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View Full Version : Attn : QI XI TANG LANG, Raul Ortiz

08-25-2000, 05:26 AM
Hi Sifu Ortiz

Someone mentioned to me that you do a form called " Tong Long Hei Gong." Why do you do the first section of tiger crane with a mantis hook hand and pass it off as traditional praying mantis? Just curious, no disrespect intended.

08-25-2000, 05:40 AM

Word I know you like to question but question is one thing but to try your little games on one board is one thing, but dont bring them here.. That form is a form from a sect of mantis fist what ever the back ground it may come from..... There is no holy grail of mantis.. If there was it has long been lost.. There are to many systems of mantis out therre for you to say why are you passing it off as traditional mantis....
IF you want to really add validity to your questions.. say who your shifu is or is his name really to secret or is he ashamed for behavior.. judge anyone you want but remember theses people a majority of them have been around here way longer than you.. And just for your inqusistive attitude Shifu Raul is one of THE BEST MANTIS FIGHTERS IN THE USA>>>>>

SO becareful what you say here and how you say it..... because in this mantis world it is small and you will run into one of us....


08-25-2000, 06:51 AM

no offense to the WHF lineage but just because a form or move may not be in the WHF lineage does not make it non traditional....
Traditional means to be caried on from one generation to the other and the Shifu who showed Shifu Ortiz this form was carried on from his which makes it a tradition.. which also brings on one of my former thought.. IF a form or movment can add a improvement to a system use it..... and just because it may be the tiger crane with a mantis influenece does it make it and less effective maybe it has be come more effective ( no offense to my hung ga brothers)
Word when questioning question with tact becasue a martial artisit isnt just a warrior but a man with honor and respect for his fore fathers which on several ocassions you have belittled like Lee kam wing, chi luen, brendan lai, john funk, chan poi, and sevral others of the non mantis persuassion. if it wasnt for these pionners you wouldnt beable to be here asking theses questions.. plus I wont stand by and let this turn intoa flame war over who is better or are you really traditional.. if you really want to learn martial arts keep your mind open to what is useful and stop worring about what is useless if it doesnt work for you then dont pay attention to it....

Well thats my finaly WORD on this....

Sorry Shifu if I spoke out of turn but I couldnt let him start anything.....


[This message has been edited by mantis7 (edited 08-25-2000).]

bamboo_ leaf
08-25-2000, 06:57 AM
A closed mouth works really well with an open mind.

enjoy life

bamboo leaf