View Full Version : Commentaries on MODERN martial arts and XingYIQuan

07-22-2010, 11:20 AM
So, I wrote a book about my life experiences in martial arts, and added a ton of commentary about challenges martial artists face in the modern day. I just thought I'd post it up here. I would be honored if my kung fu brothers and sisters would check it out. Thanks

*I edited the description to make it more user friendly, and hopefully better perceived. Only one way to find out, check it out. link also contains a 12 page sampler on the "preview" button

- Randy Stroud


07-22-2010, 11:22 AM
sorry im poar. i no have monies buy book.
since im ur kung fu brother can u send me sum monies by western union pls


David Jamieson
07-22-2010, 11:33 AM
Truly an inspirational,motivating, and informative read for non-martial artists and martial artists alike. Chopped full of commentary, training tips, nutrition, and a special chapter about dealing with injuries. The Author has fought in Kyokushin, MMA, sanshou, Bjj, sport Karate, and has practiced the internal martial arts as well. There hasn't been a good book on martial commentary since Bruce Lee's books. This book adresses the challenges that martial artists TODAY face. This book is full of stories that entertain, baffle, and may even anger a few. This publication also offers realistic advice for knife defense, gun defense, criminal psychology, and situational awareness. Being that the author is heavily involved in the chinese art of "XingYiQuan" A respective practitioner will gain an additional benefit. Its raw...in your face. honest, and looks at the modern world of martial art, through a 21st century city dweller. Open it up, and see what people are really thinking!

No offense, but have a professional rewrite this.

07-22-2010, 01:30 PM
The description that was wrote for the book is just a basic idea, that sums up what the book is trying to convey. Iam a decent writer, but Iam no pro. This book was written by an "everyday" man, who went through some not so "everyday" situations. This isnt some fancy or historical title, this book has its fair share of slang, "**** it!", and a few "****s" in there do. *(Pardon my French) . This manuscript is raw, and written for a traditional martial artists who is sick of all the propaganda and "here say" in martial arts. Im sorry this book was not written by a Harvard law student. But, I did put my heart and soul into this book, and Iam trying to do something about the current state of martial arts. I am proud of this work. I wouldnt call it a masterpiece at all, but it is definitely something to proud of, and it is quite unique. I editing, produced, ect.. and did everything with this book all on my own. I recently had some computer problems, and couldn't work on it anymore, so this is the end result. I went to Lulu, and used their crappy editor.....and bingo!! Its produced.

Do not judge a book by its cover. Do not look at its surface value. Read the book, and take something from within it. Otherwise, I do not care to here childish insults. but, either way, feel free to take shots at me, it does not matter. I will continue to live and work hard.



KC Elbows
07-22-2010, 01:39 PM
You can read the first twelve pages from the link, for a sample.

07-22-2010, 01:40 PM
Thank you xiao for the constructive feedback. Perhaps you are right. I have heard this from others as well. I will adjust it accordingly.

See folks, this is what happens when you speak with a kind word, good things come back to you.

07-22-2010, 01:43 PM
I must also say that it is 195 pages too, so the reader gets alot of information. I dont think its a bad deal. And it also includes a hefty amount of resources for injuries as well.

07-22-2010, 01:50 PM
BTW "Xiao" I think its very interesting how you have Jung and The Buddha quoted in your signature. Its great that you have a multi-perspective mind. ;)

There is but one family under the sun. .... I'm Just a human being, man!


07-22-2010, 02:05 PM
Its great to get feedback from actual martial artists on a book written for martial artists. The content inside will not change, but how it is marketed makes a big impact on how people will perceive. Thanks "Xiao" for remaining humble. I made a good move turning to my fellow martial artists. Kudos to you my friend.

08-03-2010, 01:43 PM
I have new cover art, better editing, and a few pics added to the book.

Iam a former student of GM shou-yu Liang, and I want people to see the fighting beauty of TMA and internal arts. Here is the link and more info available


Violent Designs
09-18-2010, 02:34 AM
Randy is legit and a cool cat. Support his cause buy the book. :D