View Full Version : ussd updates or news

09-18-2010, 05:27 AM
From Master Black and all of us with USSD. Its unfortunate what's gone on with the 'Z' situation, but let us explain, we're deeply saddened that our friends/family/mentors are no longer with us due to being forced out or even uninformed of what really lies ahead. We've said some words, but due to what has happened, our... doors and ears are open to anyone that's in doubt about the decision they made. Take care.

09-18-2010, 07:15 AM
It has come to my attention that people are spreading rumors that I’ve only stayed with United Studios of Self Defense because I’m bound by legalities. This is not true. My decision to remain with USSD is a spiritual choice based on belief and commitment to my company.

The reason I am proud to say I am still with USSD is that I believe in the company, the system, the logo the students and instructors of past and present and most of all, in Professor Charles Mattera.

United Studios of Self Defense has taught me to have honor, integrity and loyalty. When nobody believed in Richard Black, Charles Mattera did and most importantly he taught me how to be a leader and be passionate about the martial arts.

I owe all that I have accomplished to United Studios of Self Defense. With that said I feel as if many have taken their birth certificate and ripped it up claiming they were never born nor had ties to the people who gave them their birthright in the martial arts.

Honor, loyalty and integrity HAVE and WILL always be the cornerstone of USSD.


Master Black

taai gihk yahn
09-18-2010, 08:33 AM
dude, if you don't stop this multi-thread BS propaganda campaign, what's going to happen is that:
1) all of your stupid threads are going to get merged into one big lobotomized mass
2) they are all going to get locked down
3) you are going to get banned

any questions?

09-18-2010, 09:21 AM
dude, if you don't stop this multi-thread BS propaganda campaign, what's going to happen is that:
1) all of your stupid threads are going to get merged into one big lobotomized mass
2) they are all going to get locked down
3) you are going to get banned

any questions?

Let the lobotomy patient continue on the path of demise. We should just stop replying.

09-18-2010, 10:35 AM
Let the lobotomy patient continue on the path of demise. We should just stop replying.

I'm waiting to hear from Master Pink and Master Orange and Master Blonde...


SoCo KungFu
09-18-2010, 11:20 AM
From Master Black and all of us with USSD. Its unfortunate what's gone on with the 'Z' situation, but let us explain, we're deeply saddened that our friends/family/mentors are no longer with us due to being forced out or even uninformed of what really lies ahead. We've said some words, but due to what has happened, our... doors and ears are open to anyone that's in doubt about the decision they made. Take care.

1) Who the hell are you?
2) What the hell is USSD?
3) Who the hell is Mattera/Villari?
4) What have any of you done that would give me reason to give a **** about answers 1-3?

taai gihk yahn
09-18-2010, 04:40 PM
1) Who the hell are you?
2) What the hell is USSD?
3) Who the hell is Mattera/Villari?
4) What have any of you done that would give me reason to give a **** about answers 1-3?

this is the sad, sad reality of groups ike USSD, SD, and, presumably to come, Z-Uimate: within their own little enclaves at the shallow end of the MA gene-pool, they tout themselves as Legends in their Own Time (or Mind); whereas the rest of the MA world (you know, the ones that actually get out and interact w each other once in a while), the usual question is "who?" (or the somewhat more elaborate "who gives a crap?");

here's another question I've been curious about:
WHAT THE FU(K IS MATTERRA A PROFESSOR OF?!? last I heard, Professor was a title granted to senior university faculty, usually ones that have PhD's and tenure; evidently, in the world of MA, this title is ascribed wily-nilly to someone who is looking for a different take on the whole Grand Master Blaster schtick, conferring some sort of academic laud to their already self-inflated resumes and egos; personally, having had the privilege of being in the classrooms of REAL professors during my undergraduate and graduate studies, I find it highly distasteful that someone would presume to the title without possessing the qualifications typical for such a moniker (rant over)

taai gihk yahn
09-18-2010, 04:43 PM
Honor, loyalty and integrity HAVE and WILL always be the cornerstone of USSD.
ah, now I see the confusion; see, what happened was that honor, loyalty and integrity were buried inside the cornerstone of USSD; that way no one in the organization would accidently find them, and in fact until the whole thing gets dismantled (which apparently is occurring as we speak...), they would never see the light of day;

09-18-2010, 05:03 PM
i see this thread going to 1.000 pages

taai gihk yahn
09-18-2010, 05:12 PM
i see this thread going to 1.000 pages

live the dream!

09-18-2010, 05:14 PM
EnterTaining, kind of...:D

09-18-2010, 05:14 PM
or even better we can have an entire ussd sub forum!!!!

make it happen gene!

taai gihk yahn
09-18-2010, 05:21 PM
or even better we can have an entire ussd sub forum!!!!

make it happen gene!

by that argument, we would need sub-forums for other bizarre, drama-laden styles:

Shaolin Do

Bak Fu Pai

Wing Chu...oh wait...

09-18-2010, 05:58 PM
your ego is remarkable?!?!?! do you really think anyone of any substance at all is going to care about the legal and social issues of a chain of mcdojos??? get over yourselves... anyone who feeds into this drama trap is either retarded or very retarded... this is a joke...

lock it and forget about it... someone needs to make this just go away... the hate crimes arent cool... and they are fuled by hate and slander is a crime... posting biased opinionated threads about other business can be damaging, you better be sure everything you say is right or you're liable for your actions... esspecially given the circumstance and the shaky relations between these groups... i see youve made an "about face" today, did somebody tell you to play nice??? called you on your bullshlt???

09-18-2010, 08:06 PM

09-18-2010, 08:20 PM

He was already tried and convicted.

09-18-2010, 08:23 PM
scary... and there were kids there huh?

09-18-2010, 08:28 PM
scary... and there were kids there huh?

Yup! You should check out jon Patrick Harrison from orange county. Child molestor USSD studio owner in Newport beach, ca

09-18-2010, 08:32 PM
no, im good thanx...
i remembered that there was one of those studios in my city so i searched it and the molestation thing popped up in my search, so it caught my eye...

im done with this, i just spoent 5 mins looking to confirm my memory that there was one here... thats all...

i dont want none of this...

02-03-2011, 01:29 PM
So, as black balled as I am, I thought all of you would get a kick out of this. So yesterday, my mom received a call at her house for me from a Stephen from USSD. He wanted to let me know that a new school was opening up in Claremont and would like me to attend the grand opening. Lol! Sounds a bit desperate to me

David Jamieson
02-03-2011, 01:32 PM
This one time, my bum made a noise! :eek:

..and it smelled! :confused:

I called it stinky and we were pals.

No thanks to Ren. :mad:


KC Elbows
02-03-2011, 01:56 PM
From Master Black and all of us with USSD. Its unfortunate what's gone on with the 'Z' situation, but let us explain, we're deeply saddened that our friends/family/mentors are no longer with us due to being forced out or even uninformed of what really lies ahead.

Nothing is as heartwarming as being called a friend/family/mentor in the same sentence as being called a dupe.

We've said some words, but due to what has happened, our... doors and ears are open to anyone that's in doubt about the decision they made.

But of course your doors aren't open to the possibility that y'all might not be 100% in the right, convenient.

I'll try your approach.

To me, it's unfortunate what happened with the "ex-girlfriend" situation, but let me explain, I'm terribly put out that she is no longer with me due to being dumped(no matter what that b1tch tells you!), my boudoir is always open.

Man, I feel so magnanimous and smug, I'm gonna start calling myself Maestro Magnifico, anyone want some kempo lessons?

KC Elbows
02-03-2011, 02:04 PM
I also want to say that I am disheartened by the departure of many of the clients of my uncertified adult school of meridian theory. It pains me that they are dismally unfamiliar with the subtle difference between a middle aged man desparately fumbling for their juicy bits, and good solid traditional medicine.

02-03-2011, 02:06 PM
master black? professor metterea? is this a cult? who are thes people? I have never heard of the USSD perhaps I am lucky in this way... sounds like a brainwashing school that turns out wannabie black belts who cant fight.

KC Elbows
02-03-2011, 02:09 PM
master black? professor metterea? is this a cult? who are thes people? I have never heard of the USSD perhaps I am lucky in this way... sounds like a brainwashing school that turns out wannabie black belts who cant fight.

It's a kempo chain, typical chain, splits every seventh year into two new chains, said split usually accompanied with lots of name calling and hair pulling.

02-03-2011, 02:11 PM
master black? professor metterea? is this a cult? who are thes people? I have never heard of the USSD perhaps I am lucky in this way... sounds like a brainwashing school that turns out wannabie black belts who cant fight.


02-03-2011, 02:54 PM
Pluck one and a dozen more sprout up. :rolleyes:

taai gihk yahn
02-03-2011, 03:41 PM
Pluck one and a dozen more sprout up. :rolleyes:

See what happens when you lock down my mojo? ;)

taai gihk yahn
02-03-2011, 03:43 PM

LOL! Materra has this look on his face like, "what t3h fcuk am I doing here, and what r these weird friggin' metal circles I've never held in my hands before up until now?"

KC Elbows
02-03-2011, 05:01 PM
Don't hate, he's merely making love to the camera. Judging by his expression, he's about to finish making love to the camera.

One thing tma and mma magazines have taught me is that martial arts is full of an inordinate number of people who don't know why they aren't models.

02-04-2011, 06:35 AM
KC elbows thanks....
but why are these japanese kenpo guys wearing japanese gi's and holding Chinese weapons? :confused: other than the obvious we dont knwo what we are doing but whats wrong with BB magazine? why do they publish this type of material? i stopped buying it years ago for this exact reason.almost as fantasy as comic books, cheesy crap I looth to see happen to TMA not that there anything wrong with comic books but at least you know thier purpose.

funny story, walked by a reasturant last week that just opened up by my house called (Tao Japanese habiachi grill)
I laughed to my wife and said i gotta check this place out. I walked in spoke witht egnetlemn at the door adn found out it was owned by koreans. LOL God I love america

02-05-2011, 11:16 AM
KC elbows thanks....
but why are these japanese kenpo guys wearing japanese gi's and holding Chinese weapons? :confused: other than the obvious we dont knwo what we are doing but whats wrong with BB magazine? why do they publish this type of material? i stopped buying it years ago for this exact reason.almost as fantasy as comic books, cheesy crap I looth to see happen to TMA not that there anything wrong with comic books but at least you know thier purpose.

funny story, walked by a reasturant last week that just opened up by my house called (Tao Japanese habiachi grill)
I laughed to my wife and said i gotta check this place out. I walked in spoke witht egnetlemn at the door adn found out it was owned by koreans. LOL God I love america

Because they think they are Shaolin!

The truth
02-05-2011, 11:27 AM
The art is shaolin kempo.when was the last time any of you were in the presense of the abbot of the shaolin temple probably never.this site needs to be shut down adn left out to pasture its done. We are trained by the monks and you are trained by some guy in a garage with no dojo how can you compare the two you cant

02-05-2011, 01:20 PM
anybody can go train at shaolin for a week... it doesnt mean you are shaolin... these guys did NOT spend the majority of their time learning from anyone from the temple... stop fronting... ima go do a seminar and come back and call myself shaolin too... :rolleyes: yeah you guys really respect the culture dont you... well, just enough to b@stardize and profit from it...

hey... yall do know the diff betweeen japanese and chinese... right?..... RIGHT????

Almost A Ghost
02-05-2011, 01:28 PM
We are trained by the monks and you are trained by some guy in a garage with no dojo how can you compare the two you cant

If being trained by a monk in wushu is the bee's knees then why don't you stop doing kempo and go train with the Monk that has a kwoon in LV's China town?

Almost A Ghost
02-05-2011, 01:42 PM
KC elbows thanks....
but why are these japanese kenpo guys wearing japanese gi's and holding Chinese weapons? :confused:

Because they are fooled into believe they are doing kung fu.

02-05-2011, 02:26 PM
The art is shaolin kempo.when was the last time any of you were in the presense of the abbot of the shaolin temple probably never.this site needs to be shut down adn left out to pasture its done. We are trained by the monks and you are trained by some guy in a garage with no dojo how can you compare the two you cant

ROFL! Right...so, none of us have been in the presence of the Abbot? You're on crack man...

The system being called Shaolin Kempo has NOTHING to do with the Shaolin Temple. It had to do with Fred Villari capitalizing on the "Kung Fu" TV series...

02-05-2011, 02:31 PM
i hear villari mates with men, then eats them.

02-05-2011, 02:49 PM
i hear villari mates with men, then eats them.

naw...that's a black widow! lol!

02-05-2011, 02:52 PM
i hear villari mates with men, then eats them.

not eat.... suck.....

02-07-2011, 02:32 PM
naw...that's a black widow! lol!

Either that or he takes the Praying Mantis style a little too seriously.

David Jamieson
02-07-2011, 02:47 PM
Internet kills any who cannot stand it's scrutiny.

02-07-2011, 07:42 PM
Either that or he takes the Praying Mantis style a little too seriously.

LOL!!!!! we'll go with that one instead :p

David Jamieson
02-08-2011, 06:35 AM
Has anybody ever moved on from these organizations and learned some actual traditional chinese martial arts?

There is a lot of American Dog's breakfast martial arts like these being thrown around out there.

Heck, we get it up here as well, I suppose there is a lot of it wherever you go, but in the US it seems really ridiculously prevalent in the martial arts community to have all these untrained strange people making claims of grandmastery and such and then they whip out some funky ass dance to convince you.

It seems like a lot of these funky "masters" want to have their pictures taken with genuine Kung Fu teachers as well and yet they never seem to train with them.

America the weird. lol

02-08-2011, 08:00 AM
The art is shaolin kempo.when was the last time any of you were in the presense of the abbot of the shaolin temple probably never.this site needs to be shut down adn left out to pasture its done. We are trained by the monks and you are trained by some guy in a garage with no dojo how can you compare the two you cant

LOL and this guys screen name is the "THE THRUTH" excuse me kid can I have a sip of your kool aid???

I could understand these schools being around before the invention fo the internet as many of them were, but how can anyone not see how crappy this is? google is your friend

Dale Dugas
02-08-2011, 08:09 AM
It is popular as many people who would not last in a traditional school can come in, put on some cool uniforms and flail around pretending to be some trained assassin.

I find it rather strange that systems that promote the punching and clawing of faces, and skulls do not train in any form of hand conditioning.

Silly material that would get you killed on the street.

Sad, but true.

02-08-2011, 09:11 AM
I find it rather strange that systems that promote the punching and clawing of faces, and skulls do not train in any form of hand conditioning.

dont they teach secret hand techniques impervious to injury in the 3 rd week of lessons?

02-08-2011, 09:52 AM
KC elbows thanks....
but why are these japanese kenpo guys wearing japanese gi's and holding Chinese weapons? :confused: other than the obvious we dont knwo what we are doing but whats wrong with BB magazine? why do they publish this type of material? i stopped buying it years ago for this exact reason.almost as fantasy as comic books, cheesy crap I looth to see happen to TMA not that there anything wrong with comic books but at least you know thier purpose.

funny story, walked by a reasturant last week that just opened up by my house called (Tao Japanese habiachi grill)
I laughed to my wife and said i gotta check this place out. I walked in spoke witht egnetlemn at the door adn found out it was owned by koreans. LOL God I love america
Steve Demasco spent some time training in Wah Lum in Boston.

Dale Dugas
02-08-2011, 10:08 AM
dont they teach secret hand techniques impervious to injury in the 3 rd week of lessons?

with the flood of mcdojos/mcdojangs. I am still amazed that people think they can break boards, break skulls, bones, without causing injuries to unconditioned anatomical weapons.

Ed Parker used dit da jow and trained his hands as he knew he was going to be hitting people.

Too many think as long as you are fast, you can make up for it.

Epic fail.

02-08-2011, 12:01 PM
I hope this thread does not get locked like the other one. I was so enjoying reading it daily at work. It had all the drama. Child molestation, thuggery/strong arm, break up, people talking bad about each other, etc. Hilarious. :D

02-08-2011, 01:12 PM
LOL! i like to see you try that agenst some of us ussders because those people dont punch right or punch hard and are smaller than you and i thank you for youre entertainment.
you dont know ussd and what we can do and do do to people who just stand there like idiotts and cant even fight back.i will show this to The Master and let him enjoy some laughs of this to.

02-08-2011, 01:15 PM
I hope this thread does not get locked like the other one. I was so enjoying reading it daily at work. It had all the drama. Child molestation, thuggery/strong arm, break up, people talking bad about each other, etc. Hilarious. :D

it got locked down because it was derogertory to ussd and the slander comments and libel comments was about to cause lawsuits so it was wise to close it down. Master told us he was about to call kungfu magazine an order them to stop before he was made to be forced to tell all of are students to stop bying kungfu magazine and force the magazine to be shut down do to lack of the money coming in

02-08-2011, 01:19 PM
it got locked down because it was derogertory to ussd and the slander comments and libel comments was about to cause lawsuits so it was wise to close it down. Master told us he was about to call kungfu magazine an order them to stop before he was made to be forced to tell all of are students to stop bying kungfu magazine and force the magazine to be shut down do to lack of the money coming in

lmao !!!!!

02-08-2011, 01:19 PM
Because they think they are Shaolin!

we are shoalin! ask the abott but you cant do that because you dont know him like we do. we are going to shoalin again in june and we will be bringing over 500 of are best desciples with us and the abott is making us a new stone because proffessor is going to have a ceremony of knocking the old one down and unvaleing the new one which is bigger then the other one was. the abott told proffessor he was a son of shoalin and thats makes us grandchildrens of shoalin so we are shoalin weather you beleieve it or not i dont care what you think because we all have known how you couldnt make it with us

David Jamieson
02-08-2011, 01:22 PM
it got locked down because it was derogertory to ussd and the slander comments and libel comments was about to cause lawsuits so it was wise to close it down. Master told us he was about to call kungfu magazine an order them to stop before he was made to be forced to tell all of are students to stop bying kungfu magazine and force the magazine to be shut down do to lack of the money coming in

actually no, it got locked down because some ass hat was spamming the boards with his idea of a marketing campaign. Then it got locked, then merged and here we are.

all ussd threads will be merged into a gigantic pile of steaming crap that is easy to see and identify as such and from there people can decide for themselves.

occasionally, people will pop in to taunt these pseudo wanna be shaolin groups and the rest are there to give each other hand jobs and validate their fellow deluded. :p

consider this one a mild taunting. lol :D

Dale Dugas
02-08-2011, 01:22 PM

As with most net ghosts, you are more than welcome to come visit me and my students in Boston.

Your watered down material is not what you think it is, and will get you killed in a real fight.

I can show you how to create much more power through correct structural usage which will add to your kempo.

02-08-2011, 01:23 PM
So, as black balled as I am, I thought all of you would get a kick out of this. So yesterday, my mom received a call at her house for me from a Stephen from USSD. He wanted to let me know that a new school was opening up in Claremont and would like me to attend the grand opening. Lol! Sounds a bit desperate to me

they dont know who you are and who you are is a nobody so dont fatter yourself by thinking they had knowlege of who you were because they were just doing calls to old and new students and that all there is to it. LOL you are desperate not us

David Jamieson
02-08-2011, 01:37 PM
they dont know who you are and who you are is a nobody so dont fatter yourself by thinking they had knowlege of who you were because they were just doing calls to old and new students and that all there is to it. LOL you are desperate not us

^ This guy = http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lf2seuctNK1qcjrs8.png

02-08-2011, 01:41 PM
e are shoalin! ask the abott but you cant do that because you dont know him like we do. we are going to shoalin again in june and we will be bringing over 500 of are best desciples with us and the abott is making us a new stone because proffessor is going to have a ceremony of knocking the old one down and unvaleing the new one which is bigger then the other one was. the abott told proffessor he was a son of shoalin and thats makes us grandchildrens of shoalin so we are shoalin weather you beleieve it or not i dont care what you think because we all have known how you couldnt make it with us

LOL if your kenpos best I would hate to see kenpos worst.
your literary skills are but that a of a 5th grader. go back and read your grammer son, you are grossly missusing it.

you my friend are in a cult, seperate from reality, be careful not to get seperated from your wallet.:D

02-08-2011, 01:52 PM

LOL if your kenpos best I would hate to see kenpos worst.
your literary skills are but that a of a 5th grader. go back and read your grammer son, you are grossly missusing it.

you my friend are in a cult, seperate from reality, be careful not to get seperated from your wallet.:D

hey, YOU are not allowed to critique anyones grammar or spelling... come on now... i agree, kempoisbest is horrible in that respect, but every few days i get the urge to correct you too... but i dont, because my own spelling isnt always on point... and as far as grammar and structure are concerned, well, i type how i speak in the forums... so i cant really critique either...

02-08-2011, 02:07 PM
they dont know who you are and who you are is a nobody so dont fatter yourself by thinking they had knowlege of who you were because they were just doing calls to old and new students and that all there is to it. LOL you are desperate not us

You know, typing with your Peniz is not the best way to post on the internet, especially when it's so small that it gets caught between the keys.
Just some friendly advice.

02-08-2011, 02:31 PM
well, in his case, the little head is bigger than the big head, and the big head is shoved so far up...well, you get the idea

02-08-2011, 02:33 PM
I hear he needs a dentist just to tie his shoes!

02-08-2011, 03:00 PM
Has anybody ever moved on from these organizations and learned some actual traditional chinese martial arts?

There is a lot of American Dog's breakfast martial arts like these being thrown around out there.

Heck, we get it up here as well, I suppose there is a lot of it wherever you go, but in the US it seems really ridiculously prevalent in the martial arts community to have all these untrained strange people making claims of grandmastery and such and then they whip out some funky ass dance to convince you.

It seems like a lot of these funky "masters" want to have their pictures taken with genuine Kung Fu teachers as well and yet they never seem to train with them.

America the weird. lol

I'm actually looking to do just that. I've been considering Wing Chun to learn to rely on my hands more, but have also considered trying to find a true Shaolin school and hope the transition will be easy.

02-08-2011, 03:01 PM
lmao !!!!!

I was waiting to see when the troll would come back! That is just so unbelievable it's hilarious!

02-08-2011, 03:04 PM
white people

02-08-2011, 03:05 PM
^ This guy = http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lf2seuctNK1qcjrs8.png

LMAO!!!!! That's great! oh, and KIB...I'm not the desperate one. I have no intention of ever going back to USSD. The fact that you guys just call people that left the organization, like 7 years ago, is desperate. You're grabbing at straws. I'm perfectly fine where I am. I only posted what happened because I think it's hilarious.

02-08-2011, 03:05 PM
white people

I know...we are so stupid sometimes!

02-08-2011, 03:09 PM
I'm actually looking to do just that. I've been considering Wing Chun to learn to rely on my hands more, but have also considered trying to find a true Shaolin school and hope the transition will be easy.

Hey, you should check out these dudes:


taai gihk yahn
02-08-2011, 03:17 PM
Dale, DJ, Sanjuro, MK et al:
Before u bring things like logic, correct history, real TCMA approach etc to bear to counter kempoisbest, just b very clear that he is a TROLL who baits with his cult-member-like behavior; the more rational u r w him, the more outrageous he gets; so dont waste ur time, he just reworks his m.o. over and over

taai gihk yahn
02-08-2011, 03:20 PM
white people

We r ur vanilla-wafery overlords...

02-08-2011, 03:31 PM
we can instantly turn into serial killers or mass murderers too.

02-08-2011, 03:37 PM
we can instantly turn into serial killers or mass murderers too.

i can turn into a raging ***** instantly...wait...i'm a girl. i think that applies to all females! nevermind!

02-08-2011, 03:42 PM
i can turn into a raging ***** instantly...wait...i'm a girl. i think that applies to all females! nevermind!

Truer words have never been spoken.

02-08-2011, 03:42 PM
ya i think you're right on that one. most chicks ive known have had that super power since pre teens lol

Almost A Ghost
02-08-2011, 03:43 PM
Has anybody ever moved on from these organizations and learned some actual traditional chinese martial arts?

Yes. A year and a half after I left USSD I signed up for Shaolin Kung Fu, and even though I didn't stick with that school the difference between doing stuff that I've been told is Kung Fu an actual, real Kung Fu was night and day.

I've been doing Wing Chun since autumn 2001.

02-08-2011, 03:46 PM
ya i think you're right on that one. most chicks ive known have had that super power since pre teens lol

lol! i call as i see them/experience them...actually, i'm really not that bad.

02-08-2011, 03:46 PM
I'm actually looking to do just that. I've been considering Wing Chun to learn to rely on my hands more, but have also considered trying to find a true Shaolin school and hope the transition will be easy.

well, be ready for some rude awakenings.
If you study Wing Chun, you will learn about efficient movement, how NOT to cross your own centerline, or cross block to the inside gate, and other Bozo No-No's.
If you learn Hung-Gar, you will learn the actual Five Animals-correctly.
You will also learn not to ever say,"Flamingo stance."
You will learn correct stances and structure, power generation, and probably never say "Half-moon stance" or "trigger finger" again, you will learn Kung-Fu application.......it goes on...
If you go to ANY traditional school, you will be taught that Jiu-Jutsu waza or techniques are not called "Ju-Jitsus," and Kempo self defense techniques are not called, "Kempos."

02-08-2011, 03:48 PM
Has anybody ever moved on from these organizations and learned some actual traditional chinese martial arts?

I totally missed this! I didn't see it until Almost A Ghost's post. I actually did train in some Chen Taiji as well as Praying Mantis for a while. I just gravitated back to what I grew up with...

PS, I also studied with Tak Wah Eng a couple times (and with one of his instructors out here) for about a year.

Almost A Ghost
02-08-2011, 05:54 PM
I totally missed this! I didn't see it until Almost A Ghost's post. I actually did train in some Chen Taiji as well as Praying Mantis for a while. I just gravitated back to what I grew up with...

I don't know how you were able to do that. The thought of training in Kempo makes me shutter. LOL

The Warrior
02-08-2011, 10:55 PM
The art is shaolin kempo.when was the last time any of you were in the presense of the abbot of the shaolin temple probably never.this site needs to be shut down adn left out to pasture its done. We are trained by the monks and you are trained by some guy in a garage with no dojo how can you compare the two you cant

For those of you that don't know, "the truth" is actually Richard Black himself doing a horrible job of defending his actions. In case you missed the last thread, here is a quick synopsis. Richard has screwed over anyone that he can in order to make a buck, he has lied to anyone that would listen to him, and has cheated on his wife with more people than he could count (of course, counting is not his strong point, but it is more than a few). I wonder if he is looking forward to this year's trip to China. That has always been an opportunity for a few rendezvous in the past.

02-09-2011, 01:42 AM
I don't know how you were able to do that. The thought of training in Kempo makes me shutter. LOL

Lol! I guess I kinda like kempo...

02-09-2011, 02:36 AM
so would that be the same as kenpo? and which is it, chinese or japanese??? ive never understood this as ive seen it attached to both cultures, and sometimes in a mishmash all at once sort of way...

when i was a kid a went to a chain called temple kung fu, i think that was kempo... but it was the worst culty sh1t ive ever personally had to run from... there are like 4 uniforms to buy and they make you buy and wear forearm protection for hand drills:rolleyes: (real tough, i know)...

whenever i hear about kempo its negative and almost always associated with some franchise school and referred to as cultish...

so wheres the good kempo shellie??? would that be like ed parker lineage or what??? im lost on this one... ive always avoided it because of the negative connections... but i'll take this opportunity to ask someone that seems somewhat normal... seems like a rare thing tho shellie... whattup???

taai gihk yahn
02-09-2011, 07:05 AM
locking the USSD thread in the Shaolin forum was the best thing Gene in his infinite wisdom ever did - now we are on the MAIN FORUM, baby!

02-09-2011, 09:49 AM
Lol! I guess I kinda like kempo...
yeah, me too. My teaching methods have been greatly influenced by Kenpo, having taught for both Tracy's and FVSSD, however, I lean towards Tracy's method-Tracy is still considered by many to be the closest thing to Chow's original methods.
I had the opportunity to meet a person from a Hung Kuen lineage who's method resembled Kenpo a great deal. Rapid-fire continuous strikes, one flowing into the next. Very aggressive, very powerful.

02-09-2011, 09:54 AM
He should have called that video his Iron Bra demonstration.

02-09-2011, 10:05 AM
Has anybody ever moved on from these organizations and learned some actual traditional chinese martial arts?

I actually started with a traditional Southern Sil Lum 5 Animals. Then moved to Ralph Castro Kenpo. When I moved to Socal, all I could find was Villari Shaolin Kempo, which was underhandedly taken over by USSD. After leaving USSD, I studied Ying Jow Pai. I am currently training in and teaching Northern Long Fist.

So yeah it happens. Their cool aid is not that great tasting. :p

02-09-2011, 10:25 AM
kempoisbest and I hang out all the time. He's not really good at anything but its ok because he does anything i tell him to, and he pays me to be his friend.

its a good deal.

Josh Oakley
02-09-2011, 10:27 AM
I actually trained in Yang Tai Chi and Kung Fu San Soo BEFORE becoming USSD. I actually liked my USSD experience, but it was never as good as San Soo.

02-09-2011, 11:39 AM
Legal action has officially been taken against us.

Any discussion of USSD will be grounds for immediate banning.

Please take it to another forum.

I'm deleting the What's Up with USSD? thread now. It's taking some time because it was so big.

This thread is now closed.