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08-25-2000, 08:23 AM
Sorry to all on this forum for that out burst I had but I wont stand by and let someone talk about my shifu or let words anttics infest this forum of knowledge....


08-25-2000, 08:45 AM
That's quite alright. Anyone would've done the same thing. I just closed down the thread to keep it at what it is and nothing more.

08-25-2000, 08:53 AM
Thanks 8 step are you 8 step shifu as well????


08-25-2000, 12:24 PM
As a list moderator you should not favor or disfavor anyone. That was pretty pathetic of you to close my thread. If anyone knows the form tiger crane , they can see that Ortiz's form is tiger crane but called " tong long hei gong." You don't have to be a genious to figure that out. Also I NEVER disrespected or criticized Chan Poi. Get your facts straight.

08-25-2000, 07:14 PM
sorry you feel that way but if I do recall after a few of our private convos you did along with others


Tihs will be the last time I will respond to any of your post

08-25-2000, 07:33 PM
Perhaps before you try to pass yourself off as an authority on Mantis, you should share some info about yourself? Not that long ago, you commented on Master Lee Kam Wing. I'm sure you have never seen him before.
By the way, your ending for Chop Choy is incorrect, no matter which (Wong Hon Fun or Chu Chi Man) lineage you practice. If you practice at all.
Your question to Sifu Ortiz may have been legit, but honestly if you had to ask, you probably don't know what you are talking about anyway.

08-25-2000, 10:32 PM
I do not favor anyone. I only favor what's best for the forum and the way the thread was going it just would've ended up another thread where two or more people go at after the question has already been answered. Mantis7, no I'm not a Shifu, but I will start the instructor's program shortly though.

08-26-2000, 11:42 AM

I admit that I don't know chop choy. I was guessing from Ortiz's explanation. I only comment on sifus that I have seen. From Lee Kam Wing's stances, you can already tell how good he is.

08-26-2000, 06:14 PM
no eight step I wanted to know if you were eight step shifu ( screenname)

08-26-2000, 10:16 PM
No, I am not 8StepSifu screen name. We are two totally different, but I do know him though.

Qi Xing Tong Long
08-27-2000, 04:57 AM
The form Tong Long Hei Gun wa taught to me by my Sifu. Never the less, what's important to all mantis practitioners is to understand the principles of the 12 key formula.

This way, even if it doesn't look like something that you don't know, it wouldn't matter, because you understand the concept meaning of the 12 key formula.

Please, don't blame me for something that I have no control over. Let's not get bitter over little nonesense like this.


Ortiz Northern Shaolin Temple 7-Star Praying Mantis Chinese Boxing Academy

08-28-2000, 01:04 AM

It's funny to see you type such humble words. I know that in person you would get angry and challenge anyone who disagrees with you.

08-28-2000, 07:37 AM

I have a question for you word... DO you even know shifu...I have grown up with him.. he was my father and ever father and son had there moments but that was it...he is a kind man, strong and spirited and yes he never backs down from a fight.... I have trained with him in his home and stayed with him.. Why dont you tell us who you are and who is your shifu.. dont hide behind the name anymore.... You talk like you know him.... I have spent alot of time with him and I know him but I have barley scratched the surface...I know him and in a discussion of ideas and theory he has a heated way debating but he never closes his mind to others thoughts.... or to there feelings..


Yee Ho Society
08-28-2000, 07:00 PM
Mantis7, Vic...don't let Word get to you, he lives for trying to **** people off. Not worth it.
I understand your feelings but why bother with someone who with all likelyhood learns martial arts from a book.

Life is like a hourglass, how much sand is left in yours?

08-29-2000, 09:51 AM
Do you know why it bothers me so YEE HO...
I used to be word.. Acting the way he did and questioning everything but with a arrogant way about it.. He doesnt bother me as much but I feel sorry for him.... He only ****ed me when he started to talk about my shifu.. also so several talks we had was always about sending video of myself performing or to send video of shifus from china.. I just hope he isnt training from books and videos.. and I hope he learns that you cant tell how good someone is by looking at them.. they may be putting up a facade or making a pooor showing on purpose.... Hiding there real skill for a reason.. I have seen it done and wound up getting put in my place but aww weel to be young again lol.... I wish him all the luck in the world .....