View Full Version : Schools in the Dallas area

KC Elbows
07-22-2010, 09:28 AM
A friend of mine who trained with me in the system I do has just moved to Dallas and his looking for a good school and/or training partners. He's got six months before his woman moves out there, so he's got plenty of time.:D

Anyway, looking for good schools out there, and anyone who might want to meet up and train. He's done some wing chun and taixuquan(a style of taiji). He's interested in the SJ schools, but is open to other good kung fu.

I'll be out of town until next week, but he'll be looking here, so please help him out.

Thank you very much.

KC Elbows

07-22-2010, 01:50 PM
Our school is N of Dallas. In suburb called Plano.
We teach Northern Long Fist. Sanshou classes to intermediate students and above. Tuition is $140 a month for groups AND 4 half hour private lessons. 3 beginner group classes a week for adults. Saturday is open group, kids and adults (all levels)

07-22-2010, 02:10 PM
Is he in Dallas itself? Because some people, like myself, say "Dallas area" but I don't live in Dallas. In fact, I live between Dallas and Fort Worth.

If he is in Dallas, he is lucky. Lots of stuff.

http://www.wlions.com/ (This guy is the only guy in the area that teaches CLF, and I think the only one in Texas).

None of the above schools have I trained at, or am I affiliated with.

07-23-2010, 11:54 AM
Philbert brings up a good point. Where in Dallas, cause it can be quite a drive.

Sifu Lee's school is actually considered N Dallas, which is like 30mile from dntn
Sifu Wong and Sifu Jia schools are in Richardson.
White lions is in a town called Farmers Branch

Not sure where Authentic Kung fu is.

07-23-2010, 12:06 PM
Oh here's another school right outside Dallas


07-23-2010, 01:03 PM

Grand Prairie falls into Dallas county, however from downtown Dallas it is still a good half hour drive.

When traveling down Interstate 20 East bound, I enter Dallas itself for about a 2 mile patch of road as well, and yes, there are houses there.

Dallas is a very large city, and sadly without knowing more specific information, we could post probably another half dozen schools in the "Dallas" area. I know of a Hung Gar school in Grand Prairie.


Now, I have visited that school (albeit it was 8 and a half years ago before I took decided on Wing Tsun) and all in all seemed like a good school. If I ever were to take up Hung Gar I'd go here.

When I use to do Wing Tsun, not at this school but at a sister school, and it was some good stuff, as far as Wing Tsun goes. It is part of the Emin Boztepe group.
I only quit the school because the sister school closed down, and I wasn't going to drive an hour each direction for Wing Tsun Kung Fu.

Also I know there is a Shuai Chiao school in the Dallas area


One of the black belt students of that school does a weekly meet up in Arlington, TX

Ask him how far he'd be willing to travel, and if possible, the zip code he lives in. We can then do searches around his zip code area, etc. If he lived in something like Grand Prairie, which is literally on the edge of Tarrant county (but is in Dallas county) there are some Kung Fu schools not far from him then that I can think of.

Dr. Painter's school has Taiji, Bagua and Xingyi in Arlington, TX, which is about a 40 minute drive from downtown Dallas to his training place.

Sifu Steve Cottrell is located in Fort Worth, which is someone I highly recommend as well. However the drive from Dallas to Fort Worth is probably a good hour. The Dallas Authentic Kung Fu is affiliated with Sifu Cottrell.

See, another half dozen schools I came up with off the top of my head.

07-24-2010, 08:16 AM
Jimmy Wong


07-25-2010, 08:26 PM
In no particular order, these are the schools I would recommend or at least have some knowledge about in the Dallas area.

Authenic Kung Fu Dallas (http://www.authentickungfudallas.com/kungfu_praying_mantis.php)
Authentic Kung Fu has classes in Wing Chun, Tai Chi Chuan, and Northern Mantis. Their head instructor, who has his main school in Fort Worth is Sifu Steve Cottrell (http://www.authentickungfu.com/about_sifu.html), and I believe he is or was a moderator for the Northern Praying Mantis forum. The Dallas classes are conducted at a couple of recreational centers and are very affordable.

Shaolin Hung Gar Tiger Crane Association (http://www.hungfist.com//)
Another affordable option and I have nothing but the greatest respect for Sifu Ng, his kwoon. and his art, but IMHO Hung Gar may not be for everyone.

Hebei Chinese Martial Arts Institute (http://www.hebeiwushu.com/)
You will not meet a nicer Sifu than Master Jia and he can be very flexible with working with your schedule. He offers a variety of classes in Internal Arts as well as Shaolin Kung Fu.

Cheng Ming USA (http://www.cheng-ming-usa.org/welcome.htm)
This school is expensive, at least for me, but Eric Hung is great instructor and his skills are very impressive plus I like the structure of their classes. I keep promising myself I will ultimately train there but for now my work hours hinder my ability to commit to full time training. Still I am aiming for late this year or the first of next year after some work projects are completed.

I think any of these schools would be great depending on what your friend is looking for in a Martial Arts school.

Plano, TX