View Full Version : Wing Chun fighting question

KC Elbows
08-10-2010, 01:21 PM
Wing Chun guys, what techniques have you found most useful in fighting, and are there any moves you do not find as useful, or, alternately, are there techniques that you find useful for your body type versus another and vice versa.

Solely fighting techniques, no iron body discussions/strength training, etc, solely moves you would use in fighting.

Lee Chiang Po
08-10-2010, 01:47 PM
The beauty of Wing Chun is that it fits any and all body types. Man, woman, or child. It is a given that the more physically capible you are, the better you can do it, just like anything else. But it is designed that most anyone can learn and use it. The techniques are actually few, as techniques go. It is more a conceptual thing rather than set moves as in most other styles, what with their forms and such. I will admit that over the years when I had to use my fighting skills, I had a tendency toward using the same things each time, but that is mostly because it worked and most attacks came pretty much the same way. If it came differently, then I would change up and might go another direction with it.
Wing Chun is not a simple system, and it has a lot to learn and to understand in order to make it work. But, it has less that the body has to train for. Most systems require you to be brutal to your own body in order to do it. People are all the time injuring themselves during this training. Wing Chun people injure one another, but seldom if ever injure themselves during training.

08-10-2010, 02:53 PM
IME, when practicing against a non-Wing Chun opponent, pak, huen, bong and lam are the most common hand defenses (there is also the vertical hand, but I drew a blank just now). Jing/Chung Choi are nice when your partner is not expecting or is not used to dealing with them, but I find that kicks, mainly jing gerk and wan gerk are important aswell.

08-10-2010, 04:51 PM
tan shou

this would work as defense and contact the opponent's wrist, forearm.

we also take up the space inside or outside his lead hand.

we may then change into many and many other hand methods.
