering innocent chineese wimmens? chinese villagers dont like you if you deflower their wimmens maybe thats why they dun liek u

05-30-2010, 07:04 AM
also bro u know another reason why chinese teachers didnt want to teach u "the real stuff"

remember when u were on the forum looking for some luohanquan guy because his form on a video looked cool?
thats why

when you look for empty meaningless cool poses and not look for hard fists the size of a big pot, you find only what you look for

05-30-2010, 07:05 AM

Yeah, I agree, most people only come for a vacation. Even those who stay for one year are seen as just playing around, and most people don't get taught anything good. My teacher also told me why. If i was an old master here i would do the same. I want to see a bit of commitment from a student before teaching them good stuff. They would also need to have good basics which the vast majority of foreigners here do not, and they don't want to commit 3 years to learning them.

It always makes me laugh that people come to shaolin for a short time (in my books 1 year is a short time) and then they judge the place saying there is no good kung fu here, but its just because they didn't make a commitment to find it. They didn't even finish the basics and think they can judge. There is a lot of great kung fu here, but its still kind of secret. I mean its not secret as such, but people don't offer it to you on a plate.

Actually I think China is much more friendly than other countries I have been. But there is a lot of things people say he which are true observations but in our countries would be construed as racism. Despite being communist there are certain freedoms here which even we in the west do not enjoy. For example if you see a fat guy and want to ask him a question you can adress him as 'hey fatso' and it would not be offensive at all. White people do have sticking out noses and we do smell different to chinese, i don't think there is anything wrong with pointing it out, they don't do it in an offensive way, its just kinda funny when they say it.

05-30-2010, 07:11 AM
also bro u know another reason why chinese teachers didnt want to teach u "the real stuff"

remember when u were on the forum looking for some luohanquan guy because his form on a video looked cool?
thats why

when you look for empty meaningless cool poses and not look for hard fists the size of a big pot, you find only what you look for

Haha, I know I know. your right. and I agree. I've been told that by a lot of teachers myself. Now i do really look for real kung fu, and i give a commitment of time when i find it. But i still when i see something like that luohan quan i do want to know where it comes from. I still do, that is cool. Its not as important to me as the other stuff i learn but its still cool. But your point is well made.

And no, deflowering young chinese farm girls interferes with my kung fu practices so i avoid it. When chinese people see you walking down the street holding a chinese girls hand they give you the dirtiest looks. One person even called my girlfriend a traitor. seriously.

05-30-2010, 07:15 AM
if u wanna befriend kung fu teachers in china u should try being a "stoic barbarian"
u need to look very angry and serious, have huge muscles, but have a sad story where you shed a single tear and show your sensitive side

05-30-2010, 07:17 AM
chinese waitresses love big irish men

this is all know:D

05-30-2010, 07:21 AM
also bro i think the mental attitude toward kung fu in the west is not righ

my teacher told me to forget the forms, so i did. now no white kung fu guy takes me seriously. i can recite fist manuals word for word like the bible, but i dont know forms, im new. see wot i mean?

does anyone know any cool forms i can learn on youtube?

05-30-2010, 07:37 AM
Yeah when i told my master how many forms i knew he just insulted me, saying He bet i didn't even understand one of them well. He spent days lecturing me on the principles of wushu, with the occasional demonstration. He taught me about formlessness, but he also taught me about forms and why they are the way they are. Forms are uneccessary for the application of wushu, but they do have other uses, and they can still teach you things.

Understanding the theory of wushu is far more important than its forms. But even that pales in comparison to the understanding and practice of kung fu.

Thing is the attitude in China for the most part is not right either. THe vast majority of students here only learn the forms like a dance and learn sanda for combat. They don't understand the theory of wushu or how to apply it, they just use sanda. I think there is just a very low portion of people who practice wushu who actually understand it to a reasonable level. But my teacher told me it was always this way, even in the old days.

05-30-2010, 08:08 AM
bro, most people are too busy with survival for something like kung fu. my relatives work 14 hour shifts, and they are considered pretty well off.
kung fu in china in cities is mostly entertainment for rich people. traditional styles mostly survive mostly in villages on the remote borders away from red guards influence in the 60s. aka VERY RARE

also in the big cities people are westernized, of course they dont have interest in traditional culture. its looked down as backward or alien.

05-30-2010, 08:11 AM
once I was called ching chang chong by a turkish boy

I was watching a cultural parade in a middle age setting in a town in southern germany (bayern/bavaria)

I was ready to call out turkish swine, get out of germany

then I had 2nd thought.

I just pretended that I did not know what he was saying.

so he kept calling me ching chang chong---

then I started to talk to my German girl friend (a beautiful blonde) in german with bavaria accent.

the turkish boy finally shot up.


05-30-2010, 08:14 AM
lol u lie

ur a fat bald old chinese guy how u have hawt german girlfriend

05-30-2010, 08:19 AM
I kind of have a general look

so when I was in NYC, Japanese tourists would ask me direction in Japanese

Korean ppl talked to me in Korean.

Vietnamese ppl greeted me in Vietnamese.

Philipino asked me in --

Indonesian, Malaysian---

luckily I know a little bit of their lingo---

my point is that the world is full of people of different cultures--

if you want to be respected, respect others first.


tsu mi ma sen

a nia ha se yo

cam on, chiao (jiao)


oops. I am a Chino,

all start well, all end well. (if you have a good intention, people will understand despite languages and looks).


05-30-2010, 08:19 AM
lol u lie

ur a fat bald old chinese guy how u have hawt german girlfriend

that was in 1980s.


05-30-2010, 08:23 AM
I had a beer belly from drinking too much beer

who would know?


05-30-2010, 08:29 AM
When I was in Taiwan, we only had Taiwan Beer and Singapore tiger beer.

Beer import was banned (before 1980s)

so when I travelled to Germany, they have breweries in each town. local bread shop, local meat shop, local brewery for juice and beer--

there is a beer list/menu in every restuarant


dunkels beer would be dark beer


make a long story short. too much beer would give you a belly


or leitung wasser just water


half a liter or more of beer in every meal

some 30 years later


05-30-2010, 08:49 AM
i only drink the blood of my enemys
and kfc gravy

Lee Chiang Po
05-30-2010, 09:07 AM
I was around and lived in places where the big signs,"Whites Only", were above most entrances of eateries. I have been called Chinc, short for chinese communist, jap and the N word quite often. The Ching Chang Chong thing has been around even back then. I have not been involved in Kung Fu outside the family in most of my life so I can not say I experienced racism as such in that area. But then I wouldn't. Today I am often refered to as the Chinaman. I am not offended however, as I am a Chinaman. It is just a word. I am actually an American, because I was born here. I speak little Chinese, and that being Canton. I could not fare in most China towns as they speak every dialect there is.
My father spoke Cantonese, and pigeon English. He would tell us, You no speaky Chinee, you speaky Engrish. You Mellican. Funny that. I served in Vietnam with a Korean fellow by the name of Pil. He pronounced that like it is spelled, but add an L, making it Pill, like something you swallow, and he could no longer pronounce it. It became Fil or Phil.
I have had people insult me by making racial comments in the past, but none of these people are alive today.:D

David Jamieson
05-30-2010, 12:40 PM
old man on pender st: looks at me and says to his pal who's walking with him- "gwai lo"

me: "what? I was born here."


05-30-2010, 01:23 PM
next time angry old chinese guy call u name dont cry, dont cry, b strong.ill teach you some classic ming dynasty insults

"bu yao ao wu niao" - dont bite my dik
"wu dao ni niang di changzi" - i sodomize your mother
"bu yao shao wu niao mao" - dont try to light my pubic hair on fire
"bu yao ba laohu xuzi" - dont pull the tigers whiskers
"ru ni lao mu" - i fuk your grandmother
"qian ren ru, wan ren qi, yazi" - h0m0sexual ridden by thousands of men
"ba ni di pi rang ni mo yifu chuan" - i skin you so you have no clothes to wear
"szi ba!" - die!
"lao zhu gou" - old pig dog
"lan pi gu" - syphilis covered rotting anus
"lan bi zi" - syphillis covered rotting vagina
"zhi niang zei" - triad who has sex with his mother
"chang wu xi sih" - taste my watery diarrhea
"tu lu" - bald donkey

05-30-2010, 02:54 PM

people that worship bald eagle.


people that worship nature in general


people that worship the little dragon or xiao long.


my way

your way

one of many ways


05-30-2010, 03:13 PM

we fought for china

we die so that china may live.

we do not need money

we do not fight for money.


the best way or glorified way to die

is to die for your country or for greater good/justice.



05-31-2010, 08:01 AM
got sidetracked

just want to honor soldiers on a soldier day.


A good film about war and peace.

means and ends.

little people want peace to have a living.

big people want many wars to end all wars or have his way as one and only way.

he rules everyone else.


do we really need wars to end wars

or can we just have peace without war?

ready and prepare for war thus deter aggression and "stop" war?


all soldiers do not die in vain


all generals do not like war--


David Jamieson
05-31-2010, 08:12 AM
next time angry old chinese guy call u name dont cry, dont cry, b strong.ill teach you some classic ming dynasty insults

"bu yao ao wu niao" - dont bite my dik
"wu dao ni niang di changzi" - i sodomize your mother
"bu yao shao wu niao mao" - dont try to light my pubic hair on fire
"bu yao ba laohu xuzi" - dont pull the tigers whiskers
"ru ni lao mu" - i fuk your grandmother
"qian ren ru, wan ren qi, yazi" - h0m0sexual ridden by thousands of men
"ba ni di pi rang ni mo yifu chuan" - i skin you so you have no clothes to wear
"szi ba!" - die!
"lao zhu gou" - old pig dog
"lan pi gu" - syphilis covered rotting anus
"lan bi zi" - syphillis covered rotting vagina
"zhi niang zei" - triad who has sex with his mother
"chang wu xi sih" - taste my watery diarrhea
"tu lu" - bald donkey

Just a little overboard wouldn't you say?

Quite frankly I don't find it that strange when older folks are blatantly racist. That's what they grew up in, that's what they know and change is difficult, especially when you're old like that.

It's when young people, who are better educated and more well informed that seem out of place with racism. When some 20 something is going off with a racist spiel, it just seems weird. It's like looking at a person who is broken in the mind. It's one thing to react with anger and to think some racist tomfoolery, but to actively support a racist agenda, that's just messed up no matter what colour you are or what your ethnicity or heritage is. Racism comes in all colours and all flavours.

It is an extension of isolated tribal thought in my opinion.

05-31-2010, 08:26 AM
next time angry old chinese guy call u name dont cry, dont cry, b strong.ill teach you some classic ming dynasty insults

"bu yao ao wu niao" - dont bite my dik
"wu dao ni niang di changzi" - i sodomize your mother
"bu yao shao wu niao mao" - dont try to light my pubic hair on fire
"bu yao ba laohu xuzi" - dont pull the tigers whiskers
"ru ni lao mu" - i fuk your grandmother
"qian ren ru, wan ren qi, yazi" - h0m0sexual ridden by thousands of men
"ba ni di pi rang ni mo yifu chuan" - i skin you so you have no clothes to wear
"szi ba!" - die!
"lao zhu gou" - old pig dog
"lan pi gu" - syphilis covered rotting anus
"lan bi zi" - syphillis covered rotting vagina
"zhi niang zei" - triad who has sex with his mother
"chang wu xi sih" - taste my watery diarrhea
"tu lu" - bald donkey

Bald donkey?
That just crosses the line.

06-01-2010, 10:29 AM

06-01-2010, 03:57 PM
next time angry old chinese guy call u name dont cry, dont cry, b strong.ill teach you some classic ming dynasty insults

"bu yao ao wu niao" - dont bite my dik
"wu dao ni niang di changzi" - i sodomize your mother
"bu yao shao wu niao mao" - dont try to light my pubic hair on fire
"bu yao ba laohu xuzi" - dont pull the tigers whiskers
"ru ni lao mu" - i fuk your grandmother
"qian ren ru, wan ren qi, yazi" - h0m0sexual ridden by thousands of men
"ba ni di pi rang ni mo yifu chuan" - i skin you so you have no clothes to wear
"szi ba!" - die!
"lao zhu gou" - old pig dog
"lan pi gu" - syphilis covered rotting anus
"lan bi zi" - syphillis covered rotting vagina
"zhi niang zei" - triad who has sex with his mother
"chang wu xi sih" - taste my watery diarrhea
"tu lu" - bald donkey

I save these for my next China Trip LMAO!

06-01-2010, 07:04 PM
only use 2 phrases please without getting into troubles.

1. ba ni de pi or ba pi, skin you.

if you are so upset with some one, you would skin him.

figurative speech but not really skin anyone.

2. si ba, just die or ni qu si ba. just go and die.

if someone is so stupid or incapable of doing certain things or fail all the time

they might as well go and kill themself.

these are still acceptable or common.

other phrases, there are more civil ways of saying the same things.

chinese languages can be very suggestive and yet not actually using the direct descriptions of things or terms.


06-01-2010, 07:20 PM
Not being rude or vulgar in China?

Yea got it:rolleyes:

Care to see the nostril rocket technique i learned last december just outside of Liuliping right in the shadow of Wudang Shan:D

10-29-2020, 10:04 AM
WATCH: Woman attacks drug store employee with ‘kung fu’ after reportedly being asked to wear a mask (https://www.rt.com/news/504777-woman-attacks-mask-covid19-canada/)
28 Oct, 2020 14:50 / Updated 1 day ago

Screenshot: © Twitter / @Rickyfitts829

Shocking video shared online purports to show a woman attacking a female Shoppers Drug Mart employee in Ontario, Canada while proudly proclaiming to know “kung fu.”

According to comments online, the woman was allegedly told to wear a mask, at which point she became hostile.

In the video, the woman hurls racist abuse at the employee, who appears to be of Asian descent, before attacking her and making sounds mimicking those made in traditional martial arts movies.


“I know you know martial arts, so do I!” the alleged attacker says. As the employee repeatedly tries to usher the woman out of the store, she then becomes even more agitated, verbally abusing the staff member before threatening her with a piece of tissue which she claims is covered in her blood.

“I just used you to demonstrate to the f**king officers, I know martial arts!” before exiting the Ontario store.

Security reportedly arrived shortly after the incident, but it is unclear what became of the attacker, though there has been no official confirmation of the incident by police.

Understandably, people online were outraged by the woman’s apparent racist behavior and flouting of coronavirus precautions.

“Won’t follow the rules to wear a mask but won’t go out the exit cause it was an entrance? Mmmkay,” wrote one bemused commenter on Reddit, referring to the fact that the woman was willing to adhere to the entry and exit system in the store.

“Kudos to the manager. I think she handled it well but I admit that police would have been called and charges would have filed if I were her,” added another.

The incident evoked others’ misanthropic side, leading to comment such as: “People are f**king nuts man. I hate this planet.”

Others chose to make light of the situation, referencing the disco classic ‘Kung Fu Fighting’ by Jamaican vocalist Carl Douglas: “Everybody is Kung Fu fighting, Your mind becomes fast as lightning, Although the future is a little bit frightening.”

Physical confrontations over the wearing of masks during the global coronavirus pandemic have become common around the world, as tensions boil over, often with extremely violent consequences

Coronavirus (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?71666-Coronavirus)
funny-racism-in-kung-fu (http://www.kungfumagazine.com/forum/showthread.php?57378-funny-racism-in-kung-fu)