View Full Version : New Chunner

08-25-2010, 08:09 AM
I'm new to the wing chun family and wanted to know How long did it take you to feel comfortable enough with the art to say you can defend yourself?

08-25-2010, 11:08 AM
Hello bigkel,

Welcome to wing chun. How fast you grow is dependent a lot of your own dedication, how good your training partners are and how qualified your instructor is. If all are pretty good then in 6 months you should be reasonably capable. You won't be a badass by any stretch of the imagination, but you should be able to survive an "average" 1 on 1 encounter ok.

Best of luck, let us know how your training goes.

08-25-2010, 11:27 AM
I'm new to the wing chun family and wanted to know How long did it take you to feel comfortable enough with the art to say you can defend yourself?

I thought that I really felt comfortable after about 2 years. At that point, I started to react to situations using martial arts.

At about the time that you start being allowed to spar full-contact, you should be able to defend yourself.

Dave McKinnon
08-25-2010, 12:38 PM

Stay off this website and train hard. Test it against other MA.
Did I mention don't get involved here!



08-25-2010, 05:56 PM
Don't worry about how long it takes. True Wing Chun is about mastery. Not the simple ability to defend yourself. Mastery has no time limits. Enjoy the journey!

And I second what Dave said... get off of here and work hard! :)

08-25-2010, 06:50 PM
Thanks guys class was awesome tonight...I love my instructor (Sifu Francis Fong) and my fellow training partners. Its like one big family which makes it a lot easier to stay at it and train.....

k gledhill
08-25-2010, 07:14 PM
dont be afraid to try other vt methods, you learn from them all.

08-26-2010, 07:22 PM

Please say hello to Francis Fong for me... this is Rene Ng from San Diego. I have not spoken to him for many years.

Good luck with your WC... Francis is a very good teacher.

08-31-2010, 06:41 AM
I have a great teacher but my group is a bit unorganized. The sihings rarely train with us now, and they prefer to train with their direct sifu who is a kung fu brother of mine. We do not spar but just lots of lop sao and chi sao drills. Does anyone find this to be a bad sign or is it possible to successfully still learn wing chun this way? I've been training it for about 6-7 months now off and on.

If you're asking the question, you already know the answer...

08-31-2010, 07:18 AM
I'm new to the wing chun family and wanted to know How long did it take you to feel comfortable enough with the art to say you can defend yourself?

The question to your answer lies in your training, particularly your sparring.
When you feel comfortable facing with someone trying to take off your head and stomp a mud hole in your face, then your WC is where it needs to be.
Remember this, WC is a fighting art FIRST and anything else second, if you can't fight with it, what exactly are you doing then?