View Full Version : suffering from and injury

08-17-2010, 02:39 PM
i am currently suffering from a hand/wrist injury. it has been lingering for over a month. i injured myself trying to create new training methods for iron palm, as that is what i love and want to excell in. i was getting kind of down,as all i can do right now is maintain,as i hurts bad to condition my had but i still do it daily. i am also an avid weightlifter,and i ran across this from one of the greates that ever lived,

"It seems to me that some of the talented athletes lack one thing-- they haven't had an injury. That's right! An injury that will put them out of commission for a year during which time they'll have a chance to weigh everything. I, too, would not be where I am if I had not injured my back. I suffered for a year and a half thinking everything over ... After a misfortune, people pull through and become, if possible, great people -- and sportsmen, in particular. Those who are stronger find their way out and to the top ..."(Ivanov)

so when i saw this it has really uplifted me. so for any of you out there suffering from injury,it is reflection time and time to come back twice as strong.

David Jamieson
08-17-2010, 03:12 PM
hand and wrist are filled with about 7 and a half billion tiny little bones that get messed up easily. :p

keep using dit da, keep massaging, keep meditating and if hurting apply heat, if swelling apply cold.

the medicine and massage are what will quicken the healing.

you got an x-ray and know that nothing is broken, dislocated or out fo place in the area?

taai gihk yahn
08-17-2010, 03:23 PM
get medically cleared for fractures, ligament tears, etc.

then go find a GOOD manual osteopath and get it treated (or an osteopathically oriented PT if u can find one) - there are various approaches but if applied correctly, they can clear up a ot of nasty stuff (I agree w/DJ - 7 billion bones and counting, LOL)

keep doing ur thing w/jow as well, can't hurt

and I agree 100% w/ur quote - having had a significant back injury last year, I re-evaluated not only my whole taiji / qigong / MA practice, but my PT one as well, and feel I am the richer for it (after 3 months off, when i started treating again, it was like PT on rocket fuel - everything worked a lot better, go figure...)

Yum Cha
08-17-2010, 03:32 PM
i am currently suffering from a hand/wrist injury. it has been lingering for over a month. i injured myself trying to create new training methods for iron palm...

There's a reason you need to learn under the guidance of a real sifu.

It is dangerous, and you can ruin your hands for life if you 'try to create new training methods"... without experience.

What exactly were you doing?

08-17-2010, 03:42 PM
i "do have a real sifu",sometimes i get overzealous.
i will not share my training method on the public forum until it is perfected,plus i dont want to answer questions or give explanations or listen to nay sayers from people who dont study iron palm. if you do no offense and you will know what i am talking about.
i just put the post up to help reassure people with injuries and to help them not get down during an injury as i was.
basically what i was trying to say,when you are training at a high level your chance for injury is 100%,it is all in how you deal with it.

Yum Cha
08-17-2010, 04:31 PM
i "do have a real sifu",sometimes i get overzealous.
i will not share my training method on the public forum until it is perfected,plus i dont want to answer questions or give explanations or listen to nay sayers from people who dont study iron palm. if you do no offense and you will know what i am talking about.
i just put the post up to help reassure people with injuries and to help them not get down during an injury as i was.
basically what i was trying to say,when you are training at a high level your chance for injury is 100%,it is all in how you deal with it.

Not a nay sayer, just practical.

You're saying, "oh, I hurt myself doing stupid sh1t", and I'm saying "If you want to do Iron Palm, do it right, don't do stupid Sh1t....

Sorry Champ, its not all about you. This is serious stuff, and you provide a good example.

There are lots of people interested in Iron Palm, and other forging training.

Some are tempted to buy a book, or watch a Youtube vid and go out and start bashing their hands, without proper jau, without cycling, without working the right intensities, schedules and the like.

Ok, so you get numb hands, not the same! And it has long term repercussions, even done right.

I'm just trying to make the point, if you have hurt your hands, STOP. Recover. DO NOT continue until you are healed. Find some other aspect of your training to work on and just let it go for awhile.

If you are indeed under a real Sifu, that real Sifu would have surely told you the trick to Iron Palm training is to take it slowly, gradually and just before the edge of injury. Quick results dissipate just as quickly.

Good luck with the hands. Listen to your teacher.

08-17-2010, 04:36 PM
the whole stroy is i had a few layoffs here and tere, because of various reasons and i had started some advanced training,and after the layoff,i didnt use sense and thoughht i would go right back into it like i had never laid off, so it is my fault,but at the same time i was developing new training to take it to the next level,without easing into it. i got carried away,so now i pay. learn from me,yum cha is right,slowly.

Yum Cha
08-17-2010, 04:37 PM
the whole stroy is i had a few layoffs here and tere, because of various reasons and i had started some advanced training,and after the layoff,i didnt use sense and thoughht i would go right back into it like i had never laid off, so it is my fault,but at the same time i was developing new training to take it to the next level,without easing into it. i got carried away,so now i pay. learn from me,yum cha is right,slowly.

Well said Champ.