View Full Version : Taiwan Kung Fu Legislature

07-12-2010, 10:37 AM
Taiwan: Kung-fu legislature (http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/china/100709/taiwan-parliament-kung-fu)
Lawmaking Taiwanese-style: Bam! Kapow!
Jonathan Adams / July 9th, 2010

TAIPEI, Taiwan — He looked like a crowd-surfer at a punk rock show.

Clad in a cream-colored party vest with his name stitched on the back in green and a headband around his graying hair, the pro-independence legislator bobbed in the air in front of the speaker's lectern. Shouting filled the chamber as he was pushed and pulled by a sea of clutching hands.

His fellow legislators tried to scale the speaker's platform, only to be pushed away by ruling party legislators. One pro-independence legislator tumbled ass over elbow to the floor.

Something flew through the air and struck a ruling party legislator in the face. The victim put a hand over his eye and raised his other hand like an injured soccer player asking to be taken off the field.

Welcome to Taiwan's legislature, one of the unruliest in Asia or, really, anywhere in the world. Its melees have made it onto CNN and sparked regular bouts of soul-searching here over the "loss of face" for Taiwan. But few think the chamber's likely to learn better manners anytime soon.

"The legislature is not a regular law-making platform — it's a martial arts platform," said ruling Kuomintang legislator Alex Tsai. "Especially when some legislators want to show off how much they
oppose some bills."

So it went on July 8, when the legislature convened to take up the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), a controversial China-Taiwan trade deal. In a surprise move, the speaker abruptly announced that the bill would proceed directly to a second and final reading within days, skipping committee review.

That's when pro-independence legislators, from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), went bananas. They charged the speaker's lectern, attempting to block the procedure. Tsai was one of the Kuomingtang (KMT) lawmakers on "defense," swatting away climbers' arms with a mischievous, amused grin on his face.

Just minutes after the session opened, it adjourned in chaos. Two legislators went to the hospital for minor injuries.

A hive of journalists buzzed outside, swapping information. One key point in dispute: what exactly had hit the KMT legislator's face? Some said a calculator; others, a small clock.

Said one visibly excited TV reporter: "They haven't fought much recently," before scurrying away to do a stand-up report.

A KMT legislator came outside to the steps in front of the chamber to show off his battle scars to the media pack. "We regret that the DPP uses violent methods, hurting the legislature's image and Taiwan's image," one of his party-mates said.

By now, it's a ritual. Legislators from both sides admit that much of the tussling is about as "real" as U.S. professional wrestling and is mostly a show for the T.V. cameras. They prepare for battle by slipping on sneakers or other soft-soled shoes and making other wardrobe adjustments.

"I can't wear a tie — sometimes it's dangerous," said opposition DPP legislator Twu Shiing-jer, explaining that ties only give the other side something to pull on in the heat of battle.

Sometimes the fighting gets out of control though — and people do get hurt. The women fight just as much as the men, pulling each others' hair and pounding on tables.

In 2004 a food fight broke out over an arms purchase bill, with rice-and-chicken lunch boxes flying across a conference room. In 2006, a female opposition legislator snatched away a bill on closer links ith China and stuffed it in her mouth — call it "veto by chewing."

In a separate brawl, another threw her shoe at the speaker, hitting a nearby legislator instead.

Why such high emotions?

"The DPP wants to show their supporters they are heroes, fighting with the KMT," said Tsai. "They say the KMT has an alliance with China, so if they fight with the KMT, they're fighting with China. That will please supporters and get them more money and more votes."

"If there were no cameras, they wouldn't fight with us," he said.

The DPP legislator Twu didn't entirely disagree. "Taiwan's democracy is not mature yet," he said. "We're just like kids, arguing in the legislature."

He said he "worried a lot" about the effect on Taiwan's international image. But he said his party, with only 33 out of 113 seats, sometimes had to take drastic action because the majority party routinely ignored them.

"From our point of view, we never fight," said Twu. "We just try to occupy the chairman's chair, to stop illegal processes. They [the KMT] don't like to discuss — unfortunately, they don't respect the minority."

He said legislators that fight tooth-and-nail over one "hot" bill will cooperate on others, and they can get along just fine after the closing bell's rung.

Asked about China's tendency to point to Taiwan's legislative brawls as a cautionary sign of the chaos democracy can bring, Twu was dismissive.

"Everyone knows this isn't true — this is just [China] trying to cheat its people," he said. "Even an immature democracy is better than rule by just one group or man," he said, referring to the Chinese
Communist Party's autocratic rule.

Twu said his party hopes to prolong the ECFA review process as long as possible, to make sure the Taiwanese people understand the stakes. It looks more likely that the public will instead be treated to a few more days of fisticuffs.

Taiwan sociologist Chiu Hei-yuan said the main reason for legislative conflict was the imbalance between the ruling and opposition party. He said Taiwan had turned the clock back to the 1980s, when a vastly outnumbered pro-democracy opposition used violent methods to make its presence known.

"The structure of Congress has returned to the period of the end of martial law, so there's no way for the two sides to compromise," said Chiu. "The KMT says, I'll just ignore your opinions. And the DPP says, I'll just fight hard. I think both sides are irrational."

Chiu recently led a team of scholars in assembling a report on legislative and media reform. He said only tweaks to the legislative electoral system would help. "The big gap between the two parties will continue if the voting system isn't changed. There won't be any way to solve the problem for a long time," he said.

Twu, not surprisingly, agreed. "We must tell the Taiwan people, if you want more stable politics, you must increase the number of DPP legislators, to make it more even."

Outside the legislative chamber, one security guard had a jaded take on the chaos. He was surprised the session had concluded so quickly, but otherwise it was all business as usual.

Told that violence in the U.S. Congress had been rare for more than 100 years, he gave a quizzical look, then asked, "How does your Congress pass bills?"
Taiwanese politriks have always been odd.

07-12-2010, 11:29 AM
Taiwanese politriks have always been odd.

I remember them doing this stuff when I lived in Taiwan (most of the period from 1985 until 1993). At some of the smaller mom-and pop stores, and cafeteria restaurants I'd eat at, they'd have a TV installed in the upper corner of the room, and the news would air footage of the latest melee among the lawmakers. I remember people watching it and laughing like, 'here they go again.' And it is pretty funny, too.

07-12-2010, 12:52 PM
Given the average age and condition of American legislators we'd probably have them dropping like flies from heart attacks if they tried that sort of scrum. :D

On second thought.. America MUST adopt this fine custom!

07-12-2010, 01:29 PM
it was because of/ out of extreme frustration

from street demo to the lobby of legislature

at the time, KMT had absolute rule or more than half of the law makers

smaller parties or opposition party had no say or not enough vote to say other wise

the culture of body language from street protest was carried into the legislature lobby

from city council, county council to central/national assembly/legislature

it was and still is not a present/civil sight


but it is better than street violence or actual civil wars


protective maneuver of street tactics is applicable


07-12-2010, 01:31 PM
This is, unfortunately, a feature of young and/or underdeveloped democracy (this includes parliamentary systems)....

I guess most Americans do not know that there was a time when after a session of congress, one representative beat another with a wooden cane!

Oh, and of course Alexander Hamilton was KILLED in a duel

07-12-2010, 01:36 PM
on a side note

DDP grassroot voting base is still intact in southern counties

due to corruption of DDP ex-President Chen

winning over the middle or non kmt voters is tough

if DDP shows a cleaner image, then the chance is good again to win more votes

and thus more say in the legislature lobby

if you win, you do not need to "fight" or show body language


07-12-2010, 01:40 PM



07-12-2010, 02:29 PM

growing up in a military/police family

I was told that there are only 2 places that you would fight, inside the boxing ring or on the battle ground as a soldier.

I like to see "combat" or yong shi men

but they aired it at late hours

so I had to watch" western boxing games" first, by the time they aired combat

I only saw the intro, then I fell asleep.

every time I said to myself, I had to stay awake, but I could not.

I ended up seeing so many boxing fights and not a single episode of combat

that was in the 1960s.

later they aired combat in the afternoon in the 1970s, but I had school.


07-12-2010, 02:33 PM

on the other hand

they aired 2 episodes of "rat patrol" between 5 to 6 pm.

I never missed an episode.

it was in black and white.


07-12-2010, 02:36 PM
boxing is not hardcore enough. i watch footage from the iraq war

07-12-2010, 03:30 PM

combat is a very good tv series.

later I had the opportunity to see some episodes.


07-12-2010, 03:51 PM

talking about focusing

ignore brother yelling good bye

fellow pilot shot down

fighters, flak canon, a a gun

being shot, fires, bleeding, pains

only one focus in mind, the mission to hit the carrier or die trying


any battle is hardcore

07-12-2010, 03:57 PM

a winged samurai

he talked about how a good pilot becomes one with the plane he flies.

the propeller is your forehead, the wing tips are your fingers--




taai gihk yahn
07-12-2010, 05:06 PM
This is, unfortunately, a feature of young and/or underdeveloped democracy (this includes parliamentary systems)....

I guess most Americans do not know that there was a time when after a session of congress, one representative beat another with a wooden cane!

Oh, and of course Alexander Hamilton was KILLED in a duel

and if u think that was bad, you should have seen what it was like trying to go and vote (u know, that minor inconvenience we endure once a year) in cities like NY back 150 yrs ago (hint: if u didn't arm urself and / or go with a group, u could get got beaten within an inch of ur life right outside the polling station)

07-12-2010, 05:25 PM
back to the first post

this time around was about china/taiwan signing an economic trade agreement

lower tarriff or free trade on so many levels.

some small business owners in taiwan worried about not being able to survive.

actually, both sides of taiwan straight would benefit a great deal.

some see this as a natural step toward eventual unification of the mainland and the island.

as for KMT president Ma, economic survival or revival is a must for the treaty to go thru.

as for political concerns, it is a whole different issue.

for china, it is a show of a good will toward people in Taiwan or buying their hearts.


07-12-2010, 05:33 PM


anti ECFA protest.

07-12-2010, 07:29 PM
and if u think that was bad, you should have seen what it was like trying to go and vote (u know, that minor inconvenience we endure once a year) in cities like NY back 150 yrs ago (hint: if u didn't arm urself and / or go with a group, u could get got beaten within an inch of ur life right outside the polling station)

since you don't have many friends, how did you vote all the way back then old fella ;)

taai gihk yahn
07-12-2010, 07:39 PM
since you don't have many friends, how did you vote all the way back then old fella ;)

well, I'd show up riding the T-rex, so that kinda got me through the throng...