View Full Version : another gift for my kung fu bros.

09-25-2010, 09:21 PM
get while the getting is good.

09-25-2010, 09:31 PM
are these common ingredients??? should they be easilly found in chinatown???

could i write this prescription out and go to a chinese herbologist in chinatown and get him to weigh out all the ingredients for me??? how about mixing it? would they do that too??? or is it better i do it myself???

i really have no experience with jow at all... ive used some that others made... but aside from that, all i know is just from reading tidbits here and there... so pardon my ignorance if im asking dumb questions...

09-25-2010, 09:53 PM
your questions are not dumb.
yes you can take the herb list to any reputable chinese herbalist as 99% speak english and read pin yin. if they say they dont,then just leave and find another. also there are herbalsits on this site who can fill it easily with no hassel.
the herbs will come mixed and whole. most places will grind them for you for no extra charge.
all ingredients except the tiger bone are readily available. just substitute with pig r cow bone and alot of herbalists will have a sub for you.

09-25-2010, 10:05 PM
k... thanx...

what are these recipes from??? are these family recipes??? or common knowledge for traditional chinese medicine practitioners??? if the former, is it from a martial style??? and what style is it from???

09-25-2010, 11:01 PM
this particular one was given to me by an ark wong student a few years back.
this one is pretty common among his students.
i also have 2 others of his,but icasnt give those out, not just yet anyway. 1 is a poison fingernail jow that is weird, but even weirder is t know that people actually used it. the ingredients would be next to impossible to get, but it is just cool to have something like that, a peice of history. i am a collector of jow recipes.

09-25-2010, 11:26 PM
Here you go.
this is a southern dit da jow formula/recipe handed down in the system i train in. it is a bit different from the norm as you will see. it includes some herbs in a combo that are not common.
i mix this one with "gold" rum as it is less filtered and is more viscous than vodka, so along with large amounts of mo yao(myrh) ru xiang(frankenscense) xue xie(dragns blood) and hong hua( safflower), it really coats the hands well, almost like a jow glove. this is how i beleive an iron palm medicine should be. it also contains ma huang(ephedra) which is not commonly seen in external jows. i have only seen 1 other jow in all my time that contained ma huang. ma huang is getting increasingly harder to get, i do know that josh from plum dragon has alot on hand, i saw it myself, you can substitute with "mormon tea" which is just american wild growing ma huang from out west. it is available on ebay,if you cant find it. no animal parts are present in this formula. it contains alot of sanqi so it would also be good for a begining student of iron palm but will carry you all the way to your upper training,so you could stick with it forever. it works very well for tiger hand conditioning,like claw bag,jars and any type of fingertip conditioning like tree fanning or such.

HAK HU (black tiger)
iron palm dit da jow

dang gui 1.5oz
jing jie 1oz
su mu 1.5oz
yu yu liang 1oz
ru xiang 1oz
mo yao 1oz
gu sui bu 1.5oz
gui zhi 2oz
mu bei zi 1oz
jiang huang 2oz
xu xie 3oz
hong hua 1oz
du zhong 1.5oz
huang lian .5oz
zhi zi 2oz
zi ran tong 1oz
san qi 1oz
ma huang 1oz
ding xiang 1oz
hui xiang 1oz
bai jie zi 1oz

grind ingredients to coarse grind,add to 1gal of gold rum. will make 1.5 gal. of very strong jow. use for all iron palm or tiger hand conditioning. works fantastic.

i hope all appreciate what i am doing here. i am giving away stuff that has never been done before. used to be,you couldnt get a jow formula to save your life. no one would give anything out. people would always say," i have a very good formula that is hundreds of years old.....but i cant show it to anyone", then why bother telling anyone???
or if they did, it would always be the formula brian gray put in his books, and they would act like it was theirs or their systems,or that they actually come up with it,LOLOL, i cant tell you how many time i have seen that.
so what i am doing,is trying to promote the art of kung fu and iron palm and give people legitimate jow formulas that work extremely well,so this gives them the freedom to pick and choose and get it filled at their leisure. none of this, "we go to 3 different herbalists to get our fomrula filled so NO ONE< knows whats in it". LOL, funny thing about it, neither did they.
enjoy friends.

Eric Hunstad
09-26-2010, 05:19 AM

Thanks for giving these out. It is truly a wonderful time to be a TCMAist!

I remember not that long ago (yes, I'm getting old!!!) it was very difficult, if not impossible, to get a traditional jow formula. You could get pre-made jow, but it was very expensive (relatively speaking). On the rare occassion you could get the herbs themselves, they were always ground up so you couldn't figure out what the formulas were. Many formulas were weak, but you would never know until after you bought it and started using it.

Now, people like you are giving out formulas for free. I love the internet!!!!

Another idea is to take a list like these to a local acupuncture school. Schools carry a large inventory of herbs and always have grinders, etc. They really enjoy getting stuff like this too, as most students think it's really cool to make a formula of this nature. Plus, there is no doubt that someone there will be able to read the ingredient list, whether its in characters or pin yin. Also, they tend to be competitive on the prices of their herbs (they've got a reputation to maintain- they're not going to rip you off).

Thanks again!

Eric Hunstad

09-26-2010, 10:19 AM
Very generous Teetsao, but just out of curiosity, how come you never post them in the original Chinese characters? Not looking a gift horse in the mouth of course, and if this question offends in any please ignore it. Just curious, bro.

09-26-2010, 11:18 AM
no offense whatsoever
i guess i coould but i am not sure how to do it on here and if i did how would you be able to study the herbs yourself?? which you need to do to better understand the formulas you use.
the pin yin is how the herbs are pronounced phoentically. this helps you to learn the herb names,and any herbalist can read them. it probably would have been better if i had put them in pin yin,chinese characters and latin, but hey like you said,the whole gift thing.

09-26-2010, 11:21 AM
if you do post em in chinese characters next time, use the pinyin too... its nice to be able to atleast try and say the words:D

Faruq: why on earth would you feel that was an offensive question??? or are you just being extra careful to not alinate the guy who is giving up the goods???:rolleyes::p

09-26-2010, 11:55 AM
i think that is all the freebies, buy the book,as it as over 60 formulas in it. everyone wh has purchased it has been pleased and expressed they got well more than thier moneys worth.
what i gave on here is just a sample of the fantastic formulas you would find in the book. i am happy to help all of you,but at the same time,i cant give everything away. i am glad to see you enjoying it though.

09-26-2010, 12:39 PM
how many books does one need to sell to start turning a profit???

ive been involved with the biz when it concerns music... but thats not books... overheads are alot different, same with production costs...

09-26-2010, 03:48 PM
I came to this site to post a question asking people's opinions on what is their favorite Dit Da Jow. That's not necessary now.

My Sifu in NY's Chinatown had a fantastic formula back when I trained there in the 80's. The main school closed in the late 80's, and that dit da jow became scarce. I just started training again, I was hitting a 10lb bag of rice this past month, and am I ready for small pebbles again. A good Dit Da Jow is really helpful. I will start a batch of Hong Hu dit da jow this week.

Teetsao, you are the man!! I wish you much success in your training.

09-26-2010, 03:53 PM
i think that is all the freebies, buy the book,as it as over 60 formulas in it. everyone wh has purchased it has been pleased and expressed they got well more than thier moneys worth.
what i gave on here is just a sample of the fantastic formulas you would find in the book. i am happy to help all of you,but at the same time,i cant give everything away. i am glad to see you enjoying it though.

Teetsao, sorry, I'm new here. I don't see the name of the book, website, or anything. Please post it and I will buy the book this week.

09-26-2010, 03:55 PM
dukenukem;you are more than welcome. what jow formula did you use?? i may have it,or soemthing very,very close as i am very fortunate to have friends in alot of systems,and i may be able to track it down for you. you would be surprised as to how many schools share the same formula, but dont know it because they wont share and try to keep everything secret.

09-26-2010, 03:57 PM

thanx for your support

09-26-2010, 04:07 PM
Hello Teetsao,

I have no idea what was in it. I have no knowledge of herbology at all. It was very strong, it did not come in the usual 4 ounce bottles, it came in a very small bottle almost like a perfume or nail polish removal bottle. The style was Fu Jow Pai, it was GrandMaster Wai Hong's formula. The jow was amazing.

I saw your website on another post, I will order your book and DVD later in the week.


09-26-2010, 04:27 PM
Usually Jow is fermented in gallons, or larger the reason it was in such a small bottle was soley to make 100 or more percent profit.

Most jow recipes require about 15-30 dollars in herbs, people mix up a gallon and sell it for 20.00 for a few ounces to make a buck. I personally frown on this, but hey its america we sell water for the same price as soda pop and there no ingrediants LOL.

09-26-2010, 05:13 PM
Usually Jow is fermented in gallons, or larger the reason it was in such a small bottle was soley to make 100 or more percent profit.

Most jow recipes require about 15-30 dollars in herbs, people mix up a gallon and sell it for 20.00 for a few ounces to make a buck. I personally frown on this, but hey its america we sell water for the same price as soda pop and there no ingrediants LOL.

I don't think so in this case. Looking at the way some IronHand practitioners apply their jow, soak your hands in it? If you soak you hands in it, it is not very strong. With this you would pour a very little of this stuff onto your hands and rub very fast, all over your hands, which was a workout in itself. In a minute you would get a deep powerful burn, not a little hot, but a very hot sensation enveloping your hands. Friction released INTENSE heat. You won't get that using half a bottle of most jow's on the market today. If you never tried it, you couldn't know.

09-26-2010, 05:26 PM
dukenukem; i am not for sure if i knoow anyone from wai hong's schol,bit i do knows some fu jow practitioners as i am a big fan of tiger style and want to learn more of it. i will see what i can do for you. no promises but i will take it as good researchh project.

09-26-2010, 05:30 PM
dukenukem; i am not for sure if i knoow anyone from wai hong's schol,bit i do knows some fu jow practitioners as i am a big fan of tiger style and want to learn more of it. i will see what i can do for you. no promises but i will take it as good researchh project.

Thanks again. Here is an excellent clip of Sifu Tak Wah Eng, a little glimpse into the system. I hope you enjoy this...


Thanks again Teetsao!!

09-26-2010, 05:56 PM
I think you are doing a wonderful job opening up this knowledge to everyone! Thank you for being a progressive force in TCMA!

09-26-2010, 06:25 PM

Looking at the way some IronHand practitioners apply their jow, soak your hands in it? If you soak you hands in it, it is not very strong.

You DO NOT soak your hands in jow, this would containinate the mixture.

With this you would pour a very little of this stuff onto your hands and rub very fast, all over your hands, which was a workout in itself. In a minute you would get a deep powerful burn, not a little hot, but a very hot sensation enveloping your hands.

all external bone jow is applied the same way/... rubbing it into your hands. Just because it was in a little bottle doesnt make it better. LOL

perfume is a great example of this, it is made in hundred gallon vats very cheaply but sold in 1.0 ounce bottles for a 300-500 % mark up.

You won't get that using half a bottle of most jow's on the market today. If you never tried it, you couldn't know.

I am fortunate enough to have a very very strong old recipe handed down in our system, so i would never buy the commerical weak formulas that people sell to make a buck.
they usually leave out cetain ingrediants and make a very watered down version for distubution to the gneral just like ANY other thing produced or made. No one gives up thier private stock!

a student ordered dit dat jow from an herb store online from Chinatown in NYC and it was called eagle claw brand. what a joke, it was little more than watered down bruise oinment and came in a plastic spray bottle and had a camfor base.

09-26-2010, 07:33 PM
earthdragon; unfortunately, you are correct on some of those statments. in the past there were alot of and maybe even still today there are some unscrupulous purveyors of jow,who water down or leave out ingredients or both.
i am happy to say though that there is a new breed of tcma who are representing the community and who are honesr and integral. i am proud to be counted among those individuals. i can assure you ,the jow we sell at t.i.l.s., is NEVER,watered down and no ingredients are left out in what we sell to the public. you get the exact same jow that we use ourselves. i would be foolish to sell watered down jow,as i want more business.
i can also say after having contact with josh walker ( i have actually been to his house) and dale dugas,(he has invited me but boston is a long way),i can honestly say they would never intentionally rip anyone off with watered down jow or purposly leave out any ingredients of jow to the public. the only people who would do this are not confident in their skills and are trying to hide something in order to keep themselves above others,in their mind. if you notice i make reference to these people occaisonally in my posts. they have made ludicrous statements,such as"we get our herbs from 3 sources so no one knows whats in our jow" and "we take powdered jow out of our conditioning bags and place it back into solution to make a good dit da jow type linament,because the formula we use is so powerful even the residue still has strong properties", LOL, what a ridiculous and a$$inine statment, and i think we all know where it came from.they are not the only ones as others followed suit,and also charged prices that were just as ridicuous,but because of "secrecy" it just perpertuated the problem. it is things like this that give tcma a bad rap. but luckily those people are now growing old and have been out of the public eye for quite some time now. as i said most of the new guard i have talked to and they all seem like wondeful people and i am proud to be part of them and will do my utmost to uphold the integrity that goes along with it and to better serve my kung fu bros.

09-26-2010, 07:36 PM

You DO NOT soak your hands in jow, this would containinate the mixture.

all external bone jow is applied the same way/... rubbing it into your hands. Just because it was in a little bottle doesnt make it better. LOL

perfume is a great example of this, it is made in hundred gallon vats very cheaply but sold in 1.0 ounce bottles for a 300-500 % mark up.

I am fortunate enough to have a very very strong old recipe handed down in our system, so i would never buy the commerical weak formulas that people sell to make a buck.
they usually leave out cetain ingrediants and make a very watered down version for distubution to the gneral just like ANY other thing produced or made. No one gives up thier private stock!

a student ordered dit dat jow from an herb store online from Chinatown in NYC and it was called eagle claw brand. what a joke, it was little more than watered down bruise oinment and came in a plastic spray bottle and had a camfor base.


Check youtube, some IronHand practitioners do soak their hands in a bowlful of jow, they then rub it in after pulling their hands out of the bowl. My point is that a strong jow you don't need to soak your hands in a whole bowlful, that is a waste of good jow. Hence the small bottle size, as in use sparingly. This one you just use a little bit.

This jow was made by a very respected Kung Fu sifu, whose students have a very strong loyalty to him. He was doing something right. Just because you never used it does not mean it is no good. It was the best I ever used. Not being satisfied with the commercially available jow I tried is why I posted in the first place. Just because you never used it does not make it bad, and just because you have some old recipe does not make it good.

Isn't it stupid to start arguing over some dit da jow you never even used with someone who actually did use it? I'm not sure what's your point.

10-28-2010, 01:47 PM
anyone get any of these filled or tried them yet??

10-28-2010, 04:44 PM
anyone get any of these filled or tried them yet??

I filled the Ku Yu Cheong almost 3 mos ago. It's really good and it's pretty strong. In the past I paid $60 bucks for this herb pack. The formula cost me $15 to fill. It doesn't smell as sweet as some other jows. Is it because of the animal parts?

10-28-2010, 05:46 PM
It doesn't smell as sweet as some other jows. Is it because of the animal parts?Jow doesnt need to smell sweet, and lots of recipes dont. Just has to do with what herbs are in there and the processing methods...The Ku Yu Cheong recipe can be made to smell sweet (some people use the term "like maple syrup") when certain herbs in the formula are processed in a certain way.

10-28-2010, 06:22 PM
Jow doesnt need to smell sweet, and lots of recipes dont. Just has to do with what herbs are in there and the processing methods...The Ku Yu Cheong recipe can be made to smell sweet (some people use the term "like maple syrup") when certain herbs in the formula are processed in a certain way.
