View Full Version : Iran propaganda debunked in less than 7 minutes!!!

08-12-2010, 11:14 PM
Please watch as this video clip will raise some interesting questions:


08-13-2010, 09:27 AM
The truth is actually much worse than you'd think, HW.

There is no secret society, no overwatching organizations. It's worse. The captain has let go of the wheel, and right now every single nation out there is "winging it".

You tell me which is scarier.

08-14-2010, 11:03 AM
Also, he has a few facts incorrect.

Which may those facts be?

AND aren't you supposed to have me on "ignore"?

It seems that intelligence does not seem to be a fort in this forum....LOL!

08-14-2010, 11:18 AM
Is someone deleting posts or am I just taking happy pills?

08-14-2010, 11:32 AM
The truth is actually much worse than you'd think, HW.

There is no secret society, no overwatching organizations. It's worse. The captain has let go of the wheel, and right now every single nation out there is "winging it".

You tell me which is scarier.

To be honest, they are both scary. However, the fact that there are powerful extremely wealthy and powerful people in the world who have been pulling political strings from the "shadows", so to speak, in accordance with their own agendas, and that these people have absolutely no respect for human life and liberty, no matter what their politician puppets preach, day in day out, to me, seems more scary.

Yes secret societies do exist. The founders of the United States were members of a secret society called the Freemasons, so were the top British Generals and leaders, who were "defeated" during the War of "Independence".

Elite Universities such as Yale, Harvard and Princeton are secret society hives. So are their counter parts in the UK - including the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.

There is no denying that many of the elite politicians of the US and the UK are graduates of these universities, and of course so are many leaders of other countries, including the developing ones, and that is one of the ways the Anglo-American "Empire" maintains control over its "territories".

There are also other secret organizations, such as the Bilderberg Group, and semi secret entities, such as the Trilateral Commision, Council of Foreign Relations and its British counterpart the Royal Institute of International Affairs. All of the named institutions have as their main agenda, the creation of a world government. All of the recent international problems, including the manufactured ones, see, Islamic Terrorist Threat; and the invented ones, see, Man Made Global Warming, have been engineered by these organizations, and others.

That is, Global Problems are created and Global Solutions are presented as our saviors. Global Solutions = Global regulations that trespass national sovereignity and Global Taxation. All are control mechanisms that are intended to ultimately lead to a DICTATORIAL GLOBAL GOVERNMENT!

The increased size of the US governments is relflected in other parts of the world as well. We are heading towards a centralized world government, and this agenda is more and more in the open because the changes are so that they cannot be kept a secret anymore, meaning that now we are more or less being told that a World Government - THE NEW WORLD ORDER - is a "good thing", because it will save the human race from the very problems that have been created by the NWO architects themselves.

Things are getting serious now. IMHO, it is time to have another look at the power structures and the political systems of our given countries, not forgetting of course, the ultra corrupt politicians and leaders, who while repeating the same sugar coated lies and deceptions, seem to be literally getting away with murder (on behalf of their masters, who ultimately pull their strings)!

08-14-2010, 11:37 AM
No, really. Nobody is in charge right now.

08-14-2010, 11:37 AM
Is someone deleting posts or am I just taking happy pills?

David Jamieson deleted his own post after realizing that he officially was supposed to have me on "ignore". Answering my posts, while having me on "ignore", would not look good on the "intellectual resume" that he projects in this forum, but then deleting his response, did not do his "resumé" any favors eithers.....LOL!

You will probably have his response in your email notification that you receive from this site.;)

08-14-2010, 11:42 AM
No, really. Nobody is in charge right now.

I believe that the current chaos is misleading. IMHO, it is worth noting that there are interests that are attempting to create ORDER out of this instability, which was engineered by themselves.

This new order is the New World Order.

Just look at all the recent global solutions we have been presented with to solve one problem or another. Look at the tendency towards, regional unity, such as the European Community, where national identities are gradually eroded. There is a trend and this trend is no accident.

08-14-2010, 01:26 PM
David Jamieson deleted his own post after realizing that he officially was supposed to have me on "ignore". Answering my posts, while having me on "ignore", would not look good on the "intellectual resume" that he projects in this forum, but then deleting his response, did not do his "resumé" any favors eithers.....LOL!

You will probably have his response in your email notification that you receive from this site.;)

It's still weird. Rarely see him back down.

08-14-2010, 07:28 PM
It's still weird. Rarely see him back down.

Well, Jamieson keeps telling people that he has me on ignore, which he doesn't as proven by his last post, which he ended up deleting, so as not to look stupid, but then, that ship has sailed a long time ago....LOL!

Then we have Dave Ross, who is apparently "ignoring" me as well, but tends to answer some of my posts, in his own unmistakable and kung fu-clueless fashion, but then that is another story...LOL!

I have to give it to as you as you are not one to run and hide behind a rock like some of these apparent "martial artist" characters. That has to be respected, even if we do not agree with each other on some issues, most of which are none- kung fu related.

Hebrew Hammer
08-14-2010, 09:06 PM
Just so you know, they wouldn't be SECRET SOCIETIES if you knew about them.

The video is interesting but doesn't prove or disprove the situation. I don't have much faith in our intelligence agencies as far as Iran is concerned...remember we believed Saddam still had weapons of mass destruction...I'm sure they'll turn up soon. Its all speculation and I'm willing to bet they are further along then we think, courtesy of $$$$ to spend and Russia, North Korea, China willing to sell. Don't forget our good friend Dr H Q Kahn in Pakistan. They are stalling for time and everyone is giving it to them. We won't know the truth unless we get into their program via espionage or they allow the IAEA inspectors back in.

Some other things to consider, if its just a peaceful program why won't they agree to international pressure to allow greater inspections. It could be an economic boon for them to have greater trade allowances. Two why are they building the facilities so far under ground? Heavily defending them? Iranian leadership denies the Holocaust (hosts a conference on it) and advocates the elimination of the state of Israel through force. They want the power and respect that nuclear arms would give them.

I do agree with this guys assessment regarding the increase of Iranian influence in Iraq because of our occupation of that company. Its going to be fun when we finally withdraw...if we ever do. Even more reason for us to gain energy independence and move away from oil. I am just amazed how little political will we have regarding this.

David Jamieson
08-16-2010, 07:52 AM
I happened to read that while not logged in. Logged in posted a reply and then realized it was our resident troll, so I deleted my post as I have no desire to participate in discussions with this person due to the nature of their character.

my post contained a comment about the video and that the person who was speaking did not actually have factual claims in some of his points.

Hope that clears it up for everyone.

I think hw8 would like me to read his drivel, but for the most part I can't be bothered and so i have had him on ignore for some time now and s/he will remain there.


hw8, i've seen some of your posts where you seem very excited that i might be reading your posts. I do believe you should seek professional help. I'm a nobody, you really shouldn't fixate on someone with as little value as me.

that's all.

08-16-2010, 12:00 PM
Just so you know, they wouldn't be SECRET SOCIETIES if you knew about them.
The fact is that secret societies are secret, not necessarily because people don't know of their existence but because they do not know of their REAL agenda. So many such secret and semi-secret societies will have a public image, while in reality, they are carrying out their own hidden agendas.

Also, I doubt that anyone who has a beyond a superficial knowledge of Freemasonry would define them as an "open" or non secret society.

The video is interesting but doesn't prove or disprove the situation.
At the least, the video provides food for thought....

I don't have much faith in our intelligence agencies as far as Iran is concerned...

You should have faith in them, because they have been active in Iran since the 1950s. ;)

The intelligence agencies make a living out of supporting supposed enemies or letting them get away with murder, while saying, "we didn't know", or "we made a mistake or even in not so many words. "we were stupid".....

Things become clearer when one brings himself to realize that the primary task of the Western intelligence agencies is NOT to "protect the nation", but to protect the elite that run their nation, who in turn are connected to the elite that run the world, and in doing so, the intelligence agencies are required to, more often than not, keep an eye on their own population, using whatever excuses they can get a away with. See: "The War on Terrorism (while many researchers claim that most of it is created by entities like the CIA, MI6 and the Mossad)"; "The War on Drugs (while agencies like the CIA are active participants in the world drugs trade)"; "Pandemic Threats (usually, non-existant psychological warfare tactics to induce people into fear and accepting laws obliging them to be injected by whatever vaccine the government decides is good for them)"; "Man-made Global Warming (A total scam and fraud!).

All of the above examples are not what they seem. They are used one way or the other to take away human freedoms, in the name of protecting us. The intelligence agencies, who themselves, can be classified as SECRET SOCIETIES with many high rank members who also belong to the Masons and Knights of Malta (CIA)

remember we believed Saddam still had weapons of mass destruction...
The Western Intelligence agencies never believed that. It was one of those planned "we made a mistake", scams. The CIA and others had been inside Iraq at least since the end of the first Gulf War. They knew the score.

Furthermore, UN weapons inspection teams had not found anything. One of their members even came out and said, in not so many words, that reports of WOMDs had been exaggerated. This man, was later found dead as a result of an apparent "suicide".........

I'm sure they'll turn up soon. Its all speculation and I'm willing to bet they are further along then we think, courtesy of $$$$ to spend and Russia, North Korea, China willing to sell. Don't forget our good friend Dr H Q Kahn in Pakistan. They are stalling for time and everyone is giving it to them. We won't know the truth unless we get into their program via espionage or they allow the IAEA inspectors back in.
The correct dialogue, which is also respectful should fascilitate the flow of information.

Some other things to consider, if its just a peaceful program why won't they agree to international pressure to allow greater inspections.

Good and respectful dialogue should be helpful. If that happens, then perhaps the US will allow Iranian inspectors into its nuclear research facilities as well?:D

It could be an economic boon for them to have greater trade allowances.
True. That would be a valid reason for the Iranians to be more willing to have respectful dialogue.

Two why are they building the facilities so far under ground? Heavily defending them?
Perhaps because Israel and the US have one way or the other threatened to bomb them into oblivion? LOL

Iranian leadership denies the Holocaust

I have heard about that, but I have not seen it.

However, I found this on Ahmadinejad's comments on the Holocaust.


Here he is again on the subject. Notice the difference between heading of this video clip and see what he is ACTUALLY saying:


He is more or less, saying that the Holocaust happened
in EUROPE therefore it is not the problem of the Palestinians.

Here is a full UN Assembly speech by Ahmadinegad:


Does he sound like a "mad man" to you? Perhaps he is not very PC, but mad man, he ain't!

[Also, notice that the US Ambassador's seat is empty. Talk about dialogue.....LOL!]

All of the propaganda saying is brought to us courtesy of Intelligence Agencies (Secret Organizations) and by extension secret society networks that go hand in hand with our corrupt political systems.

(hosts a conference on it) and advocates the elimination of the state of Israel through force.

Here is a closer examination of the so called speech where Ahmadinejad advocates the elimination of the state of Israel, or "wiping Israel off the map", as he was supposed to have said:


They want the power and respect that nuclear arms would give them.
We can assume whatever we want. However, that is not what the Iranians are saying.

I do agree with this guys assessment regarding the increase of Iranian influence in Iraq
I have no idea about the Iranian influence in Iraq. That is because the people (intelligence and media, arguably the same sources) who have been telling us about it, have been lying to us about just about everything else!!!!

We are bombarded with lies, day in day out, by the same psychopaths who are creating and financing wars and suffering all over the globe. What do we get out of all of this? We get higher taxes and more laws, "rules and regulations", stripping us of the few freedoms we have got left.

Something is very wrong with the world, but to solve the problems we need to see our way out of the constant smoke screen that is blown our way by our own utterly corrupt governments.

Even more reason for us to gain energy independence and move away from oil. I am just amazed how little political will we have regarding this.

Politicians, specially the high level ones, are usually made up of corrupt and corruptable psychopaths. The world would not be in this state if we had normal and balanced human beings running our countries. Unfortunately, the people who choose our "Demorcraticaly" (what a laugh) elected leaders, do not have the world's well being in their hearts, but rather the well being of their own power cults, who also happen to operating in SECRET!

Sorry for the long post.

08-16-2010, 12:32 PM
I happened to read that while not logged in.

Are you saying that you were unable to see my forum handle/name, when you were logged off? If so, then you are LIAR!

Logged in posted a reply and then realized it was our resident troll, so I deleted my post

So, even AFTER you logged in, you failed to see my forum name? LOL! Look, I never took you for an Einstein, but I never realized that you were brain dead...LOL!

as I have no desire to participate in discussions with this person due to the nature of their character.
Sorry, about my character, I just cannot be diplomatic and respectful towards people who are totally clueless about the genuine TCMA mehtodologies, while they insist on projecting a completely different image of themselves in this, a KUNG FU forum.

Your total cluelessness about the real world of politics does not help your credibility either, nor does it influence the "hopelessly lost in the woods" image that I (and no doubt, others) have of you.

my post contained a comment about the video and that the person who was speaking did not actually have factual claims in some of his points.
Coming from you, that statement is pretty ironic...LOL

Hope that clears it up for everyone.
Clear as hot air, my dear....:rolleyes:

I think hw8 would like me to read his drivel,
I hope this won't be too much of a strain on your already exhausted brain, but it is HW108.

Seriously, why don't you get somebody to type your messages for you??????

He would no doubt help you come across as smarter, and who knows it may actually lead to you having a social life?

but for the most part I can't be bothered and so i have had him on ignore for some time now and s/he will remain there.
Yes, it seems that your abilities to have people on ignore, are in par with your abilities at carrying out intelligent discussions of TCMA methodologies, not to mention your "ability" to leave memorable insights regarding complex political issues...LOL!

Just a couple of questions to you, do they have trailer parks in Canada? And how common is inbreeding in your part of the woods?

hw8, i've seen some of your posts where you seem very excited that i might be reading your posts.

I get even more "excited" when I read your answers to my post. Just like the one above,,,,,:rolleyes:

I do believe you should seek professional help.
I will, as soon as you find yourself a professional or REAL TCMA master to teach, and work you through some authentic TCMA methodologies.

Of course, you should also study a little bit about real world politics so that I can discuss world issues with you, without falling off my chair, while laughing my head off.

I'm a nobody, you really shouldn't fixate on someone with as little value as me.

Congratulations. IT seems that the truth has finally stuck up its head and is biting its way through your @ss. Let's hope that final enlightenment for you, is not too far away........:rolleyes:

that's all.

Well, there is no harm in all of us hoping so............................................